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Closed Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy [ka]

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Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy [ka]

Postby fairman on Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:57 pm


Uncle Fred

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 18131368

In my games they had a truce on a common border which is ok in my opinion. I was leading. Then suddenly, green blow all his troops on me. He had no more chance to win this game and me neither. Now Uncle fred will easily win. I've met players that made stupid moves because they are angry. I still decided to check the history of their games. And I found that

Uncle Fred played 281 games most of them are standard or temrinator with more than 5 players.
61 of these games erikiscool was in the games. They never played team games.

I analysed their 13 last games (except the one with me) where they both played in.
Game 17918546 Terminator 5 players . After 2 month erik offer a truce to Uncle Fred (they almost didn't attack each other before). They were the 2 last players of this game.Uncle Fred won
Game 17889655 Terminator 5 players. After 1 day, Erik offer a truce to Unce Fred. They lost but never attacked each other
Game 17889186Terminator 5 players. After 5 rounds there is the first attack of the game beetween them. Erik attack to get oceania bonus. Uncle Fred gets South Am, play a blue set but he didn't tried to break oceania. At the end erik won
Game 17813249Terminator 6 players. Erik is red, he will twice wrote to another player, help me against red ... Cyan womplains about red which didn't really tried to foght against green (Uncle Fred) Uncle fred won
Game 177316206 players Terminator After many turns, Uncle which is almost dead prefer to suicid on bombarding neutral, so erik can easily kill him and get his cards! erik won
Game 17697118 5 players Terminator After 1 week erik offer a truce to Uncle Fred. Uncle Fred refused and then accepted it. Before roung 8 there is only one attack beetween them. They finished last players. Uncle Fred won
Game 17683852 5 players Terminator. After 4 rounds, Uncle Fred got South Am and ask for a truce to erik on his North Am border. Erik accepted it directly. They will almost never attacked each other. Uncle Fred won
Game 17616916 5 Players Terminator They shared south america and Africa, and then offer a truce on their borders. Non of them tried to stop the other from getting his bonus. Erik and Uncle were the 2 last players, Uncle Fred won
Game 17593184 5 Players Terminator Erik gets quickly eliminated and couldn't help Uncle. They both lost
Game 17585147 6 players Terminator 3 last players are Erik, Uncle and a third guy. Erik and Uncle will only focus on him and never attack each other. Theuy finished last players, Uncle won
Game 17519905 7 players Terminator. After 4 rounds they deal a truce. Uncle Fred won
Game 17507720 6 players Terminator Erik won it. They almost didn't attack each other
Game 17429146 5 players Terminator They finished last players. Uncle Fred won.

They only attacked each other for a bonus or for a card. They won 11 out of their last 13 games together.
It's always the same strat. They focus on a bonus and never attack each other. As soon as the get a common border they deal a truce and focus on the other players untill they are the 2 remained players

Not sure they are multi, but they are clearly teaming

Last time one of them really attacked the other was long time ago and they wrote on their wall.

Uncle Fred wall, eric wrote the 8th August :
That was really crummy Fred

Uncle fred answered :
Couldn't let you get 31 troops.
See what happens when I get aggressive like you keep telling me to be? :(

If this strat is not cheating, we now have a new way to become conqueror.
Last edited by fairman on Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby erikiscool on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:03 am

We do play a few games together but I’ve been in thousands without Fred. We always announce our alliance in the chat and I never suicide. Diplomacy is part of the game.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby erikiscool on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:31 am

And to put that in perspective it was 61 games over 5 years ...
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Uncle Fred on Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:24 am

fairman's accusation of a secret alliance or secret diplomacy is wrong.

All truces between erickiscool and I have been discussed only in game chat. We have also declined truces with one another.

In Game 18131368, Yellow was in the lead very early, and was attacked by several players over the course of several turns. Blue attacked Yellow right after Green & my truce, but evidently that doesn't fit into his narrative.

I have never suicided. I tried checking Game 177316206 to figure out what fairman is talking about, but could not see the turn by turn summary.

There are a couple of players that I play with frequently because they play fairly and with some strategy other than a series of banzai attacks. I did not know that was a bad thing to do.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby fairman on Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:44 am

Uncle you're still mixing your different profil. I said erik suicide on me and gave you the game ;-).
Can you explain me why when you are in the same standard or terminator game, your ratio of win get so high?

