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Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby degaston on Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:03 am

Symmetry wrote:Capital letters are your frienda, not your enemies.

Have you ever seen a ConfederateSS post?
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:10 am

itstheGeneral wrote:I am new at this site, but why not send out a P.M. to all Members and ask who would or would not like a newsletter, and take a vote. then ask for volunteers to help. start with a quarterly magazine. I know of a Retired newspaper man who is on this site, there has to be others.. kiss at 1st, see what the members think..Go from there...

If the retired newspaper man wants to post here and volunteer, the opportunity certainly exists.
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby PLAYER57832 on Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:10 am

There are more than a couple of writers. I think the issue is if there is any real news to give.

Interviews were not as interesting as they could be because giving out any kind of real information on an internet site is risky. Folks tend to get to "know" forum posters perhaps better than others, IF they read the forums regularly. If not...its sort of "who is this person even". I mean, there are a few contributors to the game who are not so well known and it might be nice occasionally to highlight their achievements (so and so has made.... maps). However, even when I was extremely active, I did not come here really to do social chatting -- the "hey how are you" kind of stuff. For me it was looking at game features, debating and playing games. I only read the newsletter when I was bored waiting for a turn in a game.

Something else folks might look for would be game updates/changes. That depends upon their being changes. Also, rather than a regular monthly, etc format, just announcing when things truly are worth noting will work.

Anyway.. just my "two cents", for what that is worth.
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:56 am

Dukasaur wrote:
itstheGeneral wrote:I am new at this site, but why not send out a P.M. to all Members and ask who would or would not like a newsletter, and take a vote. then ask for volunteers to help. start with a quarterly magazine. I know of a Retired newspaper man who is on this site, there has to be others.. kiss at 1st, see what the members think..Go from there...

If the retired newspaper man wants to post here and volunteer, the opportunity certainly exists.

I'm also kinda intrigued, but what sort of support would be available this time around?
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby riskllama on Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:18 pm

you get to have a pet rock or an expired chia pet on your desk/workspace - now, stfu and get to work.
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby riskllama on Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:53 pm

update : the chia will not speak because expired, but the rock WILL speak. only mean, surly stuff tho...*shrugs*
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:47 pm

Gozar began the original newsletter as a labour of love without any assistance from anyone. Over time, other people began helping, and eventually it even got some official recognition, but meaningful support from the administration? Never. Later newsletters were official vehicles, but only after proving their value to the administration.

The firsts Tournaments on the site, the first Clans on the site, the first Challenges on the site, all followed the same pattern. They were run by trailblazers acting alone and unassisted for a long time before acquiring any kind of official recognition.

If you want to run something, you have to love it enough to just do it, alone and unassisted if necessary. If you're successful enough to prove the value of it, you might at some point get some recognition and help, but if you expect those as preconditions, you're dead in the starting blocks.
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:25 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Gozar began the original newsletter as a labour of love without any assistance from anyone. Over time, other people began helping, and eventually it even got some official recognition, but meaningful support from the administration? Never. Later newsletters were official vehicles, but only after proving their value to the administration.

The firsts Tournaments on the site, the first Clans on the site, the first Challenges on the site, all followed the same pattern. They were run by trailblazers acting alone and unassisted for a long time before acquiring any kind of official recognition.

If you want to run something, you have to love it enough to just do it, alone and unassisted if necessary. If you're successful enough to prove the value of it, you might at some point get some recognition and help, but if you expect those as preconditions, you're dead in the starting blocks.

Hmm, a rogue newsletter. I'm intrigued, but sceptical. The moderating team has recently imposed a pretty severe censorship ban threat on mentioning anything that goes on in certain parts of the community.

Would that censorship be applied to a newsletter? There are some pretty passionate members of the community who disagree with some of things that might or might not be being said in places that might or might not exist.

So again, what sort of support can be expected? It sort of looks like none, with a threat of being banned.

TeeGee's experiment results in a situation where an open invitation from the mods to write something freely is backed up by a gun to the head.

Write freely about the community, just not the secret parts.
Last edited by Symmetry on Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:31 pm

Symmetry wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Gozar began the original newsletter as a labour of love without any assistance from anyone. Over time, other people began helping, and eventually it even got some official recognition, but meaningful support from the administration? Never. Later newsletters were official vehicles, but only after proving their value to the administration.

The firsts Tournaments on the site, the first Clans on the site, the first Challenges on the site, all followed the same pattern. They were run by trailblazers acting alone and unassisted for a long time before acquiring any kind of official recognition.

