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Cleared ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

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ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:16 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: point dumping, consequently earning Gold Most Improved Medal

Game number(s):

Game 16312145
Game 16319783
Game 16321254 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16321289
Game 16323833
Game 16329036
Game 16329062
Game 16329073
Game 16329074 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329075 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329076 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329077 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329079 Deadbeat in Round 4
Game 16329080 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329081 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329082 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329083 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329085 Deadbeat in Round 7
Game 16329086 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329087 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329088 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16329089 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16334036 Deadbeat in Round 4
Game 16334157
Game 16340690
Game 16583963
Game 16583965 Deadbeat in Round 3
Game 16716092 Deadbeat in Round 3

Comments: ronc8649 left the site in July 2016 with point dumping his last 28 in a row games. Some of them were speeders which he just started and never played a single turn, deadbeating in round 3. Because of that point dumping he went from 1843 points (which he had before these 28 games started after winning Game 16310548) to 1127 points. He returned to the site this month and made huge improvement in his score from 1127 to 2585 with improvement rate of 129.4%.

He earned Gold Most Improved Medal (and took it away from me who legally earned it) solely because of his point dumping from February to July 2016 when he lost 28 games in a row, most of them by deadbeating in round 3 and never playing a single turn. For example, if he did not make the 28 games in a row point dumping then he would start the month with 1843 points and end the month approximately at 2800 points, which would make his improvement around 50% and he would not even be in top 10 on the Most Improved Scoreboard. However, his 2nd place on Monthly Leaders Scoreboard is still well deserved because even if he started with 1843 points he would still make improvement up until like 2800 which would grant him that medal.

I don't expect that admins punish him with disciplinary action because he likely did not have intention to cheat the system, he left the site and therefore he did not care to finish his remaining games from February to July 2016. However, I expect that admins remove him from the Most Improved Scoreboard and award Gold Medal to me and all lower Medals accordingly to players who honestly earned Medals.

He earned the Gold Most Improved Medal solely because of taking advantage of his point dumping and starting the month with 1127 points instead of with 1843 points, where he would be if he did not make point dumping.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby ronsizzle on Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:36 am

hey josko. thanks for having me here. i really appreciate the attention. not sure if japan has a hard time with internet or not, i know you had a hard time with radiation at some point...hope your grandparents werent fried motherfucker.

anyways. lag is a bitch on this site, and when you say certain rounds....half the time, the game was over, and i was pissed and db, why dont you look how many games i db in the last month. or does that not help your argument. youre a scumbag....jump in a microwave.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:14 am

ronc8649 wrote:lag is a bitch on this site, and when you say certain rounds....half the time, the game was over, and i was pissed and db

More than half of you reported intentionally lost games (15/28) are speed games which you deadbeat in round 3, you only joined games but never played a single turn. I do not buy your argument that it is because of lag because you did not try to play a single turn in these games.

It is classical point dumping from which you later took advantage by undeservedly "earning" the Gold Most Improved Medal.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby PurpleViper on Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:43 am

Josko have you seen betiko or xroads removed from the board? Have you seen paulatpeace seen removed even if he had a ban?

I agree that it is fishy, but I've never seen people be removed before even if it were very clear they weren't on top playing fairly, just sayin'
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:51 am

PurpleViper wrote:Josko have you seen betiko or xroads removed from the board? Have you seen paulatpeace seen removed even if he had a ban?

I agree that it is fishy, but I've never seen people be removed before even if it were very clear they weren't on top playing fairly, just sayin'

Yes, I have seen players being removed from the Scoreboard for their score manipulating infractions.

An example is rowe who won 68 games in a row with roelbianca joining his games and deadbeating, as can be seen from this thread:

ronc8649's case is similar to that one from rowe/roelbianca because he keep joining new games and deadbeat almost all of them to go down from 1843 to 1127 points.
As shown by my example above, if ronc8649 started March with 1843 starting points, then he would not be even close to make it in Top 10 Most Improved Scoreboard, therefore he took honestly deserved Gold medal from me by his point dumping.

