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BOB version 1.2 [was CC Greasemonkey script - unofficial]

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Postby alex_white101 on Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:23 am

cicero wrote:I know that we're thinking mostly about fortifying since it is more complex but how about the following suggestion for deployment:

Change the menu option from "Confirm Deploy" with "On|Off" as the options to "Deploy" with "Standard|Confirm|Click" as the options.

"Standard" - as now; with confirm off.
"Confirm" - as now; with confirm on.
"Click" - dropdown not used. A single click on your territory deploys a single army to that territory.

Because point and click is so intuitive I think the number of armies being deployed would have to be pretty high before single clicking became onerous.
Anticipating that perhaps it certainly will become onerours at some point the options could become "Standard|Confirm|Click 1|click 2|click 4" or similar ?


what if you accidentally click? then ur screwed?and dont say thats a silly suggestion as we had to have the confirm things jut because people accidentally click the wrong button. i thank god for confirm every game or id have been screwed a hell of a lot of times!
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Postby cicero on Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:05 am

Further to my above suggestion it is probably obvious but I'll add that, during the deploy stage if "Click 1|Click 2|Click 4" were selected, BOB's highlights would work differently; ie highlighting the territory hovered over only so as to identify where the deploy would occur.

I'm on a roll here .. (I think). What about a similar system for fortify?

Add a menu option of "Fortify" with "Standard|Confirm|Click 1|Click 2|Click 4" as the options.

"Standard" - as now; with confirm off.
"Confirm" - as now; with confirm on.
"Click 1|Click 2|Click 4" - dropdown not used. A single click on one of your territories with more than one army on it highlights it, a subsequent click on one of your (or team's) territories fortifies the specifed number of armies to that territory.

I take Alex's point about the lack of confirm in Click mode, but (a) I could live with it [I turn off a lot of confirms most of the time now, I find it helps to focus the mind knowing they are not on] or (b) we could vary my suggestion to incorporation confirms.

One other thought re a change of interface to speed menu option selecting up; which would be particularly useful as the number of possible options increase as in, for example, this suggestion ...

Could the menu be changed from 'click to increment option setting' behaviour to 'click for html dropdown menu and click to select preferred option' behaviour? I'm sure it could, but would that help for BOB overall ? [I think it would be best to have the same behaviour across all menu options.]

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Postby cicero on Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:08 am

Further to the deploy and fortify suggestions above ...

"Standard|Confirm|Click 1|Click 2|Click 4|Click All"

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Postby poo-maker on Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:50 pm

:? When i started FF, before it opened, it said that there was a new Grease Monkey update available. I downloaded the update, but when i checked to see what updates had been made, there were none. This is the only version of Grease Monkey that i have at the moment (i uninstalled the other one)

Can anyone tell me what's going on?
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Postby Aries on Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:52 pm

poo-maker wrote::? When i started FF, before it opened, it said that there was a new Grease Monkey update available. I downloaded the update, but when i checked to see what updates had been made, there were none. This is the only version of Grease Monkey that i have at the moment (i uninstalled the other one)

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

That happened to me too :?
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Postby Mustard on Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:44 pm

an amazing extension and CC script! I am very delighted by this, and it has worked so far remarkably well, without a single glitch.

I have one request. At work, my firewall blocks access to many websites, including CC. For that I use an anonymous web proxy to log into CC and play. I added the URL for the proxy to the script's options page, but it fails to work, even thought the proxy is configured for JavaScript.

How can I make this script work with a free anonymous web proxy?
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Postby cicero on Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:23 pm

poo-maker (& aries) wrote::? When i started FF, before it opened, it said that there was a new Grease Monkey update available. I downloaded the update, but when i checked to see what updates had been made, there were none. This is the only version of Grease Monkey that i have at the moment (i uninstalled the other one)

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Firefox [], as you know, is your web browser. Firefox has the ability to install 'add-ons' which extend the functionality of the browser.

Greasemonkey [] is a Firefox add-on which allows the user to customize the appearance or functionality of a webpage using scripts written in JavaScript.

The script which this thread is about, which you're using here at ConquerClub, is a Greasemonkey script.

