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[CR@W] the Bannermen [Complete] - House of Fire (TOFU) Wins!

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[CR@W] the Bannermen [Complete] - House of Fire (TOFU) Wins!

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:23 pm



It has been ten long years of war. The great Clans of the Realm have battled, clawed, and destroyed everything in their paths in the name of victory and honor. Ten years of heartache, ten years of struggle. 29 Clans remain.

The names of clans throughout the war have changed. Who lays claim to what lands have changed more often than the tides rise and fall. Clans have been vanquished, tattered, and torn.

The great war has started, no lord is satisfied any longer with single clan victories. The hordes have begun to gather, preparing to alight the entire world afire until just one clan, one lord, one final victor remains.

Clans will send their lords throughout the Realm. There, they will build cities, make alliances, non-aggression pacts, and declare fealty as bannermen, and turn on those they once called friends.

Now, the battles have become greater than any realm has ever seen. Now, the realm will be reborn.

General Concept

In celebration of 10 years of Clans on Conquer Club, the Clan Department brings to you - Clan Realms at War: the Bannermen!

Some of you maybe familiar with Sid Meiers ā€œCivilizationā€ game. CR@W is the Clan Worlds simplified version for your enjoyment & entertainment.

Clans will travel an unknown map away from their starting Castles, exploring, battling, and using diplomacy to learn about the world.
Clans and players will have a level of anonymity, when exploring Clans will be found under pseudonyms as well as their players (Lords). (I.E. You have found Castle Anthrax, instead of you have found Castle TOFU; or you have found Lord Eddard as opposed to Lord Josko.ri).

Clans will interact with others indirectly through IcePack, or directly. Clans may choose to identify themselves to others during diplomacy, whether being truthful or using trickery. Clans can use diplomacy to gain intel on other groups, declare themselves vassals of a parent Clan whether in exchange for gold, protection, or other arranged conditions at any point in the game.

Battle, diplomacy, intrigue, secrecy, and the unknown await you in...Clan Realms @ War!

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General Concept

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:24 pm

General Game Info

Master Game Link

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Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:24 pm

Empire Management Rules

General Rules
Every member of a clan will have designated authority to declare actions for their clan. There will be no assigned first or second contacts for this contest, as we will be providing the highest level of flexibility in order that each Clan will take their actions for the day. If two or more members send directives to IcePack, the one that was sent first shall be considered the official submission based on submission time if there is conflicting information.

Every clan will be assigned a starting castle. Stronger clans have been assigned more difficult starting positions, and care was taken when placing clans in starting locations equally using a reverse snake order for each section, with a secondary reverse snake order within each section and then balanced accordingly.

Players within a clan are ā€œLordsā€, Lords can travel the map, engage in diplomacy with other Lords / Clans, build cities & watchtowers, attack other Lords, and set ambushes.

Every clan will receive a customized link just for them. It will provide their clan with their view of the world. No other clan will have access
to the other clans known world. These details can be shared, negotiated, or distributed as clans feel led to as part of diplomatic relations. (they can also be provided false information).
However, the links shall provide each clan with their official map info.

Start Up
Every clan will start with:
1 Castle
3 Lords (players)
0 GP (gold)

Each castle controlled by a clan will provide 2 GP income (gold).
Each castle controlled by a clan under siege will provide 1 GP income.
Each city controlled by a clan will provide 1 GP income.
Each watchtower controlled by a clan will provide 0 GP income.

Castles and cities must have at least one Lord within its gates to be considered "controlled" by a clan.
Watchtowers can be built, and the Lords may depart the area. However if another clans Lord engages with a watchtower that is not under protection by the controlling clan, it will automatically be under the new Lords control.

Castles, cities, and watchtowers have the added benefit of visibility in the surrounding areas (see movement and visibility).

Purchases & Expenses
Additional Lords: 10 GP
Building a City: 5 GP
Building a Watchtower: 3 GP
Castles, cities, and watchtowers maybe dismantled for 5 GP.
Temporary Replacement of a Lord for Planned Absense (vacation): Free up to 1 month, retains the Lords "designated" name while playing.
Permanent Replacement of a Lords player (1+ month): 5 GP. Must replace Lords "designation".

