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[CR@W] the Bannermen [Complete] - House of Fire (TOFU) Wins!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 6 Clan Submit Da

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:59 pm

IcePack wrote:
TX AG 90 wrote:IcePack,

I'm assuming there is an unwritten rule that if we haven't made contact with another House in order to establish Diplomacy, we shouldn't be exchanging in-game information. For instance Clan A and Clan B are friends and even though they are on opposite sides of the Map, they PM each other and share info.

To me, this would be akin to Secret Diplomacy. However, sine it's not explicitly pointed out in the Rules, some may think that by doing it they are practicing "gamesmanship".

If my assumption is correct and we shouldn't be doing that, can you put it into the rules?

I know it will be impossible to enforce, but for some that will be enough of a deterrent.



You are correct - diplomacy should only be conducted with Houses you've met on the map. You should not be randomly sharing your map with friends or revealing what House you are etc until the game mechanics naturally allows for it.

I'll add it to the rules on my next update day.

I hope that this is not occurring. There's no way to control it but I would be disappointed if people took advantage of that type of thing w something so new / that we are working through together as a group to make better as we go.

.....Ice; it would seem s you are saying they cant share info outside of CR@W encounters ... can clans negotiate trading info with in CR@W encounters ?; a nomad might sell you info/a amap , but if you bumped into a lord from another clan you shouldn't (I think) sell him all your info in exchange for all his info; though you could argue that this could be a bargaining chip in exchange for not attacking , releasing a captive, etc ; and of course nothing says you couldn't share fake news.....
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:24 am

You can trade / sell info to clans you meet in game. It can be part of a diplomacy package, ongoing, one time etc

You can't pm a clan whose leader you know and say hey I'll give / trade my map for yours etc if your two houses haven't met in the game.and yes, fake news / info / maps can be bought & sold just like anything else...


I'll be back later this weekend :) make sure you get turns in etc

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:39 am

I'm not going to get back into town until late tomorrow. Probably something like 24 hours from this post. I'll try to get to the updates before I crash and burn but it may have to be very early on Monday. Just fair warning.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 Clan Submit Da

Postby Yynatago on Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:00 pm

If we submitted a few days ago, will that be an issue? Is it worth sending a repeat email?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:07 am

Yynatago wrote:If we submitted a few days ago, will that be an issue? Is it worth sending a repeat email?

No issues, I have everything I need. Moved anything I needed for the turn submissions into a folder of its own so all is well.
Just got home, 11pm. I'm guessing a ~4 hour update so I'm going to head to bed and update everyone in the morning. Was a long 9 hour drive

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:54 pm

Working on the update

Ignore me, I'm an idiot. Turns are due tonight.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby TX AG 90 on Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:25 pm


What if a House is holding a kidnapped Lord for ransom and that House is destroyed by another. Does the conquering House take possession of the Lord or is he automatically freed?

I would think the conquering House gets possession.


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:30 pm

TX AG 90 wrote:IcePack,

What if a House is holding a kidnapped Lord for ransom and that House is destroyed by another. Does the conquering House take possession of the Lord or is he automatically freed?

I would think the conquering House gets possession.



Correct, take a castle that's holding ransom / kidnapped Lords and you take possession of the Lords and determine what your House will now do with them.


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:45 pm

thanks for all the hard work ; I just read through the thread and had 2 questions

attacking an inactive clans castle; it gets defended by icepack or Lindax or both; if I loose you roll a d10 for my penalty
but if I win I might get the castle ; should I get any gold for the defeated lord like I could if it were an active clans castle and I chose to ransom you(or Lindax) .... or will execution of the defeated defender be the only option (i.e. assuming I have an axe to grind through the defeated defender neck)?

I think your post about the attacker losing was about the 6th page

question 2: you discussed around the same time that we could only do diplomacy/exchange info with someone we met, but phased it in a way that made me think we could resume diplomacy well after we parted ways ,
e.g I meet Brave Sir Robin on turn 3 and he bravely runs away.... on turn 10 I dont really know where he is put could I offer to sell him some tasty minstrels through diplomatic posts ? (perhaps only if I know the true location of his castle?)
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:11 pm

another question;
3 lords siege a castle with 3 lords in it
attackers A and C win ; B, loses and is a prisioner for now in the castle .
attacker A now defeats defender B ; shouldn't that free defender B ?

I'll quote your earlier post on the abc scenario which didn't quite address what happens if B is merely kept prisioner till the siege is over

"Attacker A defeats Defender A
Attacker B is defeated by Defender B
Attacker C defeats Defender C

So does that then mean that Attacker A or C must defeat Defender B?

