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The Great War

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Postby Dukasaur on Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:50 pm

Archive of tournaments launched in the 13th quarter (October to Decemeber 2017.)

Actual launch dates range from Oct. 19th to Dec. 17th.

show: gorizia

show: eighth isonzo

show: ninth isonzo

show: Battle of Romani

show: The Montenegrin Campaign

show: christmas at mojkovac

show: fromelles

show: Koprukoy, Erzerum, and Trebizond

show: Rumania part 1

show: passchendaele

show: the zeppelin

show: Kostiuchnowka

show: Rumania Part 2

show: Maude takes over in Mesopotamia

show: Maghdaba

back to main index
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:50 pm

Khadairi Bend.

On January 9th, General Maude launched an attack on heavily fortified Turkish positions at the Khadairi Bend of the TIgris River. It was a good opportunity for the new commander to get familiar with his troops and vice-versa. One interesting feature of the battle was that Maude's troops dug secret tunnels to within small-arms shooting distance of the Turkish line. Tunneling was by this point very common on the Western Front, but it had not previously been seen in the Mesopotamian Campaign. The battle also featured a very heavy artillery barrage before he main assault, another taste of the Western Front.

The battle raged for three weeks, until the last fort was taken on January 29th.

20 players start

Tournament Phase 1: The British dug secret tunnels toward the Turkish forts.
Four games, two each on Seige and Draknor.
5-player Standard, Flat Rate, Fog, and Trench.

14 players advance

Tournament Phase 2: A heavy artillery barrage opened the main attack
Four games, two each on Waterloo and Stalingrad.
7-player Standard, Nuclear, Fog, and Trench.

6 players advance

Tournament Phase 3: For three weeks the battle raged
Four games, one each on Third Crusade, Three Kingdoms of China, Three Kingdoms of Korea, and Triple Alliance.
6-player Terminator, Escalating, Fog, No Trench, and Parachute.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Tviorr on Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:35 pm

Ive been enjoying the tournament a lot and I still try to get to as many battles as possible.

Went back an reread the first couple of pages of the thread just for fun, and I stumbled on the quarterly prizes:

"The Great War
Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:11 am

Quarterly Prizes

Going forward, we will give 1 Green and 1 Blue every quarter.

The Quarterly Green: Will be given to the player at the top of the scoreboard at the end of each quarter. However, the same player can only get it once per year. Thus, if the player on the top of the scoreboard already got one within the last four quarters, it will go to the 2nd place player. If that player already got one in the last four quarters, it will go to the third place player and so on.

The Quarterly Blue: Will be a "most-improved" star. We'll need a snapshot of the scoreboard at the end of each quarter. The player who moves up the most spaces on the scoreboard will win the Blue. If multiple players all jumped the same number of spaces, the one who began at the highest point in the previous quarter will get the star.

Both the Quarterly Green and the Quarterly Blue will come with a GA medal to commemorate the triumph."

I was wondering if that was ever implemented and if they were, if there perhaps is a list of the winners somewhere? Im especially interested as Im a greedy little bugger who is currently 9th on the scoreboard which might give me a chance to catch it as each player can only win once;-)

Thank you for a great tournament. Seemed a daunting project when it started and looking back, it still does. Not sure how you pulled it off, but well done.

Edit: Reading again 9th wont cut it as each player can only win once a year not total, but Id still be interested in a list if there is one.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:21 am

Tviorr wrote:Ive been enjoying the tournament a lot and I still try to get to as many battles as possible.

Went back an reread the first couple of pages of the thread just for fun, and I stumbled on the quarterly prizes:

"The Great War
Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:11 am

Quarterly Prizes

Going forward, we will give 1 Green and 1 Blue every quarter.

The Quarterly Green: Will be given to the player at the top of the scoreboard at the end of each quarter. However, the same player can only get it once per year. Thus, if the player on the top of the scoreboard already got one within the last four quarters, it will go to the 2nd place player. If that player already got one in the last four quarters, it will go to the third place player and so on.

The Quarterly Blue: Will be a "most-improved" star. We'll need a snapshot of the scoreboard at the end of each quarter. The player who moves up the most spaces on the scoreboard will win the Blue. If multiple players all jumped the same number of spaces, the one who began at the highest point in the previous quarter will get the star.

Both the Quarterly Green and the Quarterly Blue will come with a GA medal to commemorate the triumph."

