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The house that conquer club built.

Postby WILLIAMS5232 on Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:47 pm

Has 4 walls, a roof and a door. Nice little porch with a porch swing. Lazy dog sits at the top of the steps, tail hanging off the edge. Smoke coming out of the chimney, Apple pie sits cooling on the ledge.birds splashing around in the bird bath out in the front yard. Sunny day,
Last edited by WILLIAMS5232 on Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby TeeGee on Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:53 pm

Why not use it on yourself?
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby Arkado on Wed Jan 24, 2018 1:41 am

In case it works, I never say no to a good deal.

I need it because I have time to play next mouths and I start couple of tournaments,
but there is no reason to give it to me more than to an other CC member.

Are you leaving CC ?
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby Maxleod on Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:55 am

I'm am cute, and my life matters: ... 05aaf05706

Also, my premium is about to expire, and I'm not sure I'll renew it.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby identity shaker on Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:04 am


I joined in 2008 for a short while and my last games where in 2016. I just signed up again yesterday to see if I could rekindle the good times I had on here Not sure where to start for a newbie again with regards to making friends and maybe joining some groups ,so if you have any pointers ...

The 3 month gift would be gratefully received to see if it worth my while staying around for the long term.

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Re: Free premium membership

Postby armati on Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:20 pm

View first unread post Can anyone gift me 600 credits
by Liam Connor » Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:21 am

This guy says he wants to play.
No idea if conquer bucks are the same as credits.
just thought Id mention it.
u seem to b having trouble giving them away.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby Shannon Apple on Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:31 pm

TeeGee wrote:Why not use it on yourself?

Thinking the same hehe! I go through periods of being fed up and bored with CC, but then I come back. Recently it's been for life reasons though. Only the most fanatical can continue playing non-stop without breaks. :lol:
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby grogoY on Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:52 pm

I'm not a dickhead.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby IcePack on Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:57 pm

Because I'll regift it to someone else deserving later :)

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Re: Free premium membership

Postby ZaBeast on Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:59 pm

There are quite a few tournaments getting started around now (and that will last a while). I'm currently registered in VI nations rugby tribe event and world cup of risk (and had to drop GYFT for a bit), but I'm sure there are others I'm not even looking at because I know I won't have the space anyways. On top of that there's the premium-only auto tournaments that I'd join, like the USA supertournament.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby Bernie Sanders on Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:59 am

......cause I'm a Socialist and protector of peasants like yourself.....
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby DJENRE on Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:21 am

Hello WILLIAMS5232,
First of all I would prefer you use it for yourself,
If you really want to spare, I'd like to include it into different tournaments I'm organizing. Do you agree?
So player will earn it like you did yourself I presume.

i have 2500 credits left that i'll donate to your tournaments. just let me know when and who. i don't check in everyday anymore, so i may not get right back with you.

Thank you for that Will, I gonna ask some people to know how we can do it, thanks.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby WILLIAMS5232 on Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:45 pm

ZaBeast wrote:There are quite a few tournaments getting started around now (and that will last a while). I'm currently registered in VI nations rugby tribe event and world cup of risk (and had to drop GYFT for a bit), but I'm sure there are others I'm not even looking at because I know I won't have the space anyways. On top of that there's the premium-only auto tournaments that I'd join, like the USA supertournament.

I have three months to this guy, and im gonna give the other six months to djenre for his tournaments, check the post above. I notice all the others are currently premium.

You may say. "hey, but the other guy is premium too... What gives?"

Well, he was freemium til I gifted the premium, so that's that.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby Arama86n on Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:02 am

A kind gesture Sir.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby Misfire on Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:10 pm

Thank you for your offer. I don't need it but it's kind of you to give it away.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby armati on Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:22 am

First prize 1 week in edmonton, 2nd prize 2 weeks in edmonton.
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby Nymeria Stark on Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:55 am

I am a student and have made rules for what I allow and don't allow myself to spend money on, so as to ensure the things I prioritise most are not neglected. Gaming is not near the top, so I'm sure there are others that need it more. If they show up in this thread, please by all means pick them over me.
However, giving me premium would definitely provide me with pleasure. During the 3 months that I had it last year, I played a fair amount of speed games and had a lot of fun.
I like to think that I am a pleasant person to play with and I enjoy exchanging niceties while playing. I'm confident people I've played multiple games with would agree, and the fact that 72 out of 73 people that have rated me gave me 5 stars may slightly substantiate that. (The one who didn't was a one-time teammate who got very upset over me missing a turn and refused to accept my apology and explanation.)
Regardless of whether you donate it to me or someone else, I appreciate your generosity. I also think you would be best off giving only one of your remaining two away and keeping the other incase you ever decide to return. You can always donate it to someone in a years time if not.

Edit: Ah, embarassingly I had somehow overlooked the last five posts in this thread. Thank you anyway, Williams. Maybe I should try to win one Djenre's tournaments. :)
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Re: The house that conquer club built.

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:17 am

In CC's overgrown backyard sits OT.

