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The "RULES" link should be moved to a more visible location

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Re: The "RULES" link should be moved to a more visible locat

Postby IcePack on Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:57 pm

shocked439 wrote:
Mad777 wrote:
IcePack wrote:The rules, help etc actually don't show up at all on mobile even when you know it's there unless you've memorized / booked marked the URL in case you ever needed it...

Yes it does but it's located all the way at the bottom left...hard to find but it's there 8-)

I'm on mobile right now and it's not there. Unless I'm on the wrong page is it on one of the splash pages? Does it cover sitting rules?

Its there on forum and central command. Near the privacy policy / terms of use etc etc far lower left in the green bar.


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Re: The "RULES" link should be moved to a more visible locat

Postby shocked439 on Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:09 am

Thanks ice pack I just missed that somehow.
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Re: The "RULES" link should be moved to a more visible locat

Postby 2dimes on Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:16 am

Dukasaur wrote:
2dimes wrote:I actually actively looked for it. I could not find it for quite a while. Why is it hidden?

Hidden is a bit of an overstatement. It's at the top of the page. :lol:

I think BW was just prioritizing the menus based on frequency of use. "Forum", "Help", and "Rules" were rarely-used areas so they were de-emphasized. They're still there if you actually need them.

I did not find them there, I found the link at the bottom of this page using an iPad running safari. And so what if I am accessing the site in a way some think is one of the worst ways to get to the Internet. The rules should be easy to find regardless of how you're here.

I just now see the one higher up.
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Re: The "RULES" link should be moved to a more visible locat

Postby 2dimes on Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:21 am

Ha! Awesome, I skimmed the thread and enjoyed others "discovering" the link down at the bottom.

"Hidden" probably is an exaggeration but it's not a big one.
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