Diplomacy is key within the Realm. Whether it be pledging fealty to another Clan as Bannermen, holding a Lord for a sizeable ransom, executing another Clans Lord as a favor to your neighbor, or turning on your pledge to raze their City.
Due to the layer of anonymity in the game with castles and lords names being changed, interactions with these will be guided by IcePack. You can conduct whatever diplomacy you like, including politics done directly privately (PM, Walls, etc) or publically in the game thread. You are able to negotiate almost any actions you want, attacks against certain people for gold, protection (bannermen) for gold, threaten to attack unless gold is provided, you can hint at, tell the truth, or try to hide accurate information (as to which clan you are with, or what player each Lord is, etc). The only way to determine accurately what clan each castle belongs to, or who which Lord is, is to attack.
All FORMAL declarations of war, or alliances must be announced to IcePack via PM. These will impact your ambush defaults (see battle / ambush rules for more details).
Almost anything can be negotiated within diplomacy, but fame cannot be transferred nor can Lords be transferred (outside of Bannermen pledges to help the other house).
Gold, castles, cities, watchtowers etc can all be negotiated and control transferred to other clans.

For every bannermen that a house takes on, they will receive 1 fame per turn that the bannermen is pledged on top of any other benefits (or costs) negotiated by the two clans.
It is important to note, that at the end of the game only 1 clan can win so at some point if its only you & your bannermen left, alliances may have to be broken / dissolve in order to complete the game.
Some houses will receive more negotiated benefits (such as gold, or protection) from their bannermen per turn, other times it can be the case that the "parent" clan is actually paying for their bannermen to help protect their house, but its important to note only the parent clan receives the bannermen fame.


Fame is what Clans can use to judge the success of others. Once a week, Clans of the Realm will be updated of the fame standings of the Realm by the travelling bards of the Realm. Vague on details, it wont tell you what others are up to, but it will give you an idea of which Clan of the Realm is doing well, or maybe weak.
The bards may also sing of great deeds accomplished from time to time, such as vanquishing enemies, or even rumors of barbarian invasions.
Fame can not be transferred during diplomatic negotiations like gold can.

Origin Castle: +2 Fame (controlled)
Other Castle: +5 Fame (controlled)
Watchtowers: +1 Fame (owned)
Cities: +2 Fame (owned)
Victory over a Lord: +1 Fame
Loss vs a Lord: -1 Fame
Victory over a Barb: +2 Fame
Loss vs a Barbarian: -2 Fame
Victory over a Nomad: -5 Fame
Vanquish an Enemy: +10 Fame
Lords: +1 Fame (max 10 Fame)
Gold: +1 Fame / 10 GP (no max)

Inactive Clans
Clearly, there will be some clans that either donā€™t participate at all, or have low participation. Some of this canā€™t be helped, but they will continue to draw income normally regardless of activity. This will impact the games economy slightly, but some actions were discussed and taken to try spreading the ā€œlikelyā€ inactive clans out within the sections of the map to avoid providing greater benefits to one area, over the others. Because some of this is based off estimates, and guesses, there is potential that it could be slightly imbalanced. However, every effort that could be taken before hand has been and we will see how it works this to take a lessons learned in the future (if there are other editions) to potentially mitigate this issue better.

"Vanquished" Clans
Clans are out of the game (vanquished) when they lose all of their Lords, and original Castle.

Military Victory: If your Clan is the last Clan to hold a stronghold (Castle), even if there are other Lords still roaming the Realm, you will win a military objective.

Economic Victory: If your Clan acquires 500 gold (GP), you will earn an economic victory.

Cultural Victory: If your Clan acquires 125 fame, you will earn an cultural victory.

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Supporting Info

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:25 pm

Army Unit Management Rules

Pretty simple, every turn Iā€™ll roll a d100 for every Clan. Highest goes first, following by second highest, etc. Ties will be rerolled for placement between the two Clans.
Initiative will get listed on the shared Global document viewable by all Clans.

Every turn will be comprised of two rounds. Action round, and notification round.
Action Round: this is where the clan / players notify me what you are doing. There will be 24 hours for this round. Cutoff is @ 2400 CCT.
Notification Round: this is where I will update maps, pass along messages, and update the global documents for Clans viewing. This round will also have a 24 hour period following the action round. Cutoff will be 2400 CCT each day as well.

