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Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

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Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:16 pm

I just finished the opening set against an opponent in the opening ceremonies tournament for the CC Olympics.

The opponent was very frustrated towards me for being in both a clan and a tribe, and I think his basic contention is that last year there were some tourney's where only less accomplished players could join. He seems sick of facing the same top tier CC tourney players in every single iteration. While part of his message confuses me, I can't help wonder if maybe he is right and there should be some sub 1500 pt tourneys or iterations of the same tourney so he didn't feel like he was always losing (and get sick of CC and quit)

Here is the chat:

2017-08-14 14:24:50 - mookiemcgee: gg
2017-08-14 14:26:20 - mookiemcgee [self]: snapshot round 10
2017-08-14 14:29:34 - mookiemcgee [self]: snapshot round 11
2017-08-14 14:32:55 - tpotter7704: why do you say that you enjoy embarssing people what an asshole
2017-08-14 14:33:16 - mookiemcgee: sorry, when i wrote that I thought you had won already. I didn't expect to comback. My apologies
2017-08-14 14:33:39 - mookiemcgee [self]: snapshot round 12
2017-08-14 14:35:27 - tpotter7704: imagine you have taken 4 games from me already and now you win on luck glad you enjoy that and then rubing it in
2017-08-14 14:36:00 - tpotter7704: your one of those clowns who are in a clan and a tribe too arnt you
2017-08-14 14:36:11 - tpotter7704: f*ck im fed up with your type
2017-08-14 14:37:35 - mookiemcgee: sorry bud, you made a mistake that i didnt expect and i cost you the game. i apologize if you are frustrated by my comment i thought you had won
2017-08-14 14:38:07 - mookiemcgee [self]: snapshot round 13
2017-08-14 14:39:46 - tpotter7704: happy for your
2017-08-14 14:40:29 - mookiemcgee: again sorry
2017-08-14 14:42:38 - mookiemcgee: for what it's worth i've been in a clan for years. Someone just a few weeks ago invited me to a tribe. Not really even sure what a tribe is but they said i could be in both
2017-08-14 14:43:02 - mookiemcgee [self]: snapshot round 14
2017-08-14 14:45:03 - mookiemcgee: if you want to play more with me, I can see if my clan will invite you to join. Or maybe you are already in one?
2017-08-14 14:46:01 - tpotter7704: i get it i cant get in a clan i am in a tribe only option i have now senior players such as yourself is being recuited to come and bully players such as myself that dont take it as serious and make what you consider bad mistakes that you wouldnt
2017-08-14 14:46:35 - tpotter7704: by new tribes
2017-08-14 14:47:24 - tpotter7704: why cant senior players or better stay out of some of the stuff on here
2017-08-14 14:47:52 - mookiemcgee: Why can't you get in a clan?
2017-08-14 14:48:36 - tpotter7704: and let players such as myself have a little glory instead of coming along and slaughering us
2017-08-14 14:48:42 - mookiemcgee: You account is more senior than mine, you've played more games and been around longer. I don't see why you couldn't join a clan
2017-08-14 14:49:36 - mookiemcgee: I thought it was just two different things. My clan it's all team games, which hnestly i dont even enjoy that much. The tribe is about me on my own against opponents which i prefer
2017-08-14 14:49:48 - tpotter7704: my opinion closed mindness and clickish only want the best players and thats fine now or was fine until this bullshit
2017-08-14 14:50:21 - tpotter7704: hurry up and finish please im just attacking the fence
2017-08-14 14:50:59 - tpotter7704: worst of all like all senior players on here I make an error and zero feedback been a real pleasure.
2017-08-14 14:53:13 - mookiemcgee: I'm so confused. i played in this same tournament last year and I was in a clan but not a tribe
2017-08-14 14:53:26 - mookiemcgee: And if you want to know what the error was it was not taking a bigger bonus.
2017-08-14 14:54:11 - mookiemcgee: You get +1 for each pair of violet & purple territs you hold. You had like 4-5 voilet, and only one purple. You could have taken more purple and made it impossible for me to comeback
2017-08-14 14:54:25 - mookiemcgee: But instead you depleted your troops on the B territs that reset
2017-08-14 14:54:52 - mookiemcgee: I'm only writing this now, cus I think you are asking what the mistake was in your last message. There is some feedback ok?
2017-08-14 14:55:38 - tpotter7704: LY there were tribe events for the first 4 tribes that were made up of non clan players
2017-08-14 14:56:19 - mookiemcgee: oh, I didn't know that. But I know I played this tourney, the opening cermony one.
2017-08-14 14:56:54 - tpotter7704: so tribes were open up instead of some of the senior players from clans helping the first 4 tribes out they formed there own.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby jfm10 on Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:11 pm

