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[CR@W] the Bannermen [Complete] - House of Fire (TOFU) Wins!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby benbomb on Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:42 pm

im a free-minion, is that a problem or will it be like the monster battle royaal?? (free games no max)
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:13 pm

benbomb wrote:im a free-minion, is that a problem or will it be like the monster battle royaal?? (free games no max)

That actual games that are played are poly, which requires premium. its only ever 1 game at a time, but unfortunately its premium only for the players.
However if you want to be involved, you can still be the leader / plan everything you just couldn't be one fof the active "lords" travelling around the map.


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:38 am

Anyone else planning to enter? PM's have gone out, there are still a few that I've heard thinking about it etc but haven't heard from several others

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:41 am

Based on the info I have, I'm expecting 11-15 total clans participating.
I'm guessing @ least 12. I've been told 2-3 others thinking about it but haven't heard back.

Also I will be adding a "spawning" rule. Any new lord can be spawned from any owned castle or city. (Not watch towers)

REMINDER to get your entry in ASAP! We plan to get started this Sunday

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Re: Supporting Info

Postby nvanputten on Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:58 pm

IcePack wrote:Army Unit Management Rules

An Assault against an inactive Clans Castle
- The Clan will be contacted as a last ditch effort to get them to defend their Castle. If they choose to do so, they will defend it per the standard rules.
- If the defending "inactive" clan chooses not to defend their castle, I (IcePack) will play the x3 default defense of the Clans Castle on Siege! for any clan that doesn't participate. This will provide a roughly equal challenge to all clans.
- If theres a conflict of interest (such as FALL attacking an inactive Clans Castle) I will provide an approximately like-skilled person to defend the castle in which does not have a conflict of interest. (TBD: Likely Lindax)
- Either way, there will be no "free" castles to be grabbed regardless of the level of participation.

Am I reading this correctly that there will be 3 Lords guarding inactive Clans' castles? If so, that seems like inactive Clans will never be worth attacking. Active Clans would always have at least 1 Lord out exploring - maybe all but 1 or even 0. Perhaps having 1 Lord guarding the castle provides more balance - no free castles, but inactive Clans would still be weaker than active Clans.
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:21 pm

1 lord is to weak of a defense for an pile of gold and income producing area.
Perhaps I'll consider 2 lords or something? But 1 is just to easy to take for he benefit it provides

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:15 pm

All eleven entrants have completed their required start ups. I'll be getting the last maps out tonight before bed. I'll be announcing all the final details Saturday. and I'll be contacting the participating clans on Sunday after all last minute entries are taken :)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby rockfist on Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:22 pm

So participating clans would make their moves Sunday/Monday?
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:36 pm

rockfist wrote:So participating clans would make their moves Sunday/Monday?

This is part of the info packet that will be sent tomorrow, but the plan is:

27th: (today) i pester people on the fence / who expressed interest
28th: (saturday) I finalize all rules / announcements, send any final links to clans, and at the end of the day (in case any straggler sign ups occur) I send out a info packet with final links, schedules, etc to participants
Note: Saturday I will perform a map check just to make sure there's no glaring issues with the map once we know everyone who signed up
29th: Sunday this is the day we officially "Start". Mostly utilized as a day clans get to review start up info make any last plans, ask any last questions, once all the info is "out there".
30th: Monday first turn submissions are due (for clans all ready & prepared this can also be sent on Sunday in lieu of Monday)
31st: Tuesday is the first "update" day for me. This is the day allocated for my updating maps based off everyone's moves via PM etc. as well as updating fame, gold, other diplomatic info etc.

Repeat submissions & update days

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:41 pm

Oh - and I'll also be messaging about default ambush stances, maps settings etc for anyone who wants to set defaults to speed up the game coordinations when it occurs (on Sunday)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:57 pm

This will make more sense after a soon to be made announcement takes place...however for those who are on the fence theres one more reason to join the CR@W:


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby Yynatago on Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:46 pm

Thanks for all the effort you are putting into this IcePack!
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:01 pm

Yynatago wrote:Thanks for all the effort you are putting into this IcePack!

No problem, I'm glad there are some who are excited / looking forward to this "very weird" / unique / outside of the normal event for CC Clans.


I just took a look at the map. If we get a few more sign ups I think we will be in good shape. If we stay @ 11, I might have to do some minor jiggling but nothing too major.

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby ImaNoid on Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:21 am

catnipdreams wrote:
IcePack wrote:
catnipdreams wrote:How do we deal with planned absences? Can a different player take over a "Lord" name for, say, 3 months, then switch back?

I suppose we could come up w some rules for it. Though 3 months does seem excessive.

I'd envision something like:
- free: changing of a Lord from player A to player B for a duration of no longer then a month. (Lord designation stays the same)
- X gold: changing of a Lord permanently if needed for more then 1 month

I use the 1 month as a guideline from the sites general sitting guidelines. Sitting for over a month needs replacement.

Also, a condition of the temporary replacement would be that it couldn't be another Lord already within the game actively, and couldn't be permanently replaced with a Lord who has previously been executed.

Cost of gold TBD.

Hmmmm.... I do not like having the possibility of a clan being penalized because a player wants to take the summer off, for instance. How about this:

A player with a planned absence of more than 1 month, sends you a PM stating this, with the dates of the planned absence, and also tells you what player should be the replacement.

There is no penalty for this, but the replacement player has to be fresh to the game, as you said.

During this planned absence, the "absent" player should not be playing any other CC games, including speeders. The absence is a true absence from actively playing games on CC.