If you want to run something, you have to love it enough to just do it, alone and unassisted if necessary. If you're successful enough to prove the value of it, you might at some point get some recognition and help, but if you expect those as preconditions, you're dead in the starting blocks.

Hmm, a rogue newsletter. I'm intrigued, but sceptical. The moderating team has recently imposed a pretty severe censorship ban threat on mentioning anything that goes on in certain parts of the community.

Would that censorship be applied to a newsletter? There are some pretty passionate members of the community who disagree with some of things that might or might not be being said in places that might or might not exist.

So again, what sort of support can be expected? It sort of looks like none, with a threat of being banned.

Sounds about right.
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:39 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Gozar began the original newsletter as a labour of love without any assistance from anyone. Over time, other people began helping, and eventually it even got some official recognition, but meaningful support from the administration? Never. Later newsletters were official vehicles, but only after proving their value to the administration.

The firsts Tournaments on the site, the first Clans on the site, the first Challenges on the site, all followed the same pattern. They were run by trailblazers acting alone and unassisted for a long time before acquiring any kind of official recognition.

If you want to run something, you have to love it enough to just do it, alone and unassisted if necessary. If you're successful enough to prove the value of it, you might at some point get some recognition and help, but if you expect those as preconditions, you're dead in the starting blocks.

Hmm, a rogue newsletter. I'm intrigued, but sceptical. The moderating team has recently imposed a pretty severe censorship ban threat on mentioning anything that goes on in certain parts of the community.

Would that censorship be applied to a newsletter? There are some pretty passionate members of the community who disagree with some of things that might or might not be being said in places that might or might not exist.

So again, what sort of support can be expected? It sort of looks like none, with a threat of being banned.

Sounds about right.

An ideal situation for you. If memory stands, you've always held the idea of a gun at the back of journalists's heads to be admirable. Keeps them honest, right? Who cares if a few die?

Whores, I think you like to call them.

You're not really selling it, Duk.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:07 pm

Here's our conversation about the press, and your diatribe against journalists:

Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:The American media may be privately owned, but they're no less tools of the state than the Russian media.

Utter BS. Russia has a terrible record for freedom of the press. Don't be an apologist for the Russian gov't. If you really see no difference between assassination of critics and a free media, you need help.

I said I'm no friend of Russia. I know full well what kind of criminal gang is running things in Russia. Former KGB thugs turned kleptocrats. No argument there, whatsoever.

The core of my point is about the American media. Of what use if freedom of the press if you don't use it for anything? Free to speak the truth, and yet choose to parrot the official Pentagon line.

Why do you think the American media are so supine? Many have spoken about it. Career advancement depends on being given access to high-ranking officials, and high-ranking officials won't give access to someone who doesn't toe the line. That's why the American media choose to parrot the official Pentagon line. Not because they're afraid of being shot or imprisoned, or sent to the coal mines, but because it might reduce their chances of scoring the six o'clock anchor slot next year! WHORES! Bootlicking whores. Crawling on their hands and knees to lick the boot of any General or Undersecretary of Defense who will throw them a crumb and grant them an interview full of lies. Dreaming of the day that the Vice-President might pass by and defecate on their face because oh! what a grand photo-op that would be!

God, I would have so much respect for these monkeys if they had something to fear! If speaking the truth meant being sent to the Gulag, I would say, "yeah, they need to save themselves first and foremost." But they don't. They're free to say whatever they want. They CHOOSE to blubber the official lies because of competitive advantage, because the monkey who drools the most while shining the Undersecretary of the Navy's shoes this year, will be most likely to get the first photo-op with SEAL Team 3 when they come back from blowing up the Rwandan Parliament buildings or whatever.

My grandfather was court-martialed for telling the truth about Stalin. And he was given a chance to save himself. He had a good post as an instructor at the Staff College and archivist of the Czech Army. They offered him a deal, to recant, sign his name to a pack of lies praising our Russian brothers, and he could have kept his post and his status. He refused. He would not turn his back on the truth, would not deny the despicable treacheries that the Russians pulled on the Czech, Slovak, Polish, and Rumanian resistance movements. Gave up his lands, his titles, his rank, his job, his name. Willingly entered a life of poverty, prohibited by the terms of his court-martial from ever seeking any position of responsibility, spent the remaining 40 years of his life carrying luggage for East German tourists.

