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Warned PaulatPeace - gross abuse

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PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Donelladan on Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:51 am



The accused are suspected of:

- Abusing the invite system
- Ranching
- Point harvesting

From the farming rule :

lackattack wrote:the scoreboard is meant to measure skill in the game, not "harvesting" techniques.

From the GLG case

king achilles wrote:Basically, in these 1 vs 1 games, the opponent does not have an idea of how to play the map or how to engage in the settings of the game that was made. It's like you constructed a way to make a player become like a "new recruit", because you made a game that he will play for the first time in which you have played countless times already. Regularly doing this to different (unsuspecting) players is a systematic way of ranching points for yourself. These games exhibits a pattern of how someone can methodically target specific ranks or players that have no idea on how to play the map for the purpose of ranching. It's not fair to regularly do this. We will classify this as a gross abuse of the game.

Since we have always seen him as someone who just prefers to play against low ranked players in the past, re-checking his private games with certain settings has shed some light that this practice is more malicious than it seems. This does not mean that no one is allowed anymore to invite low ranks or unfamiliar players to private games. You can play any ranks publicly or privately but make sure that this practice is not done in extreme numbers to the point that you are already doing this regularly, seeking out specific ranks or players in order to ranch some points.


Game number(s):
I am only putting 1 game per player, but he challenge all of his opponent to a best of 5. So, for almost all game here, there is 4 other more I didn't post.

Game 17167290 Bamanole74 - played only 1 game on antartica but totally different setting
Game 17164888 m1ndgames - played only 1 game on antartica but totally different setting
Game 17162024 Emperor Revan - never played antartica before facing accused
Game 17148218 ghow - never played antartica before facing accused
Game 17148210 Foman - played only 3 games on antartica but totally different setting
Game 17132832 bandini02 - never played antartica before facing accused
Game 17132830 cowboy61 - only 1 defeat on antartica before facing accused
Game 17132826 Pseudonymity - never played antartica before facing accused
Game 17113503 Genghis Khunt - played only 3 games on antartica but totally different setting
Game 17095361 BelgianVirus - played only 3 games on antartica but totally different setting

Currently playing :
Game 17190612 danmas - never played antartica before
Game 17190602 Thyme - never played antartica before facing accused ( 1 finished game that he lost since )
Game 17196043 Maisel002 - played only 1 game on antartica but totally different setting


PaulatPeace is inviting player that have no experience and no idea how to play the antartica map poly(4) escalating unlimited setting.
He is selecting this opponent, knowing they do not know how to play antartica so that he is actually facing noob and is able to get easy points.

Antartica quad or poly(4) escalating unlimited is a very specific combinations of map/settings. While the strategy isn't that difficult, it is almost impossible to win against an experienced player if you have never played this map with this settings before.

From the quote above :
These games exhibits a pattern of how someone can methodically target specific ranks or players that have no idea on how to play the map for the purpose of ranching. It's not fair to regularly do this. We will classify this as a gross abuse of the game.

You can play any ranks publicly or privately but make sure that this practice is not done in extreme numbers to the point that you are already doing this regularly

As proof that PaulatPeace is actually well aware that his opponent does not know how to play antartica, this the PM he send to his opponents :
Greetings My Friend,

I have a proposal for you. I like the Antarctica map and have played it a lot. I see you have never played it. I would like to play a few games with you on it.

Yes, I would like to gain some points, but I could also lose many more points then you. I have played other players with little or no experience and they have won. A lot of times the drop you get and dice and turn order have a lot to do with success, and mine have sometimes been atrocious. If you win only 1 game I would have to win several to catch up in points!

However the main benefit to you would be the opportunity to learn a new map while risking very few points comparatively. I will answer honestly all questions you may have about the map and help you to become familiar with it. There have been many times I wished I could learn a new map without risking a ton of points in doing so.

One additional motive for me is to get to know you a little. Our Clan is currently ranked #1 but we are always looking for quality players. I noticed you are currently unaffiliated with any clan and this would give me a chance to see how you play and get to know you.

If you want to consider this opportunity, kindly let me know.

Thanks for listening.



So he is well aware that all his opponents have no experience or very little.

