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what the best medal display would look like

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:52 am

Well, maybe this has changed, but I m çertain that before you needed to win one of your games to qualify for the medal.
At least in the old rules. Seems pretty logical to me... if you have lost all your games why would you get a medal? In tribes you don t get a medal if you ve lost all your games right?
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:02 pm

Just to clarify:

Yes, this has changed. Originally it was 3 game minimum w 1 win. However semi regularly they were given if people would go 2-0, but not given if someone went 0-10 for example.

EDIT this line only (actually originally it was much diff but by CC2/2010 ish the above applied)

Due to some circumstances when I left, nobody knew how to do the medal evaluations in clans. This was changed to 1 game minimum, everyone whose clan won got a medal if they participated.

Upon my return / promotion that policy was cancelled, and I reviewed with wham. The focus was teams, and like other team sports even if you never score a goal, if you participated / helped the team towards the win you’d still be listed on the trophy etc.

Whams focus was on participation, and 1 game was to little. But the 0-5 or 0-10 scenarios he wanted to change due to the team concept. Briefly we discussed increasing the min game requirement to 5,8, or 10 but in the end both for consistency etc it was kept at 3 for a variety of reasons (I don’t recall exactly it’s been a few years now but I know we discussed the larger #’s).

Thus, the old criteria of 3 min games was reinstated instead of the 1 game requirement, we established the firm rule that 1 and 2 games would no longer qualify as exceptions, and the 1 win requirement was removed. Iirc correctly this was changed in rules and announced thru the Platoon Report but I’m not 100% on that because of the time that’s passed.

The original change to 1 game was never vetted thru the admin, but reverting it back and removing the 1 game win was discussed to ensure full compliance with their wishes regarding medal balance etc

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:46 pm

IcePack wrote:Just to clarify:

Yes, this has changed. Originally it was 3 game minimum w 1 win. However semi regularly they were given if people would go 2-0, but not given if someone went 0-10 for example.

EDIT this line only (actually originally it was much diff but by CC2/2010 ish the above applied)

Due to some circumstances when I left, nobody knew how to do the medal evaluations in clans. This was changed to 1 game minimum, everyone whose clan won got a medal if they participated.

Upon my return / promotion that policy was cancelled, and I reviewed with wham. The focus was teams, and like other team sports even if you never score a goal, if you participated / helped the team towards the win you’d still be listed on the trophy etc.

Whams focus was on participation, and 1 game was to little. But the 0-5 or 0-10 scenarios he wanted to change due to the team concept. Briefly we discussed increasing the min game requirement to 5,8, or 10 but in the end both for consistency etc it was kept at 3 for a variety of reasons (I don’t recall exactly it’s been a few years now but I know we discussed the larger #’s).

Thus, the old criteria of 3 min games was reinstated instead of the 1 game requirement, we established the firm rule that 1 and 2 games would no longer qualify as exceptions, and the 1 win requirement was removed. Iirc correctly this was changed in rules and announced thru the Platoon Report but I’m not 100% on that because of the time that’s passed.

The original change to 1 game was never vetted thru the admin, but reverting it back and removing the 1 game win was discussed to ensure full compliance with their wishes regarding medal balance etc

So if it s in team spirit and such... why is the rule different for tribes? In tribes if your tribe wins but you didn t win a game you don t get the medal.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:48 pm

I’m not in charge of Tribes, so I can’t speak for them.

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby Mad777 on Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:57 pm

betiko wrote:Well, maybe this has changed, but I m çertain that before you needed to win one of your games to qualify for the medal.
At least in the old rules. Seems pretty logical to me... if you have lost all your games why would you get a medal? In tribes you don t get a medal if you ve lost all your games right?

Correct, Tribes rule says a member needs to win a game to collect the medal, main reason is what about a primitive Tribe win a war? Most of those Tribes have 100+ member but only 10 to 15 % participate? Tribes has reborn and claim to be less complex than Clans in terms of rules, it also means Tribes could have difference despite being a Team spirit like Clans is.

(Tribes is belonging Tournaments Group not Clans and it tries to have its own garden)
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:25 pm

lanyards wrote:This is how they are displayed on user profiles already, so I am assuming you're talking about how they're displayed in the forum? For a lot of posts, medals double or triple the height of the post, wasting a lot of space on the page. Having medals displayed in the same format as on profiles would make this that much worse. Having a 'Display Case' where you pick 5-10 medals you are most proud of would solve this issue.

I agree about the roman numeral limits on the medals though, that should not be there.

No, he's showing how it would look if a player had all the medals possible.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby demonfork on Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:50 pm

There is really only one medal that matters so who cares.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby xroads on Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:42 am

demonfork wrote:There is really only one medal that matters so who cares.

Which is that?
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby Mad777 on Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:56 am

xroads wrote:
demonfork wrote:There is really only one medal that matters so who cares.

Which is that?

Let me guess, he will say the “Conqueror Medal”... :lol:
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:58 pm

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Fri Apr 13, 2018 4:24 pm

demonfork wrote:There is really only one medal that matters so who cares.

The conqueror's cup gold i'm the only one to have twice definitely. It means an ipad and a new stereo system for my car. Thank you CC.

Suck it.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby josko.ri on Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:02 am

I am overall medal leader and I have 16/45 above mentioned best medal displays so still a lot of work to do. Within 2 weeks I will have 17th one.
How many best display medals have other players?

I think it is unfair that GC medal is capped at 20 while all other similar kind of medals are capped at 30 or more.
I think that medals that is keeping awarding until 50 (GA, CA, maybe Training and/or Tribes) should have L as cap, not XXX.
How are you sure that Clan Medal is capped at 100 (C)? I can see that there are players who have 50 medals yet their profile says XXX and not L.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby 2dimes on Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:33 am

2dimes wrote:
"I don't know anything about any cocaine. It's a windy day. It must have flown through the window and into my purse,"

Nothing? I guess none of you have google.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby dakky21 on Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:41 pm

I think the cap for all medals with roman numerals should be 200 - CC ... after all, this is ConquerClub.
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