If my grandfather had looked at the 40 years of poverty ahead, compared it to the idyllic life of an archivist and military history instructor, it might be forgivable if he had chosen the wrong path. He didn't, but it might be forgivable if he had. But that's not the choice these monkeys face. These drooling NBC and ABC and CBS monkeys, crawling on their hands and knees through the Pentagon halls, shining the floor with tongue, they face no life of poverty, no jail term, no loss of life or limb. All they face is a marginally-reduced pace of career advancement if they fail to score the SEAL Team photo-op. Whores. Sad, pathetic, despicable whores, licking Big Massah's anus. Slaves who have been given their freedom, but choose to remain on the plantation, because truth is a big scary place.

Would you really back up a newsletter that spoke truth? I doubt it, Duk. You'd fall in line.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:16 pm

Symmetry wrote:Here's our conversation about the press, and your diatribe against journalists:

Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:The American media may be privately owned, but they're no less tools of the state than the Russian media.

Utter BS. Russia has a terrible record for freedom of the press. Don't be an apologist for the Russian gov't. If you really see no difference between assassination of critics and a free media, you need help.

I said I'm no friend of Russia. I know full well what kind of criminal gang is running things in Russia. Former KGB thugs turned kleptocrats. No argument there, whatsoever.

The core of my point is about the American media. Of what use if freedom of the press if you don't use it for anything? Free to speak the truth, and yet choose to parrot the official Pentagon line.

Why do you think the American media are so supine? Many have spoken about it. Career advancement depends on being given access to high-ranking officials, and high-ranking officials won't give access to someone who doesn't toe the line. That's why the American media choose to parrot the official Pentagon line. Not because they're afraid of being shot or imprisoned, or sent to the coal mines, but because it might reduce their chances of scoring the six o'clock anchor slot next year! WHORES! Bootlicking whores. Crawling on their hands and knees to lick the boot of any General or Undersecretary of Defense who will throw them a crumb and grant them an interview full of lies. Dreaming of the day that the Vice-President might pass by and defecate on their face because oh! what a grand photo-op that would be!

God, I would have so much respect for these monkeys if they had something to fear! If speaking the truth meant being sent to the Gulag, I would say, "yeah, they need to save themselves first and foremost." But they don't. They're free to say whatever they want. They CHOOSE to blubber the official lies because of competitive advantage, because the monkey who drools the most while shining the Undersecretary of the Navy's shoes this year, will be most likely to get the first photo-op with SEAL Team 3 when they come back from blowing up the Rwandan Parliament buildings or whatever.

My grandfather was court-martialed for telling the truth about Stalin. And he was given a chance to save himself. He had a good post as an instructor at the Staff College and archivist of the Czech Army. They offered him a deal, to recant, sign his name to a pack of lies praising our Russian brothers, and he could have kept his post and his status. He refused. He would not turn his back on the truth, would not deny the despicable treacheries that the Russians pulled on the Czech, Slovak, Polish, and Rumanian resistance movements. Gave up his lands, his titles, his rank, his job, his name. Willingly entered a life of poverty, prohibited by the terms of his court-martial from ever seeking any position of responsibility, spent the remaining 40 years of his life carrying luggage for East German tourists.

If my grandfather had looked at the 40 years of poverty ahead, compared it to the idyllic life of an archivist and military history instructor, it might be forgivable if he had chosen the wrong path. He didn't, but it might be forgivable if he had. But that's not the choice these monkeys face. These drooling NBC and ABC and CBS monkeys, crawling on their hands and knees through the Pentagon halls, shining the floor with tongue, they face no life of poverty, no jail term, no loss of life or limb. All they face is a marginally-reduced pace of career advancement if they fail to score the SEAL Team photo-op. Whores. Sad, pathetic, despicable whores, licking Big Massah's anus. Slaves who have been given their freedom, but choose to remain on the plantation, because truth is a big scary place.

Would you really back up a newsletter that spoke truth? I doubt it, Duk. You'd fall in line.

That was a brilliant rant! Thanks for the memories.

Largely irrelevant, but fun to relive.
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
― Voltaire
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:27 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Here's our conversation about the press, and your diatribe against journalists:

Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:The American media may be privately owned, but they're no less tools of the state than the Russian media.

Utter BS. Russia has a terrible record for freedom of the press. Don't be an apologist for the Russian gov't. If you really see no difference between assassination of critics and a free media, you need help.

I said I'm no friend of Russia. I know full well what kind of criminal gang is running things in Russia. Former KGB thugs turned kleptocrats. No argument there, whatsoever.

