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The Great War

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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:03 am

-------The Battle of Bazentin Ridge...July 14th,1916/Story Line...
----------Tis I Wayward day. I still find myself in the bend of the River Somme. I feel like I am in a Jimmy Stewart movie ;) . But instead of a cattle drive. This bend in the river is filled with mounds of dead bodies. It is a moonless night this evening. Our commanding officer General Henry Rawlinson has given us the go time. For our attack on the German lines. July 14th,1916 at 3:25 a.m.. 4 divisions of the B.E.F.'s 4th army is going to slam into General Fritz von Below's 2nd German Army. On a front that is 6,000 yds(5.5km) long.
------We find ourselves just down from the German lines, which run from just past Guillemont and Ginchy. Northwest along the crest of Bazentin Ridge to Pozieres. Down the Albert Bapaume road. The attack plan laid out to us. Is to take the villages of Bazentin le Petit, Bazentin le Grand and also Longueval. They all lay adjacent to Delvillewood,and the Highwood on the ridge beyond.
------I hear footsteps behind me. As I turn around, I hear "Major, chin up old boy!" Why it is General Henry Rawlinson himself. The General seems optimistic about his plan. I ask him, how he chose this plan. He says,"I'm choosing to attack at dawn, when there will be no natural light for the German machine gunners to see far ahead." "What about our artillery General?",I whispered. "Well,you see I have decided ,when the attack is to start. To maintain surprise, the infantry were to be preceded by a 5 minute hurricane bombardment. Rather than the 30 minute barrage the Germans are use to. After that, a creeping bombardment, as the infantry moves forward.",he stated. He then walked away towards the battle room. As I watch the General walk away. I can't help but think of the men. When the attack begins. They will be attacking up hill the whole way.
------I head in the opposite direction, and bump into SGT. Jones. He is one of the engineers. "What are you up to Sarge?",I ask. Jones says,"I have been crawling in the mud and over dead bodies all day. My unit has been cutting German barbwire for hours." "There is a massive brewing.",I say. Jones whispers,"I tell you something Major. As I was working out there. Cutting the barbwire. My unit discovered the Germans have been listening to the telephones of the 63rd Brigade. So word around our unit. Is H.Q. has tricked the Germans with a fake message. That operations have been postponed for the time being." As he smiled. I laughed,"Well maybe we can fool'em."
------Pvt. Mchugh came towards us. "I can hear you guys", he said. "As you been cutting Sarge, I have been laying down tape and markers. So the men can advance in the dark. I've been on my stomach all day and night.", he muttered.
------Just then the sky lit up. I looked at my pocket watch. It is 3:20 a.m.,the attack has begun. The hurricane bombardment has cracked open the night. I think of all the new German troops under that barrage of fire and steel. A RFC pilot told me yesterday. He has been watching many German troop trains coming this way. They have been traveling from Flanders. It is now 3:25 a.m. the bombardment has slowed down and there go the men. They will be attacking Trones wood sector first. Lucky for them ,last night the 4th army was able to assemble 22,000 men and supplies 500 yds closer to the Germans with out being noticed. As reports come in. The attack started out with a miss hap. The attack started out to the east of Trones wood. The men thought they were attacking north. As the troops advanced, they could not stop the Germans from fixing the cut barbwire. Because of the long high grass, made it had to see. The men of the 7th division are exhausted. They have had 5 days rest. Before they were brought back for this battle. There has been no time to replace it's lost men.
------The 4th army is making gains, but slowly. From this news the High Command tried an attack in the daylight, with the 10th Cheshire on the village of Ovillers. But were cut down by German machine guns. They tried again at night. Succeeded in taking Ovillers. But lost so many men, they had to withdraw. All along the German lines, the British infantry advanced forward through the mist. With just enough light to tell German troops from British ones. They pushed through 2 German trench lines, through the barbwire. German positions fell one after the other. A lot of Germans troops escaped. Because many of the British troops lacked the training to hit soldiers beyond 300 yds.
------As a few German prisoners are brought in. I talk to one. He tells me and shows me a piece of paper. It is an order from German General Fritz von Below. It reads,"Despite my ban on the voluntary relinquishment of Positions, apparently certain sectors have been evacuated without an enemy attack. Every commander is responsible for ensuring , that his troops fight to the last man, to defend the sector for which he is responsible. Failure to do so will lead to Court Martial proceedings. THIS ARMY ORDER is to be made known to all commanders."---Below,July 14th, 1916...
------As time passed ,a message runner from the Longueval alley trench came running up. "Hey,Stanley Spencer!",I shouted. Stanley ran over to me. I asked him,"How are things in the alley?" As he looked at me with a sad face,trying to catch his breathe. He answered,"Just awful,In the trenches of Longueval alley. Many bodies have been covered by loose earth. From the sides of the trenches caving in. The bodies under the dirt form a springy, cushiony floor. It gives an unpleasant feeling,when walking on them." He also says,"H.Q. has been getting false reports on the battle for Longueval. Reports of capture of Longueval is untrue. Which has been leading the High Command the wrong way. Making them make all kinds of blunders. The truth is the Germans are holding onto the north part of Longueval. It is stopping the troops from advancing west. The Germans are also counter attacking and fortifying their positions at Longueval." He then takes off towards H.Q.. More reports of the battle come in. As a lull fell over the battlefield. Except where South Africans continue to attack German machine gun fire at Longueval.
------As the 15th of July begins. The Germans are still holding on to Delvillewood and Longueval. Which is giving cover for attacking German troops brought up from Flers. The Highlander light infantry and the Scottish rifle corps, were sent to take Highwood. They were soon joined by the King's Royal rifle corps. But they all were driven back. The High Command has judged Highwood to be untenable, an should be bombarded back to the stone age.
------The 16th and 17th of July brought much of the same poor judgement of the High Command. The 4th army leaders demanded the Highwood be taken by dawn. The British brought their artillery closer. When they should have moved it back to a safer distance, along with the infantry. German artillery fire, cut all the telephone lines. The German infantry counter attacked. British troops are being slowed down by mud. When they try to bring shells and troops up to the fight. More important , the bombardment at Highwood. Is failing to destroy the German machine guns.
------Although this stage in the fight for the Somme is looking like a British victory. The rain is stopping French troops from coming to the aid of the British. The time wasted by Rawlinson has been horrible. At one point a handful of British soldiers walked into the Highwood unopposed. Rawlinson decided to wait for the cavalry. He could of sent the infantry into the Highwood. When he finally sent the cavalry in, hours later. The Germans had plugged up the holes in their lines. German machine gunners ,cut down Rawlinson's cavalry. Also with the wasted time. More ground all over the battlefield could have been taken. After the battle for Bazentin Ridge. Most attacks on both sides were defeated by defensive fire power and the inclement weather. Which frequently turned the battlefield into a slough of mud. As I look over the battlefield through my field glasses. All I can see aside from the human death. Is the ruins of walls were buildings once stood. The sticks of trees that found nesting places among the debris. The whole landscape has become what looks like a volcanic uproar.
------As I turn and head back to H.Q. my satchel still isn't glowing. It looks like I'm still stuck on the Somme. But that's o.k. ,because a special person is reported to be in the Delvillewood sector. We will find out more in the battle of Delvillewood.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:29 am

-------The Battle of Bazentin Ridge.../Tournament...-------
---1/7.......................16 player tournament......---------
--------Wayward Day's Diary: July 14th,1916
----The Battle of Baznentin Ridge could be called a British Victory. Fought between the British 4th army under the command of General Henry Rawlinson. Up against the German 2nd army of General Fritz von Below. As the British slowly made small gains moving forward. In the closing of the battle. Attempts to use the opportunity of early success. To capture Highwood failed. Due to German success in holding onto the northend of Longueval and parts of Delvillewood. From which attacks on Highwood ,could be engaged from the flank. Along with poor weather , mud slowed the attack. To add to the bad waste of time by H.Q.. Not sending cavalry in sooner. When they decided to. The Germans had regrouped and repelled the cavalry. Also the cavalry was delayed by the destroyed ground , shell holes and trenches. But all and all a some what...British Victory...

