IcePack wrote:TX AG 90 wrote:IcePack,
I know we have addressed what happens when an "inactive" clan castle is attacked. As of now, you or Lindax will play for the inactive game and once an active clan has defeated the castle 3 times (or less if they have been previously attacked), they will get the castle and their gold.
However, I could not find where it was addressed what happens if the active clan lord LOSES the battle.
Is the attacking Lord automatically executed like battles vs. Barbarians or is there a set ransom fee in lieu of negotiations?
Hey TX,
It might be in the FAQ, but it was answered. (I know I'm sorry, FAQ is huge)
But it's up to the victor, they get to decide whether to execute, kidnap (for diplo or other purposes), randsom, or set free.
Of course, if the victor sends me a PM saying the Lord is executed before the other House sends the victor a diplomacy PM, it will at that point be to late.
So if you win over an active Lord, be sure you want to execute before sending me the PM. Because at that point, he's executed and theres nothing left to ransom.
Nothing is automatic, however. If I don't hear anything from the victor, he will be assumed to be kidnapped until otherwise noted from the House.
Theres also no default fee's for ransoms. Thats for the two sides to negotiate.
Hi IcePack,
I was referring to the instance when you lose to an Inactive Clan. What happens then?