I think everything that PaulatPeace does can be exactly described by this quote, from GLG case again :

deathcomesrippin wrote:Gen.LeeGettinhed was banned for 1 month as per the situation guidelines for Gross Abuse of Game, which is a major offence. The unofficial term for the particular problem is "Ranching". Simply speaking, it is the case of someone abusing the game by purposefully inviting people who have no experience with certain settings to guarantee a win.

Now, it isn't the fact that he is making these games that resulted in this. It is the fact that he would purposely seek out players with little to no experience on the maps, create the games, and invite them to private matches. This was under the guise of limiting losses, but regardless of the reason, it is still a gross abuse of our gaming system. People will say other players do this. Other players will start games, multiple ones, on maps that they are good at. I myself start 10+ Poland games whenever I get the urge to, as I feel it is my strongest map. But they do not purposely hunt down players who don't understand the maps and invite them under the guise of education, whether there was education or not. Again, this is abusing our system. After examining the situation, it was decided that this indeed did qualify as a Gross Abuse, and the infraction was handed down as per our guidelines. Any questions or comments (within reason), feel free to post in here. The same rules I posted earlier apply though: I won't tolerate any flaming, baiting, or anything of the sort. Keep the remarks clean. Thank you.

Also, PaulatPeace has currently 91 antartica poly(4) escalating unlimited private games waiting. Half of them waiting for their opponent to accept an invitation.

Let me had that, PaulatPeace refuses to play his opponents after he defeated them ( so much for teaching !).
And that he is playing 5 games at the SAME time with the intent of taking lot of points out of them, without getting them the chance to understand the rule before losing 5 games.

Proof of that behaviour from the game chat :
2017-02-05 07:10:44 - Maisel002: Take em one at a time...
2017-02-05 07:22:34 - PaulatPeace: Thank you for joining my friend. I prefer to take them all together...due to the large # of points I could lose. Is this acceptable to you?
2017-02-05 07:27:16 - PaulatPeace: If you do not wish to play the others at the same time....I will cancel the rest. Let me know please.
2017-02-05 07:43:14 - PaulatPeace: This is my promise to you....if you join all the games, I will answer all your questions about the map itself during the games, and all questions about the strategies after they are over.

Also, as you can see, he wouldn't answer any question about the strategies until the games are already over ( then he already has won the points so he doesn't mind obviously.)

Further evidence from another game that PaulatPeace is abusing the system :

2016-02-26 07:57:50 - Yynatago: Good luck Paul!
2016-02-26 08:16:19 - PaulatPeace: Hey brother. Nice to see you. GL to you also.
2016-02-26 08:18:01 - PaulatPeace: As you probably know, I don't create open games for anyone to join. I thought I had created 15 games and invited players to them all. It appears they all declined them.
2016-02-26 08:18:51 - PaulatPeace: Did I somehow make a mistake and leave one of the games open and not private?
2016-02-26 08:20:05 - PaulatPeace: I quickly deleted the other 14 games in case CC had somehow changed them to open ones.

Here you can see that he is purposively avoiding to play public game to avoid facing people that could beat him.
Note that this game chat is as old as 26.02.2016, that is now a very long time Paul has been abusing.

Just for comparison, PaulatPeace played 175 public games on antartica poly(4), and 1482 private games with same setting.

Side note, this is just assumption, but I think the part about the clan in PaulatPeace pm are a blatant lie and that his tarnishing the image of the clan world. No one in the clan recruit players by playing them on poly(4) on a map they have no experience at all. Also, none of the players that I quoted in my post have joined TOP's clan nor have them been invited to further test match.
Our Clan is currently ranked #1 but we are always looking for quality players. I noticed you are currently unaffiliated with any clan and this would give me a chance to see how you play and get to know you.

PS : if someone with maprank could give me the stat of PaulatPeace on private antartica compare to public antartica, and quad antartica that'll help.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby josko.ri on Sun Feb 05, 2017 7:38 am

Great research and very factual case supported by a lot of evidence =D>

Let me had that, PaulatPeace refuses to play his opponents after he defeated them ( so much for teaching !).

PaulatPeace is well aware that his opponents are Majors or Colonels who can realize what is correct strategy after playing several times. Therefore, after he takes easy points from them, he do not play them again because at second attempt they have real chance of beating him.