So ... the update which Firefox did when you last started it was an update to the Greasemonkey add-on which runs scripts. It was not an update to the ConquerClub script.

Hope that helps.

This confusion, I am sure, is due to the menu which Rob's script adds being inaccurately titled "Greasemonkey Menu".

This was due to, until very recently, Rob's script not having a proper name of it's own. It has recently been named "BOB" and so in the next version of the script, which I believe will be released quite soon, the menu will be titled "BOB Menu". Which should avoid this kind confusion in the future :)

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Postby poo-maker on Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:46 pm

:roll: Thanks for clearing that up.
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BOB version 1.0 is here!!!!!!!!

Postby stocksr on Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:03 pm

BOB version 1.0 is here!!!!!!!!
Get it from:
Because of the name change greasemonkey thinks this is a different script so you will need to remove or disable the previous version before using this one.

This will also mean that all your settings have been forgotten, sorry about that. Please use the menu to reconfigure to your liking.

Not a lot of new features in this version, I was busy sorry.
Code: Select all
// New features in Version BOB v1
//  * New Name - BOB - Thanks yeti_c
//  * Bug fix - Assassin target Broke the card counter;
//  * Bug fix - this script broke the Dice Analyzer Menu Item
//  * Popup message if any previous version of the script is detected.
//  * changed the highlight on a SAFE territory - SAFE means that all it's borders are owned by the owner of the territory in question.
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Postby stocksr on Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:05 pm

Mustard wrote:an amazing extension and CC script! I am very delighted by this, and it has worked so far remarkably well, without a single glitch.

I have one request. At work, my firewall blocks access to many websites, including CC. For that I use an anonymous web proxy to log into CC and play. I added the URL for the proxy to the script's options page, but it fails to work, even thought the proxy is configured for JavaScript.

How can I make this script work with a free anonymous web proxy?

Sorry, We will be unable to help you unless you tell us which anonymous proxy you use, so that we can check out how it works.
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Re: BOB version 1.0 is here!!!!!!!!

Postby andreweberman on Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:33 pm

stocksr wrote:BOB version 1.0 is here!!!!!!!!
Get it from:
Because of the name change greasemonkey thinks this is a different script so you will need to remove or disable the previous version before using this one.

This will also mean that all your settings have been forgotten, sorry about that. Please use the menu to reconfigure to your liking.

Not a lot of new features in this version, I was busy sorry.
Code: Select all
// New features in Version BOB v1
//  * New Name - BOB - Thanks yeti_c
//  * Bug fix - Assassin target Broke the card counter;
//  * Bug fix - this script broke the Dice Analyzer Menu Item
//  * Popup message if any previous version of the script is detected.
//  * changed the highlight on a SAFE territory - SAFE means that all it's borders are owned by the owner of the territory in question.

no probability tab :cry: maby next update [-o<
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Re: BOB version 1.0 is here!!!!!!!!

Postby Sparqs on Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:30 pm

stocksr wrote:BOB version 1.0 is here!!!!!!!!
Get it from:
Code: Select all
//  * changed the highlight on a SAFE territory - SAFE means that all it's borders are owned by the owner of the territory in question.

As the kids say (or did once) Uber Cool!! Very nice for sweeping over the board and checking safe areas.
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Postby RobinJ on Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:55 pm

Well done stocksr - lovin' it! :D
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Postby weirdbro on Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:16 am

Now, all you need is to do the safeness checking across teams, and an easy way to just see a player's/team's unsafe areas, and you'll have basically recreated the patch I tried to make.
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Postby Mustard on Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:26 pm

stocksr wrote:
Mustard wrote:an amazing extension and CC script! I am very delighted by this, and it has worked so far remarkably well, without a single glitch.

I have one request. At work, my firewall blocks access to many websites, including CC. For that I use an anonymous web proxy to log into CC and play. I added the URL for the proxy to the script's options page, but it fails to work, even thought the proxy is configured for JavaScript.

How can I make this script work with a free anonymous web proxy?

Sorry, We will be unable to help you unless you tell us which anonymous proxy you use, so that we can check out how it works.

