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Closed josko.ri [ka]

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Re: josko.ri

Postby IcePack on Mon May 01, 2017 9:05 am

Maybe you want to stick to the case and relevant facts instead of insulting people who disagree Caff?

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Re: josko.ri

Postby eddie2 on Mon May 01, 2017 9:08 am

Hey donelladen not saying u are mate. Just responding to your direct comment to me.

To the thread
And guess what someone wins the medal they were chasing and stops chasing it, you would never of guessed that would you.

What the op is doing is a vindictive thread like joskos and like icepack has said tit for tat. All of you would argue the point if each of these threads were via yourselfs. If out of these crap c and a reports actually fet a result thats the precident set and guess what another load of people leaving site because they cannot play how they want to week off more games,back to work less games., lets get rid of premium and have a max of 4 games across the board
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Re: josko.ri

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 01, 2017 9:14 am

Like 90% of the comments here are fucking irrelevant. Why say "he is still playing to win" when the accusation doesn't say he was doing otherwise? Some people here should read properly, take a few seconds to think it through and then post.

I'm curious as to how you find josko clearly abusing the system to earn the most improved medal acceptable. He hasn't improved. He is denying genuine, worthy players who are actually improving, the chance to win their deserved medal. How do you think that's okay? "Oh wow josko got back up from captain to brigadier bravo" okay but what about the guy who went from corporal to major because they are actually putting in effort to become better? Is it fair that he now doesn't get the medal?

The system cannot ever be fixed if these kind of underhand tactics are condoned. Is this what the medal was designed for? Obviously not, but ever since it's incarnation people have abused the scoreboard one way or another. It's impossible to fix if these kind of actions aren't dealt with as they should be. People say what josko is doing is fine but when others have done similar that's worse. They're all pathetic for trying to abuse the system. Ice how can you say he should be applauded when you know exactly what josko is doing?

Of course the other alternative is allow this kind of behaviour and the most improved leaderboard will be an absolute joke throughout its entire existence. Congrats.

Edit: Eddie stop posting in my fucking thread. This is not vindictive towards josko. If you actually knew shit about anything you'd know I've always opposed abusing the system for the most improved scoreboard and I always will. Now stop posting.
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Re: josko.ri

Postby eddie2 on Mon May 01, 2017 9:19 am

Award Time: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:43 pm
Award Reason:
Met requirements for Bronze
Award Time: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:41 pm
Award Reason:
Met requirements for Silver
Award Time: Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:01 pm
Award Reason:
Met requirements for Gold

All good but he stoped making the games when he got the gold medal. So ure the idiot. L l.

Hey josko next medal should be assasin or terminator you will be a cook next week.

And op have you ever thought josko might be chasing the medal leader achivement hence all the tourneys and things.
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Re: josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon May 01, 2017 9:20 am

Extreme Ways wrote:

This should be the relevant case earlier in C&A.
After evaluating the facts for this case, and I do respect the points from all those who have defended the accused. I also believe that the accused are both one of the few solid players of the website. However, what can not be denied are the games mentioned in this report:
Game number(s):
Game 17022225 started 29 Nov, betiko won 20 points on 29 Nov
Game 17022229 started 29 Nov, betiko won 20 points on 29 Nov
Game 17022226 started 29 Nov, betiko won 18 points on 30 Nov
Game 17024412 started 29 Nov, betiko won 19 points on 30 Nov
Game 17024413 started 29 Nov, betiko won 19 points on 30 Nov
Game 17024414 started 29 Nov, betiko won 20 points on 29 Nov
Game 17024416 started 29 Nov, betiko won 19 points on 30 Nov
Game 17022228 fairman will win but in December, still ongoing game because betiko played slow turns when he saw that he will lose.
Game 17022227 fairman will win but in December, still ongoing game because betiko played slow turns when he saw that he will lose.
Game 17024415 fairman won but on Dec 1 because betiko played slow turns when he saw that he will lose.

If there weren't any sort of game manipulation here, then there was at least an exploitation of when the games ended for the sole purpose of getting in the top ten monthly scoreboard. Even though there is no rule in "slowing" or quickly playing your turns, it's so easy to take control of how a game can be played out. It does look shady but still, for immediately comparing this with a past case involving a scheme that was done in a massive scale is still incomparable and the details of each case are different. Betiko simply wanted to catch up but to suddenly play several games with one player in one day and coincidentally winning many of them just in the nick of time - does look fishy. I strongly advise that for anyone who wants to catch up or improve their ranking on the monthly scoreboard, play with different people and play your games as honestly as one can.

No one is going to be removed or replaced from the monthly scoreboard out of this but this report should serve as a warning for the accused not to play like in those games again.

You could (not saying it will happen) apply the verdict to this case as well.

You bolded one part of the quoted verdict but I would bold the conclusion part saying "I strongly advise that for anyone who wants to catch up or improve their ranking on the monthly Scoreboard, play with different people and play your games as honestly as one can."

This is exactly what I did. I played tons of simple maps versus whoever wanted to join my games and I played my games as honestly as I could, achieving above average winning rate of 63%.

Additionally, I did not slow down winning games and speed up losing games what I COULD do without breaking any rule, therefore showing that I am playing with high class and respect for fair play rules.

And whoever thinks that going from 2000 to 4000 points within one month is simple task, I ask him to do so if he can. So far in history of CC it is unseen that someone made that kind of score jump except me, because it is task hard as a hell and definitely deserve to be awarded with the monthly medal.

Also as I already said in the other thread, this report is vindictive case of 4 jealous players versus me (Caff, ronc, Bogan and I wonder where is owenshooter). All other players who posted in the thread are defending my actions.
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Re: josko.ri

Postby IcePack on Mon May 01, 2017 9:50 am

Locked for everyone to take a breather and will unlock later

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Re: josko.ri

Postby king achilles on Mon May 01, 2017 9:01 pm

I want to comment that I feel like this is similar to someone reporting a player for taking back to back turns in a freestyle game because they find that kind of act as not in the spirit of how freestyle should be played and therefore must be treated as an abuse of the game.



If or when this gets unlocked, if this is about creating a new rule then this is not the forum to discuss about it.
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Re: josko.ri

Postby king achilles on Wed May 03, 2017 7:02 pm

I am moving this to Closed as this report is more about suggesting a new precedent or rule on how a player should get a medal from the monthly scoreboard.
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