i entered this and am up against a colonel aswell on maps i havent played.I am actually happier in this situation as i wont lose as many points and have alot more points to gain aswell as the learning experience.I sincerely appreciate the oppurtunities presented with these challenges.Thank you CC and all the volunteers that organized this event.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby IcePack on Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:31 pm

There still are events for the 4 primitive tribes open thru the tournament tab

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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby riskllama on Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:36 pm

how else does one expect to get better other than by playing higher calibre opponents? guy's a whiner/butthurt loser, imo. mookie does bring up an interesting concept, tho - aren't there 3 clan divisions? maybe set up a 3 tired tourney system, too : stripers, lt.-maj.,col. - conq. might be a lot of work for the TO's, tho. *shrugs*
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:00 pm

riskllama wrote:how else does one expect to get better other than by playing higher calibre opponents? guy's a whiner/butthurt loser, imo. mookie does bring up an interesting concept, tho - aren't there 3 clan divisions? maybe set up a 3 tired tourney system, too : stripers, lt.-maj.,col. - conq. might be a lot of work for the TO's, tho. *shrugs*

Something along those lines is what I was kinda thinking when I was talking with him. Granted I don't really know much at all about tribes and how that all works.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby riskllama on Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:11 pm

a quick glance at his page tells me he has had his heart broken by one, or perhaps several clans.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby King_Herpes on Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:27 pm

More! More! MORE!

Give us the more!!
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby riskllama on Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:54 pm

more heartbreak?
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:49 am

IcePack wrote:There still are events for the 4 primitive tribes open thru the tournament tab

Your not serious there have been 3 I've been in all of them, fairly good performance too. There is one just started, in it as well So 4 since Sept 2015 that's sort of underwhelming don't you think. Based on that the primitive tribes are nothing but an after thought in CC no wonder there is lack of interest from those members or for the active ones such as myself frustration.

Did the planners at CC start this recent tournament as an afterthought as well because primitive tribes were completely left out of the Olympic tournament as a group, not one single event just for us .
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:51 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
riskllama wrote:how else does one expect to get better other than by playing higher calibre opponents? guy's a whiner/butthurt loser, imo. mookie does bring up an interesting concept, tho - aren't there 3 clan divisions? maybe set up a 3 tired tourney system, too : stripers, lt.-maj.,col. - conq. might be a lot of work for the TO's, tho. *shrugs*

Something along those lines is what I was kinda thinking when I was talking with him. Granted I don't really know much at all about tribes and how that all works.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:09 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
riskllama wrote:how else does one expect to get better other than by playing higher calibre opponents? guy's a whiner/butthurt loser, imo. mookie does bring up an interesting concept, tho - aren't there 3 clan divisions? maybe set up a 3 tired tourney system, too : stripers, lt.-maj.,col. - conq. might be a lot of work for the TO's, tho. *shrugs*

Something along those lines is what I was kinda thinking when I was talking with him. Granted I don't really know much at all about tribes and how that all works.[/quote

Your opinion doesn't really mean much to me riskllamafor many reason, in this case you have basically contradicted yourself by calling me a whiner/butthurt loser then supporting my point.

CC is not any different than any other type of game based organization weather it be virtual or a game such as hockey, your Canadian something you understand. Some people aren't as good as you for various reason and aren't interested in becoming better but would like to be involved in tournament play. I would like to do that but I would show up at a triple A tournament with a team of single A players and expect to have fun would they, nor would the triple A have fun or improve either.

Ice pack made a comment that there are tournaments for the primitive tribes I found 3 completed and 1 just started. That's pretty lame imo, since we are handing out opinions. Let's use hockey as an example again there are just as many single A tournaments in any sport as triple A, probably more because the recreational players are just as profitable and a mush much larger group than the rep players.

CC should recognize this as well instead of having a collective view that it is designed for superior players in elite clans only and if you don't make the grade you on the outside.

