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Noted Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse [ka]

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Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse [ka]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:04 pm


The accused are suspected of:
Intentional Deadbeating
Ratings Abuse
Being Incredibly Unsuccessful

Game number(s):
Game 17514142

2017-06-21 01:45:26 - Success: sorry didnt mean to join this, misclicked.
2017-07-07 20:44:55 - Success: wow this guy is clueless I said sorry for joining, im going to deadbeat the rest of my turns, peace.

Here we see this rather mediocre player accidentally joined a team game and decided to deadbeat because he couldn't be bothered with his partner. Mithandrils ability is completely irrelevant in this game and whether he's the new albiestar or blitz, that doesn't mean you can just deadbeat. The guy was actually better than I expected, for the record.

So after deadbeating, getting severely donked on and generally being a shit player, Success left me a rating of all 1s. Yes, we have played other games before, but they were a long time ago and this rating is brand new. If you look here, he seems to rate poorly quite often: ... me=Success

Success gave fersum an all 1 star rating after Game 16774893 where it seems others agreed that our hero here was stepping out of line. The pleasantries continue in Game 16886260.

Success rates HVAC R all 1s with the tags clueless and follower, despite there being no direct communication between them in their most recent encounter, Game 14761425. It seems that although our rather salty hero loves to tag others as a sore loser, it would be a much more apt description for himself.

Success rates joshzam all 1s after getting severely donked upon in all their recent battles: Game 17498279, Game 17296036 & Game 17257640. It's truly a shame I wasted a sore loser joke earlier when this would be the ideal moment!

It's quite clear that if Success gets upset about his lack of Success, he rates others as if they're the ones at fault. He also intentionally deadbeats.

On top of this, Success should also have a compulsory name change. His current username is a heinous lie that should not be believed under any circumstance and is largely ironic. How he got into FOED I honestly have no idea as over in Aeternus we quickly realised he has the attitude of codeblue's shit stains and the strategic ability of a retarded rabbit. He's like the spoilt kid of the group who thinks they're relevant and what they say matters when nobody worth a minute of your time actually cares about his existence. Most unfortunate, and definitely not a successful lifestyle to lead.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby BoganGod on Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:48 pm

Damn, irony alert. Should have posted a trigger warning for the luvvies. Am sure you've triggered more than a few leftie cucks by suggesting that naming something doesn't turn it into that thing. Calling yourself success doesn't make you successful? What will you suggest next, calling yourself a woman when you were assigned male gender at birth doesn't make you a woman? You hate speech spreading bigot.
I laughed when codeblue turned Aeturnass down :lol: not everyday you get knocked back by someone that has been a brig FIVE times!!!!!!
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:34 am

BoganGod wrote:I laughed when codeblue turned Aeturnass down :lol: not everyday you get knocked back by someone that has been a brig FIVE times!!!!!!

When did that happen?
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby mrswdk on Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:34 am

So much whine. Or is that wine? Gal a kotch.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby notyou2 on Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:43 pm

Looks to me like success is using the ratings system correctly, or should I say successfully?
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby GoranZ on Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:12 pm

You get his points but they arrived with a price.

Foe and move on... max you gonna get.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:46 pm

Yeah most likely, and his one stars don't affect my rating anyway. He should get punished for intentionally deadbeating however, especially leaving a teammate in the lurch like that. If nothing happens he'll just do it again, although I wouldn't be surprised if this is a repeat occurrence. He's a very salty character.

I also wanted to use this thread to question why FOED would recruit him.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby willedtowin1 on Fri Aug 11, 2017 7:08 am

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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:26 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:Yeah most likely, and his one stars don't affect my rating anyway. He should get punished for intentionally deadbeating however, especially leaving a teammate in the lurch like that. If nothing happens he'll just do it again, although I wouldn't be surprised if this is a repeat occurrence. He's a very salty character.

I also wanted to use this thread to question why FOED would recruit him.

You generally need at LEAST 5 instances for them to consider giving out a Warning, and they for the most part need to be fairly recent. Can't go and dig up 4 other games from 4 years ago.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:52 pm

TheForgivenOne wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Yeah most likely, and his one stars don't affect my rating anyway. He should get punished for intentionally deadbeating however, especially leaving a teammate in the lurch like that. If nothing happens he'll just do it again, although I wouldn't be surprised if this is a repeat occurrence. He's a very salty character.

