Mapmaker(s): Djenre
Number of Territories: See below
Special Features: Virtual map for tournament
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: I'm looking for people who can help me for the main design. For XML, it should not be mandatory, but helpfull if done too.
Of course, the people who help can ask to have their names on this virtual map!
EDIT : Even if virtual, this map should get credits from supporting (to be confirmed by cartographers!), if so, the total credits earn will be spared with designer and XML if needed.
EDIT : First Draw made!
Map Image:
EDIT Some territs have moved (see Iancanton comment and more).
Rules for taxes have changed
Rules for dice have changed
Services have been redesigned
Other little things...
THE BOARD : 54 territs in total.
-> 40 territs can be hold by any team (properties) :
- 30 'country' properties representing a country map on CC => give 10 groups of 3 territs with a same color.
5 Railway stations representing Railway maps on CC.(grey)
5 'continent' properties (purple) representing a continent map on CC.
- 6 "?"
2 "$"
2 "STOP!"
1 JAIL (not connected but a team or more can stand on it!)
3 SERVICES reprensenting 3 CC maps (TBD) (not connected but a team or more can stand on it!) )
- Each team start with 10 Cr* (TBD).
- Each team receive a secret objective** (randomly choosen and assigned)!
- The play order is randomly done once and for all.
- Each team start playing from the red START POINT and enter the game throught the first $ sign.
** More or less it will be : "hold 1 group of color (named) + 1 continent (named but not paired with previous group) + 2 railway (any)
- Your team play once a round two dice (randomly given by TO) and tell the TO where they want to move*.
- Two teams cannot be on the same spot. If the spot is occupied, they move to the next one available.
- If you roll pair dices, you can play again. But if you play 2 pairs in a row, then :
- If same than previous one, you take all the credits into the TAXES.
- If lower than previous one, you go to JAIL.
- If higher than previous one, you go to the nearest SERVICES.
![Arrow :arrow:](./images/smilies/icon_arrow.gif)
a 'country' property or to a 'railway property' and :
- it's free (no pawn icon) => you can buy it (1cr for countries, 3cr for railways) or not (the property go to the auction sales)
- it's already hold (pawn icon + green house) => you will challenge this team on the CC map (=property).
- You can choose the format (double, triple or quad).
- The challenged team choose the settings (possible settings = NO TRENCH ONLY, fog or sunny, chained or parachute or unlim, Flat or esc).
- If you win, you get the property yours*. If you loose, you give some credits to the actual owner (see all prices on the board)
- It's locked (pawn icon + red hotel) because the full-color is already owned by another team. => you pay them 5 Cr (no game is played!).
a 'continent' property => you can buy it only if you already own a full group of properties on any of the 4 nearest groups of properties. And you'll be able to challenge it to another team only with the same requirements (Will be Quad game, fog esc unlim settings). Same rules than the previous ones (win and take, loose and pay). Hold all 5 and win.
a ? => you draw a card and you follow instructions
$ => One dice is rolled = Earn X Cr
STOP!=> One dice is rolled = Stop X rounds
Once you hold the 3 properties with same color, the full-color is 'LOCKED' and changed to a red hotel instead a green house.
You cannot be attacked anymore (unless you die) and every team who stop on any of the 3 property give you 5 Cr.
It also gives you an extra 'moving' bonus (and more possibilities for the next moves).
You can hold multiple bonuses for more possibilities when you'll play your next moves. Can be complementary with 'railway bonuses'
When moving, if you hold the next station, you can choose to play your dice from your actual position or to take the train to the next station, then play your dice.
If you hole 2 or more stations in a row, you can decide to play from any of them.
- You arrive in JAIL if you played bad pair dice or if you've drawn a wrong ? card
You pay 1 Cr each round until you make a pair dice.
You can pay directly 5 Cr to exit, regardless the dice.
If 2 teams meet in JAIL, they will play a quad game on SUPERMAX PRISON RIOT! (settings TBD)
- The winner take X Cr from the other team! (X is given by 2 dices!).
The looser has been robbed!
More or less the same than the regular monopoly with :
- Earn credits
Lose credits
Go to Jail / territs / services / railway....
Escape Jail (can be played when wanted)
Win the pot (= TAXES)
GAME WON! (can be played when wanted) the game is AUTO WON. Same results than if the game has been played! (Maybe the best card to hold and play at the perfect time!)
![Exclamation :!:](./images/smilies/icon_exclaim.gif)
Can be optionnal. The idea came up after the first comment into the map foundry thread!
Each 3 services represent a CC map (Pi-school could be replaced by another one, rules remain the same).
A player is randomly selected into the team to play a 1vs1 vs any other player (randomly choosen by TO). Settings are esc fog chained
WIN / LOSE give different consequences to the team on SERVICES, but nothing happen to the other player.
Also you can make 1 single trade proposal to any other team.
Unfair proposal will be cancelled by TO (e.g. a team give all their territs for 1 credit before dying).
All proposal must show mutual earnings!
Once a territ is given to the auction sale :
All teams must tell the TO (secret PM) and tell how many credits they want to put into the auction.
After 24 hours, all proposition are shown into the thread.
If a team has given more than any other team, this team get the property and give the credits to TAXES.
If no team has given more than another, the property remain on the board as a free territ.
Also when a team is eliminated, all their territs go to the auction sales one after another (not grouped).
If a team is eliminated, the credits left to be paid (to another tribe or to taxes) will be firstly taken on all the credits earned by the territories sent to the auction sales.
Can be collected from:
- Auction sales.
? cards
Jail fees
Can be earned by :
- making same pair dice, twice in a row
drawing the proper ? card
winning Pi-School on Services
- Eliminate all opponents
- Hold all 5 continents properties
- Hold your secret objective for 1 full round.
- Hold the bank (50% of the total credits on the board, including taxes) for 1 full round.
Each team must sign 4 players minimum. (6 players maximum if you want to mix the games).
The tournament will start with 10 teams!
The first rolls will be played mostly by post into the thread, the time all teams take a few territories on the board.
It will give all captain the opportunity to acclimate themselves with this way to play the board.
We think about giving 24 hours to play your roll in posting the thread (or for any answer from TO).
Please check frequently to make sure it's not your turn. A few reminder will be sent of course at the beginning.
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif)
The board game will be set on PAUSE by TO when required (too many possibilities with running games, possible elimination / win, ....)