Any new lord can be spawned from any owned castle or city. (Not watch towers)

Battles can occur in multiple ways:
1) An assault against a Castle
- Assaults against a Castle will be played solely on the Siege! Map. The defending Castle player may select their settings.
- Must be Poly (2) (3) or (4) (defenders choice)
- Defenders of the Castle MUST be located at the Castle in question.
- If multiple players exist on the defending Castle, the Clan selects which Lord will play defense first.
- If multiple defenders and multiple attackers exist, the assault clan may choose to speed up the siege by assaulting with all available lords (one, some, or all). Then the defenders will select who defends against the first wave, second wave, third wave, etc as opposed to 1 defender at a time. These sieges would happen simultaneously.
- If the initial player is defeated, the attacking Lord decides as usual what to do with the defeated Lord. He then decides whether or not he wants to continue the siege and attack another defender, conduct diplomacy, or leave the engagement entirely.
- If he continues the siege, the defending clan continues selecting defenders one by one until none remain, and the Castle will fall once there are no defenders left.
- Castles under attack by an opposing Clan are considered "under siege" and can not be reinforced by Lords who make their way back to the Castle. Only defenders which were initially in the Castle defending can defend the Castle. However, Lords can wait in an adjacent square, and lay siege themselves on the newly acquired Castle and its single defender once the initial siege is completed.
- In Castles in which Clans lose control, the new controlling clan gains equal GP to their Castles / Cities combined from the losing clan and determines what happens to any Lords that have been kidnapped by the prior Clan. (IE, if the defending clan has 2 castles and 3 cities, and one is taken, they will lose 1/5th of their GP savings).
- The conquering clan will decide whether to inhabit the new castle (and thus, requiring a Lord to defend it) and gain its income, or raze it (to remove the need of defending the Castle or the possibility of another Clan taking it) at a cost of 5 GP.
- Each time a Castle exchanges hands, the victor has the option to rename the Castle to their liking.

An Assault against an inactive Clans Castle
- The Clan will be contacted as a last ditch effort to get them to defend their Castle. If they choose to do so, they will defend it per the standard rules.
- If the defending "inactive" clan chooses not to defend their castle, I (IcePack) will play the x3 default defense of the Clans Castle on Siege! for any clan that doesn't participate. This will provide a roughly equal challenge to all clans.
- If theres a conflict of interest (such as FALL attacking an inactive Clans Castle) I will provide an approximately like-skilled person to defend the castle in which does not have a conflict of interest. (TBD: Likely Lindax)
- Either way, there will be no "free" castles to be grabbed regardless of the level of participation.

2) An assault against a City or Watchtower
- Assaults against a City will be played solely on the Castle Lands map.
- Assaults against a Watchtower will be played solely on the Dawn of Ages map.
- Defender of the structures will choose the settings.
- All games will be Poly (2) (3) or (4) (defenders choice)
- The process and procedure is the same as Castles as far as who can defend, when, etc.
- Cities and Watchtowers can be controlled by the victorious clan, or razed for 5 GP.

3) A direct assault against a Lord
- When directly moving in a non diagonal direction (from center to green)
- Assaulting player map selection and settings
- Must be Poly (2) (3) or (4) attackers choice
- Maps available for selection are:

4) A ambush of a Lord
- This is where a player moves diagonally, and doesn't know that another player resides in that location.
- The player creating the ambush (not moving) decides their map and settings.
- Must be Poly (2) (3) or (4) (ambushers choice)
- The acceptable list of maps for ambush are the same as the direct assault list.
- Resolution of the battle is conducted in the same manner as a direct assault after the battle.

Note: If a enemy player is in sight from a watchtower, and you move diagonal to attack it will not be considered an ambush due to the structures benefits. It will be handled as a "direct assault" for procedural purposes.

Once engaged, two Lords may not leave until the engagement is resolved. Some battles may last longer than others, this is a natural occurrence and is something to consider when you are able to select your engagement location (map).
Upon completion, the victor has several options at their disposal:
Execution - this terminates the opposing Lord and removes them from the game.
Release - whether to improve diplomatic relations, or for other reasons an opposing Lord maybe released. They will respawn back at their original castle if able, otherwise if that castle is no longer controlled by the Lords Clan, they will respawn at one of the two preselected northern or southern generic spawn location (whichever is closest).
Ransom - return the Lord to his Clan, in exchange for a pre negotiated amount of GP. Once negotiated and agreed by both sides, this transaction will automatically take place with the Lord returning to his orgin Castle.
Kidnap - the kidnapped Lord is transported to the victors Castle as a captive, perhaps in hopes to be used as part of a negotiation or future ransom diplomacy action. The kidnapped Lord maybe executed at any point.