Round 1:(France map)
16 players start and 16 move on.Map:France,1-vs-1,5 games :Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.

Round 2:(England,Germany,Duck and Cover:Bombardment Begins)
16 players start and 8 move on. Maps:England,Germany,Duck and Cover:4-4 player games, 2 on England,2 on Germany, 2 on Duck and Cover: Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.

Round 3:(British Isles---B.E.F. pushing forward)
8 players start and 8 move on.Map: British Isles,1-vs-1,5 games :Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat Rate),Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 4:(Classic Cities:London,Indian Empire--Rawlinson birth and death places)
8 players start and 6 move on.Maps:C.C.:London,Indian Empire:2-4 player games,2 on C.C.:London,2 on Indian Empire: Assassin,Auto,Sequential, Flat Rate, Chained, Fog, Trench, 30 rounds.

Round 5:(Flanders 1302,Rail Europe--Germany moved troops from Flanders by Rail)
6 players start and 4 move on.Maps: Flanders 1302,Rail Europe:1-6 player games,2 on Flanders 1302, 2 on Rail Europe: Terminator, Auto, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Fog ,30 rounds.

Round 6:(Scotland,South Africa 1885--Scotts and South Africans joined the battle)
4 players start and 2 move on. Maps:Scotland,South Africa 1885: 1-4 player games, 3 on Scotland, 3 on South Africa 1885: Assassin, Auto, Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.

Round 7:(Trench Warfare)
2 players start:Map: Trench Warfare: 1-vs-1, 9 games, Standard, Auto, Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby jytreberg on Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:33 pm

Would love to be able to help out with these. What is needed for these tournies in terms of writing them up? Is there coding involved or is it just writing out the history part and doing the research?
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Re: The Great War

Postby morleyjoe on Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:41 pm

jytreberg wrote:Would love to be able to help out with these. What is needed for these tournies in terms of writing them up? Is there coding involved or is it just writing out the history part and doing the research?

Bazentin Ridge, July 14th, 1916 - posted by both ConfederateSS and morleyjoe

Delville Wood, July 15th, 1916 -posted by ConfederateSS
Battle of Pozières, July 23rd, 1916 -posted by ConfederateSS
Romani, August 3rd, 1916 - draft started by ConfederateSS
Sixth Battle of the Isonzo, August 6th, 1916 -posted by ConfederateSS
Gorizia, August 6th, 1916 - posted by ConfederateSS
Battle of Guillemont, Sept 3rd - posted - morleyjoe
Seventh Battle of the Isonzo, Sept 14th - posted - morleyjoe

These are currently open for others to jump in (as will I):

Battle of Flers-Courcelette, Sept 15th
Eighth Isonzo, October 8th, 1916
Ninth Isonzo, November 1st
Maghdaba, December 14th
Second Kut, Dec. 15th
Opening 1917, the small but exciting Battle of Khadairi Bend, January 9th, 1917
Battle of Nahr-al-Kalek, February 26th, 1917
Fall of Baghdad, March 11th, 1917
Samarrah, March 13th
Fallujah, March 19th
Jebel Hamrin, March 25
First Gaza, March 26h
(Duk - will you be adding to this list?)

If you are going to draft one up, post that info here, so we don't get another set of doubles like we will have for Bazentin Ridge. Duk can answer regarding coding, but I believe only a few people have that level of permissions to do so.
Last edited by morleyjoe on Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:02 pm

jytreberg wrote:Would love to be able to help out with these. What is needed for these tournies in terms of writing them up? Is there coding involved or is it just writing out the history part and doing the research?

After they're written, they need to be coded. However, we don't expect you to do that. If you do a nice job on writing one, that is help enough!
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Re: The Great War

Postby Mad777 on Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:38 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
jytreberg wrote:Would love to be able to help out with these. What is needed for these tournies in terms of writing them up? Is there coding involved or is it just writing out the history part and doing the research?

After they're written, they need to be coded. However, we don't expect you to do that. If you do a nice job on writing one, that is help enough!

How much tournament remain after "First Gaza -March 26th"?
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:29 am