With betiko, xroads and PaulatPeace, it was impossible to measure extent of their abuse and how much would be their score if they did not abuse the system. However, with ronc8649 it is possible, because there is record of how much was his score before and after he started his point dumping.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby Extreme Ways on Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:03 am

PurpleViper wrote:Josko have you seen betiko or xroads removed from the board? Have you seen paulatpeace seen removed even if he had a ban?

I agree that it is fishy, but I've never seen people be removed before even if it were very clear they weren't on top playing fairly, just sayin'

Wasnt xroads removed from the scoreboard eventually?
PaP was removed from the running scoreboard I think, at least Kask/Random got the conqueror thingy.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby ronsizzle on Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:50 pm

i think my internet kept going in and out that night. its been so long ago, i think that is what happened. that is why i left the site for so long. i was mad i lost all those points i worked very hard for. for you to come in here, and accuse me of something like this, is crazy.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:55 pm

Apr 1st, '17, 02:16

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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby riskllama on Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:49 pm

question : did ronc get busted for point dumping when he fled the site in terror???
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby PurpleViper on Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:56 pm

Extreme Ways wrote:
PurpleViper wrote:Josko have you seen betiko or xroads removed from the board? Have you seen paulatpeace seen removed even if he had a ban?

I agree that it is fishy, but I've never seen people be removed before even if it were very clear they weren't on top playing fairly, just sayin'

Wasnt xroads removed from the scoreboard eventually?
PaP was removed from the running scoreboard I think, at least Kask/Random got the conqueror thingy.

Not from me monthly fuker or i'd have a silver instead of brons
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby PurpleViper on Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:57 pm

ronc8649 wrote:i think my internet kept going in and out that night. its been so long ago, i think that is what happened. that is why i left the site for so long. i was mad i lost all those points i worked very hard for. for you to come in here, and accuse me of something like this, is crazy.

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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby owenshooter on Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:29 pm

go to the GD and look at RonC's countless complaints about lag during the past few weeks. i have PM's from him asking me advice on his settings, to combat lag he has been experiencing since his return. i'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. this board has turned into one members obsessive witch hunt against anyone that achieves something in a way that he doesn't agree with. going after Ron is a joke. the kid has been whining since his return about lag and losing games due to lag. then again, maybe he is just THAT smart... i mean, it is a worthless achievement on a dying Risk site!! why wouldn't he plot countless hours to come up with this diabolical plan that only Jo was able to crack?!!-Jésus noir

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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby Donelladan on Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:02 am

Would you extensively describe how you "honestly" earned the most improved josko? How you went from General to major and then General again ? :)
What you did was smart point dumping so that it cannot be punished.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:24 am

ronc8649 wrote:i think my internet kept going in and out that night. its been so long ago, i think that is what happened. that is why i left the site for so long. i was mad i lost all those points i worked very hard for. for you to come in here, and accuse me of something like this, is crazy.

You took advantage of that point dumping because you started March with score 1127 instead of 1843, which was your last score before you started point dumping.
Nobody would have anything against your doings if you did not took advantage of the point dumping and afterwards won Gold Most Improved Medal because of manipulating the Scoreboard with your point dumping.

Donelladan wrote:Would you extensively describe how you "honestly" earned the most improved josko? How you went from General to major and then General again ? :)
What you did was smart point dumping so that it cannot be punished.

I don't know how is your comment contributing to the presented case of ronc8649?

I honestly earned my Most Improved Medal, I did nothing against the rules and nothing against the spirit of fair play either. I went from General to Major by medal hunting for Manual, Polymorphic and Freestyle Gold medals in February. I earned Freestyle Gold medal and come very close to earning the other two (more than 300 and 350 kills out of 400 at the moment). The easiest and the fastest way to earn these medals was to play speeders on simple maps Doodle earth and Luxembourg. However, the most important fact which proves that I was not point dumping is that I achieved score 101-82 on 2 simple maps where regardless of who is the opponent I have around 50% chance to win a game.
Then you asked how I went up to General again... Well, March was my the most successful month in a long time. I don't remember when I had so successful month. During March I have achieved all of these:
- Won 3 Battle Royales
- Achieved 10 wins out of 19 games played in 12-player games (53% winning rate while expected winning rate is about 8% for 12-player games)
- Achieved 2 wins out of 4 games played in 8-player games (50% winning rate while expected winning rate is 12.5% for 8-player games)
- Achieved 4 wins out of 6 games played in 6-player games (67% winning rate while expected winning rate is 17% for 6-player games)
- Achieved 16 wins out of 18 games played (89%) in team games
- Achieved 59 wins out of 71 games played (83%) in 1v1 and Poly public Speed Games on Classic map