In one corner, you have your google political experts that either are for or against Trump. Sitting over a BBQ, and grilling and giving out beers is Koolbak. On a pedestal over yonder sits Mrswdk, ranting and raving about how great China is and that the beer being served would be better if it was Chinese. Behind Koolbak and the BBQ sits a trailer missing 3 wheels, is waaaay too small to fit in more than one person but they managed it anyways. Karel and Confederate chum it up drooling on one another and occasionally stick their heads out to drool onto others. On the backyard porch sits Saxi, who once in a blue moon, mingles with everyone else, who has a witty comment or two, but then dips out before anyone realizes he was there. Thor tries to mingle with everyone, but gets his ass kicked, and then kicked out of CC's house for an extended amount of time, only to return like that one Uncle you don't want to see or hear about.

And where do I sit, ladies and gentlemen? Why, in the middle of OT, where I'm completely naked, and slowly but ever so surely, jerkin it.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: The house that conquer club built.

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:26 pm

------I ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT ,EVEN WHEN I CAN LAUGH AT MYSELF...Nice one DDS =D> =D> :lol: :lol: :lol: ....I'll tip my hat on it...Funny as hell... 8-) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... 8-) ......The world needs to laugh more...less bullets and hurt feelings...brush it off people, brush it off and laugh, sometimes even at yourself... :D
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Re: The house that conquer club built.

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:02 pm

DirtyDishSoap wrote:In CC's overgrown backyard sits OT.

In one corner, you have your google political experts that either are for or against Trump. Sitting over a BBQ, and grilling and giving out beers is Koolbak. On a pedestal over yonder sits Mrswdk, ranting and raving about how great China is and that the beer being served would be better if it was Chinese. Behind Koolbak and the BBQ sits a trailer missing 3 wheels, is waaaay too small to fit in more than one person but they managed it anyways. Karel and Confederate chum it up drooling on one another and occasionally stick their heads out to drool onto others. On the backyard porch sits Saxi, who once in a blue moon, mingles with everyone else, who has a witty comment or two, but then dips out before anyone realizes he was there. Thor tries to mingle with everyone, but gets his ass kicked, and then kicked out of CC's house for an extended amount of time, only to return like that one Uncle you don't want to see or hear about.

And where do I sit, ladies and gentlemen? Why, in the middle of OT, where I'm completely naked, and slowly but ever so surely, jerkin it.

fk u
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby DJENRE on Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:37 am

WILLIAMS5232 wrote:
ZaBeast wrote:There are quite a few tournaments getting started around now (and that will last a while). I'm currently registered in VI nations rugby tribe event and world cup of risk (and had to drop GYFT for a bit), but I'm sure there are others I'm not even looking at because I know I won't have the space anyways. On top of that there's the premium-only auto tournaments that I'd join, like the USA supertournament.

I have three months to this guy, and im gonna give the other six months to djenre for his tournaments, check the post above. I notice all the others are currently premium.

You may say. "hey, but the other guy is premium too... What gives?"

Well, he was freemium til I gifted the premium, so that's that.

Hello Williams5232,
I've decided wich tournaments we could grant with your prizes

1/ FINALE LAS VEGAS into CSOP event. Big big tournament along 2018 with a big finale at the end. 8 satellites (average 60 players per satellite!). Do you agree?
Example of a GYFT =>

2/ GRAND FINALE GYFT => GYFT are made for players who never won a single medal yet (GYFT = Get Your First Tournament-medal). After 40 GYFT, a grand Finale will be created.
Already 24 started, 20 are over, 16 more to go.
Do you agree this one too?

GYFT Scoreboard =>

Thank you again for your help! =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Free premium membership

Postby WILLIAMS5232 on Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:54 pm

DJENRE wrote:
WILLIAMS5232 wrote:
ZaBeast wrote:There are quite a few tournaments getting started around now (and that will last a while). I'm currently registered in VI nations rugby tribe event and world cup of risk (and had to drop GYFT for a bit), but I'm sure there are others I'm not even looking at because I know I won't have the space anyways. On top of that there's the premium-only auto tournaments that I'd join, like the USA supertournament.

I have three months to this guy, and im gonna give the other six months to djenre for his tournaments, check the post above. I notice all the others are currently premium.

You may say. "hey, but the other guy is premium too... What gives?"

Well, he was freemium til I gifted the premium, so that's that.

Hello Williams5232,
I've decided wich tournaments we could grant with your prizes

1/ FINALE LAS VEGAS into CSOP event. Big big tournament along 2018 with a big finale at the end. 8 satellites (average 60 players per satellite!). Do you agree?
Example of a GYFT =>

2/ GRAND FINALE GYFT => GYFT are made for players who never won a single medal yet (GYFT = Get Your First Tournament-medal). After 40 GYFT, a grand Finale will be created.
Already 24 started, 20 are over, 16 more to go.
Do you agree this one too?

GYFT Scoreboard =>

Thank you again for your help! =D> =D> =D>

All looks fine by me, I would have never guessed you could fill an 60 player tournament in this day and age. Much less 8x60... But by all means go for it. As long as I don't die. I'll still check im every so often, just let me know.
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