-----The Battle of DelvilleWood...July 15th,1916/Story Line...-----
---------Yes, I Wayward Day am still hanging around the Somme battlefield. It is a foggy,misty morning of the 15th of July,1916. As the fighting rages on. The British High Command has decided to begin THE SECOND PHASE in the battle for the Somme. With early success in the battle. H.Q. has decided on an operation to secure the British right flank,at Delvillewood. Now that the battle of Albert offensive. Has led to the capture of fortified villages,woods, and other terrain. Which offered observation for artillery fire, jumping-off points for more attacks, and other tactical advantages against the German 2nd Army of Gen. Fritz von Below.
------General Rawlinson heads towards me. "Major,I need you to take this dispatch to the 158th Artillery Brigade. We are ready for an assault on Delvillewood." "Right away,Sir.",I said. I hopped on a brown horse, who had black feet and a white star on forehead. "Giddy,up!",I yelled. Off we went into the darkness. The misty fog didn't help seeing either. Pieces of cut wire, fox holes, trenches, and for all I know there could be bodies on the ground. Anything could trip us up, and stop us from getting to the 158th. I can't wait to get there either. For my ears have over heard of a very special person there. Being from the future ,I know all about this wonderful, exciting man.
------It is the real life Indiana Jones himself. Lt.Col. Percy Fawcett. Even in 1916 he is a world renowned adventurer. After forty-five minute horse ride. I finally reach the BIG GUNS of the 158th. I jump off my horse at Fawcett's tent. His clerk Cpt. Evans shouts down the way,"If you're looking for the Colonel, he is in the mess tent!" "Thanks!",as I wave to him,heading towards the mess tent he pointed to.
------I see Fawcett at the far end of the mess tent. He is smoking a pipe , as he is eating sausage and beans. As he is going over maps and other papers. I walk up to Col. Fawcett and say,"Here Col., it is a dispatch from Gen. Rawlinson." Fawcett smiles and says,"Thanks Major, You must have had an interesting ride in the dark. Sit down and join me." He points to the cook to bring me something to eat. "I'd love to sir.",I say."Call me Percy,Major.",he said. As he opens the dispatch and reads it. He tells me that the 158th has been ordered to open up a barrage on Delvillewood and the surrounding area. Then the newly arrived 1st infantry brigade,South African is to push forward into Delvillewood.
------We talk for a few hours. Percy tells me of his expeditions to South America. His trips down the Amazon. Indian tribes in Brazil. He speaks of giant spiders. He shot and killed a 60ft snake. But it sank into the quicksand before Percy could reach it. Many think he made it up. But I believe him, because everything else he talked about in his books. Science has proven to exist. Except for the 60ft snake. Teddy Roosevelt offered $1,000 reward to anyone who found a 30/40? snake. This prize still has never been collected. Many believe today's oxygen levels don't allow such a creature. But who knows? He lets on about his friend, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. After a couple of glasses of brandy. We say Good bye to each other. Percy says,"Major, this Hellish experience at the Somme has convinced me, there must be a better world out there. After this blasted War. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to find it." "Stay safe Col.",I tell him. As I get on my horse and head back to H.Q.. I feel sad inside, knowing Percy and his son will be lost in the Mato Gorosso,The Brazilian, Amazon inn 1925,never to be heard from again.
------As I enter camp ,it is just ahead of the South African 1st Infantry Brigade. They are led by General Henry Lukin. A they pass through on their way to attack the Germans. I am standing near some British regulars. I can hear them talking softly to each other. As they watch the South Africans, they see the large Boer contingent of the 1st South African brigade. They remember the Boer War. They think many of them just fought against us a few years ago. Now we fight side by side against the Germans. I turn towards the regulars and say. Not to mention the South Africans just sailed from Egypt. They had just defeated the Senussi tribe, who were helping and led by General Gaafer Pasha of the Ottoman Empire. The Senussi had been attacking troops in North Africa.
------The goal is to clear the Germans out of Delvillewood and near by areas. To allow British troops safe cover to attack the German "Switch Line". A very key defensive position for the Germans on the Somme. A crash ,flashes of light , it looks like Percy's guns are starting to rain Hell down on the woods. With an order to take the wood "AT ALL COSTS!". Over 3,000 South Africans will soon get their first taste of fighting at the Somme. False reports of the wood had been taken,by Col. Tanner. In fact the German were holding on to the Northwest part of Delvillewood near the town of Longueval
------I spoke with a captured German officer. He said,"Delvillewood had disintergrated into shattered trees ,charred and burning stumps ,craters thick with mud ,blood,and Corpes,Corpes. Everywhere. In places they were pilled four deep.".
------One of the British regulars,Lt. Anderson Spoke out.Hey! I'll tell you something about the fighting at Delvillewood."Great",I said.Anderson speaks,"The South Africans find themselves facing over 7,000 Germans. Artillery shelling from both sides have pushed over trees and exposed their roots. This is making things hard for them to dig trenches. The South Africans are not only up against a larger force, but have to survive in trenches ,with no depth to them. That offer little protection,if any. The surrounding terrain all but dictates that most of the combat. Has been reduced to hand to hand. Fighting with knives ,bombs,and bayonets. Cursing and brutality on both sides, such as the Men can be responsible for when it is the question of (your life or mine),mud and filthy stench. As every part of the trenches seemed filled with dead-sodden ,squelchy,swollen bodies. Fortunately the blackening faces were invisible except when Verey lights lit up the horrible scene. The terrain makes it difficult to move wounded men back to a medical station. Food and water along with ammunition are running low. As we stood or walked on putrefying bodies. We hadn't the faintest idea when or how help could reach us. That is what I'm doing here,for help."
------I tell Anderson "The is no plan at the moment to send anything. Since the attack on Delvillewood began. The Germans have laid down an artillery barrage of their own. On areas of the wood captured by the Allies. It is reported that 400 shells are landing on Delvillewood every minute. Combined with frequent rain, the wood is not only churned up with fallen trees,but it is all has become a quagmire."
-----As Lt. Walks away. More reports are pouring. One catches my eye. It appears the guns of the 158th artillery. , luck has run out. Closer to the enemy lines, than they should be. The 158th has been spotted by enemy planes. Soon after they were attacked by German Artillery. Lt.Col.Percy Fawcett was gassed and baldly wounded ,sent back to a medical unit.I knew this was going to happen. But I couldn't warn Percy. About the German artillery or when he and his son would disappear in the Amazon.
------The skilfully placed German machine gun posts and well hidden snipers greatly hindered any Allied advance through the wood. The South Africans has been relieved. From men of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers,the Royal Berkshire, and the King's Rifle.
-------They tried to take the dog.
-------They faced a heavily fortified enemy that was supported by very accurate artillery fire. They in turn were relieved and replaced by the 14th,17th,and 20th divisions.
German casualties matched Allied casualties but loss of records makes this hard to verify. The South Africans had 3,155 men at the start of the attack on Delvillewood. They suffered 2,536 casualties,4 dead for every 1 wounded man. By the time they were relieved. This represented a loss of 80% killed or wounded and missing. 104 officers out of 123 were killed, wounded or missing,nearly 85%.
-------Four Victoria Crosses were awarded for outstanding bravery:
1)Private William Faulds
2)Sergeant Albert Gill
3)Private Albert Hill
4)Corporal Joseph Davies

------The Victory wet to the British in the end. Delvillewood was cleared of Germans on Sept.3rd,1916. The Germans took it back in March 1918. The Allies would take Delvillewood back for good,for the rest of the War,in Aug.1918.By the 38th Welsh Infantry Division. Being from the future I know the South African government bought the land of Delvillewood inn the 1920's. Delvillewood is well preserved with the remains of trenches ,a museum and a monument to the South African Brigade at the Delvillewood South African National Memorial.
------All I can think of as I look over the landscape. A destroyed wasteland in every direction. Is what the men have come to call it. DEVIL'S WOOD. If ever there was Hell on Earth ,this spot is it. As I wait here, because my satchel is still not glowing. So I'll stay in Hell and wait I guess.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:32 am

-----The Battle of DelvilleWood/Tournament....-----
-----1/16.................30 Player Tournament...---

--------Wayward Day's Diary: July 15th,1916...
-----------A British South African led assault on the German held Delvillewood. Opens THE SECOND PHASE of the battle of the Somme. Gen. Henry Lukin hopes to lead his S.A. troops in clearing out the Delvillewood area of Germans. To protect the British right flank. Help give the British Army a better jumping-off point to crush the German 2nd Army of Gen. Fritz von Below. In the end a British Victory. The land left a wasteland. Both sides would continue piecemeal attacks and piecemeal defense on narrow fronts in the Somme area the rest of the War.

Round 1:(Trench Warfare)
30 Players start and 30 move on.Map:Trench Warfare,1-vs-1,3 games:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 2:(Unification Germany,France,England-countries of the Somme battle)
30 Players start and 28 move on.Maps:Unification Germany,France,England,5-6 Player Games,2 on Unification German,2 on France,2 on England:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 3:(Classic Cities:London,British Isles,Indian Empire-Places of British Generals)
28 Players start and 24 move on.Maps:C.C.:London,British Isles,Indian Empire,4-7 Player games,2 on C.C.:London,2 of British Isles,2 of Indian Empire:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,30 Rounds.

Round 4:(Trench Warfare)
24 Players start and 24 move on.Maps:Trench Warfare,1-vs-1,3 games:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 5:(Duck and Cover-Rds 5-7 Honoring Percy Fawcett-Artillery Commander)
24 Players Start and 20 move on.Map:Duck and Cover,3-8 Player games,5 games on Duck and Cover:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Flack Rate,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 6:(Classic Map,World 2.1-Percy a World Adventurer)
20 Players Start and 18 move on.Maps:Classic Map,World 2.1,4-5 player game,2 on Classic Map,2 on World 2.1...:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,Fog,30 rounds

Round 7:(Brazil,South America,First Nations S.Amer.-Lost Expedition)
18 Players start and 16 move on.Maps:Brazil,South America,First Nations South Americans,3-6 Player games,2 on Brazil,2 on South America,2 on First Nations S.Amer.:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat Rate),Chained,Fog,30 Rounds

Round 8:(Trench Warfare)
16 Players start and 16 move on.Maps:Trench Warfare,1-vs-1,3 games:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 9:(Dark Continent,Africa,Africa II--Henry Lukin career in Africa)
16 Players start and 12 move on.Maps:Dark Continent,Africa,Africa II,2-8 player games,2 on Dark Continent,2 on Africa,2 on Africa II:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,Fog,30 Rounds.

Round 10:(Trench Warfare)
12 Players start and 12 move on.Map:Trench Warfare,1-vs-1,3 games:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 11:(Egypt:Lower,WWI Ottaman Empire--South Africans go Egypt to the Somme)
12 Players start and 8 move on.Maps:Egypt:Lower,WWI Ottaman Empire,3-4 Player games,2 on Egypt:Lower,2 on WWI Ottaman Empire:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,30 Rounds.

Round 12:(Trench Warfare)
8 Players Start and 8 move on.Map:Trench Warfare,1-vs-1,3 games:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Round.