Definitely, it was a big challenge to me to come from Major to General within only one month but I succeeded in that. Therefore I claim that I honestly deserved the Most Improved Gold Medal, contrary to ronc8649 who "earned" his medal by losing 28 games in a row (more than half of them by entering game and then deadbeat in round 3 without even playing a single turn).

His point dumping with losing 28 games in a row allowed him to manipulate the Scoreboard and afterwards earn the Gold Most Improved Medal. As I already shown with his point dumping he had 2585/1127 = 129% improvement while without his point dumping he would have around 2800/1843 = 52% improvement which would not place him even in Top 10 on the Most Improved Medal Scoreboard.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:56 am

you are a fucking big time loser man. i didnt cheat. i started a bunch of games. i wasnt able to play due to internet connections.

suck it up cupcake. run tell your mom.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby owenshooter on Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:14 am

Donelladan wrote:Would you extensively describe how you "honestly" earned the most improved josko? How you went from General to major and then General again ? :)
What you did was smart point dumping so that it cannot be punished.

that is my point. he actually CHEATED to do what he is saying RonC did. Ron came back, started games and then bitched about his connection and losing games for weeks, within the forums. i sincerely doubt it was a calculated plot on ron's part, to win a meaningless online award on a dying Risk site. Jo's monthly witch hunts are getting tiresome. this board is nothing but a headache, as many of us said it would be...-Jésus noir

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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:49 am

ronc8649 wrote:i didnt cheat. i started a bunch of games. i wasnt able to play due to internet connections.

Your internet issues would be all fine if you did not use it as your illegal advantage while going for last month Gold Most Improved Medal.
However you "earned" the prestigious Medal exactly because of the preceding point dumping caused by, as you say, bad internet connection.

As I wrote in the opening post, I don't want disciplinary action to be undertaken against you because I believe you did not have ill intention about cheating the system.
However, I expect that the Gold Most Improved Medal which you earned after previously deadbeating 28 games in a row should be stripped down from you and awarded to me who honestly earned it.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:56 am

josko.ri wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:i didnt cheat. i started a bunch of games. i wasnt able to play due to internet connections.

Your internet issues would be all fine if you did not use it as your illegal advantage while going for last month Gold Most Improved Medal.
However you "earned" the prestigious Medal exactly because of the preceding point dumping caused by, as you say, bad internet connection.

As I wrote in the opening post, I don't want disciplinary action to be undertaken against you because I believe you did not have ill intention about cheating the system.
However, I expect that the Gold Most Improved Medal which you earned after previously deadbeating 28 games in a row should be stripped down from you and awarded to me who honestly earned it.

lets be "honest". you didnt go from 4,000 to 2,000 honestly. this is a bad attempt from you to try and strip one of the longest upstanding members of cc with horseshit accusations.

your claims are unfounded. you are a joke.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:18 am

ronc8649 wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:i didnt cheat. i started a bunch of games. i wasnt able to play due to internet connections.

Your internet issues would be all fine if you did not use it as your illegal advantage while going for last month Gold Most Improved Medal.
However you "earned" the prestigious Medal exactly because of the preceding point dumping caused by, as you say, bad internet connection.

As I wrote in the opening post, I don't want disciplinary action to be undertaken against you because I believe you did not have ill intention about cheating the system.
However, I expect that the Gold Most Improved Medal which you earned after previously deadbeating 28 games in a row should be stripped down from you and awarded to me who honestly earned it.

lets be "honest". you didnt go from 4,000 to 2,000 honestly. this is a bad attempt from you to try and strip one of the longest upstanding members of cc with horseshit accusations.

your claims are unfounded. you are a joke.