Movement & Visibility

Movement: A Lord may move to any adjacent (green) or diagonal (yellow) square from its starting location (purple). However, moving to a diagonal location provides a chance to be ambushed by an opposing Lord.
Visibility: From any terrain, the Lord can see immediate areas directly adjacent (north, south, east, west in the green squares) are visible to the Clan. Diagonal squares are ā€œblindā€ squares, where a Clan cannot ascertain what (if any) Lord is present.
From any controlled Castle, City, Watchtower, or Lord can see all areas adjacent to the structure..
Watchtowers have the unique ability to see all eight adjacent territories for Lords out in the open terrain regardless of whether a Lord is present or not.



Lords moving diagonally on the map run the risk of being surprised by an ambush from an opposing Lord.
Your formal state of war, neutrality or peace for each other Clan will determine whether you immediately engage in battle, engage in diplomacy, or ignore (travel through) other players.

State of war / ambush defaults
War: Lords will engage automatically with the other Lord when entering the diagonal square.
Neutral: Lords will engage in diplomacy with the other Lord automatically when entering the diagonal square
Peace: Lords will ignore other Lords that are in a formal peaceful state (such as a Bannermen). Travel continues as usual.

You can override the default for neutral by declaring an ambush, any Lord that travels into your square unknowingly will be ambushed and engaged in battle.

Barbarians & Nomads
While exploring the Realm, there are those who lived here longer than any of us. Beware, you might find yourself face to face with some very aggressive barbarians, who generally attack without warning. Barbarians do not take prisoners, nor hold Lords for ransom. They pillage, they break, they kill.

You might also find a nomad, who maybe more willing to engage with your lords. Nomads have been travelling the Realm for many years, and have made a living selling and trading with the locals.

In your travels, you might find a few rare relics. These will grant the finders one time benefits. However, the gods have blessed these relics and may become angry when you take them. Beware.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:31 pm

Supporting Information
ā€œEach member of the winning Clan will get a chance to draw a prize from the Clan Box.
The Clan box contains various prizes such as red stars, green stars, blue stars, credits and other assorted prizes available to everyone. Itā€™ll be big!ā€
- BigWham

Clan Box Prize Specifics:
bigWham wrote:The Clan Crate includes 1 item for each clan member, with the following 10 items:

1 Red Star
1 Green Star
1 Blue Star
1 Box 3 Yellow Stars
1 Yellow Star
1 Box 5 Pink Stars
1 Box 5 Cyan Stars
1 Box 1-4 Pink Stars
1 Pink Star
1 Box 1-4 Cyan Stars

Then to fill the create up so that there is one item for each clan member it includes N Boxes of 1-5 Orange Stars where N is the number of remaining members of the clan.

We do a random draw to see which member gets which item.

Clan Raffle Prizes:

1st = +5 raffle tix
2nd = +4 raffle tix
3rd = +3 raffle tix
4th + 5th = +1 raffle tix each

I've also been able to finalize a Green Star prize to the individual lord with the highest fame.

Phase 2 Prizes:

1. Be named CR@W v1 ā€œRunner Upā€ in the history books
2. Name an Alien Race
3. Design a Natural Wonder (v2 Relic)
4. Green Star for High Fame Lord
5. Decision to implement or remove a controversial v2 game piece

If I can muster something:
- best house name
- best house motto
- best lord names
- other "special prizes" such as

most inquizative, most helpful, most honest, most intense, most well rounded, most active, most clueless, most improved etc.

This project is a massive undertaking. While we strive for a fun, balanced game there maybe some errors or very obvious ā€œtweaksā€ needed to gameplay as we move forward. This is the first time anything like this has ever been attempted.
Any tweaks will be announced in public, and every attempt to ensure fairness for all will be made.
Ideally, any tweaks needed will be made as early as possible to lessen the overall impact on the gameplay.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or feedback this is where most ā€œtweaksā€ will be announced (if needed).

Sample Turns

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:16 pm

Start Up

What do we need to do in order to start / participate?

1. You'll need to send IcePack a PM detailing some of the following information:
Remember, do should not post this information in PUBLIC. PM it to IcePack. The purpose is to hide your clan and provide a layer of anonymity!

