and who knows maybe finishing his 10,000 in the same tournament
Tournament number 28
Premium only, finals are poly
Looking for 24 to 32 players (multiples of 8, will take reserves for the first round)
Four each of the terminator games, I will throw the names in and see who surfaces
Games will be issued two per week, Round Two will start as soon as it is clear who the top 16 are, Finals will start as soon as it is clear who the top 6 are. I will only use reserves for the first two sets issued. After that If someone fails to pick up a game, I will reissue the game. (ie, 8 person game, 1 drops, I will pull the game and reissue a 7 person game.) Deadbeating is grounds for immediate elimination. (With of course Real Life exemptions if you tell me, otherwise you are eliminated.)
First Round
Four rounds terminator Baseball
Top 16 advance, scores do not carry over
Second Round
Four rounds of terminator Age of Merchants
Top 6 advance, scores do not carry over
Round robin 1v1 on 13 colonies
Games are to be picked up within twenty-four hours. (If you have a sitter please tell them that they are allowed to accept tournament games.) Failure to pick up game will result in your elimination.