Moreover, he is making timing of his turns on the way that decisive turns from all 5 games played versus the same opponent are occurring at the same time, so the opponent cannot realize what is proper strategy from one game in advance and use the proper strategy in another game. His opponents realize what is proper strategy at the very last turn of the game in all 5 games simultaneously, when they have already lost the game.

And that he is playing 5 games at the SAME time with the intent of taking lot of points out of them, without getting them the chance to understand the rule before losing 5 games.

Proof of that behaviour from the game chat :
2017-02-05 07:10:44 - Maisel002: Take em one at a time...
2017-02-05 07:22:34 - PaulatPeace: Thank you for joining my friend. I prefer to take them all together...due to the large # of points I could lose. Is this acceptable to you?
2017-02-05 07:27:16 - PaulatPeace: If you do not wish to play the others at the same time....I will cancel the rest. Let me know please.
2017-02-05 07:43:14 - PaulatPeace: This is my promise to you....if you join all the games, I will answer all your questions about the map itself during the games, and all questions about the strategies after they are over.

I think you can extend the accusing evidence of the post and include that PaulatPeace is requesting his opponents to play all games at once. You can manipulate with timing of your own turns as much sa you want to be faster or slower but it is against site rules to manipulate how your opponents will play their turns. Everyone should have right to play his own turns on his own convenience but it seems PaulatPeace abused this as well in the game versus Maisel002.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Lord Arioch on Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:15 am

This as been going on quiet a while.
I seemed to remember a clan mate complaing about it a while back just checked our forum. Brew city posted this:

"Beware if PaulatPeace sends anyone invites to Antarctica! He is a predator for points and sets up 10 packs of escalating, poly 4, unlimited forts, Antarctica games preaching that he will teach you how to play it and will say that you can ask him any questions that you want along the way but then when you ask he responds with "remember to ask me again when we are done w/ the game". It is the only map that he plays and that is how he gets his points and got to General. It 's a pretty sleazy tactic I feel. What is the fun in that! I lost well over 200 points due to him! So please beware if he sends you invites! He is not interested in teaching you at all. All you are is a mark to him coning you into joining his games."

Posted may 12th 2016

There are more sentences ... but they include some cursing and such and wouldnt help anyone out to read ;)

Anyway dont know if this helps or not... but there u go admins. Its been going on for some time!
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby josko.ri on Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:26 am

I hope his Conqueror medal "earned" by this cheating will also get stripped away as a part of punishment.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Keefie on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:00 am

A player who's recently joined HH kcharles mentioned he'd been lured into playing Paul and felt he'd been cheated, but I didn't follow it up.

There certainly doesn't seem to be much 'Honour and Integrity' in this :(
Last edited by Keefie on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:01 am

I can verify that I've been invited to games before, but without such PM. I also was with VDLL at the time. Another member of VDLL (maybe at the time not yet member) has also played these private games without knowing the map, zed the river. I don't know if he got a PM of any sorts, this was around August maybe, long before it got into the spotlights.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Zed the River on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:23 am

I must say I didn't really saw the problem but after the 5 games I did. I didn't stand a chance. ..

Antarctica - Best of 5 Challenge Opportunity

Sent: 26 Oct 2016, 07:15 
From: PaulatPeace 
To: Zed the River 

Greetings My Friend,

I see you have an interest in Antarctica. I would very much appreciate the opportunity to play a few games with you. I have invited you to a Best of 5 Challenge. If you win only 1 game you will come out way ahead on points and gain some valuable experience in the process. I recently played a Major in 5 games. I won 4 and gained 36 points. Lost the last one and he gained 44 points. Net result: I won 80% of the games and lost 8 points.!

I have lost many games to a lot of players, but I enjoy the map. If there are things about the map you would like to learn more about, I would be happy to answer your questions honestly and help you gain more experience.

Thank you for considering and I hope to see you on the field.


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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby grt on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:29 am

I have also been invited to such games and declined.

When you see you are being invited to a game where your opponent has over 2000 games on a map - then maybe you decline, maybe you accept - it's your choice. I haven't checked but I assume PaulatPeace is not inviting players new to CC - so they should be able to make up their own mind before accepting and be able to check if their opponent has much experience.

