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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby LiveLoveTeach on Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:03 pm

IcePack wrote:Yeah I also stopped very early on after realizing there was no way I could keep up w the game count, especially if I advanced in any of them

I've been selectively joining them. The game count is definitely getting to be a lot though.

You don't have a choice about advancing though - everyone is in it til the end in all of them, so the games just keep coming.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby IcePack on Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:08 pm

LiveLoveTeach wrote:
IcePack wrote:Yeah I also stopped very early on after realizing there was no way I could keep up w the game count, especially if I advanced in any of them

I've been selectively joining them. The game count is definitely getting to be a lot though.

You don't have a choice about advancing though - everyone is in it til the end in all of them, so the games just keep coming.

Ahh well that compounds the game count issue then, I didn't even realize that. I just had to many games between this and olympics at the time and since theres no way to remove oneself from auto tournaments, I had to resort to not signing up for stuff

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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby rockfist on Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:01 am

IcePack wrote:
LiveLoveTeach wrote:
IcePack wrote:Yeah I also stopped very early on after realizing there was no way I could keep up w the game count, especially if I advanced in any of them

I've been selectively joining them. The game count is definitely getting to be a lot though.

You don't have a choice about advancing though - everyone is in it til the end in all of them, so the games just keep coming.

Ahh well that compounds the game count issue then, I didn't even realize that. I just had to many games between this and olympics at the time and since theres no way to remove oneself from auto tournaments, I had to resort to not signing up for stuff

I'm there too. I joined four of them and I may join 2-3 more but anyone who joins all 50 of these is going to have a crazy game count.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby djelebert on Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:38 am

I agree with all msg here. too bad that people has to renounce to play at this interesting event cause of its amount of games. I joined 10 and stop, too many games, no fun anymore.
I know it's too late and there's no possibility to change it, but elimination in each round could bring more people, throw out players who deadbeat (intentionnaly or not) or become freemium, increase interest for competitors, reduce lenght of tourney and would not change system of points.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Oct 21, 2017 3:13 pm

I don't expect anybody except the hard-core competitive types to join all of them.

If you do join all of them, I expect your peak game load to be in the neighbourhood of 45 games or fewer. For serious tournament players who often carry 3-digit game loads, that's not much. If you're a casual player who tries to keep their game load under 50 or whatever, I guess 45 is a lot. Still, as noted, you don't have to join all of them. I'm only joining the ones on maps that I like. I don't expect to finish in the Top 10 overall or anything like that, I'm doing it just for fun.

Just as an anecdotal note: I just went through my games. I currently have 86 active tournament games, and only 7 of those are USA Supertournament games, or about 8% of my tournament game load. This, despite the fact that I'm in 9 USA Supertournament tournaments. So, I've joined more than half of the tourneys so far, and yet it's making a really trivial contribution to my overall game load. How come only 7 games with 9 tournaments going? Well, in any round, the bulk of the games finish in the first week or two. The bulk of any round (chronologically speaking) consists of most games being finished and a small minority of games that are taking longer than normal. In other words, most of your time in any tournament is taken up with all of your games being done, and waiting for a tiny few to catch up. (This is true of any tournament, not just these.)

My current situation, having only 7 active games across 9 tournaments, may be a bit extreme, but for anyone I don't expect that you will ever have more than half of your games active. So, being in nine tournaments with three games per round, I wouldn't expect more than 13 or 14 active games at most. That would be a pretty trivial contribution to my overall game load in any case.

If you choose to join ALL the tourneys (and once again I don't expect most people would) then I estimate your game load would never be more than 45. Math, as follows: Average tournament to end in 30 weeks, so peak load would be 30 tournaments. Each tournament has 3 games per round, for a potential total of 90 games. The actual active games in a tournament are rarely more than half of potential, so at no point would I expect your game load to be over 45. Most of the time, I would expect it to be less than that.

When the CC Olympics were at their peak, I had a lot more than 45 Olympics games going, and I assume a lot of the the people posting here did, too. When the Great War was at its peak, shoop76 (the only person I know who was committed to playing in every Great War tournament) had more than 250 games going in that series. He said he found that a bit high, but of course it was only for a couple months until those slowed down.

When designing the USA Supertournament, I made sure to keep it down to 3 games per round because I did all this math beforehand and I didn't want anyone to have to carry more than 50 games at a time, and I'm pretty sure nobody will. As for myself, my new target for this year was to keep my overall game load below 100, so I haven't joined all of these. Only the ones on maps I really like. Like I said, I'm currently in 9 of them and as of today have only 7 active games in those nine, so it's a really, really trivial contribution to my overall game load. I'm sorry, but I think people are really exaggerating how many games you are likely to have in this series.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby rockfist on Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:20 pm


I can't play that many games at a high level and with CL starting, it must be my focus for high level play.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Oct 22, 2017 7:31 am

Ironically enough, during the night Illinois and Indiana both updated for me, so I went from 7 games to 13. Still, 13 games for 9 tournaments is not a lot.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby dhallmeyer on Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:36 pm

I'm enjoying this so far. Thanks.

