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Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feudal

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Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feudal

Postby Ltrain on Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:30 pm

On all the good big trench 1v1 maps, I collect and move troops in a way that I'm not leaving any stranded of course.

But when I join similar games on esc or flat rate, I will eventually end up with a card set that will give me a bonus of 2 troops on that spot. and it drives me MAD if I don't fort it forward immediately.

Of course, if you haven't met the enemy yet, this is a good idea on Feudal maps. But I have lost a few games over the many years on the site because at a critical point, I decided to fort the 2 from owning the card spot instead of forting the 11 or 16 I had on a castle
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby BrutalBob on Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:36 am

Yeah, I hear ya.

I can mostly resist the urge and leave it in critical situations, but it does drive me a bit mad.

It feels like an itch i cant scratch
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby betiko on Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:22 am

It does bother me but i wouldn t use my fort for that if there are much better things to do from a castle or a village. Sometimes... there aren't.
Also, to clear un the castle at the start of the game i often leave a troop or 2 behind.... that one bothers me the most and i tend to fort it before the 5 castle
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Arama86n on Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:55 am

Get a hold of yourself Ltrain :D

Then again I've seen several of the best players I have ever played with have rather absurd dice rituals in regards of what to do between rolls, how to roll, how to use auto etc. But end of the day that doesn't effect anything except taking time.
What your doing is losing you games.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:48 am

It's totally the opposite of me. If a bonus 2 lands in the outfield, I view that as a bonus for the defense, not to be used offensively. I'd have to be very desperate to send those troops to the front.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:59 pm

I feel this. I need everything to look right. It's like if I'm defending a bonus, I want all my regions on the border to have the same amount of troops.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Ltrain on Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:54 pm

Dukasaur wrote:It's totally the opposite of me. If a bonus 2 lands in the outfield, I view that as a bonus for the defense, not to be used offensively. I'd have to be very desperate to send those troops to the front.

well duka im talking about trench otherwise i hear ya.

Bob, Caff, im glad to see im not the only one :D I mean it does make sense to do so early in a game while you build up an autodeploy base but man if it doesn't drive me crazy mid-late not late-late large map trench 1v1
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:07 pm

I want to play an Adjacent game against all of you.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Thorthoth on Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:18 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:I feel this. I need everything to look right. It's like if I'm defending a bonus, I want all my regions on the border to have the same amount of troops.

IAC = OCD. This explains a lot, including his thoughtless mechanized approach to esc games.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Ltrain on Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:21 am

Thorthoth wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:I feel this. I need everything to look right. It's like if I'm defending a bonus, I want all my regions on the border to have the same amount of troops.

IAC = OCD. This explains a lot, including his thoughtless mechanized approach to esc games.

I think if you read the whole thread, you would not of said this
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Thorthoth on Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:37 am

Ltrain wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:I feel this. I need everything to look right. It's like if I'm defending a bonus, I want all my regions on the border to have the same amount of troops.

IAC = OCD. This explains a lot, including his thoughtless mechanized approach to esc games.

I think if you read the whole thread, you would not of (have) said this.

?? But I did read the whole thread... so you must be incorrect.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby riskllama on Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:23 am

Lt, meet Tt... ;)
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:28 pm

Ltrain wrote:I think if you read the whole thread, you would not of said this

That Thorthoth post was the first I've read in a long time. Don't quote him.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Thorthoth on Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:08 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Ltrain wrote:I think if you read the whole thread, you would not of said this

That Thorthoth post was the first I've read in a long time. Don't quote him.

Attempting a cover-up, only brings more attention to your lameness, Nescafe.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Ltrain on Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:54 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Ltrain wrote:I think if you read the whole thread, you would not of said this

That Thorthoth post was the first I've read in a long time. Don't quote him.

oh hahaha sorry I gotcha
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Ltrain on Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:58 pm

riskllama wrote:Lt, meet Tt... ;)

I didn't know :D
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Nymeria Stark on Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:40 pm

Dukasaur wrote:It's totally the opposite of me. If a bonus 2 lands in the outfield, I view that as a bonus for the defense, not to be used offensively. I'd have to be very desperate to send those troops to the front.