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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:50 pm

That seems like schoolbook cheating. If you guys like to play together and fairly, play team games. If you are the same person, play poly, or terminator on your own.
Stop acting as if we were stupid.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby erikiscool on Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:34 pm

It seems betiko and fairman have been in 181 games together :D
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:45 pm

erikiscool wrote:It seems betiko and fairman have been in 181 games together :D

Yes, we are clanmates. Out of these 181, how many are team games, how many are 1v1 or poly games? Or games in which we face each other and others because we're in tournaments?

This thread isn't about playing regularly with someone else. It's about playing together in dodgy settings where collaborating can give you and your partner the points of the opponents you are facing. And in this case, given how confused you are between your accounts it seems like it s also a case of multi
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby IcePack on Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:11 pm

betiko wrote:
erikiscool wrote:It seems betiko and fairman have been in 181 games together :D

Yes, we are clanmates. Out of these 181, how many are team games, how many are 1v1 or poly games? Or games in which we face each other and others because we're in tournaments?

This thread isn't about playing regularly with someone else. It's about playing together in dodgy settings where collaborating can give you and your partner the points of the opponents you are facing. And in this case, given how confused you are between your accounts it seems like it s also a case of multi

34 non team / poly / 1 vs 1 (aka standard 3+, assassin, terminators)

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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:29 pm

IcePack wrote:
betiko wrote:
erikiscool wrote:It seems betiko and fairman have been in 181 games together :D

Yes, we are clanmates. Out of these 181, how many are team games, how many are 1v1 or poly games? Or games in which we face each other and others because we're in tournaments?

This thread isn't about playing regularly with someone else. It's about playing together in dodgy settings where collaborating can give you and your partner the points of the opponents you are facing. And in this case, given how confused you are between your accounts it seems like it s also a case of multi

34 non team / poly / 1 vs 1 (aka standard 3+, assassin, terminators)

Including 24 tournaments or battle royales where you don t chose your opponents. In the remaining 10 most are games between french speaking players, or even games before we even really knew each other. Also, compare that to the total amount of games we played on cc... around 10 000 each while uncle fred has played like 25% of his games with his friend
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Uncle Fred on Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:27 pm

Being Multis? You're wrong about that too.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:56 pm

Uncle Fred wrote:Being Multis? You're wrong about that too.

Just one question, when you say "you didn t know it was a bad thing to do" do you mean the banzai attack on someone that ruins the game for both, or playing often with the same players?

Because playing often with the same players is totally legit as long as there is no collusion between players. The banzai attack, suiciding on player A to give the game to player B is not really against the rules, but it's highly frowned upon. You will get lots of hate by other players obviously.
Then if it's proved that you and another player have a history of suiciding to benefit the other player, you'll probably get a warning and some kind of prohibition to play those kind of games together ever again.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Uncle Fred on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:37 pm

I hate banzai attacks.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:40 pm

betiko wrote:
erikiscool wrote:It seems betiko and fairman have been in 181 games together :D

Yes, we are clanmates. Out of these 181, how many are team games, how many are 1v1 or poly games? Or games in which we face each other and others because we're in tournaments?

This thread isn't about playing regularly with someone else. It's about playing together in dodgy settings where collaborating can give you and your partner the points of the opponents you are facing. And in this case, given how confused you are between your accounts it seems like it s also a case of multi

Stop pushing the agenda so hard. I'm not saying you guys are right or wrong, but you're really reaching to claim there is confusion between the accounts.

On a more relevant note, I don't see why they would be making alliances known publicly if they were cheating. Perhaps a block is necessary but I haven't looked at the evidence.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby fairman on Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:50 am

Hi Caf,

Can you explain me in this game
Why did Uncle Fred bombard 3 times the same territs in the same round.
I only see one explanation, keep only singles for an easy elimination from erik so he can compete against the other player

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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Donelladan on Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:28 am

Game 18131368
I didnt check all games mentionned in the OP but this one is really weird.
As fairman mentionned in the game, red (Uncle Fred) could eliminate fairman, but is letting eriskicool doing it. ( this is a terminator game).

