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Noted eLoony and Delta Ace [ka]

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eLoony and Delta Ace [ka]

Postby tcarp2002 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:50 pm


Delta Ace

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 17112532
Game 17126970
Game 17121826
Game 17113151
Game 17112914

Comments: The game that I am in is 17112532. After noticing that these two players weren't guarding their common borders and were making bold attacks against other players which left them open to attack from each other, I began to look at their other games. They joined CC within a day of each other and have 19 games in common. ELoony has only completed 21 games in total, meaning that 90% of his games are played with Delta Ace. The pair often join games back to back. Of their 19 finished games together, 13 (68%) have been won by one or the other of them, usually eLoony.

In my game, the most striking moves just came as IanJ88 was moving from South America to fight with Delta Ace in Europe, eLoony abandoned taking over Africa, which had been his strategy, to dismantle IanJ88, leaving all of North Africa open to Delta Ace for the taking. Instead of taking any of it, Delta Ace reinforced the Middle East with 22 troops, giving him a staging point against me, and now North Africa is full of countries with 1 army on them each. Delta Ace has 4 borders. The one bordering eLoony has 4 troops guarding it. The other 3 have 10, 16, and 23 guarding them. There were other examples of attacks earlier on in the game where Delta Ace made attacks that didn't really benefit him, but definitely benefited eLooney by diverting other player's resources away from fights they had been engaged in.

The other games I referenced are where other players also suspected or accused the two of being multis or conducting secret diplomacy, so I'm not the only one noticing a trend of these two supporting each other during game play. They also often use the Game Chat bar to encourage other players to attack each other, making the other players more vulnerable to attacks from one or the other of them. If they aren't multis, they definitely appear to be working together for a win.
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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:33 pm

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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace

Postby eLoony on Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:18 pm

To address your points:

1) Play a lot of games together. Yes, I used to play this game back in my teens, and after not remember my old account details, I made a new account to start playing the game again. Delta Ace is a friend of mine and was interested in playing too, so I bought him Premium and I often play games with him (And this is his first time playing risk, which is why I tend to win more than him).

2) Our game. Your facts aren't correct... Delta did take north Africa when it was left open, he just didn't hold it due to lack of troops to defend it.
And yes, I did attack blue, because in this game he and I were the two strongest players, and I have 2 smaller players on my borders whereas he had 1. Therefore, continuing an expansion normally would suit him. Therefore, I decided to attack to reduce myself in size enough to not become a target. However, if I attacked another player, that puts blue as the strongest player and I risk not being able to deal with him.
Side note: Load the entire log and actually look at the fighting.

3) Other players. Just like yourself, those players have looked at my history and saw that we share a lot of games together - instantly assuming that we are "multi's".

Is it against the rules to enjoy the game with people you know?
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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:56 am

What was your old account name? How did you find this thread?
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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace

Postby eLoony on Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:41 am

tcarp sent me a pm, linking it.

Old account name, this was back in like 2010 and I can't remember it
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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace

Postby Delta Ace on Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:56 pm

hi This is delta ace -
everything looney said is true even if u look at games not reported of us together also, u can see where not working together , i am willing to do anything that is asked to prove so , if im doing something wrong i apologize i am new to the strategy of this game but i do enjoy it and learn with every game, if i had the chance i would love to beat him certainly not helping him he dont need it! hes pretty good at the game
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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace

Postby mrswdk on Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:16 am

Well they type differently to each other, so I'm convinced.
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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace

Postby king achilles on Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:38 pm

As far as multis are concerned, they appear to be different people. As for a possible secret alliance, I am inclined to agree with the suspicions plus I can't ignore the fact that they have been suspected more than once based from the games mentioned coming from different players. This report has been noted and they have also been notified to play more fairly so they won't be suspected of the same thing once again.
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Re: eLoony and Delta Ace [ka]

Postby tcarp2002 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:22 pm

Thank you for looking into it.
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