This almost sounds like you believe fate determines the purpose of your troops. They emerged in the rear, so (unless I'm desperate) that's where they're destined to remain.
Surely you want them where they are most useful - regardless of where they are dropped - and in most cases that is at the front.

In case I ever team up with any of you OCD-candidates: While we are on the same team, you are forbidden to compromise strategy for aesthetics.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:18 pm

Nymeria Stark wrote:In case I ever team up with any of you OCD-candidates: While we are on the same team, you are forbidden to compromise strategy for aesthetics.

We never had this problem. For some reason I only do it in 1v1s/poly games.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Ltrain on Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:55 pm

There is a good reason for this in trench games. If you can survive while moving small troops that you may of accidentally left or gained +2 from cards, you get to move some pretty big stacks that have built up on auto deploy spots round after round and overwhelm your opponent. But the whole point of my post was to say sometimes, this backfires, yet I can't help myself!
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby BabySasuke on Fri May 04, 2018 8:42 pm

I'm terrible for this on feudal epic trench forsure
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Mattisen on Wed May 16, 2018 9:17 am

Ltrain wrote:There is a good reason to visit Skinny Views in trench games. If you can survive while moving small troops that you may of accidentally left or gained +2 from cards, you get to move some pretty big stacks that have built up on auto deploy spots round after round and overwhelm your opponent. But the whole point of my post was to say sometimes, this backfires, yet I can't help myself!

OCD is usually annoying, but this is actually a good thing, no? For the first time ever, I wish I had OCD lol.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Ltrain on Wed May 16, 2018 10:11 pm

Mattisen wrote:OCD is usually annoying, but this is actually a good thing, no? For the first time ever, I wish I had OCD lol.

It's a good thing unless you are playing with teammates who win a 4v1 from an auto deploy point and advance all with no enemy ahead and you are all AERGOPIUSERHGOISEHRGPSJEROGTIJE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Kaskavel on Tue May 22, 2018 7:08 pm

Well, there is no rule here, both leaving or reinforcing the troops is wrong under circumstances. The correct approach is something like the following. Let's say you have 2 castles and a village. (11, 16 and 4 troops respectively). A normal flow of renforcement will bring 15 troops this round plus 15 troops next round plus 9 troops next round plus 15 troops next round for a total of 54 troops. If you delay by reinforcing the 2 first, you will get +2, +20, +20, +12 respectively which happens to be the same total on this example (because the 4th reinforcement in the first example was a village, not a castle. Question is "Can I afford to be -13 troops this round, -8 next round and +3 next round and +0 next round in order to be 2 troops ahead after 5 rounds?" In this senario, it only matters how much the 2 first rounds will cost you. If you think they do not-which is usualy the case if you are in contact with the enemy, you must not make the reinforcement.
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Re: Who else does this OCD thing in 1v1 trench games esp Feu

Postby Ltrain on Sat May 26, 2018 10:11 pm

Kaskavel wrote:Well, there is no rule here, both leaving or reinforcing the troops is wrong under circumstances. The correct approach is something like the following. Let's say you have 2 castles and a village. (11, 16 and 4 troops respectively). A normal flow of renforcement will bring 15 troops this round plus 15 troops next round plus 9 troops next round plus 15 troops next round for a total of 54 troops. If you delay by reinforcing the 2 first, you will get +2, +20, +20, +12 respectively which happens to be the same total on this example (because the 4th reinforcement in the first example was a village, not a castle. Question is "Can I afford to be -13 troops this round, -8 next round and +3 next round and +0 next round in order to be 2 troops ahead after 5 rounds?" In this senario, it only matters how much the 2 first rounds will cost you. If you think they do not-which is usualy the case if you are in contact with the enemy, you must not make the reinforcement.

I consider this discussion to now be closed. do not fort the 2, Kaskavel hath spoken.

I'm not kidding! I'll put a smilie here for fun :D but he is right and it's kinna why I started the thread, which I didn't expect to last this long. The 2 troops or even 5 troops not on an auto deploy spot should be left where they are as the math makes sense to leave them

however, i can't help it...
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