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[CR@W] the Bannermen [Complete] - House of Fire (TOFU) Wins!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 6 Clan Submit Da

Postby josko.ri on Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:41 am

Just posting here to tell I am very happy with this event, ton of strategical options and things to discuss, all wrapped into the CC gaming format. =D>
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 6 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:29 pm

Thanks Josko :)

Ok guys we are coming down the stretch. Just over 10 hours to get your turns submitted

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 6 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:35 am

Just to clarify again (this will go in a PM as well for those who dont check this)...remember, you dont collect your gold until after the turn is over.
So if you have 7 GP, a castle and a city, you can't buy a Lord this turn in anticipation of the +3 GP coming your way. You send in your turn (without the Lord spawning), collect your +3 GP, then you have 10 GP in your pocket, and can spend for a Lord or City or whatever once you have possession of it.


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 6 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 10, 2017 2:13 am

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For his name is worthy to be praised!
Mortis' is to be feared,
of the House of Fire!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:07 am

You have until Sat @ 2400 CCT to submit Turn 7
We had the first turn w 100% of houses submitting =D>

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby TX AG 90 on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:22 am

Why is Victory over a Barbarian worth 2 Fame and a Victory over a Lord only 1?

Shouldn't it be the other way around?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:26 am

TX AG 90 wrote:Why is Victory over a Barbarian worth 2 Fame and a Victory over a Lord only 1?

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

No not really. Victory over Lords are part of the game. You also gain other things potentially from it (gold, diplo, kidnapping / ransom etc) where as barbarians don't really advance anything else game wise.
It doesn't bring you closer to taking down a house, or siege a castle etc so there's a small incentive to be the one that clears them from your area. But it's a risky proposition so it's not just +1 w no other potential rewards, I've made it +2.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby TX AG 90 on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:29 am

IcePack wrote:
TX AG 90 wrote:Why is Victory over a Barbarian worth 2 Fame and a Victory over a Lord only 1?

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

No not really. Victory over Lords are part of the game. You also gain other things potentially from it (gold, diplo, kidnapping / ransom etc) where as barbarians don't really advance anything else game wise.
It doesn't bring you closer to taking down a house, or siege a castle etc so there's a small incentive to be the one that clears them from your area. But it's a risky proposition so it's not just +1 w no other potential rewards, I've made it +2.

Makes sense - Thanks!
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby josko.ri on Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:41 pm

Can the exception be made when a player (Lord) goes Freemium and do not want to renew, that only in this case he can be exchanged by other player for free?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:50 pm

josko.ri wrote:Can the exception be made when a player (Lord) goes Freemium and do not want to renew, that only in this case he can be exchanged by other player for free?

Each house gets one permanent replacement for free. I'm hoping we can keep it at that as I want to limit the # of times Lords are swapped out for fairness purposes to other clans Intel / research etc.
if it becomes a problem from multiple Houses are impacted maybe I'll consider it later in the game etc. I also don't want it that someone is swapped, then a month or two later they change their mind and go premium and now the clans gotten a free swap while others pay etc. that's why keeping it limited to one allows clans to choose when / why they use it and keeps it fair for all clans involved.

-----------Seperate Question via PM--------------

Q: Will barbarians attack structures? (Castles, Cities, Watchtowers etc)
A: Barbarians are looking for the easy kills. They won't siege fortified structures that increases the difficulty of their kill. They target unsuspecting Lords traveling the realm.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:27 pm

Q: With the recent announcement that you can see diagonally from castles and cities etc., if someone is outside of my castle or city at a diagonal and I attack, do they get the benefits of ambush?
A: No. An ambush is when your travelling army is surprised and does not see the opposing army in the open lands etc. If you advance out of your castle / city, you do so knowing that the opposing army is there and therefore its treated as a normal direct attack in this circumstance.


4 Hours +/- to the deadline

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 IP Update Day]

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:48 am


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:09 am

Completed. Submittals due Monday @ 2400 CCT.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby TX AG 90 on Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:48 am

2 Questions

1. Do you need to update the Lord's List?
When Beer's Realm bought a Lord, you added him to the list, but none of the more recent purchases have been added
2. If a House lays seige to a castle and before the CC game can be finished, the Houses come to a diplomatic agreement, is the seige lifted? In other words, the CC game may still be ongoing for CC points and CR@W fame, but it is more of a friendly; with the castle continuing to get 2 Gold and no ransoms (if that is part of the agreement).


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:55 am

1. Originally that list was going to be a top 5-10 of Lord fame and not meant as a comprehensive list. I'm still debating ultimately what that list will be cuz it's just another duplicate info that I have to update and looking for ways to trim my updates down. So it might be a top 5-10 fame list and i just update when I get a chance...honestly I don't know yet. Last night update took 4.25 hours...

2. You can come to a diplo agreement at any time. The siege is still considered ongoing for game purposes (can't spawn there, can't move in / out of castle) but of course part of the diplo agreement can be whoever wins releases the lord involved / losing without ransoms

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby TX AG 90 on Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:55 pm

2. You can come to a diplo agreement at any time. The siege is still considered ongoing for game purposes (can't spawn there, can't move in / out of castle) but of course part of the diplo agreement can be whoever wins releases the lord involved / losing without ransoms

This should be reconsidered for future versions. Part of the purpose of a siege is impart pressure in Diplomatic Negotiations. Without the ability to end the siege whenever they desire, the attacking army loses a huge negotiating tool.

