Conquer Club


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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby death_of_nations on Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:22 am

is there only myself whom is sick to death(no pun intended) od idiots who leave you negative feedback and you have no way to respond? for example, if you think some1 is cheating and you want to leave negative, you have to wait till the game is over. obviously you will be out 1st as you have been cheated. you may not leave negative for this person until the game ends. the cheaters only have to wait till you are offline and then finish the game. they quickly leave you neagative on the flimsiest of reasons and bingo, you can-not leave them negative as no matter what, it will be classed as revenge. anything you say no matter how relevant will be classed as revenge. i had a game where there where 3 players left in. for over 20 throws these other 2 where so obviously cheating together it was laughable. i ended up after 20 throws just giving them loads and saying why dont you attack one another for once etc, . iu then suicided as i just couldnt take the bare faced cheek of it any longer. i was waiting till the game finished so i could leave negative for them. how-ever, the player who was cheating the most player, steelmind, waited untill the early hours when decent people are asleep to finish the game. he instantly left negative for me as was expected and i thought the moderaters would be on to this ages old trick. i then left negative for him stating why etc. and then contacted the moderaters to have his removed, explaining everything. only the most stupid moderater could still fall for this old ncheats trick and yet he did. after 10 days i still had no reply and so i checked the cheats feedback and found his has been removed a week b4. utterly unbeleivable. on many levels but mostly that this old trick is still being allowed. pathetic
Cook death_of_nations
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:39 pm

Postby AK_iceman on Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:14 pm

As I've explained to you in PM's, that is not how the Feedback system works. Just because he left you feedback first doesn't automatically make yours revenge feedback on him. If you would like to discuss this, please make a topic in General Discussion. But as this doesn't have to do with cheating OR abuse, I'm calling the locksmith. :)
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