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we need to talk about IP...

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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:25 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:He plays CC for fun you dope. Regardless of who is or isn't his teammate. That doesn't reflect on who he is as a person.

So that makes tolerating racism okay then? Sweet! Looks like that's settled. Thanks for the insight.

riskllama wrote:again, let's keep this pertaining to OP, pls. if u guys want to discuss TeeGee & xtra, please do it someplace else, mkay?

It's relevant to understanding the situation with Ice and why he's acted the way he has.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:29 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:He plays CC for fun you dope. Regardless of who is or isn't his teammate. That doesn't reflect on who he is as a person.

So that makes tolerating racism okay then? Sweet! Looks like that's settled. Thanks for the insight.

Don't put words into my mouth. We all have played games with people who we do not share the same ideological positions with. I'm disgusted with your inference that one person's views is somehow related to how someone else is just because they play a GAME with the other person.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby riskllama on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:30 pm

not really, no - take it someplace else, caff.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:33 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:He plays CC for fun you dope. Regardless of who is or isn't his teammate. That doesn't reflect on who he is as a person.

So that makes tolerating racism okay then? Sweet! Looks like that's settled. Thanks for the insight.

Don't put words into my mouth. We all have played games with people who we do not share the same ideological positions with. I'm disgusted with your inference that one person's views is somehow related to how someone else is just because they play a GAME with the other person.

I'm not putting words into your mouth, I'm interpreting what TeeGee has said. But what you're saying, just like him, is that it's okay to tolerate racism in order to play a game with someone. Lmfao.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:36 pm

I'm not saying playing with a racist makes you racist. But tolerating that racism just so you can play games with them is ludicrous. You're basically saying you think it's okay and is just something that should be tolerated.

No. Never. If you have a difference in political views, support different sports teams, whatever other bullshit yeah okay you can tolerate that obviously. Racism is on another level and should not be tolerated in any form whatsoever and to just simply turn a blind eye to it so you can play a game with that person... that's what is disgusting.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:39 pm

I'm going to bed. Aint gonna waste more of my time on trolls and fucked up world views. It's astonishing really.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby xroads on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:40 pm

IP put in about as much work on CC for FREE as he did his normally paid job, as did Mad.

Bigwham continues to show his lack of appreciation for some of these mods who bust their ass for free so he can make $$$$$$$$.

Some of them have finally realized, WTF am i doing busting my ass for someone who doesnt give 2 shits.

Do i think he shoukd have deleted everything he contributed? No, but i sure as hell respect him for having the balls to make a stand.

Bigwham will be fucked when the rest of them wake up and stop working for free.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:41 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:He plays CC for fun you dope. Regardless of who is or isn't his teammate. That doesn't reflect on who he is as a person.

So that makes tolerating racism okay then? Sweet! Looks like that's settled. Thanks for the insight.

Don't put words into my mouth. We all have played games with people who we do not share the same ideological positions with. I'm disgusted with your inference that one person's views is somehow related to how someone else is just because they play a GAME with the other person.

I'm not putting words into your mouth, I'm interpreting what TeeGee has said. But what you're saying, just like him, is that it's okay to tolerate racism in order to play a game with someone. Lmfao.

The hell are you smoking? Playing a game with someone is not tolerating racism. It's tolerating the person even though you may not agree with them. Thought that was a straightforward read...

iAmCaffeine wrote:I'm not saying playing with a racist makes you racist. But tolerating that racism just so you can play games with them is ludicrous. You're basically saying you think it's okay and is just something that should be tolerated.

No. Never. If you have a difference in political views, support different sports teams, whatever other bullshit yeah okay you can tolerate that obviously. Racism is on another level and should not be tolerated in any form whatsoever and to just simply turn a blind eye to it so you can play a game with that person... that's what is disgusting.

Your statements are ludicrous. If someone says something racist, then lower the banhammer. Repeat infractions result in a website ban. You should know this. If they keep saying racist things, then they should be banned.

But, does that mean that I am "morally" subject to never play games with that person ever again? Of course not.

Complete lunacy!
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby xroads on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:44 pm

The problem is BW tolerates racism on CC and expects players to use the foe button. Bernie was a chronic racist who finally got a 3 month ban after his last horribly racist joke.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby TeeGee on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:49 pm

I have banned xtra for comments he made in the forum as per the community guidelines and will continue to do so if they crop up. I have no problem with that.

Same as I will with any one of you.

You try and destroy or disrupt the site, it is likely you will be removed.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:52 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:I'm going to bed. Aint gonna waste more of my time on trolls and fucked up world views. It's astonishing really.

I swear, you sound exactly like one of those people that cried and protested in the streets because Donald Trump won the 2016 United States election... Maybe you should step back and take a look at how you treat others before you start accusing others.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby xroads on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:54 pm

Then why did it take so long to ban Bernie.

Oh that is right. Duka stood up for him because he was such an active poster.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:07 pm

xroads wrote:Then why did it take so long to ban Bernie.

Oh that is right. Duka stood up for him because he was such an active poster.

Bernie was banned numerous times, many of them by me.

He was one of the people who made the forums fun, so I gave him a long leash, but when he stepped over the line he got bans. Many of them.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby xroads on Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:12 pm

I think you just proved my point. He was banned "many" times, but since he was "fun" you kept letting him slide and get away with it.