A long time ago I decided to play random21 on USA 2.1. I had little experience on the map but it was my choice to join that game - I fancied a challenge. The fact that PaulatPeace sends the invite makes it slightly different but players can decide themselves if they want to take on the challenge of playing someone experienced on a map.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:36 am

Donelladan wrote:PS : if someone with maprank could give me the stat of PaulatPeace on private antartica compare to public antartica, and quad antartica that'll help.

Holy shit the difference is dramatic!

Public Polymorphic
-276 103 from 175(59%)
Private Polymorphic
+5159 1147 from 1483(77%)
Tournament (inc. clan) Polymorphic
-92 6 from 15(40%)

All Polymorphic
+4791 1256 from 1673(75%)
(note: MapRank cannot separate Poly4 from other Polys)

Public Quads
-52 0 from 3(0%)
Private Quads
-109 5 from 15(33%)
Tournament (inc. clan) Quads
+141 17 from 26(65%)

All Quads
-20 22 from 44(50%)

I had never looked at his record in detail before, but it's amazing. Virtually all of his points are from these private ranching games! He only has a 50% record when playing the map with an actual team. He's only at 40% playing the map in Polymorphic in tournament play.

Wow. A new GLG is exposed.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:39 am

Somebody said PaP got a forum ban elsewhere for a week, so he can't defend himself yet in here. However, if he indeed got that forum ban I'm sure he'll still read it so I will compare two cases.

PaP invites players without antarctica to a best of 5 on his best map. Some say he sends a PM extending a potential clan offer, some say he didn't. Regardless, he only answers questions after he has won and wins easy points. You can read in Don's post what he does.

However Narutoserigala, clanmate of PaP, does something which is almost the same. I've been invited to a best of series by narutoserigala in the past. He wanted to play me, and proposed some maps he thought we could both play in his opening PM. We discussed a bit and ended up with playing 1 Conquer Rome game (a map I couldnt really play at the time, but was learning) and 7 Das Schloß games. What is important here is that Naruto discussed map selection with me and wanted to play me on my strong maps that he could also play - he was confident in his abilities to beat me (with good reason, too) and wanted to play poly games vs good players with experience.

Naruto has done that with many players, and doesn't seem to care about points. For example Game 16932637, where Naruto plays Josko best of 5 on Antarctica when Josko was only on ~3600 points at the start of the game. This is another key difference in their private games. Naruto will play anyone anytime on maps where he is strong on, regardless of current score of his opponent.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:42 am

grt wrote:I have also been invited to such games and declined.

When you see you are being invited to a game where your opponent has over 2000 games on a map - then maybe you decline, maybe you accept - it's your choice. I haven't checked but I assume PaulatPeace is not inviting players new to CC - so they should be able to make up their own mind before accepting and be able to check if their opponent has much experience.

I also think that the players invited have the ability to look at his past games to get a general feel about how the map should be played and increase their chances. However it is EXTREMELY similar to GLG's case and is abuse.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:28 am

From a purely clan perspective, and I know it's only a tiny blip in the overall case at the end, but it's a shame someone would place personal points over overall health & well being of the clan world in general as a leader of a clan himself.
Sounds like more a few had their initial potential clan experience soured by it, and thankfully a few kept searching and found homes in other clans.
But how many stopped there after getting burned?

In a time of overall site decline and difficulty bringing in new clan members to the scene, that's the most disturbing part to me. By a fellow clan leader no less. It's shameful

Whether it's found to be in the rules or not, I would expect more from someone who espouses honor and integrity every chance he gets, using his clan that uses the same motto as a carrot for him to steal easy points.

Clan games are about teamwork, communication, cohesion of strategy. None of those can be accurately measured / tested in a poly game where you aren't openly discussing strategy. Sounds like it's just used as another way to convince the victims to join hoping to get in on the #1 clan, instead of a genuine offer to tryout for potential clan spot

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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:52 am

Going to take a look at this.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby dkmaster on Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:05 pm

I am from Denmark so bear with me if my english isnt 100% correct. So please dont troll over my spelling etc but look at what I am telling here instead :)

I will not accuse or defend Paul for anything. First of all I have nothing to accuse him for and secondly as a member of TOP any defense for Paul would instantly be seen as a defense for a clan mate anyway.

So instead of that, I will tell you how I was recruited to TOP.

