by Byen on Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:38 am
Dude i know its risk, and i KNOW i am to be attacked..... what kind of dumb points u trying to point out there.
What makes no sense its how the game developed at all, both accounts been playing as if it was a same team behind them (therefore a same person, or some kind of deal) which totally breaks the fun game.
Makes total sense that yellow suicides all his troops against me and finish with all his options of winning, so then red can eassily with no oppostion finish me and win the game out...... it just makes no sense. And thats jsut the final move, if u see whats been going since the start u can make up a much better picture.
Try harder next time trying to show yourself off. Atleast bring in some kind of strong arguable points.
PD: that the char profile says they both from different countries menas nothing at all. If u are going to cheat, there are a billion ways to avoid it (for example as u said with a proxy).