HitRed wrote:Dukasaur wrote:While I may not like what he did, he's correct that his files are his intellectual property. This is the essence of an all-volunteer organization. We've lost numerous resources this way -- the original graphics for the bulk of the maps, the original scoreboards for the bulk of the tournaments, the bulk of the original greasemonkey scripts, and much, much more. That's just life in an all-volunteer operation.
The map foundry is clear that all art must be signed over and belong to CC. The coding isn't held to the same standard.
Metsfanmax wrote:My reasons for leaving Team CC in the past were broadly similar to the reasons that IcePack eventually bailed. I can understand what happened and why he did it.
It does seem to me that since then, IcePack has taken a certain sort of perverse glee in CC's woes; it almost seems like he wants CC to fail now that he has been mistreated by it (cf. his posts in the "CC has been declining" thread). I do not agree with that, and it seems a little sad to me that this is the situation we are now in. My view is that if you ever get to the point where you feel burned by the site, just leave, don't stain an otherwise well-deserved legacy.
nietzsche wrote:why? for saying the obvious? come on.
riskllama wrote:mets, how exactly has IP been mistreated by CC?
Keefie wrote:WHY ? What is the point of this thread?
riskllama wrote:whilst Mad has made a peaceful transition to CC "civilian life", IP has not - in fact, he's pretty much done the exact opposite.
riskllama wrote:that all changed today when i went looking for the clan rankings. apparently, instead of merely abdicating his position of Clan Director he has taken down all his posts relating to that area of the forum in some sort of butthurt induced rage, claiming they are his "intellectual property" or some such nonsense. what in the actual f*ck???
riskllama wrote:it was one thing to take take potshots at duk & TeeGee and to post the dwindling # of users in the "CC is declining" thread, but to delete and deny access to all his old posts is tantamount to industrial sabotage, imo. why isn't he already guested for this type of behaviour?
makes no sense to me why BW & KA are allowing someone who is actively trying to destroy this place still be a part of it...*shrugs*
betiko wrote:If BW really rubbed IP the wrong way that wasnt very smart.
betiko wrote:And if I were in his shoes, your comments would really not make me try to help.
riskllama wrote:during any regime change, there is usually some sort of "handover" meeting or meetings - going over the troublesome bits of the day to day running of things, no? doesn't sound like this has happened in the Clan dept. does it? it's one thing to say "f*ck it, i've had enough of this shit", but to chuck a wrench into the gearbox on your way out the door is a bit of a dick move, imo.
HitRed wrote:The ranking program likely still exists in his possession. Maybe we can cut a deal or make peace. Has anyone asked him? He might already be happy. The site is now ultra clean. The crackdown worked.
xroads wrote:IP put in about as much work on CC for FREE as he did his normally paid job, as did Mad.
Bigwham continues to show his lack of appreciation for some of these mods who bust their ass for free so he can make $$$$$$$$.
Some of them have finally realized, WTF am i doing busting my ass for someone who doesnt give 2 shits.
Do i think he shoukd have deleted everything he contributed? No, but i sure as hell respect him for having the balls to make a stand.
Bigwham will be fucked when the rest of them wake up and stop working for free.
Dukasaur wrote:While I may not like what he did, he's correct that his files are his intellectual property. This is the essence of an all-volunteer organization. We've lost numerous resources this way -- the original graphics for the bulk of the maps, the original scoreboards for the bulk of the tournaments, the bulk of the original greasemonkey scripts, and much, much more. That's just life in an all-volunteer operation.
riskllama wrote:TeeGee wrote:
You try and destroy or disrupt the site, it is likely you will be removed.
isn't that what IP is currently doing, tho? i mean, it started out innocently enough - just another disgruntled ex teamCC member w/an axe to grind, but the deletion & withholding of information seems to be taking it a bit far, no?
riskllama wrote:still a dick move of epic proportions, tho.
HitRed wrote:The map foundry is clear that all art must be signed over and belong to CC. The coding isn't held to the same standard.
Mad777 wrote:Not trying to stir anything but I can say you are way off the whole understanding of "why", making decision like this involve more than just a "pissing contest", it takes years of aggravation and much more than couple of awful thread popping within those Forum...the only way you could understand clearly is to become part of CC Team and start taking your own time creating and developing things that would make the site better
Symmetry wrote:...
Metsfanmax wrote:My reasons for leaving Team CC in the past were broadly similar to the reasons that IcePack eventually bailed. I can understand what happened and why he did it.
It does seem to me that since then, IcePack has taken a certain sort of perverse glee in CC's woes; it almost seems like he wants CC to fail now that he has been mistreated by it (cf. his posts in the "CC has been declining" thread). I do not agree with that, and it seems a little sad to me that this is the situation we are now in. My view is that if you ever get to the point where you feel burned by the site, just leave, don't stain an otherwise well-deserved legacy.
HitRed wrote:At my business when an employee leaves even on Good terms they are locked out of every computer and even the parking lot. It's just smart. I would treat a volunteer or part timer the same. If they are disgruntled, I'll walk you out the door and lock it.
IcePack wrote:I dont want CC to fail. I specifically told the admin I wish them no ill intent
IcePack wrote:Well we've gone from -5.7 per day to -7.9 per day.
-174 in 22 days or 3% of the site
Live look in at TeamCC
Metsfanmax wrote:IcePack wrote:I dont want CC to fail. I specifically told the admin I wish them no ill intentIcePack wrote:Well we've gone from -5.7 per day to -7.9 per day.
-174 in 22 days or 3% of the site
Live look in at TeamCC
iAmCaffeine wrote:Riskllama and harassing people is nothing new lmao.
nietzsche wrote:nietzsche wrote:i've gotten withdrawal symptoms when i've quit CC in the past. Can't imagine how it is for someone who actually does something of value here. I think IP needs to take a break because this is surely not good for him. I think CC needs to pay IP for a weekend of spa and sexy massages as a thank you for all the services provided over the years.
would read again.
Donelladan wrote:I am not sure if this thread was the perfect answer, but it's a bit annoying to have a key member of the clan world withdrawing without getting any explanation.
Most clan members have no idea what happened.
Regular forums users have a small idea of what happened, if they read some specific section of the forum.
I understand no one wants to make a mess, but I am not sure it looks good to give no explanation at all. One could assume you both ( IcePack and Mad ) resigned because you had a fight with owner on trivial matter. We don't know a thing. I think an official explanation of what happened and what are the consequences would have been helpful for the community.
Right now we can imagine the worst.
IcePack wrote:I'm not disgruntled. I still speak to quite a few members of TeamCC and maintain friendships. There are very few / specific people I have issues with. I have no beef with the site, other then how some have in the past / continue to handle some situations.
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