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IkkeTM wrote:The law of large numbers states that given a large enough sample size, the results average out.
It seems you are experiencing it's corollary though:
The law of truly large numbers states that given a large enough sample size, any outragious thing is likely to happen.
IkkeTM wrote:The law of large numbers states that given a large enough sample size, the results average out.
It seems you are experiencing it's corollary though:
The law of truly large numbers states that given a large enough sample size, any outragious thing is likely to happen.
armati wrote:Lama, my strategy is simply ...roll sixes.
2 be honust I think people that believe there is any other "strategy" are fooling themselves.
Try the XENO game..World at War.... works like Axis and Allies, begins in 1939 Germany moves first.
(if ur into it paint the map on a 4x8 board)
THAT is a strategy game, whats really neat about it is a good strategy overcomes lousy dice.
A thing of beauty, a dice game where dice dont determine the winner, the strategy does.
With risk, the only strategy is to roll sixes.
He who rolls sixes wins.
And that is why a crappy dice algo totally destroys the game.
TeeGee wrote:IkkeTM wrote:The law of large numbers states that given a large enough sample size, the results average out.
It seems you are experiencing it's corollary though:
The law of truly large numbers states that given a large enough sample size, any outragious thing is likely to happen.
Your overall dice stats look OK to me
BrutalBob wrote:I think the weird stuff happens more often than it should here. That works both ways. You get really good dice and really bad dice, but both times it ruins a game. Particularly the games I play, which are more sensitive to having a couple of good or bad rolls at the start of the game
mrswdk wrote:BrutalBob wrote:I think the weird stuff happens more often than it should here. That works both ways. You get really good dice and really bad dice, but both times it ruins a game. Particularly the games I play, which are more sensitive to having a couple of good or bad rolls at the start of the game
>plays using maps and settings where the game can be thrown by one player having a little bit of luck early on
>complains about games being spoiled by the luck of the dice
rotean wrote:I have posted here before.... Just now, my dice dropped to -45 luck for attack. It's about the tenth time this month my luck is almost nil. Why? have I offended the conquer club gods? Once, it dropped to -60. What a joke. then there are other games in which I win every dice roll, get 10 armies and 6 bonus on the flat rate spoils, and then another game I receive EIGHT red spoils cards in a row, which is about a 20 000-1 longshot because I did the Math. Almost every game I play is decided by incredibly loaded dice. Why????????
Dukasaur wrote:rotean wrote:I have posted here before.... Just now, my dice dropped to -45 luck for attack. It's about the tenth time this month my luck is almost nil. Why? have I offended the conquer club gods? Once, it dropped to -60. What a joke. then there are other games in which I win every dice roll, get 10 armies and 6 bonus on the flat rate spoils, and then another game I receive EIGHT red spoils cards in a row, which is about a 20 000-1 longshot because I did the Math. Almost every game I play is decided by incredibly loaded dice. Why????????
You're probably playing sober. I've found that getting drunk before I take my turns leads to better dice.
Butters1919 wrote:Dukasaur wrote:rotean wrote:I have posted here before.... Just now, my dice dropped to -45 luck for attack. It's about the tenth time this month my luck is almost nil. Why? have I offended the conquer club gods? Once, it dropped to -60. What a joke. then there are other games in which I win every dice roll, get 10 armies and 6 bonus on the flat rate spoils, and then another game I receive EIGHT red spoils cards in a row, which is about a 20 000-1 longshot because I did the Math. Almost every game I play is decided by incredibly loaded dice. Why????????
You're probably playing sober. I've found that getting drunk before I take my turns leads to better dice.
I just did a line of blow. My dice are fucking unreal. FYI.
Shannon Apple wrote:If the dice are bad, they're equally bad for everyone....
BrutalBob wrote:This is the shit i am talking about. Start two games, play first turn in each, where a good start is pretty crucial. Five attacks- two games- may not yet be ruined, sometimes your opponent has equally crap luck
Symmetry wrote:Generating a number between 1 and 6 would naturally give an average of 3.5, but that tends to be rounded up to 4, as 3.5 isn't a valid output here. The generator must be generating numbers to a higher number of decimal places to avoid the average being 4.
How does CC process the numbers?
I'm curious, because if you're just taking one of the numbers in an apparently random set, it might be a problem.
dakky21 wrote:The problem with the dice is - they're not random (as they were before, drawn from a static noise). The current dice system is such that it "knows" which dice it will give you before you attack. So it's not anymore about luck, it's all about your position in a queue. Yes, everyone is somewhere in the queue, but the list is per-generated instead of being random. So "if you're having a bad dice, wait few minutes before attacking again" is not working anymore because you will get the next number in the list no matter how much you wait.
So the list has a lot of numbers from 1 to 6 in it and there are equal number of each in it so it will eventually turn luck to be 0% after you go through the list, but it looks like it was generated in a way that some large streaks can happen and it only depends where you are in it and where your opponent is.
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