Back in october 2015 I was invited to a 5 game match by Paul. Played at Antarctica with poly4, escalating, unlimited as mentioned above. Paul knew I played a lot at Antarctica a year before that so I was well known to it. He also mentioned TOP and encouraged me to think about joining.

We played the match and I won it 4-1. And did cost Paul a big handful of points.

But that didnt stop Paul. He instantly invited me to a new match with 10 games, same map same settings. And upon that he asked me to promise to join TOP if he could beat me. Which I ofcourse denied :)

That match ended up 6-4 in my favour and another loss of points for Paul as his rank were higher than mine.

But we had a good talk and despite the fact that I had declined invitations to other clans for more than 2 years I decided to give it a shot at TOP. And I have never regret it since.

So I am a living proof that Paul actually did get new players into the clan world by his invites.

One of the things I like really much about TOP is actually that the 3 founders Paul, Naruto and Mags are very eager to be sure that we all obey to the rules of CC. ( The biggest reason for me not to join any clan for so long was my 1½ month experience at TOFU with COF yellling at me because I didnt want to break any rules for and with him )

But as any other player at CC we can only obey to rules we know about !!!

I cant see the term ”ranching” mentioned anywhere. Or the fact that you are not allowed to invite experienced players that are less experienced at a certain map.
I can find ”farming” were you are not allowed to invite only new recruits.
But that is two very different scenarious.

Donelladan mention a 5 year old C&A case. Yes I wrote 5 years old !!

And several other players join him in that and are even calling shame on Paul.

When I joined CC I dont recall being asked to read everyone of the C&A cases back in time to be updated about the rules. Or to read any new for the matter. But ofcourse I felt committed to obey the rules mentioned at the site under rules.

I just read a couple of sites at the link about GLG, provided by Donelladan.

Several mentioned that it was a clear abuse and mentioned in the rules as ”Any gross abuse of the game is forbidden”

Hmm I see that as a very ”greyish” rule that CC can use as they wish and that no one can be sure to follow 100%


I and many other sees ”revealing position, troops count etc. in FOW games as an abuse of the game settings. But CC dont and even allows other players to troll new members mentioning it in a C&A report. Calling these new members cry baby etc I am sure that scare of more players than Pauls games does !

I and many other sees not giving an opponent the chance of getting a snap in FOW games as an abuse of the game settings. CC dont.

I and many others dont like when players start a game, attacks and then leave the game without ending it to avoid getting a spoil. In my and many others opinion that is abuse of the game settings.
CC dont see it that way.

Actually those 3 above mentioned ”doings” are for some players considered as a smart way of taking advantage over players not doing it.

But taking some advantage by playing against otherwise experienced players is certainly a bad thing and very clear a gross abuse of the game ??

I dont know if Pauls case are the same as GLG's.

I can see though that GLG by CC got a warning for gross abuse of the game and that CC mentioned that is was really bad for the site. GLG was also called a lot of things in that thread by other players.

What I really dont understand is this

If CC find ranching such a gross abuse of the game and a really bad thing for the site. Why didnt CC prevent that from happen again by mentioning it in the rules. It would take about 5 minutes. 5 years are gone and we can still not see it anywhere in the rules. !!!

How can CC expect us all to look through 5 years of C&A reports if they dont bother using 5 minutes to update the rules.

In Denmark you are innocent until proven guilty. And you cant be guilty of breaking a rule not mentioned anywhere in the rules !
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:26 pm

dkmaster wrote:And several other players join him in that and are even calling shame on Paul.

Paul's mass PMs to clan leaders in the past and his current forum posts kind of make it easy to dislike Paul. Add in that EVERY new conqueror gets a lot of attention on how he got it, and you get stuff like this. He oftentimes mentions "honor and integrity" and "I am a pure Christian, blablabla morals values" in which the second sometimes refers to the person on the other side of the conversation not being a good Christian, in Paul's eyes. That is why people are quick to call him out on morally questionable behaviour, be it against the rules or not.

If you check Don's and Magnus' wall, you can see Don had a conversation with Magnus. That discussion was likely fuel for Don to dig deeper and come up with this accusation, whether Paul is innocent or not.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Donelladan on Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:46 pm

Hello dkmaster.