An example is the Olympic events for Freeimum players I will bet that majority of these players will be clan members or the senior tribe members with high ranks instead of those in the primitive tribes
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby IcePack on Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:59 am

tpotter7704 wrote:
IcePack wrote:There still are events for the 4 primitive tribes open thru the tournament tab

Your not serious there have been 3 I've been in all of them, fairly good performance too. There is one just started, in it as well So 4 since Sept 2015 that's sort of underwhelming don't you think. Based on that the primitive tribes are nothing but an after thought in CC no wonder there is lack of interest from those members or for the active ones such as myself frustration.

Did the planners at CC start this recent tournament as an afterthought as well because primitive tribes were completely left out of the Olympic tournament as a group, not one single event just for us .

I am serious, I know the other day a new one was in sign ups.
I do think that 4 is under whelming, and there was supposed to be a lot more.
It has nothing to do with being an after thought. These things are run by people.

Tribes had started and then had a period of inactivity. Recently the section was taken over and restarted by the Tournament team. The team has only been in place a short time and are rebuilding it.

Primitive tribes arent left out of the olympics, you are free to compete in it as a tribe just as the last few years. In fact I think it was MYS that's done well last year, and another one the year before? Iirc

Nothing is stopping you from participating there but instead of asking questions or trying to understand why you just complain. Complaining is easy. Volunteering and putting on these events is not. If you're unhappy maybe you should volunteer and make it better. Contact mad777 if you are interested.

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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:30 am

There are occasional tournaments for shit tier players with a maximum point limit of 1500. You're basically saying you want to compete for trophies but don't like losing to better players.. git gud.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:06 am

IcePack wrote:
tpotter7704 wrote:
IcePack wrote:There still are events for the 4 primitive tribes open thru the tournament tab

Your not serious there have been 3 I've been in all of them, fairly good performance too. There is one just started, in it as well So 4 since Sept 2015 that's sort of underwhelming don't you think. Based on that the primitive tribes are nothing but an after thought in CC no wonder there is lack of interest from those members or for the active ones such as myself frustration.

Did the planners at CC start this recent tournament as an afterthought as well because primitive tribes were completely left out of the Olympic tournament as a group, not one single event just for us .

I am serious, I know the other day a new one was in sign ups.
I do think that 4 is under whelming, and there was supposed to be a lot more.
It has nothing to do with being an after thought. These things are run by people.

Tribes had started and then had a period of inactivity. Recently the section was taken over and restarted by the Tournament team. The team has only been in place a short time and are rebuilding it.

Primitive tribes arent left out of the olympics, you are free to compete in it as a tribe just as the last few years. In fact I think it was MYS that's done well last year, and another one the year before? Iirc

Nothing is stopping you from participating there but instead of asking questions or trying to understand why you just complain. Complaining is easy. Volunteering and putting on these events is not. If you're unhappy maybe you should volunteer and make it better. Contact mad777 if you are interested.

Ive played in every one of them and am in the present one . 24/36 is my record as an original CONQ member so I am aware of this.

Tribes are my only method of team play on here. I enjoy it but very little of it. I've asked to join clans in the past. I either get no answer or play a test match and after 1 game or so never hear from anyone again. It sort of leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and yep I get negative about it, sort of like the same way your getting when your addressing me now which I see as negative. In stead of trying to see it from my point of view you label me as a complainer, when I see my comment as a valid point.

There are not any primitive tribe only events in the Olympics that I can see please correct me if I am wrong. Primitive tribes have become my method of play to have some sort of team involvement.

As for volunteering to make it better I have a completely different view of this site read my reply to riskllama if you haven't already not sure if it makes a good argument to others, but it does to me. So I feel I'd be making an uphill battle with the established Clan type player.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:09 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:There are occasional tournaments for shit tier players with a maximum point limit of 1500. You're basically saying you want to compete for trophies but don't like losing to better players.. git gud.

I am saying there are different levels of players and within those levels are better players and that CC does nothing to support these players ie primitive clans.

And then open the tribe sphere to anyone which enables senior clans which much much more experience in tournament play to come along and Ambush the primitive tribes yep I'm referring SM slaughter of CONQ by Josko.ri.