I went down honestly. I played Speed games on Luxembourg and Doodle Earth with score 101-82 which is quite good score for that kind of maps which are quite luck based. So I won 19 more Speed games on these maps than how much I lost during February. However my opponents were mostly low ranks (games were public so anyone could join) so I was losing more points when losing than how much I was gaining when winning.

Are Generals not allowed to play Luxembourg and Doodle earth maps whenever they wish? Are these maps only allowed for low ranks?

Now, compare that with what you did, started 28 games in a row and deadbeated most of them with score 0-28. How can my doings and your doings be even comparable? :-s
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby zeus111 on Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:58 am

not a fan of ron but find it unbelievable that his intent was to cheat quite simply he s not that smart to hatch a plan as u have suggested way to advanced of a plan for such a simple minded player !
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:10 am

zeus111 wrote:not a fan of ron but find it unbelievable that his intent was to cheat quite simply he s not that smart to hatch a plan as u have suggested way to advanced of a plan for such a simple minded player !

I also believe his intent was not to cheat.

However, by his doings he "earned" the Gold medal which he did not deserve and took it out from me who honestly earned it (and also took Silver medal from 6th placed player and Bronze medal from 11th placed player who honestly earned it).

Therefore, the medal "earned" on this way should be stripped down from him and awarded to players who honestly earned it.
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby owenshooter on Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:21 am

josko.ri wrote:
zeus111 wrote:not a fan of ron but find it unbelievable that his intent was to cheat quite simply he s not that smart to hatch a plan as u have suggested way to advanced of a plan for such a simple minded player !

I also believe his intent was not to cheat.

However, by his doings he "earned" the Gold medal which he did not deserve and took it out from me who honestly earned it (and also took Silver medal from 6th placed player and Bronze medal from 11th placed player who honestly earned it).

Therefore, the medal "earned" on this way should be stripped down from him and awarded to players who honestly earned it.

soooo, he dealt with LAG ISSUES which is the sites fault, and this somehow disqualifies him, in your eyes? have you ever stepped backed and thought about what your public perception is, based on your monthly complaints of others cheating, when you don't the medals you feel you have earned, despite others ACTUALLY EARNING THEM?! this shit is getting pathetic. a mod needs to talk to you about frivolous complaints, issue you a warning and then sit you in a time out when you do this same bullshit next month...-Jésus noir
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby zeus111 on Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:25 am

fair enough but isnt it a violation to db ??? Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, i see he claims he lost internet connection ... is that the case in all the games u mentioned ??? i see two violations 1 deadbeating and the other is manipulating the scoring system ....
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:04 pm

I don't see this as intentional point dumping. Many times people have started or joined speed games and dead beated out of them. Most of these game are over a year old. If ronc's plan has been in place that long he has more patience than I do, and I have a lot of patience. If he was going for most improved score why wait a year?

Unless I am over ruled by admin I am marking this .
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Re: ronc8649 - point dumping, earning Gold Most Improved

Postby josko.ri on Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:27 pm

Evil Semp wrote:I don't see this as intentional point dumping. Many times people have started or joined speed games and dead beated out of them. Most of these game are over a year old. If ronc's plan has been in place that long he has more patience than I do, and I have a lot of patience. If he was going for most improved score why wait a year?

Unless I am over ruled by admin I am marking this .

As I already said, I don't think he had ill intention to manipulate the Scoreboard but at the end he indeed manipulated the Scoreboard. This is not intentional point dumping but still is (unintentional) point dumping and taking advantage out of it.

If he did not lose 28 games in a row, he would start the month at 1843 and end the month around 2800 points, which would not be enough even for Bronze Most Improved Medal. Yet, he earned Gold Medal and it was solely because his starting score was down to 1127 because of the point dumping.

Because he did not have ill intention to manipulate the scoreboard, he does not deserve to receive warning for that.

But also, because he indeed manipulated the Scoreboard and took the Gold Medal in front of me which I honestly earned, he deserves that the Medal should be stripped down from him and awarded to me who honestly earned it.

Which is the proper way to contact admin to look at this case?
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