One big difference between you and the case here, is that you were experienced on Antarctica. Therefore it makes much more sense to face you on the map if someone want to judge your skills. Facing someone that you know is totally inexperienced on the Antarctica, and not telling him how to play it beforehand, what are you trying to judge then ? How fast you beat him ? ( i mean if it was on a classic style map why not, but on a map with very special rule and very special strategy to apply ? ) But well, the clan part isn't part of the C&A accusation, it's just a side note, and yes, maybe PaulatPeace was honestly looking for new TOP member.

You are wondering why this kind of abuse is not a written rule.
What would the rule be ? " It is forbidden to invites a lot of inexperienced players to face you "
What is inexperience? What is a lot ?
There can't be such a rule.

You know, just like you, I received, quite long time ago, bunch of invitations from PaulatPeace to play a best of 10 against him on Antarctica.
This isn't forbidden.
Now what did Paul do ? He invites a lot of people to play private games on Antarctica. There is no reason to forbid that.

There is no rule for abuse, because abuse occurs only when people are abusing the system. And you can't know all the kind of abuse people will be able to invent. Invitations haven't been created so that you can pick weak opponents, play only them and then become conqueror. PM aren't there so that you can lure people into your games either.

In this case, it's also up to you before you do something, you can ask yourself, is that right ?
We have a scoreboard on CC, and we have points. Regardless of how inaccurate are the scoreboard and the points system, they are supposed to be here to measure your skills at the game.
PaulatPeace hasn't been doing smthg wrong to his opponents ( well not only). PaulatPeace has been harming the whole system. Here is the full quote from lackattack :
As farmers move up the scoreboard it also harms the competitive nature of Conquer Club - the scoreboard is meant to measure skill in the game, not "harvesting" techniques.

Well, PaulatPeace isn't a farmers because he hasn't been targeting new recruit, but except that, it's exactly what PaulatPeace is doing.

I mean, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand and to see that targeting inexperienced player in order to reach the 1st spot is not the right way to get to the 1st spot.
There is a competition to be conqueror, and PaulatPeace has been cheating is way up there.

If PaulatPeace had been playing public game on antartica poly (4) and winning them all he would be deserving of his rank and of his conqueror medal.
As statistic ( thanks Duk) have shown he wouldn't be 1st rank without his abuse of the invitation system.

I also hope that he get stripped of his conqueror medal which he clearly doesn't deserve.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:06 pm



Another Colonel with 0 Antarctica games targetted.

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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby eddie2 on Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:26 pm

Hi done for contacting me about this as one of the original investigators or glg. Looks extremely similar to his style minus the live chat. Does this Paul use global chat often to maybe find these players
Also are they just off the 5 game nr barrier when invites sent.

If so I would add a multi to this case as I am sure his account was opened about the time of the glg case
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:28 pm

eddie2 wrote:Hi done for contacting me about this as one of the original investigators or glg. Looks extremely similar to his style minus the live chat. Does this Paul use global chat often to maybe find these players
Also are they just off the 5 game nr barrier when invites sent.

If so I would add a multi to this case as I am sure his account was opened about the time of the glg case

No, he only targets high rankers with no experience on Antarctica, not fresh off the NR wagon

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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby josko.ri on Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:35 pm

Dkmaster your case of joining 5 games vs Paul and your acceptance to TOP dates back to 1,4 years ago when Paul had 3500 points and you had 3000 points. Playing someone on your avourite map when you can earn 17 and lose 23 points is kind of win-win scenario. In addition TOP clan was new at that time and needed new players so back then it is possible he was really recruiting.

However, the abusive doings by Paul dates for period of about 1 year ago, when his points became over 4000 or especially several months ago over 4500. Since then, nobody was recruited to TOP from his Antarctica games (or can you give a counterexample if someone was?) and he was inviting only inexperienced players on Antarctica to play versus him. I can tell that he played vs me best of 5 on the map before but he declined my challenge since his rank became high (although my rank is also high but he knows I have clue how to play the map).
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby macken on Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:38 pm

I come from another thread, which I find sad and unjust, and I'm just aware of this new thread...

Really, this is getting sicker.

The first thing to do is to list the rules. Explain them well, but concisely, not an illegible book.

