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Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

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Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby PaulatPeace on Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:41 pm

Hello Everyone,

Sure missed talking to you all. Think I am beginning to learn a lesson here : No matter how much I try to explain the truth in these posts, some of you just can not get it. So I think I am going to stop wasting my time, Some of you are just trolls who get off on making stupid senseless remarks...but others I had hoped would use their brain power to see past their egos and let some light shine in. So you may not hear from me for a while. Additionally, I have foed many of you, not wanting to view your nastiness any more.

So...this story begins one morning a while back when I received an email from the admin dept which read:

"Hello PaulatPeace,

Your account has been issued a Forum Ban, which prevents posting in the forum and accessing private messages.

Term of ban: 1 week

Issued by: king achilles


This post was reported:

If you check the last paragraph of what you said:
"I am disappointed in you _ _ _ _ _ _ _!

For someone who calls himself a find it "humorous" to cast stones? I guess you are one of the individuals Jesus was referring to as "He who is without sin". Free has recognized his past mistake and has not repeated it. He has been found guilty of such at the provocation of the 'pure as the driven snow' Josko....but he is not guilty of what he has been accused of.

It isn't an "excuse" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....if it is the TRUTH! I am sorry none of the clans you were in didn't work out. I am sorry I exposed someone in your clan who was actually guilty of dishonorable actions. I am also sorry you have become such a bitter young man. I once called you a friend. I am also sorry that friendship has ended. As I did before...I continue to wish you well."

You called someone by his actual real name and that person has been very careful not exposing that info to the public. Whether this may be a slip or intentional on your part, we should be very careful not bringing personal info in the forums unless it is the person himself who voluntarily says things about himself.

The Conquer Club"

As you might imagine I was a little shocked. After all, the individual I was talking with in this post is someone whom I and may others had spoken to and about on many occasions, and there was never a problem before. These people included IcePack and Keefie, so if there had been a problem, they would not have done it also. I logged into my account, and although I could not make any posts or send messages, I could do some research. So I thought, hey...maybe I am crazy...maybe I am the only one ever to call this guy by his first name. So I entered his first name in the Clan Forum search box and guess what popped up? :

Search found 9 matches: +_ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Re: Head CD?
... or such somehow under mod power. Just a precautionary thing :) Leehar did it all the time when he went on business trips and what not. Thanks _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I am sure I just don't understand the process and someone will explain it to me in time. I just don't see how anyone could "mess around ...

by PaulatPeace
Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:20 pm

Forum: Clan Archives
Topic: Head CD?
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Re: Head CD?
... the extra work he has been putting in the last few weeks/months. see you soon Ice! I hope he does get some well deserved rest & returns soon _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It is just that many of us have never seen a CD's special color removed when they took a brief break. Paul

by PaulatPeace
Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:03 am

Forum: Clan Archives
Topic: Head CD?
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by Keefie
Re: [CC5] ACE vs. Fallen (8-11)
... they post like they are supposed to according to sitter rules... 2015-04-11 19:44:47 - Slaylark: excellent question, it is possible it was still _ _ _ _ _ _ __, but i would need to question that further.. 2015-04-11 22:33:22 - swimmerdude99: Was not me.... thanks for cover Slay 2015-04-12 18:14:07 - ...

by hyposquasher
Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:20 pm

Forum: Complete Challenges
Topic: [CC5] ACE vs. Fallen (30-31) 07/01 FINAL
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by GoranZ
Re: EMPIRE Going Social???

nicestash wrote:

IcePack wrote:

swimmerdude99 wrote:WE only come as a package deal. Its me and The Voice or nothing at all.

We'll take you both....if we have too :?

You're making a big mistake! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is NOT the kind of player you want-he's a huge noob.


It's not worth it!!!

by chapcrap
Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:21 pm

Forum: Clan Archives
Topic: EMPIRE Going Social???
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Re: EMPIRE Going Social???

nicestash wrote:

IcePack wrote:

swimmerdude99 wrote:WE only come as a package deal. Its me and The Voice or nothing at all.

We'll take you both....if we have too :?

You're making a big mistake! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is NOT the kind of player you want-he's a huge noob.