So translation is as long as yoi are fun and liked by the mods, you will.get little slaps on the wrist.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby riskllama on Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:33 pm

TeeGee wrote:
You try and destroy or disrupt the site, it is likely you will be removed.

isn't that what IP is currently doing, tho? i mean, it started out innocently enough - just another disgruntled ex teamCC member w/an axe to grind, but the deletion & withholding of information seems to be taking it a bit far, no?
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:10 pm

riskllama wrote:let's try to keep this focused on the topic @ hand everyone, thx.
Ok, just for you.
riskllama wrote:ok, as most of you are aware, recent happenings in OT have ruffled more than a few peoples' feathers around here, with some members of team CC resigning their positions in protest. while i think we can all agree that the loss of Mad & IP was a pretty big blow for the site as a whole, we must respect their decisions and try to move this place forward as best we can. whilst Mad has made a peaceful transition to CC "civilian life", IP has not - in fact, he's pretty much done the exact opposite. i must confess that i watched his meltdown with a mild amusement, but that all changed today when i went looking for the clan rankings. apparently, instead of merely abdicating his position of Clan Director he has taken down all his posts relating to that area of the forum in some sort of butthurt induced rage, claiming they are his "intellectual property" or some such nonsense. what in the actual f*ck??? i mean, it was one thing to take take potshots at duk & TeeGee and to post the dwindling # of users in the "CC is declining" thread, but to delete and deny access to all his old posts is tantamount to industrial sabotage, imo. why isn't he already guested for this type of behaviour?
makes no sense to me why BW & KA are allowing someone who is actively trying to destroy this place still be a part of it...*shrugs*

While I may not like what he did, he's correct that his files are his intellectual property. This is the essence of an all-volunteer organization. We've lost numerous resources this way -- the original graphics for the bulk of the maps, the original scoreboards for the bulk of the tournaments, the bulk of the original greasemonkey scripts, and much, much more. That's just life in an all-volunteer operation.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby riskllama on Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:22 pm

still a dick move of epic proportions, tho.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby IcePack on Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:37 am


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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Donelladan on Sun Jul 22, 2018 1:00 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:You realise nobody else in the CD team knows how to do the F400 rankings anyway right?

Performance rating = [(Total of opponents' ratings + 400 * (Wins - Losses)) / Games].

Does really no one actually know what was the actual formula ? I know it's the one above with some small modification. ( and a decay function, 25% for each 6 month or smthg like that).

With the formula, since we have all clan wars now in the clan tab, it's shouldn't be that difficult to get the F400 back and running.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby JPlo64 on Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:39 am

Donelladan wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:You realise nobody else in the CD team knows how to do the F400 rankings anyway right?

Performance rating = [(Total of opponents' ratings + 400 * (Wins - Losses)) / Games].

Does really no one actually know what was the actual formula ? I know it's the one above with some small modification. ( and a decay function, 25% for each 6 month or smthg like that).

With the formula, since we have all clan wars now in the clan tab, it's shouldn't be that difficult to get the F400 back and running.

I know the formula. It's simple math. Building the program to run it is beyond my scope however.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:09 am

JPlo64 wrote:
Donelladan wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:You realise nobody else in the CD team knows how to do the F400 rankings anyway right?

Performance rating = [(Total of opponents' ratings + 400 * (Wins - Losses)) / Games].

Does really no one actually know what was the actual formula ? I know it's the one above with some small modification. ( and a decay function, 25% for each 6 month or smthg like that).

With the formula, since we have all clan wars now in the clan tab, it's shouldn't be that difficult to get the F400 back and running.

I know the formula. It's simple math. Building the program to run it is beyond my scope however.

Maybe that's the issue then.

Jdsizzleslice wrote:Your statements are ludicrous. If someone says something racist, then lower the banhammer. Repeat infractions result in a website ban. You should know this. If they keep saying racist things, then they should be banned.

But, does that mean that I am "morally" subject to never play games with that person ever again? Of course not.

Complete lunacy!

My perspective is why would you want to associate with or spend time with or play games with or do anything with someone who is racist?
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby HitRed on Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:16 am

Dukasaur wrote:While I may not like what he did, he's correct that his files are his intellectual property. This is the essence of an all-volunteer organization. We've lost numerous resources this way -- the original graphics for the bulk of the maps, the original scoreboards for the bulk of the tournaments, the bulk of the original greasemonkey scripts, and much, much more. That's just life in an all-volunteer operation.

The map foundry is clear that all art must be signed over and belong to CC. The coding isn't held to the same standard.
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Mad777 on Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:40 am

riskllama wrote:still a dick move of epic proportions, tho.

Not trying to stir anything but I can say you are way off the whole understanding of "why", making decision like this involve more than just a "pissing contest", it takes years of aggravation and much more than couple of awful thread popping within those Forum...the only way you could understand clearly is to become part of CC Team and start taking your own time creating and developing things that would make the site better ;)
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Re: we need to talk about IP...

Postby Symmetry on Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:20 am

I like IP mostly, but what he did to me was a dick-move. I'm not going to complain about beyond this, although the OP has encouraged me to discuss it in the past.

It's no secret that I've asked the mods to move against homophobia. It's always a tough fight. Sometimes it requires changes in the rules. One of the old mods banned any use of the word "gay" in the forums, and it took a ban and a long campaign to make it ok under the rules.

Under the new mods, IP used a forum that cannot be named to disappear a suggestion thread about treating homophobia like racism that he didn't like, and his reason was that people who didn't like it were trolling me. BS, right?

Yeah, he refused to explain.

IP, of course, moved it to a place where homophobic trolling was fully allowed, and complaining about homophobic trolling was banned.

So here's the thing- IP can be a funny guy, even a nice guy, but when I complained about the wolves, he threw me to them.

That's IcePack to me.

That's this over with.
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