And for the topic,

- If someone invites me to a game, I am free to accept it or not. I am free to look at his experience or not, before join. Is my problem if I did or not, if I join and lost, or if I join and win, or if I choice not join.
- If I want invite someone to play and I want choice the settings, I have restrictions too? All people are free to join or not. The game are played whit the same tools. Are players better or worse than others, of course. Everybody is free to learn and practice to learn.
- I have to teach another how to play so that he win me?
- The system take in account the different score. If you have high score, you lose more points, and you win only a few.
So what is all this big problem???

You really need some clear rules. If are crazy rules, okay, I can assume and play or not assume and not play, but clear rules always! Because this is getting worse.

People for a handful of points, see ghosts, defame others, lot of endless threats, etc.... is a bit pathetic.
Are supposed that most of us are mature people, with family, work, real life, we are here for fun, good personal relationships, etc. But many times seems this is a school yard childrem. Think about.
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby Donelladan on Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:58 pm

macken wrote:People for a handful of points, see ghosts, defame others, lot of endless threats, etc.... is a bit pathetic.

Classy, so this is pathetic because it's for a handful of points, but PaulatPeace abusing the system for a.... handful of points it's alright ?

For the "clear rule" thing, I already answer to dkmaster, just above, I won't do it again here.

macken wrote:- I have to teach another how to play so that he win me?

lmfao... "have to teach" ? Are you trying to said PaulatPeace had to teach each CC player from major to colonel that didn't know how to play Antarctica how to play it ?
Also, if you want to teach someone, you give them explanations during ( or even before) the game. You play 1 game against them, so that after you defeated them they can see why and how, then you play another game against them. You don't come playing 5 games at the same time without giving any kind of explanation and then say good bye.
You might argue on some stuff, but don't come and try to tell us PaulatPeace was trying to teach his opponents how to play Antarctica. Yes he used this argument to lure his opponents to accept his invitations, but it was definitely not the purpose. If you think just a few seconds about it you know it, and we know it.

And even if I already replied dkmaster, just for you, I'll say it again :
inviting people => ok !
inviting people with lower score => ok !

Targeting exclusively inexperienced player on a given map in order to reach a high score ( and doing so again and again, the scale make the abuse) => not ok !

If you don't get it when I say it, just read the quote from deathcomesrippin, I think it couldn't more clear why it's an abuse.
It's not about rule being clear or not clear, it's about abusing the system, what PaulatPeace did was clearly an abuse, abuse is forbidden as per the rule. You can't list all possible kind of abuse, because they aren't all have been made and found yet.
I could have reported Paul even without the GLG case behind to make my case, the difference is that it would have resulted in much more arguing because Paul would have been the first one. Fortunately for me, all the arguing has been made during GLG case and we already know the conclusion.

deathcomesrippin wrote:. People will say other players do this. Other players will start games, multiple ones, on maps that they are good at. I myself start 10+ Poland games whenever I get the urge to, as I feel it is my strongest map. But they do not purposely hunt down players who don't understand the maps and invite them under the guise of education, whether there was education or not. Again, this is abusing our system.

Also, this has nothing to do with the other topic macken.
I have never had anything against TOP or TOP's player. And up to now, I think I had either no relation or good relation with the players TOP ( I understand it may not be the case anymore though).
And I really hope this topic will not prevent TOP to keep making this interesting in the clan world ( CL and CC for example).
Also, you wouldn't be the first top clans to have cheaters in your ranks, don't worry about your image, for example GLG was KoRT member and KORT is still there ( though they changed name to S&M recently but totally out of topic).
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Re: PaulatPeace - gross abuse

Postby eddie2 on Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:01 pm

IcePack wrote:
eddie2 wrote:Hi done for contacting me about this as one of the original investigators or glg. Looks extremely similar to his style minus the live chat. Does this Paul use global chat often to maybe find these players
Also are they just off the 5 game nr barrier when invites sent.

If so I would add a multi to this case as I am sure his account was opened about the time of the glg case

No, he only targets high rankers with no experience on Antarctica, not fresh off the NR wagon

Lol well I don't see the problem then. High ranker know about the game settings, they know about different map styles. And frankly if high rankers are falling for it and joining the games ( which Antarctica them settings ain't really hard anybody with common sense can play it) then it's there own fault
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