Oh I know. I'm only taking him to get the Voice!

by IcePack
Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:17 pm

Forum: Clan Archives
Topic: EMPIRE Going Social???
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Re: EMPIRE Going Social???

IcePack wrote:

swimmerdude99 wrote:WE only come as a package deal. Its me and The Voice or nothing at all.

We'll take you both....if we have too :?

You're making a big mistake! P_ _ _ _ _ _ is NOT the kind of player you want-he's a huge noob.

by nicestash
Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:10 pm

Forum: Clan Archives
Topic: EMPIRE Going Social???
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Re: PACK vs EMPIRE 25-16
... to watch! Exactly. When there are that many to cover it's easy for games to get missed until the last hour. Condolences to Paul. I think you mean _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ;) But I echo the sentiment. I'm sorry to hear the sad news,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . :(

by Denise
Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:09 am

Forum: Complete Challenges
Topic: PACK vs EMPIRE 38-23 Final 4/14
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So, I apologize to my ex-friend swimmerdude99 for referring to him by his first name, but obviously it had been done may times before and viewed several thousand times. So....referring to swimmer by his "actual real name" did not in any way "expose information in the public" that was not already there and viewed thousands of times already!

I was charged with a violation and judged as guilty and a sentence imposed.....all without anyone even giving me the opportunity to explain or defend myself. Sounds like a real fair and unbiased system!

Now...on to more accusations!

During the time I was banned from sending private messages or entering any posts in forums I was accused by Donelladan of Gross Abuse in the Cheating & Abuse Forum. I could not respond to these accusations or defend myself against all the wonderful posts where others felt inspired to share their opinions and speculate on my guilt. The thread is now locked, so I will try to explain some facts to you here. There are those of you who do not care that I am innocent of these accusations and have already made up your minds. There are those of you who just can't stand that ole obnoxious PaulatPeace has made it to Conqueror, while his clan has never lost a war or a tournament and is currently ranked #1. That's ok...I'm not talking to you anyway. I will however speak to those of you who have open minds and present my defense.

So, as I understand it the "Gross Abuse" I was accused of involved me inviting players to games on a map I was very familiar with while the other players had little or no experience on this map.

I find it particularly interesting that no one had any interest in this "Gross Abuse" I was supposedly committing until I became Conqueror. Kinda makes ya wonder!

So let me set the record straight.....I have indeed recently invited players to my favorite map who had little or no experience. My answer to this accusation is YES! However, if you look at all the 2,513 games I have played on the Antarctica map, you will find less than 25 players recently that have had little or no experience! All other players had significant experience or joined open games of mine. I have played former Conquerors, Field Marchalls, Generals, Brigadiers and other higher ranked players on this map. Many of them have challenged me to games such as Josko. Many of them knew this map well and many of them have beaten me.

So am I guilty of inviting players with little or no experience to my favorite map? Yes....but very, very, very few of them! Don't take my word for it....don't take Donelladan's word for the research!!! 90+% of the games I've played on the Antarctica map have been against players who have good experience ..... not little or none as I have been accused of!

But why Paul did you ever invite any players who had little or no experience? Let's look at how I did this.

I sent these players a PM accompanying the invitations (Copy provided below for reference) clearly stating my my interests and some facts:

“Greetings My Friend,

I have a proposal for you. I like the Antarctica map and have played it a lot. I see you have never played it. I would like to play a few games with you on it.

Yes, I would like to gain some points, but I could also lose many more points then you. I have played other players with little or no experience and they have won. A lot of times the drop you get and dice and turn order have a lot to do with success, and mine have sometimes been atrocious. If you win only 1 game I would have to win several to catch up in points

However the main benefit to you would be the opportunity to learn a new map while risking very few points comparatively. I will answer honestly all questions you may have about the map and help you to become familiar with it. There have been many times I wished I could learn a new map without risking a ton of points in doing so.

One additional motive for me is to get to know you a little. Our Clan is currently ranked #1 but we are always looking for quality players. I noticed you are currently unaffiliated with any clan and this would give me a chance to see how you play and get to know you.

If you want to consider this opportunity, kindly let me know.

Thanks for listening.


