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[CR@W] Homeworld [Cancelled]

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 14 Due Wednesday]

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:43 pm

Q: Regarding the new graphs, is it backwards? Are you going to keep up with it?

A: Well unfortunately i haven't found a way for google sheets to do a "rankings" graph, so unfortunately for now it'll have to be "reverse" of what you would expect. You WANT to be at the bottom of the graph (rank 1) so the higher you go, the lower in the rankings you are if that makes sense.
As far as keeping up with it, I wanted to do these at the end to make a really interesting graph for everyone to view, but that would be a huge amount of work. So I'm going to TRY and keep up with it. But its not officially that important, so if i fail i apologize. for now, enjoy them while they are there. :)

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 15 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:40 pm

Ok - meta map and your faction sheets are all updated.
I'm working on power rankings now, then PM's will go out.

Turn 15 is due tomorrow (friday) @ 2400 CCT. Theres a chance I'll update it that night, so please get meta map submissions ASAP.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 15 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:06 pm

6 hours to deadline

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 15 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:22 am

Meta map updated. Working on the rest of it

Also a bit ago I colored a section of the schedule red. I'll be on vacation, which normally wouldn't matter cuz i wake up early enough to do the update without really affecting my vacation. The problem is the area has very questionable internet, so it might be a bit of a struggle during that period. Basically it'll be submit turns, and I'll update as I'm able (usually when I'm in the town directly nearby its a little better) but the cabin is sketchy at best, depending on where the clouds are, how fast the winds blowing, whether the sky is blue or grey, etc. all seems to determine whether or not I have internet at any given moment lol

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 15 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:09 pm

IcePack wrote:Meta map updated. Working on the rest of it

Also a bit ago I colored a section of the schedule red. I'll be on vacation, which normally wouldn't matter cuz i wake up early enough to do the update without really affecting my vacation. The problem is the area has very questionable internet, so it might be a bit of a struggle during that period. Basically it'll be submit turns, and I'll update as I'm able (usually when I'm in the town directly nearby its a little better) but the cabin is sketchy at best, depending on where the clouds are, how fast the winds blowing, whether the sky is blue or grey, etc. all seems to determine whether or not I have internet at any given moment lol

Ok, all sheets are updated. Faction scores are updated. PM's going out shortly.
Turn 16 due tomorrow (sunday) @ 2400 CCT. Not sure if I'll update sunday or monday, so better safe then sorry.

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Quarks Cantina

Postby IcePack on Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:30 pm


Quarks Cantina

On every Homeworld, theres always a Cantina that is heavily frequented by the Space Industry.
Usually in a seedier side of town, theres always a mixed crowd and some lively music.

They are also very interesting places to keep up with the rumor mill. Bar maids have the ears of their patrons,
and often hear more then they care too. Patrons who drink heavily spill heavily guarded secrets, rumors, and an occassional tall tail too.

In these sort of establishments if you tip a bar maid 1 Credit, she just might tell you a rumor she's heard. That is of course, if there is anything to tell.

[Game note: spend 1 credit to tip the bar maids, and be a part of the rumor mill. Can be done at any time one of your Captains are in a Homeworld. She might give you a rumor, or she might also introduce you to some other folks, who have their own game notes which will be passed onto you if / when they are present.
You can tip ONE person, per turn. There is a spreadsheet on the Public tabs system that tells you "who is in" that Turn.]

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 16 Due Sunday]

Postby IcePack on Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:58 pm

Sorry, I have an internet outage in my area. Its expected to be turned back on at some point, but its been off all day.
My phone is spazzy every since I dropped it a few weeks ago, and its only gotten worse. I'm aiming for updating tonight (checking once per hour until it comes back online) but if it gets super late, might push it back / give you guys another day to submit the next one.

Kinda out of my control at this point, unless i go to a starbucks or something which after a long day doesn't sound so appealing. I'll keep you posted (ha)

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 17 Due Wednesday]

Postby IcePack on Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:57 am

Meta Map is updated, and opened for bizness.
Faction sheets are updated and ready to go.
Public pages are updated (except the graphs, which I'm working on)
PM's for Turn 16 will go out shortly.

Turn 17 is ready for submission, and due on Wednesday.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 17 Due Wednesday]

Postby TX AG 90 on Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:11 am

With regards to Breaking Alliances:

Official Clarification on this point is, I go by the timestamp the message was sent by the breakER. So if Clan A PM's me an official status change, I look at that timestamp for the 1 week dissolved. When I notify the other party, I'll include the timestamp as well.

Since Updates are semi-regular (though mostly regular so far - Good Job!), shouldn't this declaration until action period be Game Turn based instead of Real Time based?


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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 17 Due Wednesday]

Postby IcePack on Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:24 am

TX AG 90 wrote:With regards to Breaking Alliances:

Official Clarification on this point is, I go by the timestamp the message was sent by the breakER. So if Clan A PM's me an official status change, I look at that timestamp for the 1 week dissolved. When I notify the other party, I'll include the timestamp as well.

Since Updates are semi-regular (though mostly regular so far - Good Job!), shouldn't this declaration until action period be Game Turn based instead of Real Time based?



I don’t anticipate them becoming unregular, except for vacations etc. even now during my heavy tax period and a few RL issues I’ve managed to keep up thankfully cuz I don’t have to mess with the maps nearly as much (one map is much easier then 15). So it makes my job right away 75% easier.