I've noticed 2 things that I think could make it more interesting. They are related, but could be done separately.

#1, Overall standings. It looks like the overall standings will only publish when a tournament completes. Is there a way to show where things sit as we go? Maybe update weekly, or after each round completes?

#2, tournament links. The only way I have found to see each tournament's progress is from the game heading. I haven't been able to get there from the main thread. Is there a way to create an aggregate list, maybe change out the map list for the tourney link when each tourney goes active?
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby Mad777 on Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:05 pm

I can help with your 2nd thing, such as adding spoiler below each week and list all the Auto Tournament link since there is lots of reiteration for each, is that ok Duke? I can even try to transform the State name as a link that may show the list of all AT for that week?

Now my thought about your 1st thing is that I'm not sure the AT (Auto Tournament) engine is sharing data with a multi tournament scoreboard until it automatically turn completed, you can compare the setup of this scoreboard the same way CC Olympics works, player will only shows with point from a tournament that is over I think, but the idea worth confirming what I reply above and I hope I'm wrong because this would be nice feature.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:52 pm

dhallmeyer wrote:I'm enjoying this so far. Thanks.

I've noticed 2 things that I think could make it more interesting. They are related, but could be done separately.

#1, Overall standings. It looks like the overall standings will only publish when a tournament completes. Is there a way to show where things sit as we go? Maybe update weekly, or after each round completes?

#2, tournament links. The only way I have found to see each tournament's progress is from the game heading. I haven't been able to get there from the main thread. Is there a way to create an aggregate list, maybe change out the map list for the tourney link when each tourney goes active?

Mad777 wrote:I can help with your 2nd thing, such as adding spoiler below each week and list all the Auto Tournament link since there is lots of reiteration for each, is that ok Duke? I can even try to transform the State name as a link that may show the list of all AT for that week?

Now my thought about your 1st thing is that I'm not sure the AT (Auto Tournament) engine is sharing data with a multi tournament scoreboard until it automatically turn completed, you can compare the setup of this scoreboard the same way CC Olympics works, player will only shows with point from a tournament that is over I think, but the idea worth confirming what I reply above and I hope I'm wrong because this would be nice feature.

Yeah, pretty much like Mad says.

Tough to fix t #1. The standings are compiled through Inventory (the placing tokens). Really if you want to know where you stand in the interim you would have to go through individual tourneys.

But #2 is a fairly straightforward job. Just requires someone with the time to do it, and if Mad is volunteering that's great.

A simple nested list
  1. Kansas
    1. tourney link 1
    2. tourney link 2
    3. tourney link 3
  2. Kentucky
  3. Louisiana
That would be a HUGE help!


When all the tourneys for a state are complete, we can also compile the winner for that state, and make a GA for that as per josko's earlier suggestion.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby LiveLoveTeach on Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:05 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
dhallmeyer wrote:I'm enjoying this so far. Thanks.

I've noticed 2 things that I think could make it more interesting. They are related, but could be done separately.

#1, Overall standings. It looks like the overall standings will only publish when a tournament completes. Is there a way to show where things sit as we go? Maybe update weekly, or after each round completes?

#2, tournament links. The only way I have found to see each tournament's progress is from the game heading. I haven't been able to get there from the main thread. Is there a way to create an aggregate list, maybe change out the map list for the tourney link when each tourney goes active?

Mad777 wrote:I can help with your 2nd thing, such as adding spoiler below each week and list all the Auto Tournament link since there is lots of reiteration for each, is that ok Duke? I can even try to transform the State name as a link that may show the list of all AT for that week?

Now my thought about your 1st thing is that I'm not sure the AT (Auto Tournament) engine is sharing data with a multi tournament scoreboard until it automatically turn completed, you can compare the setup of this scoreboard the same way CC Olympics works, player will only shows with point from a tournament that is over I think, but the idea worth confirming what I reply above and I hope I'm wrong because this would be nice feature.

Yeah, pretty much like Mad says.

Tough to fix t #1. The standings are compiled through Inventory (the placing tokens). Really if you want to know where you stand in the interim you would have to go through individual tourneys.

But #2 is a fairly straightforward job. Just requires someone with the time to do it, and if Mad is volunteering that's great.

A simple nested list
  1. Kansas
    1. tourney link 1
    2. tourney link 2
    3. tourney link 3
  2. Kentucky
  3. Louisiana
That would be a HUGE help!


When all the tourneys for a state are complete, we can also compile the winner for that state, and make a GA for that as per josko's earlier suggestion.

If two people happened to win two of the iterations of the same state with the same record, would they both get the extra medal? I'm not sure what the odds are of that happening, but I'm sure it is possible.
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby Mad777 on Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:08 am

Dukasaur wrote:
dhallmeyer wrote:I'm enjoying this so far. Thanks.

I've noticed 2 things that I think could make it more interesting. They are related, but could be done separately.

#1, Overall standings. It looks like the overall standings will only publish when a tournament completes. Is there a way to show where things sit as we go? Maybe update weekly, or after each round completes?

