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Noted InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

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InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby Yynatago on Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:31 am


The accused are suspected of:
Farming New Recruits

Game number(s):
Game 17250270 currently has an invitation to a new recruit

It came to my attention that my friend who is a new recruit was invited by InnyaFacce to large fog game. At the time of writing this post he currently has an invitation open to another new recruit to a game of 2 player Feudal Epic, No Spoils, Parachute, Fog. I also noticed he has played against many low ranking players recently, which makes me suspect he's invited quite a few new recruits.

Sorry InnyaFacce, but that ain't cool.
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit

Postby BoganGod on Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:54 am

Say it ain't so bro. You've always been above board in the years I've played with and against you.
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit

Postby BoganGod on Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:58 am

9 active games, 5 of which are 2player games against new recruits on difficult/advanced settings. Been there done that with the general thing. Hope mate that you're not getting there and staying there the agricultural method. Post public games if you have the yarbels.
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit

Postby Arama86n on Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:07 am

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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit

Postby TeeGee on Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:05 am

Yynatago wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
Farming New Recruits

Game number(s):
Game 17250270 currently has an invitation to a new recruit

It came to my attention that my friend who is a new recruit was invited by InnyaFacce to large fog game. At the time of writing this post he currently has an invitation open to another new recruit to a game of 2 player Feudal Epic, No Spoils, Parachute, Fog. I also noticed he has played against many low ranking players recently, which makes me suspect he's invited quite a few new recruits.

Sorry InnyaFacce, but that ain't cool.

Can you ask your friend to report the PM with the invitation he got please, so we can investigate fully.
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby Yynatago on Mon Feb 27, 2017 6:08 am

No PM, just an invite. I've PM'd his reply to you TeeGee. Thanks.
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby Namliam on Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:46 pm

Is it against the rules to play with new recruits? I've played more games with InnyaFacce than anyone else on CC. I'll vouch for his credability here. If anything, the NRs can read the logs in the games and learn from them quite a bit. I see nothing wrong with the games cited in this thread, other than the rank of the accused. For the record, he and I have dropped our waiting public games pending the outcome of this.
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:50 pm

It's against the rules to "farm" them on difficult maps and settings etc targeting specifically new recruits. More to it then that but that's it simple version

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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby Yynatago on Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:13 pm

I've got no problems with players of all ranks playing with new recruits from time to time, that a great thing to do.

I do have a problem with inviting new recruits into tricky map settings when they don't even know their way around the site yet, let alone searching past games and making sense of the logs. Had I not asked about why my friend joined such a map, I would not of known he was invited out of the blue. While my friend is happy to brush it off, he felt tricked.

The rules specifically mention systematically "farming" new recruits is an abuse of the game and I presented two cases where a new recruit was invited to tricky map. All the other games mentioned in this thread is not necessarily the result of an invite and that can only be determined with those with the tools to do so.

At the end of the day its about making CC a fun place for everyone.

See you in battle!
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:30 am

Yynatago wrote:I've got no problems with players of all ranks playing with new recruits from time to time, that a great thing to do.

I do have a problem with inviting new recruits into tricky map settings when they don't even know their way around the site yet, let alone searching past games and making sense of the logs. Had I not asked about why my friend joined such a map, I would not of known he was invited out of the blue. While my friend is happy to brush it off, he felt tricked.

The rules specifically mention systematically "farming" new recruits is an abuse of the game and I presented two cases where a new recruit was invited to tricky map. All the other games mentioned in this thread is not necessarily the result of an invite and that can only be determined with those with the tools to do so.

At the end of the day its about making CC a fun place for everyone.

See you in battle!

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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby Extreme Ways on Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:39 am

Yynatago wrote:The rules specifically mention systematically "farming" new recruits is an abuse of the game and I presented two cases where a new recruit was invited to tricky map. All the other games mentioned in this thread is not necessarily the result of an invite and that can only be determined with those with the tools to do so. See you in battle!

It can also be the result of an invite by PM, wallpost, global chat... whatever. I'm not saying the accused is guilty simply by playing with new recruits, but he should know and most likely does know that whatever the circumstances, it will always look fishy.
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby TeeGee on Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:02 am

I have to take a few days off. I will have more on this when I return.

if anyone has anything relevant to add then PM me
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Re: InnyaFacce Farming New Recruit [tg]

Postby TeeGee on Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:36 pm

For now, this is NOTED
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