I was wondering if that was ever implemented and if they were, if there perhaps is a list of the winners somewhere? Im especially interested as Im a greedy little bugger who is currently 9th on the scoreboard which might give me a chance to catch it as each player can only win once;-)

Thank you for a great tournament. Seemed a daunting project when it started and looking back, it still does. Not sure how you pulled it off, but well done.

Edit: Reading again 9th wont cut it as each player can only win once a year not total, but Id still be interested in a list if there is one.

No, this is one of those things that never really happened. I'll eventually work out some kind of simplified version of the same thing.

Thanks for supporting the series! :D
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Jan 24, 2018 1:57 pm

-----SHOOP IS BACK... =D> =D> =D> =D> ....Look out TGW leaders, someone will retake the crown of WWI again...well deserved... =D> =D> =D> O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:41 pm

U-Boat Part 2

This tournament is entirely naval in nature. Accordingly:
  • there is absolutely NO TRENCH (even the tightest blockade can be penetrated);
  • There is RANDOM FOG (the weather is ever changing -- both sunny skies and heavy fog play their part in naval battles); and
  • Spoils randomly fluctuate between escalating (building ships) flat rate (pillaging cargo) and nuclear (ships sunk and lost with nothing recovered).
The first three phases are mostly on small-to-medium maps. Consequently all games in those phases will be 5-player. The fourth and final phase is on the much larger NYC map, and will feature 7-player games.

1. Prize warfare
It is generally accepted that nations in wartime have a right to seize and pillage enemy supplies, and this right extends to neutral vessels that are transporting goods to enemy nations. Nonetheless, international law has attempted to put limitations on this right. During the colonial wars between Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, and Holland, governments issued Letters of Marque to sea captains, allowing them to pillage enemy ships in the name of the crown. This led to the golden age of piracy and the legendary careers of men such as Captain Morgan, Captain Kidd, Blackbeard and Black Bart. Conversely, the same time period also saw the increasing codification of international law, including the laws of the sea. The work of Hugo Grotius led to increasing agreement on the idea that even in war, there ought to be rules, and nations are but elements in the community of man. The American Revolution resulted in an unprecedented number of legal proceedings surrounding the capture of enemy vessels, which turned the preceding "age of piracy" into an "age of litigation."

In Phase 1 of the tournament, we will mark the evolution of prize warfare. First, as all maritime law originates with the Greeks, one game on Ancient Greece. Then, to celebrate the golden age of piracy, one game each on Age of Merchants and Jamaica. Then, to honour the contributions of Grotius, one game each on Netherlands and Flanders 1302. Finally, to note the influence of the American Revolution, a game on 13 Colonies.

2. The blockades
At the outbreak of WWI, both Britain and Germany declared blockades against each other. However, the British Navy was significantly more powerful and had bases around the world, whereas the German Fleet was smaller, and most of its overseas bases were lost early on. The British blockade against Germany was therefore highly successful, while the German blockade against Britain was mostly a failure.

The obvious counter to the British supremacy on the surface was to go below the surface and build submarines. However, the rules of prize warfare were problematic for a submarine. Some of the generally-accepted principles of prize warfare were: no sneak attacks, announcing one's intention to seize or sink a ship before attacking, giving the crew the option to abandon ship rather than fight, and rescuing the survivors of any sinkings. From a submarine's point of view, sneak attacks were mandatory. Submarines were both less powerful and much slower than surface ships -- announcing their presence before attacking would be throwing away the only advantage they had. Furthermore, there is little extra space on a submarine. Rescuing survivors was completely out of the question. All this was well and good when submarines were used against warships and other purely military targets, but when they were used against merchant ships and ocean liners there was no way to avoid breaking the laws of the sea.

For a while the Germans attempted to follow the rules of prize warfare, but soon they found they could not realistically attempt to interrupt Britain's supply lines without throwing the rules out the window. This new policy is now known as "unrestricted submarine warfare."

From wikipedia,
In response to the British declaration in November 1914 that the entire North Sea was now a war zone, on 4 February 1915 Admiral Hugo von Pohl, commander of the German High Seas Fleet, published a warning in the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger (Imperial German Gazette):

(1) The waters around Great Britain and Ireland, including the whole of the English Channel, are hereby declared to be a War Zone. From February 18 onwards every enemy merchant vessel encountered in this zone will be destroyed, nor will it always be possible to avert the danger thereby threatened to the crew and passengers.

(2) Neutral vessels also will run a risk in the War Zone, because in view of the hazards of sea warfare and the British authorization of January 31 of the misuse of neutral flags, it may not always be possible to prevent attacks on enemy ships from harming neutral ships.