I jumped at the chance excited to be in a tribunal tournament , pretty surprising to find out this was mostly a tribe of a powerhouse clan that embarrassed us. I would have never entered it knowing that it would be so lopsided 8-37.

I've been accused of not asking questions but complaining here are a few questions
Why was this allowed to happen instead of leaving a forum for those who want to be less competitive
Why is the attitude of this site so skewed towards superior play and not inclusive to everyone re Iamcaffine reference to those with less that 1500 as shit.This is the predominate attitude on this site.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby IcePack on Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:31 am

tpotter7704 wrote: Tribes are my only method of team play on here. I enjoy it but very little of it. I've asked to join clans in the past. I either get no answer or play a test match and after 1 game or so never hear from anyone again. It sort of leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and yep I get negative about it, sort of like the same way your getting when your addressing me now which I see as negative. In stead of trying to see it from my point of view you label me as a complainer, when I see my comment as a valid point.

I think it's going to start happening more often (I'm not part of the team so idk for sure) but there's a new team in place running the section and likely more active now then it was.

Clans are totally diff then tribes, some clans have very high standards, some are inactive, some might not be as organized. A lot of new players or ppl trying to get into clans apply at the highest level, which usually isn't realistic. Unfortunately everything thinks they're a great player but usually they aren't. But the higher ranked clans are probably more likely to respond (even with a no). You could also contact inactive clans who obviously wouldn't be very responsive. Lower ranked clans might be willing to take but usually are lower ranked either bcuz they are less organized, or just playing with a. Group of friends, etc. so clans that might be able and willing to take on players maynot be as good communicating.

I'm sorry you're taking my reply as "negative". My original post was to inform you that they were starting with primitive tribe events again. Then I basically agreed with you saying the past was under whelming. I go onto in my last post to explain why there was the downturn in activity.

You also sounded like you thought you couldn't participate at all, and I said yes you could. Now primitive ONLY is different then primitive able to participate. I did say you had a valid point (see above about agreeing w you) and saw your point of view.

There are not any primitive tribe only events in the Olympics that I can see please correct me if I am wrong. Primitive tribes have become my method of play to have some sort of team involvement.

I haven't looked, idk if they had those events in the past either.

As for volunteering to make it better I have a completely different view of this site read my reply to riskllama if you haven't already not sure if it makes a good argument to others, but it does to me. So I feel I'd be making an uphill battle with the established Clan type player.

Ok I went and reread it and don't see anything about volunteering really addressed. I get the hockey analogy of different tiers but you don't really address volunteering.

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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:54 am

IcePack wrote:
tpotter7704 wrote: Tribes are my only method of team play on here. I enjoy it but very little of it. I've asked to join clans in the past. I either get no answer or play a test match and after 1 game or so never hear from anyone again. It sort of leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and yep I get negative about it, sort of like the same way your getting when your addressing me now which I see as negative. In stead of trying to see it from my point of view you label me as a complainer, when I see my comment as a valid point.

I think it's going to start happening more often (I'm not part of the team so idk for sure) but there's a new team in place running the section and likely more active now then it was.

Clans are totally diff then tribes, some clans have very high standards, some are inactive, some might not be as organized. A lot of new players or ppl trying to get into clans apply at the highest level, which usually isn't realistic. Unfortunately everything thinks they're a great player but usually they aren't. But the higher ranked clans are probably more likely to respond (even with a no). You could also contact inactive clans who obviously wouldn't be very responsive. Lower ranked clans might be willing to take but usually are lower ranked either bcuz they are less organized, or just playing with a. Group of friends, etc. so clans that might be able and willing to take on players maynot be as good communicating.

I'm sorry you're taking my reply as "negative". My original post was to inform you that they were starting with primitive tribe events again. Then I basically agreed with you saying the past was under whelming. I go onto in my last post to explain why there was the downturn in activity.

You also sounded like you thought you couldn't participate at all, and I said yes you could. Now primitive ONLY is different then primitive able to participate. I did say you had a valid point (see above about agreeing w you) and saw your point of view.

There are not any primitive tribe only events in the Olympics that I can see please correct me if I am wrong. Primitive tribes have become my method of play to have some sort of team involvement.

I haven't looked, idk if they had those events in the past either.

