by IcePack on Mon Feb 06, 2017 7:03 pm
Q: How does diplomacy work with inactive Houses?
A: You send a diplomatic message the same as you do any other House. I contact the inactive clans (just like I do if you approach their castle letting them know it might be their last chance to defend the castle and join in). If they choose to participate, they might respond to your message.
If they provide a message it will get passed on. They might join and still ignore it providing no response. If the clan confirms they will not participate at all, then I have some prepared responses to different proposals / requests and generally like everything else - roll to see which response is provided.
Q: How do you present Bannermen when they are found on the map? Do they fly their vassal state Banner, or theirs, or both? (IE: Does it Lord Bob from House Club who pledged as Bannermen to House Conquer, when you met them does it say "Lord Bob of House Club", "Lord Bob of House Conquer", or "Lord Bob of House Club, Bannermen of Conquer"?
A: They will show up as "Lord Bob of House Club, Bannermen of Conquer". As the army travels, they carry their own banner but place yours (the vassal state) above their own as a pledge to you.
Q: You mention you can request protection from our Bannermen, what does that mean?
A: It can mean a variety of things. You can strike a deal that they will take down a specific Castle, or stay near you in order to help defend some territory, the options are endless.
Q: Does that mean Bannermen can enter my Castle/City and help me defend it?
A: Yes
Q: Can they be the only defense in my Castle / City? Will they gather Gold for me?
A: Yes, they can. And yes, you will still have a military force there to impose your tax on the locals, so they will be able to collect your gold for you. However, they can also throw away the Bannermen agreement at any time, so placing them as your only line of defense in your main Castle carries a huge amount of trust. As they can turn on you and instantly take the Castle with no defenses (along with a section of your gold and kidnapped Lords through the appropriate rules etc).
Q: If my Lord and a Bannermens Lord are both in my Castle and someone attacks, we get to pick who defends my Castle? Can that be in the agreement?
A: Yes, and yes.
Q: For travelling with a Lord, if my Lord and my Bannermen are travelling. Can part of our agreement be that the Bannermen protects the Lord (takes on the challenges / games) from an ambush etc? How does this work with travelling, if one of them has higher initiative then the other will my Lord be exposed if he moves before the Bannermen even though there is the protection agreement?
A: This is something I didn't contemplate in the original design for diplomatic agreements. However, I think its a fair agreement that could be reached between two Houses potentially. So what I would say is, they would / could move together if both clans direct me to do so, but at the lower clans intiative. A clan can't move faster / higher in the iniatitive ladder then they were assigned, but I suppose for something like this, they could potentially choose to go slower.
Q: Did you think of making a scenario out of the Siege! map in order to play the battle with pre determined regions? Such as the defending Lord could always start with the throne, etc?
A: Thats a brilliant idea that I didn't think of. I guess I'll take that as another suggestion for the v2.0 (if we do one).

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