(3) Navigation to the north of the Shetlands, in the eastern parts of the North Sea and through a zone at least thirty nautical miles wide along the Dutch coast is not exposed to danger.

The affected zone:
By artist not identified - "The Sory of the Great War" Volume V. Edited by Francis J Reynolds, Allen C Churchill, Francis Trevelyan Miller. Publised by John A Collier & Son Company, New York, 1919.Downloaded from Project Gutenberg at, Public Domain,

In Phase 2 of the tournament we will circumscribe the "war zone" of the map above: one game each on England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Benelux, and France.

3. Outrage grows
The German government was aware that unrestricted submarine warfare would turn public opinion against them, especially in neutral countries like the United States. This concern proved well-founded. American outrage began with the very first American civilian killed in a U-Boat attack, Leon Thrasher aboard the SS Falaba. It grew with the sinking of the Harpalyce, a relief ship containing American foodstuffs that had been collected for the starving Belgian civilians caught in the conflict. The greatest and most famous incident was the sinking of the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a legitimate target, carrying substantial quantities of military ordnance to Britain.
The cargo included 4,200,000 rounds of Remington .303 rifle/machine-gun cartridges, 1,250 cases of empty 3-inch (76 mm) fragmentation shell casings and eighteen cases of percussion fuses,[57][2][3] all of which were listed on the ship's two-page manifest, filed with US Customs after she departed New York on 1 May.

Nonetheless, the loss of almost 1200 civilian lives shocked the people of neutral nations, especially the United States. 128 of the dead were American citizens, many of them prominent businessmen or socialites. Public outrage after the sinking was almost enough to lead to an American declaration of war, but Wilson urged restraint. An exchange of diplomatic messages followed, and U.S. entry into the war was averted for the moment. Nonetheless, this was a major milestone on the way to such entry.
By supplement to The Sphere magazine [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Three more Americans were killed when U-24 sank the liner SS Arabic. After this concerns about American entry into the war were so strong that the German Chancellor forced the Navy to abandon unrestricted submarine warfare.

In Phase 3 of the tournament we play one game on the Ireland map (many of the notable sinkings took place near the Irish coast), one game on Portugal (Lusitania is named after the old Roman province which included what is now Portugal), one game on Middle East (to honour the SS Arabic), one game on USA New England (departure points of most of these ships), one game on Benelux (the Harpalyce destination) and finally one game on High Seas.

After Phase 3 we cut the field to seven finalists and reset the scores.

4. Finals
The finals will be played on the NYC map, for two reasons. First, as the world's busiest port, New York was the place from where many of the sunken ships departed. Second, as the centre of American publishing and media, New York was where American (and to some degree world) public opinion was forged.

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Re: The Great War

Postby djelebert on Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:30 pm

Hi thanks again to Duke and all team who kade this big event possible, even if it was difficult!

Is it previewed to pu Major Event Medals on it? as it is previewed now to put on USA supertournament?
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Re: The Great War

Postby Kevi on Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:44 am

Is there any reason why the Trentino Offensive does not award a Tournament Achievement medal like other tournaments in the series?
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:41 pm

Kevi wrote:Is there any reason why the Trentino Offensive does not award a Tournament Achievement medal like other tournaments in the series?

Sometimes I didn't put in a Tournament Achievement medal for the smaller tournaments.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Kevi on Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:31 am

Dukasaur wrote:
Kevi wrote:Is there any reason why the Trentino Offensive does not award a Tournament Achievement medal like other tournaments in the series?

Sometimes I didn't put in a Tournament Achievement medal for the smaller tournaments.

7 rounds and 40 games counts as a smaller tournament? :roll:
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Re: The Great War

Postby LiveLoveTeach on Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:24 am

Dukasaur wrote:The Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet has been updated. There have been a number of tournaments that have ended in the past month, and many more that look close to finishing.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Feb 09, 2018 1:31 pm

LiveLoveTeach wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:The Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet has been updated. There have been a number of tournaments that have ended in the past month, and many more that look close to finishing.

Thanks, LLT!

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Re: The Great War

Postby LiveLoveTeach on Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:55 am

LiveLoveTeach wrote:I went ahead and updated Duk's list of which battles still need to be written up into tournaments for this series. We've had 14 tournaments launch in the 10 weeks since Duk posted this list.