As for volunteering to make it better I have a completely different view of this site read my reply to riskllama if you haven't already not sure if it makes a good argument to others, but it does to me. So I feel I'd be making an uphill battle with the established Clan type player.

Ok I went and reread it and don't see anything about volunteering really addressed. I get the hockey analogy of different tiers but you don't really address volunteering.

My reference to the hockey analogy and volunteering is that my attitude is more inline with the single A teams and there seems to be very little done on CC to support that type of play. So I would be volunteering for what exactly something I don't support IMO so what benefit would I be to CC. Please convince me otherwise

Read above post to Iamcaffine about the only tribe tournament I have been in and what happened in it. I have been realitevly quite on this site for almost a year(as can be seen by my ratings page compared to my overall #) until that happened patiently waiting or hoping for something to start up in the tribe play again. It shouldn't have been another forum for existing clans to compete. I asked one of them why didn't they join an existing primitive tribe to help one of them out instead . No response another example of cliquish mentality.

There is another question how do you even organize these tribes I can't even group email on here.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby IcePack on Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:20 am

CC is literally run by volunteers. So if there are no volunteers / support, then little gets done there. See my point? You say there's no support so why volunteer, while I'm saying there's no support because people aren't volunteering who have a vested interest in the area. Understand?

Past Tribal efforts are in the past. They've rebooted with new leaders and starting up again. Judge them for now not before, they just started a few months ago.

"You asked one of them". Who is them? Clans don't have anything to do with tribes. So I'm not sure what you are talking about as far as cliquish clans go when in regards to tribes. People join advanced tribes over primitive because they want a leader who can organize them. Primitive tribes seem to lack those people who lead.

You should have a forum area for your primitive tribes if you wanna post there, but yeah there really isn't group email so that's not an option. It's intended that it would be organized via the forum

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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:40 pm

You're basically saying you want to play casually and less serious and yet still compete for trophies.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:33 pm

IcePack wrote:CC is literally run by volunteers. So if there are no volunteers / support, then little gets done there. See my point? You say there's no support so why volunteer, while I'm saying there's no support because people aren't volunteering who have a vested interest in the area. Understand?

Understand and see your point, my point is that I believe that my views are so different from the volunteer group that I would be of no help to the site.

Past Tribal efforts are in the past. They've rebooted with new leaders and starting up again. Judge them for now not before, they just started a few months ago.

"You asked one of them". Who is them? Clans don't have anything to do with tribes. So I'm not sure what you are talking about as far as cliquish clans go when in regards to tribes. People join advanced tribes over primitive because they want a leader who can organize them. Primitive tribes seem to lack those people who lead.

You should have a forum area for your primitive tribes if you wanna post there, but yeah there really isn't group email so that's not an option. It's intended that it would be organized via the forum
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby tpotter7704 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:34 pm

tpotter7704 wrote:
IcePack wrote:CC is literally run by volunteers. So if there are no volunteers / support, then little gets done there. See my point? You say there's no support so why volunteer, while I'm saying there's no support because people aren't volunteering who have a vested interest in the area. Understand?

Past Tribal efforts are in the past. They've rebooted with new leaders and starting up again. Judge them for now not before, they just started a few months ago.

"You asked one of them". Who is them? Clans don't have anything to do with tribes. So I'm not sure what you are talking about as far as cliquish clans go when in regards to tribes. People join advanced tribes over primitive because they want a leader who can organize them. Primitive tribes seem to lack those people who lead.

You should have a forum area for your primitive tribes if you wanna post there, but yeah there really isn't group email so that's not an option. It's intended that it would be organized via the forum
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby Thorthoth on Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:46 am

This thread is really 'Special'.
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:54 pm

So basically the paralympics?
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:43 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:So basically the paralympics?

Please don't get Symmetry started on that again :roll:
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Re: Olympic tourneys for less accomplished players?

Postby King_Herpes on Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:42 pm

IcePack wrote:CC is literally run by volunteers. So if there are no volunteers / support, then little gets done there. See my point? You say there's no support so why volunteer, while I'm saying there's no support because people aren't volunteering who have a vested interest in the area. Understand?

Yes, I do.

Except what doesn't seem to be understood is that everybody wants these things to be done for them and preferably for a cheaper price.

So why are we asking players to volunteer when they don't want to because they want the people that are already doing them to continue to do those things and more?
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