I used and I allowed ALL cookies, ads, scripts, etc. I also added to the list of allowed sites in BOB 1.0
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Postby Mustard on Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:38 pm

Code: Select all
// New features in Version BOB v1
//  * changed the highlight on a SAFE territory - SAFE means that all it's borders are owned by the owner of the territory in question.

How can this feature be turned to a player's advantage? Also, when I hover my mouse on a territory, it doesn't show me whether or not that territory has all its borders safe, it only shows whether or not the BORDERS are safe.
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Postby pancakemix on Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:42 pm

Mustard wrote:
Code: Select all
// New features in Version BOB v1
//  * changed the highlight on a SAFE territory - SAFE means that all it's borders are owned by the owner of the territory in question.

How can this feature be turned to a player's advantage? Also, when I hover my mouse on a territory, it doesn't show me whether or not that territory has all its borders safe, it only shows whether or not the BORDERS are safe.

It allows you to know whether or not you need to fortify troops there. It is denoted by having the middle border surrounding it cut out. In other words, it looks bracketed.
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Postby Sparqs on Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:04 am

Mustard wrote:
Code: Select all
// New features in Version BOB v1
//  * changed the highlight on a SAFE territory - SAFE means that all it's borders are owned by the owner of the territory in question.

How can this feature be turned to a player's advantage? Also, when I hover my mouse on a territory, it doesn't show me whether or not that territory has all its borders safe, it only shows whether or not the BORDERS are safe.

To determine if a target territory has safe borders (owned by the same player/team) hover over a neighbor or the player's name. Hovering over a territory does not show an indicator there - it shows the status of its neighbors.

As for turning it to your advantage, it can be helpful for giving you a "read" of the board. In terms of enemy territories, hover over the player's name and the bracketed countries clearly stand out as tougher to access.
Last edited by Sparqs on Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sparqs on Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:05 am

weirdbro wrote:Now, all you need is to do the safeness checking across teams, and an easy way to just see a player's/team's unsafe areas, and you'll have basically recreated the patch I tried to make.

It does that.
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Postby cicero on Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:01 pm

bug report (?)

For some reason in this game, and this game only, I don't get the BOB Menu ...

I've tried disabling all other Greasemonkey scripts - including disabling BOB and re-enabling, but to no avail.

The features of BOB are there - ie I get colour blind prefixes and map inspect etc, but no menu ...

Can anyone else replicate the behaviour ?

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Postby cicero on Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:22 am

cicero wrote:bug report (?)... etc ...
Can anyone else replicate the behaviour ?

Interestingly the menu has now returned. Since making my post the only thing that has changed, that I can see, is that Fireside Poet has taken his turn in the game. At the time of my post it was Fireside Poet's turn.

I think the obvious response will be that I made some kind of error myself, but I am 99.99% sure that it was/is a bug.

Everyone else look for similar ones? I'm curious to see if it recurs when it becomes Fireside Poet's turn again.

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Postby yeti_c on Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:01 am

Perhaps an error with user names with spaces in?

Worth looking out for.

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card set estimate BOB bug

Postby Sargeant_Pepper on Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:39 am

I'm curious to know why does BOB show a card-set estimate of 11.39 in a flat-rate game when I have 5 cards? The maximum I could possibly get is 10 anyways. Shouldn't the estimate be less than 10? Is this a bug?
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Re: card set estimate BOB bug

Postby cicero on Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:47 pm

Sargeant_Pepper wrote:I'm curious to know why does BOB show a card-set estimate of 11.39 in a flat-rate game when I have 5 cards? The maximum I could possibly get is 10 anyways. Shouldn't the estimate be less than 10? Is this a bug?

The reason why the estimate is more than you intuitively expect is because the estimate takes into account the probability that you will receive additional bonuses of 2 armies for each territory which is represented on one of the cards in the set that you hand in.

I thought the same way as you initially until tahitiwahini, the author of the estimate code, explained the above :)

See tahitiwahini's post in this thread dated 28 April 2007 for detail of the calculation.

Last edited by cicero on Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sargeant_Pepper on Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:51 pm

Oh I get it. That's nifty! Thanks for explanation.
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