Round 13:(South Africa 1885,Germany--S.A. troops attack German held Delvillewood)
8 Players start and 6 move on.Maps:South Africa 1885,Germany,1-8 Player game,3 on South Africa 1885,3 on Germany:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Nuclear,Zombie),Adjacent,Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 14:(4-Star Meats--South Africans cut down by machine guns)
6 Players Start and 4 move on.Map:4-Star Meats,1-6 Player game,3 on 4-Star Meats:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Nuclear,Zombie),Chained,Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 15:(Scotland,Celtic Nations--Relief Force)
4 Players start and 2 move on.Maps:Scotland,Celtic Nations,1-4 Player game,2 on Scotland,2 on Celtic Nations:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.

Round 16:(Wales-Relief force,would later win Delvillewood for Good in WWI)
2 Start,Map:Wales,1-vs-1,9 games:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear,Zombie),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 Rounds.
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Sergeant 1st Class ConfederateSS
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:09 pm

------For this last of the 1st battle of the Somme battles...Pozieres...In Honor of the volunteer army or Kitchiner's Army as it was called...Duk...I am going to keep the Tourney rounds to 1,2,3 games...TO MAKE IT FREEMIUM FRIENDLY :D ...When I write the Tourney of Pozieres...I think it suits the Somme... :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D ...I hope it can be coded Freemium Friendly... 8-) ...I'd like to see more people have a chance to play in TGW...Maybe they will like it and become GOLD... :D
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Re: The Great War

Postby Symmetry on Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:11 pm

Hmm, I guess recent events concerning Nazis and the Confederacy have kind of tarnished the reputations of people who felt they could sit on the fence here with regards to white supremacy.

To be fair, you might have some people who think you're a good Nazi, and good advocate of the slavery. Hopefully, you know how wrong you are, but more hopefully other players have seen how deeply wrong you are.

I have never really understood why you use this site to promote your blatantly racist ideals, and I've never really understood why the site rewards you for promoting your hatred. And it is hatred. From the get go, you've advocated Nazi generals and Confederate slave owners.

There really can be no doubt about what you advocate.

Announcing it everytime you post is deeply obnoxious.
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Re: The Great War

Postby riskllama on Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:57 pm

quit trolling the great war, sym...
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:35 pm

Symmetry wrote:Hmm, I guess recent events concerning Nazis and the Confederacy have kind of tarnished the reputations of people who felt they could sit on the fence here with regards to white supremacy.

To be fair, you might have some people who think you're a good Nazi, and good advocate of the slavery. Hopefully, you know how wrong you are, but more hopefully other players have seen how deeply wrong you are.

I have never really understood why you use this site to promote your blatantly racist ideals, and I've never really understood why the site rewards you for promoting your hatred. And it is hatred. From the get go, you've advocated Nazi generals and Confederate slave owners.

There really can be no doubt about what you advocate.

Announcing it everytime you post is deeply obnoxious.

Sym, this is entirely off topic. This event here is a veneration of the Great War of 1914 to 1918, the greatest and most cataclysmic event in the history of warfare. If you wish to discuss Nazis, perhaps you could start an event dedicated to the Second World War. Please do not spam my event thread again.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:00 am

------The Battle of Pozieres...July 23rd,1916/Story Line...-----
----------Well,Wayward Day here. Yes you quest it. I still find myself stuck on the Somme. The battleroom is a mess this morning. As I look own at the battle map of the Somme. I can see that the German 2nd Army under Gen. Fritz von Below has had a part split off. It has formed the German 1st Army of Gen. Max von Boehn. Across the German lines ,Haig's 4th Army is joined by the British Reserve Army of Lt.Gen.Hubert Gough. Who has been holding the line north of the road since July 1st. Three Australian divisions of the I Anzac Corps has been sent to join Gough's forces. The High Command has decided to attack the village of Pozieres on the Albert-Bapaume road. Pozieres is the most important German defensive position. The German second line,runs to Mouquet Farm in north,runs behind Pozieres to the east,then south towards Bazentin Ridge and Longueval. This part had been captured by Gen. Rawlinson. With the chance to turn north right away and pressure Pozieres.
------But Gen. Haig decided with the lack of ammunition to immediately execute another large scale attack after July 14th. Haig thought the Germans couldn't reach Pozieres and Thiepval with help. Because of the British eastward troop movement. Haig then ordered Rawlinson to concentrate his forces between the Highwood and DelvilleWood. The plan was to take Pozieres by a slow step-by-step advance. The 4th Army did try 4 times early on to take Pozieres. But were driven back with high casualties. They now on the morning of July 23rd,1916 have gotten prepared for a massive attack on Pozieres. The attack had been planned for the 18th of July,with Rawlinson leading the attack. But Haig transferred the sources to attack Pozieres led by the Reserve Army of Gen. Hubert Gough. As the Generals talk in the battleroom. Gen. Gough,who is known as a "thruster", turns towards Gen. Harold Walker,"I want you to smash and capture Pozieres!",yelled Gough. Walker said,"I will only attack after adequate preparation has been made."
------They begin to move the little wooden army figures on the battle map. The Australian 1st Division is to attack Pozieres from the south. As they in 3 stages,half an hour apart. While north of the Albert-Bapaume road. Gough's British regulars will attack the German trenches west of Pozieres. The German lines have been bombarded the past 7 days with shells, that include phosgene and tear gas. As soon as the shelling stops. The infantry that has crept close to the Germans in No Man's Land. Will jump up and rush the German trenches. Reports were coming in fast. As the Second Stage got underway. The Australians advanced to the edge of the village. Past the remains of back gardens of the houses lining the Albert-Bapaume road. The 3rd Stage brought the line to the road. The few Germans left in the garrison retreated to the northern edge of the village, or into the German Lines to the east. The Australians intended to capture the German Lines as far as the road,but failed. Strong resistance from German defenders in deep dugouts and machine gun nests. Also the confusion of a night attack on featureless terrain. The weeks of shelling had smashed the ridge to a field of craters. Which made it hard to tell where the trench line ran.
------The failure to take the O.G. Lines as they were called. Made the eastern end of Pozieres vulnerable. So the Australians formed flanks short of their goal. On the western edge of the village, the Australians captured the German bunker known as "Gibraltar". Reserve Australian troops moved up to secure the rest of the village. The attack of the British regulars on German trenches west of Pozieres achieved some success. But the main attack of the 4th Army near Pozieres was a costly failure. The battlemap and reports showed Success on the Somme. But it brought the death of Victory. Which surpassed the death of failure. For the Australians, Pozieres was such a case. One Aussie wrote,"Pozieres ridge is more densely sown with Australian sacrifice than any other place on Earth."
------With Pozieres being the only British gain on the 23rd of July. Pozieres became the German Army's main focus of atttention. Because it formed the critical point of their defense system. Gen.Below ordered it be retaken at all costs. 3 German attempts were made on the 23rd of July. But British artillery and machine gun fire drove them back. Communication was hard to keep up with on both sides. It wasn't even until the 24th of July that the Germans realized the British had captured all of Pozieres.
------The British were slowing down all over the front. This allowed the Germans opposite Pozieres to use most of their artillery. To rain down fire and hell down on the village and it's approaches. The western approach to Pozieres, from Casualty Corner to Sausage Valley,was hit by shell fire so hard. It would be recalled "Dead Man's Road". The British prepared for a German counter attack. Instead of a German counter attack. The Germans decided to use the men to build up defense on the O.G.Lines. The 2 sides thinking the other was getting ready to attack. Called for their artillery to keep pounding the other side. When the Australians were finally relieved. They looked like men who had been in hell. Drawn and haggard and so dazed that they appeared to be walking in a dream. Their eyes looked glassy and starey.
------As the reports of the fight keep pouring in to the battleroom. The room has the Generals at each other's throats. Meanwhile on the front lines. The British 1st Division has tried to take the intersection of the German O.G. and Switch Lines. Known to the British as Muster Alley. Each side started throwing hand grenades at each other. The British and Australians alone threw 15,000 grenades. As the attack along the line progressed. They men encountered uncut barbwire, the heavy German bombardment earlier made it hard with raised dust. Not allowing the Australian artillery observers to aim their guns and see the barbwire entanglements. Some minor progress by the Infantry was made. But the attack had become a failure. The division suffered such losses. It was pulled of the line to serve as a reserve unit. Gen. Haig blamed ,Gen. Birdwood for the failure of his men. He shouted ,"You're not fighting Bashi-Bazouks now!" Birdwood lowered his head in shame. Gen. Gordon Legge of the I Anzac Corps has a plan. His men will attack the crest of the ridge,near the old windmill mound of Pozieres. They will go at dusk. As the men assemble in the day. They have to move and get ready in the trenches. More needed to be dug. As the men tried to dig new trenches. The Germans thought they were attacking. The Germans called down barrage shelling on the digging parties. As both sides continued to shell each other.
------Gen. Legge's men made it to and captured the O.G.Lines. When the Australians got to the O.G.Lines. They were totally obliterated by prolonged shelling. The Australians advanced beyond their objectives. The men from their spot in the O.G.Lines on the Pozieres ridge,could look out over the green unshelled countryside. To the village of Courcelette and he woods of Bapaume 5 miles away. The German Gen. Max von Boehn ordered Hill 160(the windmill mound) of Pozieres ridge be retaken at any price.
------As I left the battleroom,tired of listing to all the bickering of the High Command. I head down the camp. I come across a wounded man laying on the ground,in a stretcher. "Who might you be.",I asked. "I'm Lt. Albert Jacka of the 4th Australian Division.",he said. As I see his bloodied body and torn uniform. "Wow,is that a Victoria Cross!",I yelled with amazement. He says,"Yes,I earned it at Gallipoli." He goes on to tell of the German counter-attack on the windmill mound. "Well Major it all started when we walked into the German O.G.Lines unopposed. We felt like we could see all the back to Australia. Then all of a sudden a few Germans charged our position. They dug in after we stopped the charge with machine gun fire. Next all hell broke lose. The sky opened up with fire. For our position was shelled from all four directions. Including the German stronghold Thiepval ,which lies to our rear. The shelling was slowing down the 4th Australian Division, as we were relieving the 2nd Australian Division. The Germans stopped shelling then opened up a counter-attack on a 400 yard front. They over ran the thinly occupied O.G.Lines. Trapping most of our Australian infantry in shelters of the old German dugouts,as they advanced towards Pozieres. 7 men of my platoon and I, jumped out of our isolated dugout. Charged the Germans from the rear. Other Australians scattered across the plateau joined the action. Soon a fierce hand-to-hand blood bath was underway. A grenade blew me off my feet. Shrapnel ripped through me all over. I past out, and only woke up just a short time ago.",he said in pain.
------"Well you and your men did it Lt.,your Australian division with your act of courage. Gained the advantage, most of the surviving Germans were captured. No more attempts to retake Pozieres have been made. They have pulled back. We have won the Pozieres sector.Lt. We have won!",I shouted happily.
------As I shake the Lt.'s hand,we say good bye and good luck to each other. I hear,"Come on Major!",Gen. Haig shouted. He says,"We are on our way to meet the returning men from Pozieres." As I look over the reports of the high cost the Allies paid to acquire Pozieres. I see the 5,400 British casualties and the 23,000 Australian casualties. Lt. Jacka let me know when we talked. That aside from the bad mistakes of the High Command. Many losses were due to Australian inexperience and their "reckless daring".
------As I think of that, Gen. Haig informs the men of 3 such reckless daredevils.
1)Pvt. John leak 9th Battalion,3rd Brigade,1st Australian Division
2)Lt. Arthur Blackburn 10th Battalion,3rd Brigade,1st Australian Division
3)Sgt. Claud Castleton 5th Machine Gun Company,5th Brigade,2nd Australian Division
------I leave camp ,head in the direction of the old windmill mound. As I stand on the spot of the 17th century windmill. I look through my field glasses at the untouched landscape ahead. My satchel starts to glow...A flash,dizziness, off I go...But Where???
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:58 am

