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Closed ronc8649 - holding me hostage

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ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby josko.ri on Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:25 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Holding me hostage in a game he won>

Game number(s):

Game 17399549

ronc8649 joined several my games. While I normally played every game and normally finished my winning game, for example Game 17399554, he is holding me hostage in Game 17399549 and he refuses to finish the game which is clearly won by him. Additionally, after my warning that holding me hostage is against the site rules, he admits in the public thread that he is holding me hostage, as can be seen here:

ronc8649 wrote:put me in c and a again. i will hold you hostage.

I expect disciplinary action against him as well that the game should be completed, if not by him then by admins, because the game is clearly decided and over.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby mrswdk on Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:20 am

You two are so cute together.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby BoganGod on Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:41 am

How is this different from you getting friends like moonchild to play turns slow or RT as your needs dictate......
Are you trying to get admin to help you point dump by forcing Ronc to play how you want him to. Where does your desire to be in control end?
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby BoganGod on Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:50 am

Have had a look at the game, clear evidence that josko is trying to point dump. Deploying troops to let one of his players be eliminated. Making no effort to swing the tide of the game. The josko that I've played with and against, had morals, and never gave up. The medal obsessed sell out is different. Would encourage all to carefully read the game log. Mods throw this out, give josko if he isn't a protected species a wrist slap for a spurious and grossly hypocritical accusation.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby josko.ri on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:00 am

BoganGod wrote:Have had a look at the game, clear evidence that josko is trying to point dump. Deploying troops to let one of his players be eliminated. Making no effort to swing the tide of the game.

In turn before that ronc had 11v1,1,1,1 chance to eliminate me yet he ended the turn and did not attack me.
2 turns before, ronc had 12v1,1,1,1 chance to kill me but he just deployed troops and ended, did not even take card.

I choose not to attack his troops so that admins who review the C&A case can see that he had 11 troops there and refused to finish the game, therefore holding me hostage.

If I had attacked the 11 troops then it would be unknown how many troops he had there before the attack, so then he could claim that he had 2-3 and could not kill me.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby ronsizzle on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:01 am

ronc8649 wrote:put me in c and a again. i will hold you hostage. citizens arrest motherfucker

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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby BoganGod on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:28 am

josko.ri wrote:
BoganGod wrote:Have had a look at the game, clear evidence that josko is trying to point dump. Deploying troops to let one of his players be eliminated. Making no effort to swing the tide of the game.

In turn before that ronc had 11v1,1,1,1 chance to eliminate me yet he ended the turn and did not attack me.
2 turns before, ronc had 12v1,1,1,1 chance to kill me but he just deployed troops and ended, did not even take card.

I choose not to attack his troops so that admins who review the C&A case can see that he had 11 troops there and refused to finish the game, therefore holding me hostage.

If I had attacked the 11 troops then it would be unknown how many troops he had there before the attack, so then he could claim that he had 2-3 and could not kill me.

Again, aside from the fact that you are cheating, and point dumping. People have 24hrs to take their turns, and no one is forcing them to attack. You have attacking options. So rather than crying that he is doing nothing, you can test how truly random the dice are. He does not have to claim anything. He doesn't have to help you point dump. You have neutrals you can attack, you have the card lead. You can hit his stack. You have options. You wouldn't give up if you were really playing to your best ability. You are just clowning yourself.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby bobdakota on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:40 am

It has been ruled before that holding players hostage only applies to freemiums.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby BoganGod on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:46 am

bobdakota wrote:It has been ruled before that holding players hostage only applies to freemiums.

true that, thank you for reminding us all.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby josko.ri on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:48 am

bobdakota wrote:It has been ruled before that holding players hostage only applies to freemiums.

It is not true, TheCrown id it versus many players and it was ruled to be against rules.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby BoganGod on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:51 am

bobdakota wrote:It has been ruled before that holding players hostage only applies to freemiums.

Don't worry I believe you, and agree with you. The crown case had a few unique elements to it.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby ronsizzle on Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:04 pm

it is amazing to me. this dude has no clue. from listening to him, he really thinks he is the most honest player on this site. it is like blitzaholic is right in front of my eyes but with terrible grammar and no good qualities.

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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:56 am

josko.ri I don't consider this a hostage game. I don't know how many troops he had when he ended his turn in round 4 so I don't know if he could have eliminated you then. But I don't know why you only deploy and end turn. You want the game to end but what if the CC dice are on your side? If you attack and win you can start a thread in GD with the title CC dice are great.