  1. Clan Name:
    (Example: FALL)
  2. CR@W Clan Name:
    (Example: House Stark) [This is what you will show up on the tables as for anonymity purposes]
  3. Starting Player Names & CR@W Names (3 required):
    (Example: IcePack = Lord Sleepy, GoranZ = Lord Grumpy, rcfritz = Lord Bashful) [This is what you will show up when other clans / players see you on the map, for anonymity purposes]
  4. CR@W Castle Name:
    (Example: Castle Anthrax) [This is what clans / players will see when they find your starting Castle, so not as to give away your clan name]
  5. Optional: A House / Clan Motto:
    (Examples: In God We Trust; Unity Makes Strength; We Stand Together)

If your clan does NOT supply this information, efforts will be made to name Castles etc to still hide what Clan is located where.
Your clan can "start" participating at any time, as long as the Castle has not been taken.
Before any Castle is defeated, efforts will be made to contact the clan in order to get a defense ready.
Your clan will still collect its gold, until the clan participates or is vanquished.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Postby IcePack on Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:38 pm

Q: If my clan misses the start date, can we still participate?
A: Yes! You can submit your anonymous names at any point. If you haven't submitted and someone attacks your Castle, you will be contacted in an effort to get you to defend your Realm.

Q: Will you post the total size of teh world? IE 20x20, or 200x200? Or is this something that also must be guessed?
A: When clans sign up, they will receive a link to their clans map. The "frame" (size) of the map will be clear at that time.

Q: If attacking diagonally from a watchtower to a enemy player would normally be considered an ambush. Will it be considered an ambush because you are attacking from a diagonal?
A: No, the intent is you would not be ambushed from a watchtower attack because you can see them from the structures benefits and its treated as a "direct assault" against a player.

Q: Can 1 player emulate more than 1 lord?
A: No, 1 player can only emluate 1 lord. This prevents top players from being used 15 times to the cap.

Q: Can you send more than 1 Lord to assault a Castles defenses simultaneously?
A: Yes, you can send as many Lords as you like. Each one is able to engage with one defensive Lord at a time.

Q: Who are the barbarians and nomads?
A: Various people have volunteered for these roles, and will become clearer once the game moves forward.

Q: Who are the bards? Where can we find them?
A: The singing bards are NPC who "travel" the Realm, they take no place on the map nor are they represented by any player. They cannot be attacked or silenced. They share their songs to all who listen, and provide some valuable information to the world. You can find their information in the supporting information area via the links.

Q: Can you only ransom someone once they've been kidnapped?
A: Yes, you must defeat and kidnap the Lord (rather then execute or release them)
(note: however using diplomacy, you could always threaten to attack a Lord and demand a payment not to do so. But this is not technically a ransom (just diplomacy). You can also negotiate those terms, get paid and then attack anyway, or negotiate any other terms you might want or use against other clans. But that is something the bards might pick up on, and you may earn a reputation with the other Houses.
- Its fairly opened ended and could be very cutthroat.

Q: Can a freemium player participate?
A: A freemium player can help plan and may lead the coordination of the clan etc, but can not participate as a Lord due to the required Poly games being premium only feature.

Q: Can you attack a castle with multiple siege assaults if there are multiple defenders?
defending Castle has 3 Lords inside defending, you can speed the siege up by bringing 3 Lords to assault. Then all 3 would be under siege @ once as opposed to taking 1 @ a time.

show: siege examples

Q: Follow up regarding Castle sieges, if you attack 3 vs 3 does that mean to conquer the castle you have to defeat all lords? For instance:
Attacker A defeats Defender A
Attacker B is defeated by Defender B
Attacker C defeats Defender C

So does that then mean that Attacker A or C must defeat Defender B?

A: Correct, so defender B would still be defending the Castle in this scenario and would get to decide what to do w attacked B (execute, ransom, release).
In theory defender B could try to ransom attacker B for gold or cease fire, but if executed then you are correct attacker a or c must finish the job (or at that point, could stop the siege and leave)

Q: Is the game freemium friendly?
A: No, poly games by site requirement must be premium. However freemiums can participate in teh planning / pm parts, just not the active games as a Lord on the board.