Otherwise, it's just a conquest attempt.
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:00 pm

TX AG 90 wrote:
2. You can come to a diplo agreement at any time. The siege is still considered ongoing for game purposes (can't spawn there, can't move in / out of castle) but of course part of the diplo agreement can be whoever wins releases the lord involved / losing without ransoms

This should be reconsidered for future versions. Part of the purpose of a siege is impart pressure in Diplomatic Negotiations. Without the ability to end the siege whenever they desire, the attacking army loses a huge negotiating tool.

Otherwise, it's just a conquest attempt.

I'll add it to the suggestions list. Just another thing that would make it harder to track for me which is why its set up this way. When games complete, guys can release the lords as discussed etc but I do see the point you're making, so I'll add it to the to be considered lists for v 2.0 that keeps on growing :D

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby nvanputten on Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:32 pm

IcePack wrote:
TX AG 90 wrote:
2. You can come to a diplo agreement at any time. The siege is still considered ongoing for game purposes (can't spawn there, can't move in / out of castle) but of course part of the diplo agreement can be whoever wins releases the lord involved / losing without ransoms

This should be reconsidered for future versions. Part of the purpose of a siege is impart pressure in Diplomatic Negotiations. Without the ability to end the siege whenever they desire, the attacking army loses a huge negotiating tool.

Otherwise, it's just a conquest attempt.

I'll add it to the suggestions list. Just another thing that would make it harder to track for me which is why its set up this way. When games complete, guys can release the lords as discussed etc but I do see the point you're making, so I'll add it to the to be considered lists for v 2.0 that keeps on growing :D

I really like TX's idea. It adds a lot more dynamic strategy to the siege. Instead of just "attack and hope you get a good drop/play well" it can be "play for an advantage and then negotiate from the lead" etc. Also allows the option to avoid a really lengthy game that ties up both Lords.
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 7 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:08 pm

nvanputten wrote:
IcePack wrote:
TX AG 90 wrote:
2. You can come to a diplo agreement at any time. The siege is still considered ongoing for game purposes (can't spawn there, can't move in / out of castle) but of course part of the diplo agreement can be whoever wins releases the lord involved / losing without ransoms

This should be reconsidered for future versions. Part of the purpose of a siege is impart pressure in Diplomatic Negotiations. Without the ability to end the siege whenever they desire, the attacking army loses a huge negotiating tool.

Otherwise, it's just a conquest attempt.

I'll add it to the suggestions list. Just another thing that would make it harder to track for me which is why its set up this way. When games complete, guys can release the lords as discussed etc but I do see the point you're making, so I'll add it to the to be considered lists for v 2.0 that keeps on growing :D

I really like TX's idea. It adds a lot more dynamic strategy to the siege. Instead of just "attack and hope you get a good drop/play well" it can be "play for an advantage and then negotiate from the lead" etc. Also allows the option to avoid a really lengthy game that ties up both Lords.

Yeah, I agree. It adds a potentially lengthy step for me because right now I just search for completed games and deal with those that are completed. Having additional steps / checks and balances and having to follow ongoing games as well, and then ignoring them later when they complete can get a bit confusing / difficult when theres so much info to process. As is, even without extra complexities there have been a few corrections I've had to make every turn so far even with the "simplified" version, which is taking 1-4 hours now to complete. (Turn 7 for example, took 4.25 hours last night and still got notified today of a mistake).

I've been taking notes of what is taking how long, and also taking all the suggestions and putting them in a thread and trying to update / modify rules for v 2.0. I've also been in discussion with the owner to see perhaps if there were some improvements / updates that could be made to make something like this event more integrated to the site and more managable and see if more of this can be automated to reduce the time load and error rate.

So there are a lot of discussions taking place behind the scenes, and frankly it'll highly depend on 1) how much you guys (aka "clans") in general like it when all is said and done, and 2) highly dependant on how much time we can knock off the daily updates for me. I'm fully committed to doing whatever it takes v1.0 even if its 3-6 hours every 2nd day for updating, but the 2nd time around might need to be modified so its more reasonable.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 8 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:47 pm

Looking at under 8 hours now to deadline

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 8 Clan Submit Da

Postby ElricTheGreat on Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:48 pm

Please verify the following item found in the FAQ

Q: Are there any neutral or unfilled cities on the map not associated with any clan?
A: No, all Castles will be associated with a Clan. No empty neutral castles will be placed.

Should thid not read as :
A: No, all Cities will be associated with a Clan. No empty neutral Cities will be placed.
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 8 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:20 am

ElricTheGreat wrote:Please verify the following item found in the FAQ

Q: Are there any neutral or unfilled cities on the map not associated with any clan?
A: No, all Castles will be associated with a Clan. No empty neutral castles will be placed.

Should thid not read as :
A: No, all Cities will be associated with a Clan. No empty neutral Cities will be placed.

Sorry, castles or cities both. Neither will be empty if they are unassociated with clans.
Cities will always be associated with an active house. Castles may or may not be active hope that helps clarify

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:45 am

Officially paused for scheduled days off. You can submit your turns in the meantime.
Everything should be updated. Get them in and avoid missing turns (we had a few misses for Turn 8 and a few close calls).


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 Clan Submit Da

Postby hopalong on Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:51 pm

a timesaver would be not updating Fame on each Houses individual sheet, and Fame totals for Bard: Realm tab and Bard: Lords tab every day. Fame will only matter once we get to around 100, right? so maybe 1 public update every month until someone hits 100, then once a week, or whatever. Houses can track their own Fame daily if they really want to.

it is helpful to have Great deeds done in last week updated as often as possible, though.
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Turn 9 Clan Submit Da

Postby IcePack on Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:10 am

Great ideas ty :)

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