#2, tournament links. The only way I have found to see each tournament's progress is from the game heading. I haven't been able to get there from the main thread. Is there a way to create an aggregate list, maybe change out the map list for the tourney link when each tourney goes active?

Mad777 wrote:I can help with your 2nd thing, such as adding spoiler below each week and list all the Auto Tournament link since there is lots of reiteration for each, is that ok Duke? I can even try to transform the State name as a link that may show the list of all AT for that week?

Now my thought about your 1st thing is that I'm not sure the AT (Auto Tournament) engine is sharing data with a multi tournament scoreboard until it automatically turn completed, you can compare the setup of this scoreboard the same way CC Olympics works, player will only shows with point from a tournament that is over I think, but the idea worth confirming what I reply above and I hope I'm wrong because this would be nice feature.

Yeah, pretty much like Mad says.

Tough to fix t #1. The standings are compiled through Inventory (the placing tokens). Really if you want to know where you stand in the interim you would have to go through individual tourneys.

But #2 is a fairly straightforward job. Just requires someone with the time to do it, and if Mad is volunteering that's great.

A simple nested list
  1. Kansas
    1. tourney link 1
    2. tourney link 2
    3. tourney link 3
  2. Kentucky
  3. Louisiana
That would be a HUGE help!


When all the tourneys for a state are complete, we can also compile the winner for that state, and make a GA for that as per josko's earlier suggestion.

OP updated, list is gonna be longer week after week, I think as soon as a State has all the tournament completed we can put all Iterations in a spoiler and yes I can help and checking the winners and see what we can do ;)
I also updated the Map contest link :)
Like I said I have a bit more free time and glad to help 8-)
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Re: USA Supertournament

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:11 am

Mad777 wrote:
OP updated, list is gonna be longer week after week, I think as soon as a State has all the tournament completed we can put all Iterations in a spoiler and yes I can help and checking the winners and see what we can do ;)
I also updated the Map contest link :)
Like I said I have a bit more free time and glad to help 8-)

Awesome! Thank you so much!
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Re: USA Supertournament [104 Tournaments created - 11-01-17]

Postby dhallmeyer on Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:28 pm

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Re: USA Supertournament [104 Tournaments created - 11-01-17]

Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Nov 02, 2017 5:16 am

So, which sauce is better:

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Re: USA Supertournament [104 Tournaments created - 11-01-17]

Postby jytreberg on Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:21 am

I know there has been conversation over the game load a few posts back, but just curious as several of my iterations of the "A" states have moved into round 4, how far along is the tournament iteration that has progressed the most? I'm sure it's an "A" state but not sure if anyone has made it to round 5 yet?

Not pressing to get an answer to this question, but I'm curious.
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Re: USA Supertournament [104 Tournaments created - 11-01-17]

Postby Mad777 on Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:48 am

jytreberg wrote:I know there has been conversation over the game load a few posts back, but just curious as several of my iterations of the "A" states have moved into round 4, how far along is the tournament iteration that has progressed the most? I'm sure it's an "A" state but not sure if anyone has made it to round 5 yet?

Not pressing to get an answer to this question, but I'm curious.

As of today Alabama is the only State that has Round 5 ongoing (Iteration #1 & #8)
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Re: USA Supertournament [105 Tournaments created - 11-04-17]

Postby bobzimmerman on Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:13 pm

I received a message yesterday saying my three new Florida games were started, but I have not seen them.

Thanks for running this beast.
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Re: USA Supertournament [105 Tournaments created - 11-04-17]

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:20 pm

bobzimmerman wrote:I received a message yesterday saying my three new Florida games were started, but I have not seen them.

Thanks for running this beast.

Your opponent is freemium and therefore can't play poly games so he got kicked from them. ... nt_id=6109
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Re: USA Supertournament [105 Tournaments created - 11-04-17]

Postby bobzimmerman on Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:24 pm


Do I wait for a new opponent?
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Re: USA Supertournament [105 Tournaments created - 11-04-17]

Postby bobzimmerman on Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:26 pm

Never mind. Looks like I get a pass.
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Re: USA Supertournament [105 Tournaments created - 11-04-17]

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:26 pm

bobzimmerman wrote:Thanks.

Do I wait for a new opponent?

No, you've been credited with three wins for the round. You won't get new games until round four starts.
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Re: USA Supertournament [105 Tournaments created - 11-04-17]

Postby lokisgal on Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:39 pm

I agree with the game load. Id love to do these all but its getting to be to much. Instead of not starting every week perhaps the subsequent rounds could be staggered a bit more? Maybe with an extra week after a round is complete before the next round starts?
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Re: USA Supertournament [110 Tournaments created - 11-11-17]

Postby LiveLoveTeach on Tue Nov 14, 2017 1:45 pm

Has the week 20, Maryland, tournament begun yet?
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Re: USA Supertournament [110 Tournaments created - 11-11-17]

Postby Mad777 on Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:46 pm

LiveLoveTeach wrote:Has the week 20, Maryland, tournament begun yet?

Not yet, don’t see any AT prepared so far
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