------The Battle of Pozieres/Tournament...------
------1/7..............................16 Player Tournament...------

--------------Wayward Day's Diary:July 23rd,1916......
--------The Battle of Pozieres began with the capture of Pozieres by the Anzac or Australian Imperial Force, of the Reserve Army. The only British success in the Allied fiasco, of July 23rd. When a general attack , along with French troops further south. Broke down into separate attacks due to communication failures and poor weather. German bombardments and counter-attacks began on the 23rd of July and lasted until August 7th. The fighting ended when the Anzac Corps Reserve Army took the plateau north and east of Pozieres from the Germans. It over looked the German stronghold of Thiepval to the rear. A costly British Victory.

Round 1:(Trench Warfare)
16 players start and 16 move on.Map:Trench Warfare,2-8 player games,2 on Trench Warfare:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),Adjacent,Fog,Trench,20 rounds.

Round 2:(England-A lot of the Generals born in England)
16 players start and 8 move on.Map:England,2-8 player games,2 on England:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),Adjacent,Fog,Trench,20 rounds.

Round 3:(British Isles,Germany-2 Empires duel on the Somme)
8 players start and 8 move on.Maps:British Isles,Germany,1-8 player game,1 on British Isle,1 on Germany:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),Adjacent,Fog,Trench,20 rounds.

Round 4:(France)
8 players start and 4 move on.Map:France,2-4 players games,2 on France:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,20 rounds.

Round 5:(Unification Germany-German troops regroup for a counter-attack)
4 players start and 4 move on.Map:Unification Germany,1-4 player game,2 on Unification Germany:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,Fog,20 rounds.

Round 6:(WWI Gallipoli-many Anzac troops came from Gallipoli)
4 players start and 2 move on.Map:WWI Gallipoli,1-4 player game,2 on WWI Gallipoli: Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,Trench,20 rounds.

Round 7:(Australia-The Australians Win Pozieres for the Allies)
2 players start,Map:Australia,1-vs-1,1 game on Australia:Standard,Manual,Sequential,Nuclear,Adjacent,Fog,Trench,20 rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:15 pm

Bazentin Ridge I (morleyjoe's version) has launched today.

I've started coding Bazentin Ridge II (CSS's version) and it should be ready in a few days.

I also haven't forgotten my promise to release the freemie-friendly tourney that morleyjoe wrote before the end of the month, but it might be JUST before the end of the month. (Like late afternoon on the 31st.)
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:30 pm

Mad777 wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
jytreberg wrote:Would love to be able to help out with these. What is needed for these tournies in terms of writing them up? Is there coding involved or is it just writing out the history part and doing the research?

After they're written, they need to be coded. However, we don't expect you to do that. If you do a nice job on writing one, that is help enough!

How much tournament remain after "First Gaza -March 26th"?

Seven months of the war remain after that. However, there are some things we missed earlier that I'd like to catch up on.
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Re: List of Current and Upcoming Tournaments

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:47 am

  • Bazentin Ridge I (MJ version) is live now and will reiterate until September 4th.
  • Bazentin Ridge II (CSS version) will go live tomorrow (August 27) at 15:00
  • Seventh Isonzo (freemium-friendly) will go live August 31st at 15:00 and reiterate until September 10th. Remember, this is freemium-friendly (only one game per round) but it is NOT freemium-exemption (where it will cover for your lack of slots) so PLEASE get a slot open and remember to keep it reserved for the duration of the tournament.