Dukasaur wrote:Okay:
show: outstanding battles of 1916 - DONE

show: Opening 1917

show: Start of 1918

Now, the above is not a complete list. I've copied it mainly from firstworldwar dot com, which is a very Anglocentric site and doesn't do a very good job of covering the Russian and Balkan fronts. I'll have to go to some other sites to fill in some of the missing Russian and Balkan battles. We also have gigi_b's Romanian campaign, plus I was going to write some tourneys based on technologies (like the tank and the submarine). We also somewhere along the way missed the conclusion of the Kamerun campaing and a few other things. So, all in all, we have something between 50 and 60 tournaments to go.

Another quick update to this list to make it easy for everyone to know where things are at.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:14 pm

The Fall of Baghdad will launch tonight or tomorrow morning.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Mad777 on Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:46 am

Joined my 1st Great War tournament....let me win or this to be the last one... :lol:

(Just kidding).... :twisted:
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:51 am

Mad777 wrote:Joined my 1st Great War tournament....let me win or this to be the last one... :lol:

(Just kidding).... :twisted:

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Postby Dukasaur on Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:49 pm

Archive of tournaments launched in the 14th quarter (Jan to March 2018).

show: khadairi bend

show: Nahr-al-Kalek

show: uboat part 2

show: the Fall of Baghdad

back to main index
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Re: The Great War

Postby uyumaykimaw on Mon Apr 02, 2018 12:36 pm

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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:26 pm

uyumaykimaw wrote:A battle missed out? ... euil-wood/

We're still running about a year behind schedule.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:19 am

For those looking to win some extra Battle Medals outside of tournaments, there is a Great War-themed Mafia starting here:
Spaces are limited so sign up quickly!
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:53 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
uyumaykimaw wrote:A battle missed out? ... euil-wood/

We're still running about a year behind schedule.

--------So is Wayward......I'll be battling robots for a while...Tied up with stuff...Can't commit to long games...Or writing for the time being...Hope to get back on track when I can free up the battles I was doing...Let you know when things calm down... :D O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...Come on ...GOLD robot medal... 8-)
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:29 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
uyumaykimaw wrote:A battle missed out? ... euil-wood/

We're still running about a year behind schedule.

--------So is Wayward......I'll be battling robots for a while...Tied up with stuff...Can't commit to long games...Or writing for the time being...Hope to get back on track when I can free up the battles I was doing...Let you know when things calm down... :D O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...Come on ...GOLD robot medal... 8-)

No problem, man. Come back any time...:)
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Sat May 05, 2018 2:53 pm

riskllama wrote:why is it that the cannons are handed out like candy AND for finishing in the top spots of tourneys, yet the pistols and helmets are never given away, and instead are issued to the last place finishers?

BW designed the tokens before we discussed what the scoring formula should be. So we have a bunch of tokens we never really found any use for. We still haven't really had time to discuss what the scoring formula should be or what kind of prizes there should be. My hope was to reserve one token for creative components, people making threads about their favourite WWI battle and whatnot, and we have given out a few Zeppelins for creative components, but sadly it just never caught on. In general I'm shocked by how little interest there is in debating and discussing the strategic developments in the Great War. This is the most cataclysmic event of our era and people are like "ho-hum, that was my grandfather's war, not mine" as if history means nothing to them.

The pistols were reserved originally for clans to give out in Great War themed clan wars, but again that never caught on.

The helmets are NOT given to the last place finishers. One is given to the first-place finisher, and one or more is given to a randomly-chosen placing not in the top 5. It can be 7th, or 15th, or 21st, or anything not in the top 5. We started doing that in response to a suggestion from a player who thought there should be an award for joining tournaments for those people who never win. I thought giving everybody a token just for joining was excessive, so I came up with this modification of giving a token to one random non-winner. In retrospect, though, I wish I had just followed his original suggestion and given one to everybody who joins. At the time, it seemed excessive to give out that many tokens, but now I see it would have allowed us to give participation prizes. Hindsight is 20/20.

riskllama wrote:*this would've been quicker in LC, btw... ;) *

No, the proper place to post questions about tournaments is neither LC nor PM, but in the tournament thread. That's why tournaments have threads, so that when someone asks a question everybody gets the benefit of the answer, not just one person. I'll copy this over there.
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Re: The Great War

Postby riskllama on Sat May 05, 2018 3:09 pm

thx, duk.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Mad777 on Wed May 09, 2018 1:17 pm

Duke, I joined this one few weeks ago and just noticed a typo...the prizes should be for player 1 to 6 but the Tournament page shows 1 to 5 and 8 ;)
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