Also, even if it is public, if they make a truce in ALL their games, then always end the truce only once only both of them remain, well, this is a new kind of cheating but that's definitely cheating.

Like, in the game above, eriskcool would have ended the truce if he was playing to win. It is plainly stupid to keep the truce in a sunny game with a player that have more than twice your troops AND more than all remaining players in the game. The fact that he is keeping the truce means he doesnt care if Uncle Fred wins.
If it was only one game, it would mean eriskcool is a bad player, that happens. If it is 60 games and both of them benefit from it, then it is cheating.

fairman,you should post a pic of the game before your move. Obvious foul play.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby erikiscool on Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:42 am

Lots of help from your teammates eh? I don’t think Fred ever had any intention of letting me take out yellow lol
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby erikiscool on Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:50 am

Personally I’ve been in hundreds of standard/terminator games that ended with me losing against two people in an alliance- suck it up and stop whining
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Uncle Fred on Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:54 am

Given this inquisition, I'm afraid to take out fairman until the issue is resolved.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:11 pm

fairman wrote:Hi Caf,

Can you explain me in this game
Why did Uncle Fred bombard 3 times the same territs in the same round.
I only see one explanation, keep only singles for an easy elimination from erik so he can compete against the other player

Possible, hard to say without knowing how many troops he was bombarding with and whether he did in fact reduce himself to a 1. You'd think it would take a few more attacks. I think we've all been guilty of bombarding the same region more than once without actually realising.

Like I said, I haven't looked at the games and I'm not about to. I just don't think this witch hunt from several LHDD members is necessary.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Donelladan on Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:36 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:Like I said, I haven't looked at the games and I'm not about to. I just don't think this witch hunt from several LHDD members is necessary.

I am not sure we can call that a witch hunt, I comment a lot in C&A in general.

I checked most games of the OP. There is nothing obviously wrong there.
But, if truce happens all the time between both accused players, even if not cheating, there is an unfair advantage there.

I have seen some cases before, with friends playing each other, they weren't cheating, but because they knew the other player, they were nicer with them that they should have been.

I am wondering if we don't have something similar here. They played a lot of games, thus trust in each other, and tend to truce together even if it is not the best strategical choice. Even if it is not intentionnal, this is still a problem.

Also, we can't check all the finished game, but on the ongoing one, clearly green (erikiscool) should have ended the alliance before.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:37 pm

Donelladan wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Like I said, I haven't looked at the games and I'm not about to. I just don't think this witch hunt from several LHDD members is necessary.

I am not sure we can call that a witch hunt, I comment a lot in C&A in general.

I checked most games of the OP. There is nothing obviously wrong there.
But, if truce happens all the time between both accused players, even if not cheating, there is an unfair advantage there.

I have seen some cases before, with friends playing each other, they weren't cheating, but because they knew the other player, they were nicer with them that they should have been.

I am wondering if we don't have something similar here. They played a lot of games, thus trust in each other, and tend to truce together even if it is not the best strategical choice. Even if it is not intentionnal, this is still a problem.

Also, we can't check all the finished game, but on the ongoing one, clearly green (erikiscool) should have ended the alliance before.

I 100% agree with that statement and that's why I did suggest earlier they should possibly be blocked from playing together. I think there is plenty of info here though, so let's see what the honchos up top have to say.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Uncle Fred on Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:16 am

Blocked from playing each other?
That's harsh.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby Donelladan on Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:50 am

Uncle Fred wrote:Blocked from playing each other?
That's harsh.

Well, you'd be able to play team game together, but no multiplayer games.

The thing is, you obviously like and know each other now ( seeing the wall messages you sent each other). And this is affecting your gameplay. You are being nicer with each other than you are with other players, this give you an unfair advantage. At least that is what I think.
Maybe the mods will think there is nothing, maybe you'll get a warning, maybe you'll be blocked from playing each other.
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Re: Uncle Fred & erikiscool multi or secret diplomacy

Postby king achilles on Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:08 pm

So far I am inclined to agree with the posts where it shows there has been a secret alliance/helping one another that is going on between the accused. It doesn't look right that you two seem to create truces in your few games together. Plus, that other game where Uncle Fred bombarded the same region 3 times in the same round to likely give way for erikiscool to finish him off and get his spoils is quite damning.
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