The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 17103803
Comments: In the above game, still active, it appears these 2 accounts may be controlled by the same person. The in-game deal making seemed sketchy, and then it seemed like there was a clear deal made shown by actions taken, with an in-game truce officialized after the actions. Then P3K made this comment:
2017-02-05 06:49:44 - P3K: I have no idea how my chat ended up showing that red said it but I assure you it was I who wrote. It has been reported and is being investigated
I highly doubt this was "reported and is being investigated" and this statement appears to me to be clear evidence this this person is controlling both accounts. This is given further weight by the fact that, although red (bluesblazzer) was the vocal one in the game, P3K (Green) somewhat suddenly eliminated red, with no word from red, etc, and then green became vocal, in quite the same style of voicing. As a matter of fact, the above clip was the first comment by P3K all game.
The game has since then become very tainted I would say, as Green has gone on to do great favors for one of the other teams, to the detriment of himself. For instance, Green does a large Trebuchet attack, which then cleared the way for silver to come in and absorb neutral territories. That is really not a part of competitive game play, truce or no truce.
Let me know what you guys think.