List of Current and Upcoming Tournaments

show: bazentin ridge i

show: bazentin ridge II

To launch on August 31st, a FREEMIUM-FRIENDLY tournament:
show: seventh isonzo
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:03 pm

------Duk...I am putting the finishing touches on The 6th Battle of Isonzo/Tourney...Getting ready to type it in...It is going to be shorter than The Battle of Gorizia Story/Tourney...Which I will go into more detail and KOOL research of the BATTLE!!! 8-) I'll start on it and should have it done by tonight or tomorrow afternoon...Thank You Kindly...for waiting,as I get back on track... :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D...I've been busy... It is hard keeping the past alive and well,or at all...If our Liberal friends have their way in erasing it...:(
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Re: The Great War

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:58 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:------Duk...I am putting the finishing touches on The 6th Battle of Isonzo/Tourney...Getting ready to type it in...It is going to be shorter than The Battle of Gorizia Story/Tourney...Which I will go into more detail and KOOL research of the BATTLE!!! 8-) I'll start on it and should have it done by tonight or tomorrow afternoon...Thank You Kindly...for waiting,as I get back on track... :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D...I've been busy... It is hard keeping the past alive and well,or at all...If our Liberal friends have their way in erasing it...:(

I don't know any liberals interested in erasing the past, but let's have that debate somewhere else, shall we? We are here, in this thread, with united purpose.

“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:12 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:------Duk...I am putting the finishing touches on The 6th Battle of Isonzo/Tourney...Getting ready to type it in...It is going to be shorter than The Battle of Gorizia Story/Tourney...Which I will go into more detail and KOOL research of the BATTLE!!! 8-) I'll start on it and should have it done by tonight or tomorrow afternoon...Thank You Kindly...for waiting,as I get back on track... :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D...I've been busy... It is hard keeping the past alive and well,or at all...If our Liberal friends have their way in erasing it...:(

I don't know any liberals interested in erasing the past, but let's have that debate somewhere else, shall we? We are here, in this thread, with united purpose.


------The last line was a joke son,you missed it...I say,I say... :lol: O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...On With THE GREAT WAR... =D>
=D> =D> ...
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:34 pm

-------The 6th Battle of Isonzo/ Story Line-------
-----------August 6th,1916------------

------------A hear my name yelled,"Wayward Day,Major!". It wakes me up,more then that it is yelled in German. I look around and see, not only that I'm in an Aus/Hun uniform. At Aus/Hun General Svetozar Boroevic's headquarters, in the Aus/Hun Empire's Slovene territory. I see the date on the tear away calendar on the back wall of the battleroom. August 6th,1916,it looks like I get relive "Gorizia",the 6th battle of Isonzo all over. As I see what the Central Powers are up to. Ever since the Aus/Hun High Command launched the Strafexpedition offensive. Things have been falling apart for the Empire. As they try and fight a war on 2 fronts.
------The Aus/Hun Army pulled troops of the Isonzo valley sector. To not only take part in their offensive in Trentino. But they had to send troops to the East. To try and stop the Russian Brusilov offensive in Bukovina. They felt confident to move troops. Because of the terrain of the Isonzo valley,and the trench lines. I walk over to see what Gen. Boroevic needs. He asks me to give him reports of the defense of Gorizia. I hand him a stack of papers and photos. As he looks things over, he begins to fill in everyone in the battleroom, the High Command's plan. After Aus/Hun offensive failed in the Spring. With the Russians attacking the eastern frontier. An Italian attack seemed near at the Isonzo. They have already tried 5 times. They know the Aus/Hun Army is being thinned out all over. So a 6th attack makes sense.
------The General barely started speaking, when a messenger rushed in with news. "The Italians are attacking at the Isonzo river again!",he yelled. As the General turned and looked his way. The General's face saddened, he looked like he had been punched in the stomach. As the hours and days pass in the battleroom. Things and events would stabilize the front lines at the Isonzo region. Even though the Aus/Hun Army was fighting a war on 2 fronts,with little resources. I would watch Gen. Boroevic move the troops around on the battle map. He was able to slow the Russians down in the East. He was also able to plug up the holes in the defense at Isonzo. Although they had been beaten out of the city of Gorizia, a piece of the Aus/Hun Empire. The 1st bit of actual Aus/Hun territory taken by Italy in World War I. For the Aus/Hun Army, the loss of Gorizia represented merely a symbolic defeat, and pushed back the front lines. But did not destroy the defensive system of the Aus/Hun Army in the Isonzo area.
------The Aus/Hun High Command was more interested in the East. The threat of the Brusilov offensive in Bukovina. Due to the fact that at Isonzo, the Italians had more men. But they were under equipped, could not match the Superior fire power of the Aus/Hun Army's heavy guns. The Italian armies would just melt away in front of massive Aus/Hun bombardments. Yet Italian General Cadorna would keep up his attacks time and again. He used the 6th battle of Isonzo, and the success of Gorizia. To justify his tactics. All in all ,a costly victory for the Italians. As I leave the battleroom, head towards my tent. My satchel starts to glow. As I make it to tent , I lay down on my cot. Everything goes dark...I fall asleep...
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:47 am

-----The 6th Battle of Isonzo/ Tournament-----
----1/7....................................16 Player Tournament-----

--------Wayward Day's Diary:August 6th,1916-------
----------The Aus/Hun High Command reduced their forces along the Isonzo front to reinforce their Trentino offensive. Italian Gen. Cadorna used railroads to move troops from Trentino to the Isonzo valley line. For an offensive against the weakened Aus/Hun defenses. The Italians captured the city of Gorizia. It didn't matter much to the Aus/Hun Army's defense. For Cadorna and the Italians it was Italy's 1st major victory in The First World War. Italy would soon after declare war on Germany. But in reality, the Itatians could go no further than Gorizia. Suffered huge losses. It was a Pyrrhic victory. But a huge boost in moral back home in Italy.

Round 1:(Italy,Austro-Hungarian Empire-2 Empires fight on the Isonzo)
16 players start and 16 move on.Maps:Italy,Austro-Hungarian Empire,4-4 player games,3 on Italy,3 on Austro-Hungarian Empire:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat Rate,Nuclear),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.

Round 2:(Yugoslavia-Gen. Boroevic born in modern day Croatia)
16 player start and 8 move on.Map:Yugoslavia,2-8 player games,7 games on Yugoslavia:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat Rate),Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 3:(Rail Europe-Italians used the rails to move men around to new fronts)
8 players start and 8 move on.Map:Rail Europe,2-4 player games,7 games on Rail Europe:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 4:(Magyarorszag,Balkan Peninsula-Italy's 1st victory on Aus/Hun soil)
8 players start and 6 move on.Maps:Magyarorszag,Balkan Peninsula,1-8 player game,3 on Magyarorszag,Balkan Peninsula:Assassin,Auto,Squentail,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 5:(Czecho-Slovak Fragmentation,Slovakia-Aus/Huns retreat to Slovene territory)
6 players start and 4 move on.Maps:Czecho-Slovak Fragmentation,Slovakia,1-6 player game,3 on Czecho-Slovak Fragmentation,3 Slovakia:Terminator,Auto,Sequentail,Escalating,Chained,Fog, Trench,30 rounds

Round 6:(Unification Italy,Unification Germany-Italy declares war on Germany)
4 players start and 2 move on.Maps:Unification Italy,Unification Germany,1-4 player game,3 on Unification Italy,3 on Unification Germany:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat Rate),Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 7:(Trench Warfare-Aus/Hun Trenches stop any further Italian advance)
2 players start.Map:Trench Warfare,1-vs-1,9 games on Trench Warfare,Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat Rate,Nuclear),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:06 pm

------The Battle of Gorizia/ Story Line...-----------
--------August 6th,1916---------