Paul “

1) I tell them I like the map.
2) I acknowledge they have played it little or not at all.
3) I state clearly that yes, I would like to gain some points, but also tell them the truth that I have also lost a lot of games in these scenarios and sometimes lost many more points than I gained.
4) I state “main benefit to you would be the opportunity to learn a new map while risking very few points comparatively.” This is completely true.
5) I also state “I will answer honestly all questions you may have about the map and help you to become familiar with it.” This is also true and if you look in the game chats, I have always done so, with honesty and cordiality and have never refused to answer any questions about the map itself...NEVER
6) Lastly I state “I noticed you are currently unaffiliated with any clan and this would give me a chance to see how you play and get to know you.” I am being sincere here. I am not contacting players already in other clans like many clans do. TOP does not engage in this practice and believes it is unethical. I am not promising clan membership as some accusers of mine have suggested.

So, I have invited a few players with little or no experience recently to my favorite map and was completely straightforward with them. I told them I wanted to gain some points (as we all do) but I was willing to help them become familiar with the map in the process. I explained there was even a chance they could come away with more points than me if they did (Just ask a Major named "Thyme" who had played the map only 1 time total before he accepted my invites. He won 2 of the 5 games we played and gained 109 pts. I won 3 and gained 24). What exactly have I done wrong here? I was being completely sincere and honest with everyone I contacted. No one was forced to join any games. I always answered questions about the map honestly during our games and even answered questions about strategies after our games were over in private messages. I have been contacted several times when I was a lower ranked player with the same opportunity I offered to these players. To learn a new map with very little risk of points. I appreciated the offers and learned.

I was accused again of something and raked over the coals while never having the opportunity to defend myself. I have again done absolutely nothing wrong! I have accepted the admin's warning over this issue although I believe they have been misguided, and I have promised not to invite inexperienced players to Antarctica again. Despite the false accusations brought against me and the ugliness contributed by all the other trolls, I wish all of you well and only hope that some open-minded objective people will read this....and discover the truth.

I will not be responding the this just enjoy doing what you always do!

Kind Regards,

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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:49 pm

Clans isn't the place for you to complain about your C&A case. Moving topic to GD

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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby josko.ri on Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:38 am

PaulatPeace, as you clearly wrote you started to do this recently since you run for Conqueror. That is answer to your question why nobody reported you before you reached Conqueror. It is because you did not abuse the system while you were lower than 4200 points but you started to abuse the system since you were higher than 4200 points. Therefore, your defense that 90% of your games are clear is not valid because the last 10% of your games are abusive and you were judged guilty for the last 10% of your games. You were not cheater/rancher for the whole your life, just after you reached 4200 points.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby Bentelbow on Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:24 am

My thoughts on this matter as someone who was "harvested":
1: Paul sent me the invite and I have since deleted it out of a full inbox, so I can't recall if mention of training or joining a clan was involved.. but I figured I liked the map myself, and wanted to try it on settings I was unfamiliar with at low risk of points and tried it. Lost all 5 and said thanks very much. I DID learn things, even if there was very little chatter. Even after getting soundly whipped, I feel if I was invited again I would probably do so again. Buyer beware here folks.
2: Paul. some of the things that have been fired around just don't seem to ring completely true. If you say you haven't invited people who are in a clan, that is not true in my case, since I have been in MD since Nov 30 2014 or thereabouts and you invited me around Nov 1, 2016. Edit: I was in a clan and I was invited to the games, not invited to join Paul's clan.
Cheers, Bent.
Last edited by Bentelbow on Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby King_Herpes on Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:28 am

Blah blah blah, another conqueror cracks under the judgement of his peers. Same old story...

Wake me up when you guys break KH's high score.

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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby josko.ri on Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:36 am

King_Herpes wrote:Blah blah blah, another conqueror cracks under the judgement of his peers. Same old story...

Wake me up when you guys break KH's high score.

~ Darnell ⚥

I did already, 6428 here ;)
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby King_Herpes on Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:51 am

Sorry, Josko. Score has to be confirmed by Blitzaholic. I'm going back to bed now, please don't wake me I have dance rehearsal in the mo mo.

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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby BrutalBob on Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:23 am

IcePack wrote:Clans isn't the place for you to complain about your C&A case. Moving topic to GD

mmm thanks for that
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby josko.ri on Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:28 am

Jut look at your wall how many people appreciate your way of achieving conqueror. only 9 people congratulated, 7 of them from your clan. Nobody appreciates your "achievement" ;)
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby Donelladan on Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:14 am

Interesting defense, I know you said you aren't gonna reply but maybe you'll read.