I also wanted to use this thread to question why FOED would recruit him.

You generally need at LEAST 5 instances for them to consider giving out a Warning, and they for the most part need to be fairly recent. Can't go and dig up 4 other games from 4 years ago.

That's for rating abuse.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:55 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Yeah most likely, and his one stars don't affect my rating anyway. He should get punished for intentionally deadbeating however, especially leaving a teammate in the lurch like that. If nothing happens he'll just do it again, although I wouldn't be surprised if this is a repeat occurrence. He's a very salty character.

I also wanted to use this thread to question why FOED would recruit him.

You generally need at LEAST 5 instances for them to consider giving out a Warning, and they for the most part need to be fairly recent. Can't go and dig up 4 other games from 4 years ago.

That's for rating abuse.

Last I remember it was even for Deadbeating. Granted I'm a bit rusty. 8-[

Reason being everyone and their mommas will be in here complaining about someone db'ing.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:09 pm

There's a difference between deadbeating because you've left the site or couldn't get a sitter and intentionally deadbeating. I've never seen the latter need 5 examples.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby willedtowin1 on Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:28 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:There's a difference between deadbeating because you've left the site or couldn't get a sitter and intentionally deadbeating. I've never seen the latter need 5 examples.

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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:00 am

Apparently you think it's acceptable for someone to deadbeat and leave their teammate alone simply because they don't want to partner with them. Ironic that you're in a clan.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby willedtowin1 on Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:33 am

you are acting petty over a 1 time incident.
he didnt want to play the let it go =/
its time to move on.....

dont you think you are being a bit overzealous ?
why does it seem you are always looking to get people in trouble for the silliest things?
dont you really think this is minor? Or do you have a chip on your shoulder about this guy?
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:40 am

I think he's a jumped up idiot who wears shoes too big for his feet. Just because someone isn't a good player shouldn't be used as an excuse to deadbeat a game, especially when the accused is a mediocre player at best and started off pretty bad himself.

I don't think I've got a chip on my shoulder over anyone to be honest, and I'm not sure why you think I try and get people in trouble for the silliest things. Feel free to prove me wrong though.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby willedtowin1 on Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:16 am

you are simply being to ANAL.........
they didnt have a chance anyway at that point =/
they other guy didnt really have anything to lose....
mute point unless you are head hunting for people.
Or probably your pissed about the
quit wasting MOD's time Bubba
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:53 am

I barely ever check my ratings, they don't change my overall any more so what's the point? The only person wasting their time here is you. If you're just gonna be an annoying prick and disagree with the report then you may as well stop posting - you have nothing to add here.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby willedtowin1 on Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:24 am

you always get so defensive when people disagree with you.
you just have a mean and angry demeanor whenever you don't get your way.......
as far as I am concerned about posting..... I am aloud a voice and opinion.
and unlike you....I don't resort to constant name calling when voicing it.

Seriously..... dont you see this as being a bit to anal being a 1 time incident
because some guy decided he didnt want to play 1 game? :-s
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:24 am

I'm not defensive or angry, I'm just a dickhead quite often and you disagreeing in this thread is literally inane. There is no point. It's not for you to decide the outcome and I personally think that Success' repetitive behaviour shouldn't go unnoticed. I don't think you'd dismiss it so easily if a partner decided not to play with you and therefore deadbeated their game, you just want to disagree. Hop off until you say something relevant.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby riskllama on Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:54 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote: I'm just a dickhead quite often

nailed it, have a toffee.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby king achilles on Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:38 pm

For now, I can only note this report for future reference.
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse & Being Unsucces

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:08 am

king achilles wrote:For now, I can only note this report for future reference.

Thanks. Chances are he'll do it again.

riskllama wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote: I'm just a dickhead quite often

nailed it, have a toffee.

Sugar free?
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Re: Success - Intentional DB, Ratings Abuse [ka]

Postby BoganGod on Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:33 am

Willy gets the troll effort achievement award for the week. Well done Willy, feel free to venture the forum that can't be named to discuss your prize with your brethren.
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