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Noted Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping

Postby TeeGee on Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:56 am

TeeGee wrote:while necrobumping in itself is not an offense, excessive necrobumping is. I am currently looking into it.

After further review, i have decided the best course of action is to NOTE this for now.

As a forum mod who has been striving to increase forum activity over the past couple of years I see some benefits in reviving old threads, however I can also see it is annoying to regular users when too many threads are bumped without real reason in a short period of time. I will continue to monitor the situation.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby mrswdk on Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:42 am

Key word being 'reviving', not 'dumping its lifeless corpse'.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Thorthoth on Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:01 am

mrswdk wrote:Key word being 'reviving', not 'dumping its lifeless corpse'.

mr. swdk, that has nothing to do with the age of the thread.
Most of the threads you poop out are stillbirths from the very first post.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:31 pm

Why is this being noted when I've reported twice before and been told that action - whatever it was - had been taken in regards to the frequent necrobumping? This should be a warning.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Thorthoth on Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:23 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:Why is this being noted when I've reported twice before and been told that action - whatever it was - had been taken in regards to the frequent necrobumping? This should be a warning.

Civilization has progressed since then. More and more enlightened people are understanding that 'n****bumping. isn't even a real thing.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:50 am

TeeGee wrote:
TeeGee wrote:while necrobumping in itself is not an offense, excessive necrobumping is. I am currently looking into it.

After further review, i have decided the best course of action is to NOTE this for now.

As a forum mod who has been striving to increase forum activity over the past couple of years I see some benefits in reviving old threads, however I can also see it is annoying to regular users when too many threads are bumped without real reason in a short period of time. I will continue to monitor the situation.

TeeGee wrote:however I can also see it is annoying to regular users when too many threads are bumped without real reason in a short period of time.

TeeGee wrote:Common sense prevails - if you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable for others, you may be removed from it. It's that simple. This applies to any part of the site where interaction takes place; in Forums, Private Messages, Live Chat and Game Chat


I don't get it. The threads he's been bumping are from 06, and have little to nothing to discuss about. Like this one for example:

Is there really no standard to this? Why bump that thread? I understand it's an off topic forum, but why bump a thread over a decade old, when none of those users are active, and have 0 relevancy to practically everyone that is currently active in the forums? And that isn't even an isolated incident.

If this was indicated before, by another member, and was noted twice before, then where is the action? You locked several thread(s) because of the bumping, so it kind of defeats the purpose of keeping it active. And even then, if you're promoting an active forum, and no one that is currently active wants to either participate in those bumped threads, let alone bump them anyways, and then complain about it, why in the world would that help the activity of the forums, if at all? Absurd thinking...

Perhaps you're afraid of taking action against users because of said lack of activity. This isn't ban worthy, I'm asking for at least a warning, or a defined rule to where we don't necrobump useless threads. That's the barebones argument.

I get it, the forums and CC in general is lacking in terms of activity, but I have stated a couple times as to the possible whys' and giving some sort of solution to it. Actually advertising the site itself for example. Paid advertisement. Put the damn thing on YouTube, or Facebook or something!

Please at least revise the ruling, actually look it over, check the users post history, or for the very least, define the rule on necrobumping in general. Thorthoth is a troll. It's damn clear he's a troll, and he isn't bumping this for others enjoyment, but for the sake of pissing people off, which he accomplished.
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saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping

Postby Thorthoth on Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:50 am

DirtyDishSoap wrote:I don't get it. The threads he's been bumping are from 06, and have little to nothing to discuss about. Like this one for example:

NO. What you don't get, DDS, is that your not liking a forum thread does NOT in any way make it worthy of banning, warning, foeing, C&A reporting, or your selfish griping.
Just give it a rest, you've abused the C&A forum with this nuisance claim long enough.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:57 pm

Stop necrobumping this thread.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Thorthoth on Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:32 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Stop necrobumping this thread.

Thank you Yoshi for underscoring my point about the meaningless of the term, 'n****bump'.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Symmetry on Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:11 pm

Thorthoth wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:Stop necrobumping this thread.

Thank you Yoshi for underscoring my point about the meaningless of the term, 'n****bump'.

Honestly dude, you're abusing a lot of people's generosity.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Thorthoth on Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:35 pm

Symmetry wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:Stop necrobumping this thread.

Thank you Yoshi for underscoring my point about the meaningless of the term, 'n****bump'.

Honestly dude, you're abusing a lot of people's generosity.

Sym-bot, there are a lot of fake people around here, but you are the FAKEST of all. Seriously, for reals.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:43 am

He's not fake, he's just a troll and also quite obvious about his views.. How do you define that as fake? You're a troll too, just one that is never amusing.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Thorthoth on Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:46 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:He's not fake, he's just a troll and also quite obvious about his views.. How do you define that as fake? You're a troll too, just one that is never amusing.

You're one 'three', IAC.

Now go off somewhere and savour Symdiot's 'realness'.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:02 pm

I'm pretty open about my opinions and views on stuff. I also don't think that my participation in the community is trolling though.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Thorthoth on Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:31 am

Symmetry wrote:I'm pretty open about my opinions and views on stuff. I also don't think that my participation in the community is trolling though.

Wow, look at that.
Sym accidentally answered a question... because nobody directly asked him.

That is a notably rare event, despite the answer's lack of veracity.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby notyou2 on Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:12 am

The worst part of this whole thing is we lost 11 years of threads, but TT bumped pointless threads that wouldn't have been missed.
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Re: Thorthoth Necrobumping [tg]

Postby Thorthoth on Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:54 pm

notyou2 wrote:The worst part of this whole thing is we lost 11 years of threads, but TT bumped pointless threads that wouldn't have been missed.

Obviously everybody is going to like (or 'miss') different threads... so all we learned here is that notyou2 is a selfish jerk that only cares about his own pet threads.
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