The core of my point is about the American media. Of what use if freedom of the press if you don't use it for anything? Free to speak the truth, and yet choose to parrot the official Pentagon line.

Why do you think the American media are so supine? Many have spoken about it. Career advancement depends on being given access to high-ranking officials, and high-ranking officials won't give access to someone who doesn't toe the line. That's why the American media choose to parrot the official Pentagon line. Not because they're afraid of being shot or imprisoned, or sent to the coal mines, but because it might reduce their chances of scoring the six o'clock anchor slot next year! WHORES! Bootlicking whores. Crawling on their hands and knees to lick the boot of any General or Undersecretary of Defense who will throw them a crumb and grant them an interview full of lies. Dreaming of the day that the Vice-President might pass by and defecate on their face because oh! what a grand photo-op that would be!

God, I would have so much respect for these monkeys if they had something to fear! If speaking the truth meant being sent to the Gulag, I would say, "yeah, they need to save themselves first and foremost." But they don't. They're free to say whatever they want. They CHOOSE to blubber the official lies because of competitive advantage, because the monkey who drools the most while shining the Undersecretary of the Navy's shoes this year, will be most likely to get the first photo-op with SEAL Team 3 when they come back from blowing up the Rwandan Parliament buildings or whatever.

My grandfather was court-martialed for telling the truth about Stalin. And he was given a chance to save himself. He had a good post as an instructor at the Staff College and archivist of the Czech Army. They offered him a deal, to recant, sign his name to a pack of lies praising our Russian brothers, and he could have kept his post and his status. He refused. He would not turn his back on the truth, would not deny the despicable treacheries that the Russians pulled on the Czech, Slovak, Polish, and Rumanian resistance movements. Gave up his lands, his titles, his rank, his job, his name. Willingly entered a life of poverty, prohibited by the terms of his court-martial from ever seeking any position of responsibility, spent the remaining 40 years of his life carrying luggage for East German tourists.

If my grandfather had looked at the 40 years of poverty ahead, compared it to the idyllic life of an archivist and military history instructor, it might be forgivable if he had chosen the wrong path. He didn't, but it might be forgivable if he had. But that's not the choice these monkeys face. These drooling NBC and ABC and CBS monkeys, crawling on their hands and knees through the Pentagon halls, shining the floor with tongue, they face no life of poverty, no jail term, no loss of life or limb. All they face is a marginally-reduced pace of career advancement if they fail to score the SEAL Team photo-op. Whores. Sad, pathetic, despicable whores, licking Big Massah's anus. Slaves who have been given their freedom, but choose to remain on the plantation, because truth is a big scary place.

Would you really back up a newsletter that spoke truth? I doubt it, Duk. You'd fall in line.

That was a brilliant rant! Thanks for the memories.

Largely irrelevant, but fun to relive.

It was certainly something, probably several things. None of them pleasant.

Let's face it though, you wouldn't back up a real newsletter. You'd only support a heavily censored one. And even then, there'd be a typical Duk cop-out if things got even slightly tough. I don't really want to use your family's history against you, so maybe just rethink what you've been saying, and down-scale it.

If you can't even take a stand and support something on a little website where you have a degree of power, what are you compared to the journalists that told the truth in the face of greater punishments?
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:34 pm

Symmetry wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Here's our conversation about the press, and your diatribe against journalists:

Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:The American media may be privately owned, but they're no less tools of the state than the Russian media.

Utter BS. Russia has a terrible record for freedom of the press. Don't be an apologist for the Russian gov't. If you really see no difference between assassination of critics and a free media, you need help.

I said I'm no friend of Russia. I know full well what kind of criminal gang is running things in Russia. Former KGB thugs turned kleptocrats. No argument there, whatsoever.

The core of my point is about the American media. Of what use if freedom of the press if you don't use it for anything? Free to speak the truth, and yet choose to parrot the official Pentagon line.

Why do you think the American media are so supine? Many have spoken about it. Career advancement depends on being given access to high-ranking officials, and high-ranking officials won't give access to someone who doesn't toe the line. That's why the American media choose to parrot the official Pentagon line. Not because they're afraid of being shot or imprisoned, or sent to the coal mines, but because it might reduce their chances of scoring the six o'clock anchor slot next year! WHORES! Bootlicking whores. Crawling on their hands and knees to lick the boot of any General or Undersecretary of Defense who will throw them a crumb and grant them an interview full of lies. Dreaming of the day that the Vice-President might pass by and defecate on their face because oh! what a grand photo-op that would be!