---------------As I Wayward Day open my eyes today. I find myself back at the Isonzo river. In the heart of Gen. Luigi Cadorna's base camp. Once again I get to try out my Italian language skills. Also I get to wear one of these KOOL Italian World War I uniforms,"sweet". I head towards the battleroom. As I enter , I over hear the Italian High Command talking off the record. For you see as other nations make plans to fight a defensive war in WWI. The Italians are fighting in the context of a war of conquest. As the top 3 Generals,Luigi Cadorna, Luigi Capello, Prince Emanuele Filiberto go over their battle plans. To achieve the number one objective of their Isonzo battles, since the start. Capture and hold the Aus/Hun city of Gorizia. Cadorna being the top General for Italy. Capello would later in life try an assassinate Benito Mussolini in 1925. As for Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta. His father was made King of Spain in 1870, for 3 years Filiberto was Prince of Asturias. Until his father abdicated his throne, as they both returned to Italy. During The First World War he would never lose a battle. Earning him the nickname "Undefeated Duke", in his Honor ,the Duke of Aosta Bridge in Rome,and one in Jesolo were built.
------Hanging around in the back drinking a bottle of wine, in Italian General Pietro Badoglio, he despises all of the other 3 Generals. I know of Badoglio , from my college courses on the wars of Italy. He had fought in both World Wars, made Vice Roy of Italian East Africa. Fought in Turkey,Libya and both Italian/Ethiopian wars. He waves at me to come to his table. "Major you look tired , Come, sit down and drink with me.",he said. "Why, I be honored sir,Thank You.",I replied in a gracious voice. We talk for at least an hour. The General tells stories of his victories over the years in Africa. I show in my face, awe and amazement in his stories. To make the General happy. Even though I already knew. He goes on in secret about his dislike for Cadorna, for his waste of Italians, in his continued use of frontal attacks. Against a well armed enemy. He goes on ,Capello's a clown, and Filiberto is a General just because he is Royalty. I wink ;) at him as I finish my last glass of wine. "I didn't hear a thing.",I say. As I get up to join the 3 top Generals at the battle map.
------Cadorna moves little trains and wooden armies, as he shows he has moved troops from Trentino back to the Isonzo river. He then moves cannons and troops on the battle map. To show his plan of attack,of the weakened Aus/Hun line at Gorizia. The offensive is going to be concentrated in 2 zones. The hilly area west of the Isonzo river near Gorizia,will be the 1st zone. The 2nd zone of the western most edge of the Karst Plateau near the village of Doberdo.
------"Yes!",shouts Capellonn waving his hands as he speaks. He goes on to tell his plan to take Doberdo. "The strategic area of the village of Doberdo at the western most edge of the Karst Plateau. It controlled the main road linking the port city of Treiste to the town of Gorizia. I will split my army in half, moving the little armies on the map as he spoke. With one half attacking straight at the Aus/Hun positions guarding the plateau, lead by Arch Duke Eugen of the Aus/Hun Empire. The other half to attack from the rear near the Aus/Hun heavy guns. As they are to link back up.",he stated smiling confidently. It reminds me of General LEE'S plan of Pickett's charge in the American Civil War. Pickett was to charge straight up at the Union forces. Jeb Stuart cavalry was to come around from behind the Union lines, near their artillery. Lucky Gen. Custer disobeyed orders earlier in the day. He shouldn't have been anywhere near the area. But he was. Stopped Stuart from getting behind the Union Army. The rest is History. Custer's luck would run out later on a different battlefield. We will see what happens to Capello's plan.
------The 3 top Generals all smile as Filiberto says,"look we have 22 divisions to fight the 9 that Aus/Huns have to stop us." As they continue to laugh. I fell a tap on my shoulder from behind. "Come with me Major, you can watch as I take the Mountains of Sabotino, Podgora and San Michele, from the enemy. They over look the battlefield of Gorizia.",says Badoglio. "Sure, I'd love to General.",I said smiling. "We head out in 3 hours.",Badoglio said as he walk away.
------As I walk down a mud road back to my tent to prepare. I pass a man on a bike."Hey there.",I say. He replies ,"I am civilian volunteer Enrico Toti, of the 3rd Bersaglieri Bicycle Battalion." "You ride a bike with one-leg?",I asked. He goes on to say,"Yes, I lost my leg when I was 24, working on the railroads. In 1911 I took up bike riding. I've ridden my bike to Paris,Belgium,Netherlands,Denmark, up to Findland and Lapland. Then I went to Russia, Poland and back to Italy. I was riding in Egypt just before the war broke out. From Alexandria to the border of the Sudan. English authorities stopped me, because the said it was to dangerous. They sent me to Cairo. I came home to Italy. When war broke out. I tried to join, but the army wouldn't let me, because of my one leg. So I just road up to the front lines on my own. I have been helping out as a civilian volunteer. How many times at night were our projectors used only to illuminate the enemies that came out to help the wounded and bury the dead, we could have destroyed them, yet a sense of pity urged us to help them." "That is awesome, I love bike riding also.",I said,as I shook his hand. He road on to the end of camp, he soon vanished in the morning fog.
------As our troops pulled out to take the 3 mountains near Gorizia. They sing,"OH,GORIZIA,YOU'RE CURSED!",just about all the way there. It is an anti-war song. It's funny to hear an army sing such a song,before they go into battle. It is a song to curse a symbol more than a city. Rejecting a value system that supports the monarchy and the ongoing conflict. It's unknown author could not have summed up the war better. Than to curse one of the poorest objectives. The waste of human life with 4 major offensives and 1 minor assault, and now a 6th one. The way Gen. Badoglio feels about Gen. Cadorna , I see how he allows his men to sing it. We reach our place to start our attack. Then the sky erupts in fire. as shells rain down on to the 3 mountains. Our troops wait for the shelling to stop. An hour later we charge the mountains of Sabotino, Podgora and San Michele. As we reach the mountains. We see little resistance in our path. We are able to take the mountains very easily. The Aus/Huns defending them, either were destroyed in the bombardment or fled the area. As we take up positions on the mountains we can see the rest of the battle for Gorizia taking place. Some of the wounded are being brought in from the near by village of Monfalone.
------One of the wounded talks to the General. Badoglio waves me over. The wounded man tells of a one legged bicyclist in his battalion. The 3rd Bersagliers. He says,"Enrico Toti saved many of our lives in the fight. He was fatally wounded in an Heroic act of courage. As he fell, he hurled his crutch at the enemy. Before he hit the ground,he shouted,"I Do NOT DIE!",he saved hundreds of us." I told the man, I had met Toti earlier this morning. Badoglio spoke,"I will make sure he is awarded Italy's highest award for Valor, THE GOLD MEDAL OF MILITARY VALOR. He will be one of the few civilians to have this honor bestowed on them." Both the wounded man and I say,"That will be well deserved General as we smile.".
-----I headed to the top of Mt. Sabotino. As Italian artillery now stationed on top of the 3 mountains, now fire shells into Gorizia. I make my way to a point clear of artillery. With my field glasses I look down on the ongoing battle for Gorizia. I can see the fight for the village of Doberdo. As Gen. Capello's 2 pronged attack is underway. With Aus/Hun artillery shelling the Italian infantry. As 4 divisions of Italian infantry close in, and launch a straight on frontal assault on the Aus/Hun trenches outside the village. I view the Fierce fighting ,as I watch many soldiers and officers being gunned down,by heavy machine gun fire. But the Aus/Hun army of Arch Duke Eugen has no golden boy Custer to come to the rescue. The other half of Capello's army was getting around the lines and attacking the Aus/Hun army from the rear. Allowing the 1st half of the Italian army infantry to penetrate the Aus/Hun lines. Talking the village of Doberdo. With no reinforcements coming, due to the Aus/Hun war effort in Trentino and in Bukovina where they were attempting to stop Brusilov offensive. The Aus/Hun High Command, was betting on their army taking advantage of their good defensive positioning of their trenches, and their superior fire power.
------With no help on the way. Aus/Hun forces at Doberdo can be seen retreating to the Aus/Hun Line east of Gorizia. As I could see them hand-to-hand fighting the whole way as they made their escape. Gen. LEE would be proud of Gen. Capello for Capello's plan worked. If not for Custer,LEE's plan of the same nature, would have won him the battle of Gettysburg. "Who Knows?,Pickett's men reached the Union Lines,but were stopped,the Union forces didn't have to worry about anyone coming in from behind.
------Troops from the Italian army could be seen clearing the west bank of the middle part of the Isonzo river. They were able to cross over the river to form a bridgehead on the other side. Soon after the Italian cavalry entered the city of Gorizia unopposed. The Aus/Hun Army under orders from Gen. Boroevic had abandoned the city. To move his forces to a second trench line, miles to the east. Now Aus/Hun reiforcements were coming in from the Eastern Front. Boroevic was plugging up the holes in his defensive system.
------As the Italians gained same more success in was forced out of their line between Monfalone and Doberdo. They were unable to form a new line until they were past Vallone. Once the new line was formed the Italian advance was halted.
------Cadorna used his success at Gorizia,to press on. Cadorna launched a general assault all along the Isonzo Front. This time Ge, Boroevic's new dug in Aus/Hun forces were ready. For 4 days Cadorna had Italian forces, under equipped, and no match for Aus/Hun fire power. Continue to make frontal assaults. As Boroevic had his new defense set up, as he retreated to Slovene territory. Cadorna would sacrifice 1,000's of soldiers in futile attempts to advanced towards Ljubljana and Trieste. As Gen. Bagoglio and I watched in horror from atop of Mt.Sabotino. Eventually Cadorna called off the forward offensive. He was content with establishing a bridgehead on the other side of the Isonzo river, and capture of the city of Gorizia. Which has always been an Italian objective from the start of the war. Soon after Italy used the success at Gorizia to give meaning for Italy being in the war. Also Italy declared war on Germany ,finally.
------As Gen. Badoglio would sit down and talk. We both agreed , this was a useless and limited conquest, for Italy and Cadorna. We would head back to the Italian H.Q..
------Reports came in showing the the cost of the battle. The Italian Army advanced 3/4 miles, along a 15 mile front. They suffered 51,232 casualties, with 12,128 missing. The Aus/Hus Army lost 49,035 ,with 20,000 being captured as prisoners of war.
------This was Cadorna's only victory in the war. If you can call it a victory. With such losses that make it seem like you lost. Not to mention that it did not weaken the defense line of the over all Aus/Hun defense system. The battle had no strategic value. It was a PYRRHIC VICTORY. It reminds me of Bunker Hill of the American Revolutionary War. The Americans held Bunker Hill until they ran out of ammo. Inflicting high casualties on the British Army. Then just abandoning the Hill to the British.
------As I leave headquarters, I see a soldier riding by on a bike. I think of ENRICO TOTI. Also ,so many more,who died because the Isonzo terrain ,was completely unsuited for offensive warfare, mountainous and broken ,with no room to maneuver. As I sit down to rest and look up at the stars in the night sky. My satchel starts to glow. Lighting up the are around me. I soon fall asleep...Of I go,but where???
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Sergeant 1st Class ConfederateSS
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Re: The Great War

