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Busted Cleared NTrain3r [tg]

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NTrain3r [tg]

Postby WALLZ on Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:21 am

Accused: NTrain3r

The accused are suspected of: Being Multis

Game number(s):
18017713 (my game vs him)


To begin with I notice his partner was a new player (username: EtchNSketch). At a glance the new players name had a similar structure as the accused. I then had a look at the new players games. just 4 games and 3 are doubles with the accused. 2 are feudal war (a map i doubt new players would know). At this stage they could easily be friends (both are in USA). The next thing I looked at was the games the accused has played in the past. back in 2012 he played 4 games with one player as a team mate. What made me look a little more was that other player had a very similar name structure (M4DM3N). they played together in these game 11506947, 11506953, 11517984, 11530590. all these games started in a few days 2 were the same day. this could all be a coincidence of course..

After the accused played his turn today i played mine right afterwards as I was online. Green (EtchNSketch) just happened to play his turn straight after me. we played a few rounds as my teammate was online. I mentioned my thoughts to him and he told me to look at their login time. they were 2 minutes different in their login times. again, this could all be a misunderstanding as they might be family or whatever.

I had a look at the accused ratings. M4DM3N was one of the few who rated the accused with 5 stars and 4 nice tags. (Tags: Quick, Trustworthy, Good Teammate, Good Strategy). I had a look at M4DM3N's rating and noticed the accused gave him identical ratings. this was the last thing that I noticed that got me to report him. What are the odds that they would rate each other on the same day? could be a high chance. Madmen rated him on this time and day: 2012-08-14 10:45:17. And the accused rated madmen on this time and day: 2012-08-14 07:18:40. If I never made this post I wonder what time and date the accused would get a rating by his teammate I am playing and vise versa..

If they turn out to be legit different people I do apologize. Though I feel like there are way to many coincidences for my liking.
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Colonel WALLZ
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Re: NTrain3r

Postby TeeGee on Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:29 am

EtchNSketch is BUSTED with M4DM3N

NTrain3r is CLEARED
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Re: NTrain3r [tg]

Postby WALLZ on Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:38 pm

ok. cheers for having a look.
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Colonel WALLZ
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