God, I would have so much respect for these monkeys if they had something to fear! If speaking the truth meant being sent to the Gulag, I would say, "yeah, they need to save themselves first and foremost." But they don't. They're free to say whatever they want. They CHOOSE to blubber the official lies because of competitive advantage, because the monkey who drools the most while shining the Undersecretary of the Navy's shoes this year, will be most likely to get the first photo-op with SEAL Team 3 when they come back from blowing up the Rwandan Parliament buildings or whatever.

My grandfather was court-martialed for telling the truth about Stalin. And he was given a chance to save himself. He had a good post as an instructor at the Staff College and archivist of the Czech Army. They offered him a deal, to recant, sign his name to a pack of lies praising our Russian brothers, and he could have kept his post and his status. He refused. He would not turn his back on the truth, would not deny the despicable treacheries that the Russians pulled on the Czech, Slovak, Polish, and Rumanian resistance movements. Gave up his lands, his titles, his rank, his job, his name. Willingly entered a life of poverty, prohibited by the terms of his court-martial from ever seeking any position of responsibility, spent the remaining 40 years of his life carrying luggage for East German tourists.

If my grandfather had looked at the 40 years of poverty ahead, compared it to the idyllic life of an archivist and military history instructor, it might be forgivable if he had chosen the wrong path. He didn't, but it might be forgivable if he had. But that's not the choice these monkeys face. These drooling NBC and ABC and CBS monkeys, crawling on their hands and knees through the Pentagon halls, shining the floor with tongue, they face no life of poverty, no jail term, no loss of life or limb. All they face is a marginally-reduced pace of career advancement if they fail to score the SEAL Team photo-op. Whores. Sad, pathetic, despicable whores, licking Big Massah's anus. Slaves who have been given their freedom, but choose to remain on the plantation, because truth is a big scary place.

Would you really back up a newsletter that spoke truth? I doubt it, Duk. You'd fall in line.

That was a brilliant rant! Thanks for the memories.

Largely irrelevant, but fun to relive.

It was certainly something, probably several things. None of them pleasant.

Let's face it though, you wouldn't back up a real newsletter. You'd only support a heavily censored one. And even then, there'd be a typical Duk cop-out if things got even slightly tough. I don't really want to use your family's history against you, so maybe just rethink what you've been saying, and down-scale it.

If you can't even take a stand and support something on a little website where you have a degree of power, what are you compared to the journalists that told the truth in the face of greater punishments?

I've taken many stands and supported many things on this website. Of course, there's other things I've not supported. My reasons for supporting or not supporting various things have been many and varied, but fear of the truth was never one of the reasons.
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:55 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
If you can't even take a stand and support something on a little website where you have a degree of power, what are you compared to the journalists that told the truth in the face of greater punishments?

I've taken many stands and supported many things on this website. Of course, there's other things I've not supported. My reasons for supporting or not supporting various things have been many and varied, but fear of the truth was never one of the reasons.

An answer that says nothing, promises nothing, supports nothing. I think I preferred you when you were ranting. At least then there were things that indicated a person rather than a bureaucratic functionary.

I realise that I've been cruel to you again, but sometimes I think some of the stuff I say hits home and causes a bit of a rethink at Duk central.

A newsletter can't work on passion if there's not a bit of support for it. If you would take a stand against other mods, or could find Team members who would stand behind it, it might fly. As is, it's a project that is shackled.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby riskllama on Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:37 pm

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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:21 am

riskllama wrote:

I feel a bit sorry for you. Just a bit. You've clearly never seen either, have you? You must be petrified chatting with me.

Help is at hand though- I don't move my lips when I type. An experience you may too acquire at some point.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby riskllama on Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:48 pm

seen more than u. that is to say, "saw"... 8-)
i'm actually fucking some random bitch as I type this...
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:20 am

riskllama wrote:seen more than u. that is to say, "saw"... 8-)
i'm actually fucking some random bitch as I type this...

Well, that would certainly be newsworthy. Groundbreaking, I suspect- a real first for you.

the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby tzor on Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:05 am

Symmetry wrote:Long answer short- people want to do it, but does CC?

Long question short, people want to do what?

Do we really have a plethora of columnists out there waiting for an outlet? And yes, I mean columnists. If we have people who want to write "an" article, well, that might cover one issue and then what? Are there people who will be dedicated to writing something, on the same topic, again and again and again? Would those topics be interesting to everyone else?

