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Cleared Agamemnon666 and bigpotatoes[es]

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Agamemnon666 and bigpotatoes[es]

Postby jaydog on Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:51 pm



The accused are suspected of: being the same person

Being Multis
Other: Game 17982558

Bigpotatoes secures Throne bonus, and sits on it entire game, attacking nobody, unless it benefits yellow. while meanwhile yellow manages to take over the rest of the board with only Red (me) and Green trying to stop him.
In game yellow congrats himself on a GG

Game chat where suspicion stems

2018-02-24 06:38:40 - Agamemnon666: WTF... very bad die luck...
2018-03-03 23:34:19 - Agamemnon666: How about a truce Acuernas? We could pin a two round notice to end it up? What do you say?
2018-03-08 19:47:23 - jaydog: gg yellow, not sure what blue is waiting for, but what ever it is/was, its too late now
2018-03-08 22:04:29 - bigpotatoes: red you are built up in front of me. If I use all my troops to get to yellow then you can retake the throne. So that's what I've been waiting for. Was hoping you would've popped yellows bonus in the plains but alas, you just sat there on the wall
2018-03-09 04:41:32 - Agamemnon666: gg too yellow... maybe you`re right... let`s see what is going on at this siege...
2018-03-09 07:39:40 - jaydog: lol blue, not only am i the guy with the least territory, i have never been in your way, as for yellow making a good game to yellow comment well that smells quite fishy
2018-03-10 01:53:03 - Agamemnon666: Hey jay, I didn`t mean it fishy but at the moment I can`t say anymore in this case because the game is still going on...
2018-03-12 01:43:33 - Agamemnon666: Well jay, your last move was the blind corner of my eye. I didn`t get it eraly enough to realize, that I made one step to far in the direction of your force with 34 troops or somethin`like that.
2018-03-12 01:44:33 - Agamemnon666: This was the reason why I told you that I am not sure if I can do it because you can make a lot of trouble with such a force and in the last round you did it.. ; )
2018-03-12 07:13:48 - jaydog: ya, to bad everyone else didn't even try, just sitting in their little corner, good win, poor play blue, very poor
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Re: Agamemnon666 and bigpotatoes

Postby MagnusGreeol on Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:27 am

- If its the same person, then he's taking a Concord jet back and forth from USA to Germany each turn?")>
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Re: Agamemnon666 and bigpotatoes

Postby jaydog on Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:41 pm

ya or uses a proxy server

the fact that he was the yellow player, and went and comments, GG yellow, raised the first flag, then the fact that the blue player only attacked when it would benefit yellow, and then stopped playing all together when yellow had the game wrapped up.

I asked for an explanation in game, but none was given.
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Re: Agamemnon666 and bigpotatoes

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:32 pm

It does seem weird that he'd say good game to himself, but if it's a multi I don't understand why he'd given the win to his lower ranked account. It's also rare for multis who play their accounts in the same game to have one premium and one free. I think it's more likely yellow is just weird.

For the record, country flags on this site mean nothing.
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Re: Agamemnon666 and bigpotatoes

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Mar 18, 2018 5:12 pm

The accused are CLEARED of being multi's.

As far as secret diplomacy I don't see it. Secret diplomacy is hard to prove. It could be that blues strategy is not what you think it should be or what you would do.

Saying gg to himself looks more to me that he was responding to jaydogs earlier comment.

2018-02-24 06:38:40 - Agamemnon666: WTF... very bad die luck...
2018-03-03 23:34:19 - Agamemnon666: How about a truce Acuernas? We could pin a two round notice to end it up? What do you say?
2018-03-08 19:47:23 - jaydog: gg yellow, not sure what blue is waiting for, but what ever it is/was, its too late now
2018-03-08 22:04:29 - bigpotatoes: red you are built up in front of me. If I use all my troops to get to yellow then you can retake the throne. So that's what I've been waiting for. Was hoping you would've popped yellows bonus in the plains but alas, you just sat there on the wall
2018-03-09 04:41:32 - Agamemnon666: gg too yellow... maybe you`re right... let`s see what is going on at this siege...
2018-03-09 07:39:40 - jaydog: lol blue, not only am i the guy with the least territory, i have never been in your way, as for yellow making a good game to yellow comment well that smells quite fishy
2018-03-10 01:53:03 - Agamemnon666: Hey jay, I didn`t mean it fishy but at the moment I can`t say anymore in this case because the game is still going on...
2018-03-12 01:43:33 - Agamemnon666: Well jay, your last move was the blind corner of my eye. I didn`t get it eraly enough to realize, that I made one step to far in the direction of your force with 34 troops or somethin`like that.
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