Mapmaker(s): sempaispellcheck (idea, xml, gameplay), josko.ri (graphics, gameplay)
Number of Territories: 39
Special Features: Starting neutrals, autodeploy, partial bonuses
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: This map continues the great tradition of CC city maps established by the NYC map. Paris is one of the world's most famous cities - a fantastic tourist destination with a long and eventful history. It is also, according to Jon Stewart's America: the Book, "the world's most...seizable city." If ten (count them, ten) different groups/tribes/etc. can take Paris, why can't we?
Map Image:

The idea for this map belongs to sempaispellcheck.
However, he did not have enough free time to commit to the development of the map, but he left the door open for someone else to pick up where he left off.
After reading his thread, I decided to offer to help him with the graphics so the map can go live.
We have decided to work together on finishing the map, although I am also a beginner in terms of graphics, so we cannot promise quick progress in the early phases of development.
The original thread about the Paris map development can be found here: ... 3&t=168212