I edit a couple of newsletters for groups where in one case none of the officers, and in another most of the officers send me material. Without that commitment on the writing side you can't even get to first base. Then you can start to tackle the formatting issues which are massive given the limitations of the systems. Then you can start to tackle the editing issues.

Many hands make light work. I haven't seen the plethora of writing volunteers that would be the majority of the effort in making the newsletter. If it is there, even at the minimum we can feed the Facebook pig and then work on a progression of article presentation to finished product.
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby tzor on Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:12 am

riskllama wrote:i'm actually fucking some random bitch as I type this...

That is so wrong in so many ways. :twisted:

Especially on this site where we complain about "random" all the time. I mean did you use CC dice to determine the bitch? That's wrong.

And are you using a cell phone or a laptop ... clearly not the former because you used the word "type" and I don't think that applies to writing text on a cell phone. And that's just wrong as well.

This is a lot like driving. You really need to be using hands free devices.
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:29 pm

tzor wrote:
riskllama wrote:i'm actually fucking some random bitch as I type this...

That is so wrong in so many ways. :twisted:

Especially on this site where we complain about "random" all the time. I mean did you use CC dice to determine the bitch? That's wrong.

And are you using a cell phone or a laptop ... clearly not the former because you used the word "type" and I don't think that applies to writing text on a cell phone. And that's just wrong as well.

This is a lot like driving. You really need to be using hands free devices.

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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby Symmetry on Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:15 pm

tzor wrote:
Symmetry wrote:Long answer short- people want to do it, but does CC?

Long question short, people want to do what?

Do we really have a plethora of columnists out there waiting for an outlet? And yes, I mean columnists. If we have people who want to write "an" article, well, that might cover one issue and then what? Are there people who will be dedicated to writing something, on the same topic, again and again and again? Would those topics be interesting to everyone else?

I edit a couple of newsletters for groups where in one case none of the officers, and in another most of the officers send me material. Without that commitment on the writing side you can't even get to first base. Then you can start to tackle the formatting issues which are massive given the limitations of the systems. Then you can start to tackle the editing issues.

Many hands make light work. I haven't seen the plethora of writing volunteers that would be the majority of the effort in making the newsletter. If it is there, even at the minimum we can feed the Facebook pig and then work on a progression of article presentation to finished product.

I understand the problem, but at least it was true back when the idea was being touted last time. Sustaining that willingness would probably be a problem. The key would be an editor who wanted to take it on, and would be willing to maintain ethusiasm.

A repeat of the last disasterous attempt to get it done, where the editor appeared to be going off the rails even before anything was written just won't work.

I'm not sure if there are many long-running members of CC left who would want to take on a poisoned chalice at this point- Duk thinks that journalists are whores, so he's out. You're already jaded, so you're out. I doubt that forum regulars would accept me, so there's me out...
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Is there any need/desire for a general newsletter?

Postby tzor on Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:28 pm

Symmetry wrote:I'm not sure if there are many long-running members of CC left who would want to take on a poisoned chalice at this point- Duk thinks that journalists are whores, so he's out. You're already jaded, so you're out. I doubt that forum regulars would accept me, so there's me out...

First of all, what does "journalism" have to do with this? I am not seeing the "news" volume. A newsletter be more like the newsletter for my singing group; tips for playing the game, interesting tidbits from clans, and so forth.

Second, how am I jaded? I probably have the least opinions on CC than anybody. If someone writes an article about the best way to play fog, I'm not arguing, I'm taking notes.

Again, you can't put the cart before the horse. Step one is getting material. I can guarantee if we got material we could put it somewhere. It might look mediocre as hall, but we can put it somewhere.

Which leads us to the second problem the somewhere. Right now, all we have is a forum for storage of articles and a forum with very limited pretty printing placement options. But it's still better than nothing.

If we get to first base we can get someone to grab this all and throw it into a PDF file. Now it looks great but we don't have the facility to share it in this configuration. We could get a third party web hosting service but that costs money. Or we could use a service to push the newsletter out via email but that costs money also. Life can be hard when you have no budget.

So let's recap. First base is people making articles. Second base is compiling and formatting. Third base is publishing.

Clearly we need interest for first base.
Second base is easy.
We don't have a clue how to get to third base but there are multiple ways of getting there.
And back home? That's a readership that actually likes the publication and benefits from it.

It's not the job of the editor to "maintain enthusiasm." It's the job of the editor to get the format so that it generates enthusiasm, but the articles have to also be enthusiasm worthy. I would be more than willing to do the final touches, assuming that the writers have had the decency to do basic spell checking on the submissions.
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