Imho, all you said is just bs excuses but you are not answering to the only question you should be replying.
Why do you feel the need to invite inexperienced players against you ?
And don't say it's because you want to teach them that would be outright lie. If you were willing to teach them you'll give them information on how the map is played before they play you.
And you'll be playing 5 games one after another. Playing 5 games at the same time or playing only 1 game is just the same for the point of view of learning.
And you actually refused to play the game one after another, it's in the game chat of a game I quoted in your C&A. One of you opponent only accepted one game, and you told him you'll delete the 4 other if he wasn't willing to play 5 at the same time.
So clearly, obviously to anyone that is willing to think about it, you are not trying to teach them

So, question remains, why are you inviting inexperienced players to play a best of 5 against you ?

Since you won't reply anymore ( at least that's why you said) I'll go ahead and speculate. To gain easy points and become conqueror.

If you just want to play Antarctica, you can very well open public games and play anyone that comes against you. Don't worry you'll have plenty of opponents. Everyone would be willing to take a shot at the conqueror. Inexperienced or experienced player.

Btw :

PaulatPeace wrote:. I explained there was even a chance they could come away with more points than me if they did (Just ask a Major named "Thyme" who had played the map only 1 time total before he accepted my invites. He won 2 of the 5 games we played and gained 109 pts. I won 3 and gained 24).

Wanna know why this guy was able to beat you ? :D


Sent: Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:29 am
From: Donelladan
To: Thyme

If you don't mind i'd like to give you a bit of knowledge on the antartica map.

So, the basics are :
[... basic information about antartica ...]
If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help. This is only a short introduction and the strategy for poly(4) unlimited is a bit more complex.
I noticed you are playing the map against a very experienced player and I just feel like I should help to level the field.

See that's how you do when you want to teach someone. You explain them how to play, then you play them.
And then, it's unbelievable but when you explained to someone how to play the map BEFORE you play them, then they are able to beat you.
Because the most basic thing to know on this map is that you have to stack a base, and you are not even ready to tell them this only single bit of information :

2017-02-05 16:55:46 - Maisel002: so the key is to stack men on one of my bases so i do not get eliminated and eventually try and take SP?
2017-02-05 18:46:25 - PaulatPeace: AS I mentioned, I will be happy to discuss strategies after the games are over. I will tell you this now since you were kind enough to join the other games: This is one strategy that can be used. It does not always work and can backfire on you.
2017-02-05 18:47:32 - PaulatPeace: There are also other strategies that can and have worked. Much depends upon your drop and if you go first and other factors.

So, how nice of you he guy asked you if he should stack a base, and you say "This is one strategy that can be used. It does not always work and can backfire on you."

Backfire on you ? Stacking a base can backfire on you ? :lol:
Honor and integrity right ? :lol:

And yes on all the 5 games against Maisel you have stacked one base and did that exact thing that could "backfire on you" and is just "one strategy that can be used"
Sure, tell them how not to play the map correctly.( and yes I am aware you can win by having your stack outside, but this is still a bad strategy and that's why you don't do it either)

EDIT : i forgot that
PaulatPeace wrote: have played on the Antarctica map, you will find less than 25 players recently that have had little or no experience!

I won't go ahead and count them but :
25 players * 5 games = 125 games.
Assuming you start around 4200 points, facing people which are between major and brigadier, so average let's say 2500 points.
It means you win 10 points per game (a bit more when you are below 5000 and bit less once you are above).

125* 10 = 1250 points !
4200 + 1200 = 5450 points !

Well, that's how you reached conqueror.
Well; wait, I am missing a 100 points : Game 17062734 yeah got them. That'S how you reached conqueror.