Going to mark this CLOSED.

If he does end up holding you hostage resubmit your complaint.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:26 am

Evil Semp wrote:josko.ri I don't consider this a hostage game. I don't know how many troops he had when he ended his turn in round 4 so I don't know if he could have eliminated you then. But I don't know why you only deploy and end turn. You want the game to end but what if the CC dice are on your side? If you attack and win you can start a thread in GD with the title CC dice are great.

Going to mark this CLOSED.

If he does end up holding you hostage resubmit your complaint.

At first I find it disappointing that you as judge here do not read all the evidence. If you read all the evidence you would find where I explained why I did not attack on my turn, so I repeat:
I choose not to attack his troops so that admins who review the C&A case can see that he had 11 troops there and refused to finish the game, therefore holding me hostage.

You can see that he had 11 and I had 1,1,1,1 yet he did not attack me to hold me hostage. The turn before he had 12 and I had 1,1,1,1 because he deployed 11 and ended the turn without attacking me. The last turn he intentionally missed turn to not eliminate me.

You also have his quote in the other thread where he is saying "I will hold you hostage". What more than that you need to know that he is indeed holding me hostage?
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:35 am

josko.ri wrote:
You also have his quote in the other thread where he is saying "I will hold you hostage". What more than that you need to know that he is indeed holding me hostage?

you have to take things i say with a grain of salt my dear buddy josko. like for example. i will use cats as murderous animals with intent of biting and eating dogs in japan.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:49 am

I don't consider it a hostage game for several reasons.

-He does not have to kill every country in a turn.
-By you only deploying you are possibly prolonging the game the game also.

I also didn't his quote because he says things just to rile you up and at the time wasn't and still isn't [IMO] a hostage game.

Ronc please finish the game.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:17 pm

Evil Semp wrote:I don't consider it a hostage game for several reasons.

-He does not have to kill every country in a turn.
-By you only deploying you are possibly prolonging the game the game also.

I also didn't his quote because he says things just to rile you up and at the time wasn't and still isn't [IMO] a hostage game.

Ronc please finish the game.

i got you bro. on my next turn i will.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby owenshooter on Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:40 pm

Evil Semp wrote:I don't consider it a hostage game for several reasons.


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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:49 pm

owenshooter wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:I don't consider it a hostage game for several reasons.


great ruling, evil...-Jésus noir

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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby eddie2 on Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:58 pm

hey ronc he quoting your 1 game against the crowns 100 games he was holding people hostage in to manipulate the score board. josko think you need to remember 1 thing.

kort don't exist anymore. your not in a clan with the majority or department leaders to manipulate results in your favour any more. he he suck it up cupcake it is a new era on cc, one where you are not the majority voice.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby owenshooter on Mon May 01, 2017 10:52 am

eddie2 wrote: suck it up cupcake it is a new era on cc, one where you are not the majority voice.

amen!!! KORT no longer rules/manipulates all things CC!!!-Jésus noir
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby josko.ri on Tue May 02, 2017 11:26 am

Evil Semp wrote:If he does end up holding you hostage resubmit your complaint.

Game 17399549

He continues to hold me hostage so I am resubmitting My complaint. Will someone finally make the disciplinary action versus him for blatantly breaking rules?
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby IcePack on Tue May 02, 2017 11:42 am

Maybe I'm wrong but generally holding someone hostage isn't one turn. It's refusing to end the game after many turns etc?
I didn't look that much at the comments here, just checked the game. Seemed he attacked and stopped @ a 8vs4 and reinforced 7. Most would go for the elimination but could also be trying to make sure no dice fail and card. And if he finishes it next turn I wouldn't think its hostage holding

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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby josko.ri on Tue May 02, 2017 7:25 pm

IcePack wrote:Maybe I'm wrong but generally holding someone hostage isn't one turn. It's refusing to end the game after many turns etc?
I didn't look that much at the comments here, just checked the game. Seemed he attacked and stopped @ a 8vs4 and reinforced 7. Most would go for the elimination but could also be trying to make sure no dice fail and card. And if he finishes it next turn I wouldn't think its hostage holding

He stopped at 8v1. It is now 8V4 because I deployed 3 the turn after.
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Re: ronc8649 - holding me hostage

Postby ronsizzle on Tue May 02, 2017 9:44 pm

josko.ri wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:I'm exhausted listening to you act like a fucking baby

Josko sorry.

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