Conquer Club

The Gorge

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The Gorge

Postby Eddygp on Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:19 pm

Map Name: [provisional] The Gorge
Mapmaker(s): I'll contribute as much as possible, but it'd be nice for someone with experience with graphics and/or XML to join
Number of Territories: N/A for now
Special Features: Here's where it shines, and bear with me - it will include an inner region that will have interesting gameplay while being just a medium to medium-hard gameplay map. I don't want anything crazy but I want very insightful options for victory. Hence, I have thought of a planning already (in terms of gameplay) of the inner gorge.
Image is quite self-explanatory, to be fair.
Some towers will be able to bombard the territories that are in the gorge and 2 territories away from the tower (marked with an "x" in the photo for an example tower).
The territories next to the tower (that cannot attack the tower) will have a one way attack to a certain territory and will receive a one-way attack from a different one. The latter will be able to be bombarded by the tower, but the first is shielded from the tower itself, so it should bring some interesting gameplay!!
After a line of -for now- idle territories in the gorge, it is symmetric and you get the same thing with the towers but facing inwards.
In the image I have not draw anything apart from the gorge, but I'm thinking about incorporating interesting gameplay. Bonuses will NOT be spatial regions but marked places (with coins, arrows, cows, whatever). The map will aim to be rather symmetrical and to EITHER connect the left with the right to avoid easy-to-defend corners OR control the bonuses cleverly to minimise voluntary "cornering". The main reason being that playing like that removes a section of the map from the game itself.
Top and bottom will NOT connect per se, although I would consider ways to bombard certain areas if someone came up with a nice idea.
The map won't have fancy flowery borders and it is not meant to represent any particular place or event.

What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:
It is meant to become a very playable and enjoyable gameplay-oriented map for those who want to be clever with technique, allow very interesting "adjacent fog trench" games that are not based on snail-race advancing... and who would rather avoid maps as complicated as King's Court.
I think Conquer Club has yet to fill the niche for a map like this.

Map Idea - Image:
Click image to enlarge.
This image is a sofilorry.
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Re: The Gorge

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:00 pm

Seems an awful lot like this:

Click image to enlarge.

While I'm glad we have the Trench Warfare map because it's great for WWI-themed tourneys, I'm not sure if we need another one.
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Re: The Gorge

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:20 am

-----No, it is not like trench...
-----What it reminds me of...Should be renamed...Julius Caesar and the battle of Alesia...Where his strategy was circumvallation...He built one wall around Alesia to trap the Gauls inside. A second wall around his forces. To prevent other Gaul troops from helping the city of Alesia. The Romans would be the ones in the middle of The Gorge as the map is so called at the moment. :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D
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