If there’s some anticipated schedule changes, I’ll make a notification of temporary change to turns or something but for now I think the week timeline suffices. Mostly cuz every 2nd day turns means it’ll be either a 3 Turn week or a 4 Turn week.

I’ve played a turn based game where something like this was in place real time and worked pretty well so that’s what I’m basing this off for now



It wasn’t intended that quarks would take up your action for the starship. You must have a starship on a Homeworld / NPC world etc to use quarks, but you can still quark + move or move then quark etc it’s just a matter of making sure they physically had a chance to visit instead of being in deep space

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 17 Due Wednesday]

Postby IcePack on Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:48 pm

Q: On any given turn, if 3 clans tip the bar maid on Turn X do we all get the same tip? Or is first tip always X, second always Y third always Z, etc regardless of turns? Can you describe how it works?

A: Like gossip, it can be random. There’s a list of tips that she can give out at any given time. Some are fixed (stay the same) while others are updated to reflect recent events (so its possible some tips given now, will not be given out later as they are replaced with newer ones).

There is much variety. In general, the tips provided are more generic for bar maid (I heard X is important) the middle guy is more detailed (I heard x is near Y) and the old freighter guy is more specific (I found X over near area 00-00).

Not all tips the bar maid gives out will the freighter guy have, nor will bar maid have info on all things the other guys have info on. It’s a bit of mix / overlap but all of them have unique pieces of intel. Also the higher level of tip the higher probability it’s true. Meaning bar maid gives good info but small chance of false info, middle guy even smaller, and old freighter guy extremely small chance it’s false.

You shouldn’t get the exact same tip twice, but sometimes you’ll can get a similar tip or dealing with same topic etc). There are a few repeats on the bar maid but not many.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 18 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:44 am

Meta Map and lot of the public page is updated.
I still got to do everyones excel pages, but I'm falling asleep after a long day. I'll push till 11 but i won't get everyone

Final updates will be tomorrow.

Turn 18 is due Friday.


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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 18 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:55 am

All faction sheets / ranking updated.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 18 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:33 pm

I'm going to have to update tomorrow sorry, a bit under the weather.
I'll work on it tomorrow morning I'm hoping

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 18 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:59 am

Updated. Sending out PM's now.
Next turn will be due Tuesday March 13 @ 2400 CCT.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 19 Due Tuesday]

Postby IcePack on Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:53 pm

Ok guys / gals. Meta Map is updated.
I'm working on updating your faction sheets right now.
PM will go out tonight before I go to bed.

Next turn (Turn 20) is due Thursday March 15 @ 2400 CCT.

Because I leave Friday after work, Turn 20 update WILL BE ON THURSDAY NIGHT.
More than likely, it WILL BE right at 00:01 hours. So please, please, please don't be late, even a bit.
Or you might miss out on the meta map turns.

I'm trying to make sure Turn 20 is 100% processed before I leave, just in case the crappy internet delays me.


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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 21 Due Saturday] Questionable Int

Postby IcePack on Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:25 am

Meta Map is updated. (not released yet, but soon)
Working on updating faction sheets and public docs

Reminder, the red area on schedule is highly questionable. If for some reason I can't do updates due to internet, we will have to resume on the other side of the red area.

Turn 21 is technically due Saturday March 17th @ 2400 CCT, and I'll try to make the update on Sunday (internet permitting).


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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 21 Due Saturday] Questionable Int

Postby IcePack on Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:48 pm

Updating today (Sunday) sorry, apparently my paid internet cafe didn't have great internet either. Surprise surprise.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 22 Due Monday]

Postby IcePack on Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:47 am

Thanks for the patience everyone :) Horrible internet service out there as always, but found a makeshift small town internet cafe and paid for that mid week hoping to update and didn't have much better service there.

Anyway, I'll be working on this off an on all day. Map is updated mostly, still working on figuring out battle details and what not. Got an hour or so this morning, and then another hour tonight to finish before bed any underlying stuff.

Schedule is updated, back on the regular schedule rolling starting today. Was great to have a little R&R lets get back to some spacey exploits shall we? :ugeek:

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 22 Due Monday]

Postby IcePack on Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:52 pm

Update is completed, maps unlocked. Public pages are finished :)

Turn 22 is due Monday (tomorrow) night @ 2400 CCT

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 22 Due Monday]

Postby IcePack on Tue Mar 27, 2018 11:17 pm

Sorry, minor delay tonight due to RL. Turn 22 update will for sure happen tomorrow :) trying to get back on track now that I’ve returned.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 23 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:18 pm

Updated! Turn 23 is due Friday @ 2400 CCT

Map is unlocked and ready for submissions.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 23 Due Friday]

Postby IcePack on Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:31 am

Q: In Civilization (which I know this is partly “based” off of) once you establish diplomatic relations, you can actually sell tech / research levels to your neighbors or allies for a negotiated sum. Is that something we can do here?

A: Yes, of course! I thought I had answers this previously but I haven’t been able to find it. But yes, that’s certainly an option if you want to give away tech to someone even for free you can do so (just keep in mind you maybe arming your future enemy!)

Q: Follow ups - can I sell to anyone or just my alien race? What about research levels and not techs directly?

A: Anyone. Yes, research or tech can be given or sold for any negotiated sum (or even terms like for an alliance we demand +1 tech level before we agree, etc).

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld [Turn 23 Due Friday]

Postby SiriusCowKing on Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:45 pm

Oh, this changes EVERYTHING!
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