When the player returns to CC, ready to play active games again, the player can send you a PM, letting you know either of two things: the player wants back into the CR@W game, or, that the substitution should be permanent.

My only problem with this is the substituting player wanting only to be temporary becoming rooked into a permanent position. Now he's in a game he neither wants to be in nor wants to succeed (success means continued play). Which isn't fair to his teammates.
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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:14 am

Do you have a suggestion? This event is meant to be fun. I'm all ears.
I'm trying to provide rules while not being a stickler. I used what the site uses bcuz I figured if the guy is gone 1+ month he probably wasn't coming back anyway?

Either way, provide a suggestion that doesn't harm the other teams and I'm happy to listen.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:14 pm

Pretty exciting day for me :) Finally get to see this thing get launched shortly!
Alright guys, last day to get your clans submissions in. After today, you can still play / participate and join in but you'll have a randomly assigned "House" name, Castle name, and first 3 Lords.

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Re: Supporting Info

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:16 pm

nvanputten wrote:
IcePack wrote:Army Unit Management Rules

An Assault against an inactive Clans Castle
- The Clan will be contacted as a last ditch effort to get them to defend their Castle. If they choose to do so, they will defend it per the standard rules.
- If the defending "inactive" clan chooses not to defend their castle, I (IcePack) will play the x3 default defense of the Clans Castle on Siege! for any clan that doesn't participate. This will provide a roughly equal challenge to all clans.
- If theres a conflict of interest (such as FALL attacking an inactive Clans Castle) I will provide an approximately like-skilled person to defend the castle in which does not have a conflict of interest. (TBD: Likely Lindax)
- Either way, there will be no "free" castles to be grabbed regardless of the level of participation.

Am I reading this correctly that there will be 3 Lords guarding inactive Clans' castles? If so, that seems like inactive Clans will never be worth attacking. Active Clans would always have at least 1 Lord out exploring - maybe all but 1 or even 0. Perhaps having 1 Lord guarding the castle provides more balance - no free castles, but inactive Clans would still be weaker than active Clans.

Actually, thinking about this even more. Castles really shouldn't be "easy" regardless. There are some clans that may not leave their clans for extra defense.

But mainly, the reason to not change it from 3 would be that it impacts (as previously mentioned) gold output, gold stolen, and how much fame is available to everyone through war victories etc. It also gives out vanquishment benefits etc.

If you see a castle with 3 armies, it'll be up to your group to decide how much they want those gold pieces, future income, fame etc.

I'm not the strongest player, especially if my game count gets high so I wouldn't worry to much.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby TX AG 90 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:44 pm


I know we have addressed what happens when an "inactive" clan castle is attacked. As of now, you or Lindax will play for the inactive game and once an active clan has defeated the castle 3 times (or less if they have been previously attacked), they will get the castle and their gold.

However, I could not find where it was addressed what happens if the active clan lord LOSES the battle.

Is the attacking Lord automatically executed like battles vs. Barbarians or is there a set ransom fee in lieu of negotiations?


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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:52 pm

TX AG 90 wrote:IcePack,

I know we have addressed what happens when an "inactive" clan castle is attacked. As of now, you or Lindax will play for the inactive game and once an active clan has defeated the castle 3 times (or less if they have been previously attacked), they will get the castle and their gold.

However, I could not find where it was addressed what happens if the active clan lord LOSES the battle.

Is the attacking Lord automatically executed like battles vs. Barbarians or is there a set ransom fee in lieu of negotiations?



Hey TX,
It might be in the FAQ, but it was answered. :) (I know I'm sorry, FAQ is huge)
But it's up to the victor, they get to decide whether to execute, kidnap (for diplo or other purposes), randsom, or set free.
Of course, if the victor sends me a PM saying the Lord is executed before the other House sends the victor a diplomacy PM, it will at that point be to late.
So if you win over an active Lord, be sure you want to execute before sending me the PM. Because at that point, he's executed and theres nothing left to ransom.
Nothing is automatic, however. If I don't hear anything from the victor, he will be assumed to be kidnapped until otherwise noted from the House.
Theres also no default fee's for ransoms. Thats for the two sides to negotiate.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:37 pm

One item I forgot to add (its been added to the OP's now)

In your travels, you might find a few rare relics. These will grant the finders one time benefits. However, the gods have blessed these relics and may become angry when you take them. Beware.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [11/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:54 pm

For those of you who haven't checked yet, signing up also gives you TWO raffle tickets to your clan for The Great Giveaway!


Increasing your clans chances at winning the Clan Prize; Image 10,000 (shared)
(This is on top of the Clan Crate Prizes for this Event)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [12/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:32 pm

We are officially at 12 sign ups! At this point, I have two other clans that have said they are looking into it / maybe participating. Hoping to hear back and finalize everything today.

12 Signed Up
2 Considering
6 Not Responding
9 Not Participating

We are very, very close to getting started :)

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [13/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:21 pm

We have our 13th sign up :) Waiting on one or two last confirmations and we are ready to release info!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 29 Start] [13/?]

Postby IcePack on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:18 pm

I'll be up for another 3-5 hours. If I don't hear anything from the last two stragglers, then I'll finalize and send out the final PM's.

For everyone who participates here, I'll toss in extra "player" tickets as well for all the Lords so they get an extra shot @ the $100 amazon gift card, red stars, green stars etc. Thanks for participating guys, it makes organizing this stuff fun!

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Starting]

Postby IcePack on Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:45 am

Ok, we've wrapped up sign up phase. If any clans are still interested just PM me and I'll fill you in on how that works.

PM's will go out to clan contacts shortly. Thanks again everyone! Good luck :)

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