Correct, so defender B would still be defending the Castle in this scenario and would get to decide what to do w attacked B (execute, ransom, release).
In theory defender B could try to ransom attacker B for gold or cease fire, but if executed then you are correct attacker a or c must finish the job (or at that point, could stop the siege and leave)"
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:38 am


If you are the victor in a siege, you can rrequest a ransom jus tlike an active clan.

yes, once you met a house it doesn't matter where the lord(s) are, you can contact them directly through diplo for whatever reason. But you should not be contacting people BEFORE you met them / their house.

Yeah, if attackers defteat the defending lords, and there is a kidnapped Lord then they would be freed. Unless the House of course executes the Lord before the victory occurs.

t4mcr53s2 wrote:thanks for all the hard work ; I just read through the thread and had 2 questions

attacking an inactive clans castle; it gets defended by icepack or Lindax or both; if I loose you roll a d10 for my penalty
but if I win I might get the castle ; should I get any gold for the defeated lord like I could if it were an active clans castle and I chose to ransom you(or Lindax) .... or will execution of the defeated defender be the only option (i.e. assuming I have an axe to grind through the defeated defender neck)?

I think your post about the attacker losing was about the 6th page

question 2: you discussed around the same time that we could only do diplomacy/exchange info with someone we met, but phased it in a way that made me think we could resume diplomacy well after we parted ways ,
e.g I meet Brave Sir Robin on turn 3 and he bravely runs away.... on turn 10 I dont really know where he is put could I offer to sell him some tasty minstrels through diplomatic posts ? (perhaps only if I know the true location of his castle?)

t4mcr53s2 wrote:another question;
3 lords siege a castle with 3 lords in it
attackers A and C win ; B, loses and is a prisioner for now in the castle .
attacker A now defeats defender B ; shouldn't that free defender B ?

I'll quote your earlier post on the abc scenario which didn't quite address what happens if B is merely kept prisioner till the siege is over

"Attacker A defeats Defender A
Attacker B is defeated by Defender B
Attacker C defeats Defender C

So does that then mean that Attacker A or C must defeat Defender B?

Correct, so defender B would still be defending the Castle in this scenario and would get to decide what to do w attacked B (execute, ransom, release).
In theory defender B could try to ransom attacker B for gold or cease fire, but if executed then you are correct attacker a or c must finish the job (or at that point, could stop the siege and leave)"

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:41 am

I had a mini emergency yesterday, so wasn't able to update. PM went out and schedule will get bumped x1 day.

My apologies.


PS - cuz I know it'll be asked, yes I'm (moztly) fine

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:33 am

IcePack wrote:I had a mini emergency yesterday, so wasn't able to update. PM went out and schedule will get bumped x1 day.

My apologies.


PS - cuz I know it'll be asked, yes I'm (moztly) fine

Best of luck as you navigate whatever troubles you.

Thank you for all the work you have put into this project. It is a large and impressive undertaking!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby catnipdreams on Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:46 am

Mostly? Hope it is "Totally Fine" as soon as possible!
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:44 pm

Thanks guys / kitty's
Think it'll be ok, for now it's game on :)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 10 Clan Submit D

Postby IcePack on Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:58 am

Ok, update is done. Everyone has until 2400 CCT tomorrow to submit Turn 10

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 10 Clan Submit D

Postby IanG7 on Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:36 am

Can an inactive clan be made a bannerman or is there no in between with them?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 10 Clan Submit D

Postby IcePack on Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:46 am

IanG7 wrote:Can an inactive clan be made a bannerman or is there no in between with them?

Theoretically it's possible. Certain actions make it more / less likely.
Not only is the probability is low, but there are other restrictions built in.
It will also get "rechecked" from time to time to see if they break it.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 10 Clan Submit D

Postby JPlo64 on Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:33 pm

IcePack at 03:58 on 02/23/17 wrote:Ok, update is done. Everyone has until 2400 CCT tomorrow to submit Turn 10

Is it tonight or tomorrow night?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 10 Clan Submit D

Postby IcePack on Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:49 pm

JPlo64 wrote:
IcePack at 03:58 on 02/23/17 wrote:Ok, update is done. Everyone has until 2400 CCT tomorrow to submit Turn 10

Is it tonight or tomorrow night?

Yeah, tonight in approx 2-3 hours. 2400 CCT

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 10 IP update Day

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:15 am


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 10 IP update Day

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:27 am

Q: When you roll for probabilities etc, do you use
A: The first few rounds I used, but found it a bit time consuming. Since about Turn ~3, I have now been using dedicated CR@W dice for all rolls and probabilities after I stopped by my local game shop. Behold:


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 11 Clab Submit D

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:43 am

We had a few misses / near misses. Next submission is due by 2400 CCT on Saturday, Feb 25th.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 11 Clab Submit D

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:56 am

Harranhal is falling down,
Falling down,
Falling down,
Harranhal is falling down.
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