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:12 pm

---------------The Battle of Gorizia/ Tournament...---------------------
---------1/10............................24 Player Tournament---------

-----------Wayward Day's Diary:August 6th,1916
--------------The Battle of Gorizia was fought between the Aus/Hun Empire and The Kingdom of Italy,in The First World War. The Italians had been trying to take Gorizia from the start of the war. When they took the city it was huge moral boost for Italy. But it held no strategic value, and was a useless victory. Because the Aus/Hun Army really didn't care, it didn't ruin their defensive line. It did help Italy to declare war on Germany. But in reality it was a very costly victory. One which you suffer so much to achieve, you feel like you lost. A PYRRHIC VICTORY if you will. As others in the war, fought a defensive war. Italy from the start was fighting a war of conquest. It took them 2 years and a huge loss of life. To Take one enemy city, one victory. Like all others battles on the Isonzo, there were many missing soldiers, victims of the superior Aus/Hun artillery.

Round 1:(Magyarorszag-Italy joined WWI as a war of Conquest)
24 players start and 24 move on.Map:Magyarorszag,1-vs-1 player games,7 on Magyarorsza: Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 2:(Austro-Hungarian Empire,Unification Italy-2 empires fight for Gorizia)
24 players start and 20 move on.Maps:Austro-Hungarian Empire,Unification Italy,4-6 player games,2 on Austro-Hungarian Empire,2 on Unification Italy:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.

Round 3:(Napoleonic Europe,Rail Europe-Cadorna born/led in Old Europe style,moved troops around via rail)
20 players start and 18 move on.Maps:Napoleonic Europe,Rail Europe,4-5 player games, 2 on Napoleonic Europe,2 on Rail Europe:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 4:(13 Colonies-PYRRHIC VICTORY,Gorizia for Cadorna is like Bunker Hill for The British in the Amer.Rev.War)
18 players start and 18 move on.Map:13 Colonies,1-vs-1 player games,7 on 13 Colonies:Standard,Auto,Sequential,(Flat,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,Trench, 30 rounds.

Round 5:(Africa,Ethiopia-Badoglio made Vice Roy of Italian East Africa)
18 players start and 16 move on.Maps:Africa,Ethiopia,3-6 player games,2 on Africa,2 on Ethiopia: Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat Rate),Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 6:(King of the Mountains-Badoglio takes the mountains outside Gorizia)
16 players start and 8 move on.Map:King of the Mountains,4-4 player games,7 on King on the Mountains:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.

Round 7:(Balkan Peninsula-Gen.Boroevic was born in Croatia)
8 players start and 8 move on.Map:Balkan Peninsula,1-vs-1 player games,7 on Balkan Peninsula: Standard,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 8:(Italy,Germany,-Italy declares war on Germany)
8 players start and 4 move on.Maps:Italy,Germany,2-4 player games,2 on Italy,2 on Germany:Assassin,Auto,Sequential,Escalating,Chained,Fog,30 rounds.

Round 9:(Yugoslavia,Trench Warfare-Boroevic stops the Italian advance)
4 players start and 2 move on.Maps:Yugoslavia,Trench Warfare,1-4 player game,2 on Yugoslavia,2 on Trench Warfare:Terminator,Auto,Sequential,(Flat Rate,Nuclear),(Chained,Adjacent),Fog,Trench,30 rounds.

Round 10:(Imperium Romanum-Enrico Toti,hero born in Rome,one legged cyclist,won the Italian medal of Honor)
2 start,Map:Imperium Romanum,1-vs-1,9 games on Imperium Romanum:Standard,Manual,Sequential,(Escalating,Flat rate,Nuclear),Chained,Fog,Trench,30 rounds.
Last edited by ConfederateSS on Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:12 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Sergeant 1st Class ConfederateSS
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Re: The Great War

Postby morleyjoe on Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:26 pm

Updated list....and as of yet, I've not started any new drafts....anyone else???

Bazentin Ridge, July 14th, 1916 - posted by both ConfederateSS and morleyjoe - Both started and taking sign ups.

Delville Wood, July 15th, 1916 -posted by ConfederateSS
Battle of Pozières, July 23rd, 1916 -posted by ConfederateSS
Romani, August 3rd, 1916 - draft started by ConfederateSS
Sixth Battle of the Isonzo, August 6th, 1916 -posted by ConfederateSS
Gorizia, August 6th, 1916 - posted by ConfederateSS
Battle of Guillemont, Sept 3rd - posted - morleyjoe
Seventh Battle of the Isonzo, Sept 14th - posted - morleyjoe

These are currently open for others to jump in (as will I):

Battle of Flers-Courcelette, Sept 15th, 1916
Eighth Isonzo, October 8th, 1916
Ninth Isonzo, November 1st, 1916
Maghdaba, December 14th, 1916
Second Kut, Dec. 15th, 1916
Opening 1917, the small but exciting Battle of Khadairi Bend, January 9th, 1917
Battle of Nahr-al-Kalek, February 26th, 1917
Fall of Baghdad, March 11th, 1917
Samarrah, March 13th, 1917
Fallujah, March 19th, 1917
Jebel Hamrin, March 25th, 1917
First Gaza, March 26th, 1917
Last edited by morleyjoe on Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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