Btw, while you were below 4000 points, you were playing high rank, because playing similar rank than you on a map that is your best map, even if they are good, it means you have 50% chance winning because if they are as good as you then it's just about luck But because it's your favorite map and every other high rank doesn't only play antartica, you chance of winning were actually a bit higher. That's why while you were below 4000 you weren't exclusively playing inexperienced players on Antartica, just like josko said.
Once you reach top 10, no one had a similar rank than you, and then you targeted inexperienced player to be able to get to the 1st spot. How nice.
Plus playing the top 6 players ( the only one with your rank) on your favorite map and naruto's map, and then refusing to play them on their home map. Classy, really, honor and integrity right ?
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:51 am

PaulatPeace wrote: Some of you are just trolls who get off on making stupid senseless remarks...]

reporting for doody
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby mrswdk on Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:57 am

As one of the people PaulatPeace attempted to groom I feel sickened that, having been censured for being a predator, he is still in the public fora talking up how great it is to prey on site members such as myself, individuals who have potentially been left feeling violated and dirtied by having his tentacles find their way into our inboxes. Nominate this thread for removal to the MOD EDIT
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby mrswdk on Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:58 am

Also think that his whole clan should be given a ban on sending PMs, given they keep sending me those stupid chain messages asking me to enter their Freestyle League despite the fact I've refused more than once.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby Donelladan on Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:02 am

mrswdk wrote:Also think that his whole clan should be given a ban on sending PMs, given they keep sending me those stupid chain messages asking me to enter their Freestyle League despite the fact I've refused more than once.

Freestyle league isn't a TOP thing. Just a few TOP people are member of the freestyle league. Don't derail the topic, don't troll TOP please.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby owenshooter on Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:28 am

Blitzaholic wrote:Hello Everyone,

Sure missed talking to you all. Think I am beginning to learn a lesson here : No matter how much I try to explain the truth in these posts, some of you just can not get it. So I think I am going to stop wasting my time, Some of you are just trolls who get off on making stupid senseless remarks...but others I had hoped would use their brain power to see past their egos and let some light shine in. So you may not hear from me for a while. Additionally, I have foed many of you, not wanting to view your nastiness any more.

i wish they would stop persecuting you!!! this is so unjust and so unfair!!! FREE BLITZ! FREE BLITZ!! FREE BLITZ!!! the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby khazalid on Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:20 am

PaulatPeace wrote: Image
had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby khazalid on Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:20 am

had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:16 am

Donelladan wrote:
Imho, all you said is just bs excuses but you are not answering to the only question you should be replying.
Why do you feel the need to invite inexperienced players against you ?
And don't say it's because you want to teach them that would be outright lie. If you were willing to teach them you'll give them information on how the map is played before they play you.

    + ∞

This is exactly the core of it. If he was playing games open to all and maintaining an 80% win record, everybody would be congratulating him. Because he cherry-picks people who have no chance on the map, he is a rancher. Adding insult to injury, pretending to "teach" and then not teaching anything is the long-discredited GLG defense.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby niMic on Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:24 am

PaulatPeace wrote:Think I am beginning to learn a lesson here : No matter how much I try to explain the truth in these posts, some of you just can not get it.

So close to self-awareness, yet so far.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby mrswdk on Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:30 am

Donelladan wrote:
mrswdk wrote:Also think that his whole clan should be given a ban on sending PMs, given they keep sending me those stupid chain messages asking me to enter their Freestyle League despite the fact I've refused more than once.

Freestyle league isn't a TOP thing. Just a few TOP people are member of the freestyle league. Don't derail the topic, don't troll TOP please.

The guy who sends me all the messages has the same Omega symbol in his display pic. I assumed that made him TOP.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby notyou2 on Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:22 am

khazalid wrote:
PaulatPeace wrote: Image

Pretty sure this is where he got his inspiration.

Really this just boils down to an individual claiming to be religious preying on the weak and vulnerable while espousing they are doing nothing wrong. Nothing new here. Unfortunately, it happens everyday. Apparently, Paul is just practicing the tenants of his faith. Thankfully, not all religious people feel this is acceptable behaviour, just the morally bankrupt ones.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby mrswdk on Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:26 pm

Does CC have a problem with radical Christianity?
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby Keefie on Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:43 pm

mrswdk wrote:Does CC have a problem with radical Christianity?

Stop trying to de-rail this thread Mrs. If you need an answer to that please post a new topic.
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Re: Defense Not Permitted (Lets Just Judge Him & Hang Him)

Postby mrswdk on Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:12 pm

Sheesh, can't a gal make one joke without being hauled off by the Gestapo?
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