Let's hope this isn't an abuse in itself.., but I find the player grogoY to be suspiciously good for a guy that got an account just 6 days ago.
It started with this speed game: Game 17303308 He got a good win, but after the first rounds after he started to go for tert count and carefully forting (not letting 1s on borders) and all in 2 minutes, I thought "hey this guy is pretty good!".
But then I saw he had no ratings received and then, looking at his profile he had 20 games completed. His 5th game is on Supermax Prison riot with 3 others and fog and he's leading. He has speeders won on Balctic Crusade and King's Court.
So bottom line, it's obvious he's not a first timer, but he definitely doesn't play like "some player that remembered about the site" either. He's been here for far more than 6 days, enough to do a friendly check, from my point of view.