Q: We don't know who we are attacking, but we do know the CR@W castle / lord names before we attack right?
A: That's correct, you will be informed of the names of the Castles / Lords you see on the map

Q: Do we know how many Lords are in a Castle / City / Watchtower before we attack?
A: Yes, Castles / Lords will have a legend on them for you and in a corner of the map I'll detail who is what (but not what castle or clan they are associated with).
L1 = Lord Mister of House Blah Blah
L2 = Lord Bulton of house Blah Blah
L3 = Lord Park of House Blah Blah
C1 = Castle Anthrax of House Blah Blah etc etc

Q: Can cities be built anywhere, for example next to Castle.
A: Yes, any legal space that does not have a structure already built, or sea. Space must be unoccupied by enemies troops when built.

Q: Will you create as many Castles as there are Clans regardless of who can participate?
A: Yes, there will be 29 Castles on the master map. I'll make efforts to spread out expected inactive clans throughout the map so that it's fairly equal (with benefits for low to mid ranked clans over high on placement).

Q: Are there any neutral or unfilled cities on the map not associated with any clan?
A: No, all Castles will be associated with a Clan. No empty neutral castles will be placed.

Q: What does E1 mean on your example turns map?
A: E1, E2, E,3 etc signifies an ongoing engagement (battle).

Q: Will Castles be regularly placed on a grid or on same horizontal / vertical lines like in your sample or a bit more random?
A: The Castles are not on a regular placement. It follows what you would expect a regular map to look like, the grid type look was just for the example to not give away the real map.

Q: Will the real map be of similar size (speaking of distance between opponents Castles), or bigger.
A: I would say it's approx similar size, some locations might be a little tighter even. This is due to one movement taking 2 days (1 day for move, 1 day for update) so having an extremely large map would take years to complete. This also encourages diplomacy and the threat of battle.

Q: Was bruceswar (or his clan) allowed to conduct Diplomacy w/ the other Lord/Clan once they saw it from the watchtower? Why didn't they?
A: Yes, you are allowed to engage in diplomacy anytime you wish when you:
1) see a new Lord / Castle
2) anytime you wish once you've established communication w an opposing Clan / Castle (regardless of distance on the map)
- in the example bruceswar did not engage in diplomacy because I was merely trying to show some of the basic functions of the map / turns, but they could have engaged in diplomacy.

Q: Can map selections be discussed or are they locked / fixed? I understand some of the map selections (Feudal, etc) but don't understand others (Roman ones).
A: Yes these can be discussed. My goal was 25 maps or so, with focus being on medival themed maps. I also looked for a variety of map types so they weren't all conquer style (example: feudal) but had different options for clan strengths & weaknesses. During the Middle Ages, Rome & the Papacy was a large influence which is why I included some of those.

Q: What about expanding map selections for castles & cities?
A: I'm less inclined to change this, which was selected for multiple purposes. But as with anything if you have some suggestions I can consider it before we start.

Q: Can you have more then one Lord on the same square?
A: Yes, you can have multiple Lords on the same squares. You can only have one structure per square (castle, city, watchtower).
If you have formal friendly relations with another clan, you can also share a square. Or if you enter a square that normally would be an ambush, but the defender / ambusher has their defeault selection set to not ambush, you could theoretically share that square as well.

Q; What if I move on a square and there is already 2 lord on this square ?

A: If you move to a square and there are two engaged Lords already there, you will just be a third occupant. You will be able to see the battle (I will provide you the info, such as Lord X is Bruceswar of House Stark and Lord Y is hjelp of House Antrax). You can decide to stay in the square, which if you stay in the square when their engagement ends would result in a direct assault by you, or you can choose to continue on after learning your intel and leave the square. If those two parties are neutral or friendly, and sharing the same space and you are not neutral or friendly and normally would be an ambush, then you will still get ambushed per the normal rules.

Q: If I have no more lords, I can't get anymore GP, so even if I still have my original Castle, unless I can recruit another lord, I am defeated anyway, right ?

A; From your perspective, you would essentially be out of the game yes. However, you can still influence the game if you have gold left in your castle, whether by declaring yourself a bannermen to another clan in order for them to take their revenge on your killer, or I suppose if you can convince someone to be your bannermen etc...But for the game, you wont be completely vanquished until you are completely removed from the board (and thats when someone will earn the fame from your vanquishment) not just killing of your Lords. Or as you said, if you haven't used your maximum 15 Lords and have enough gold, or can get enough gold somehow, to get another Lord on the board.

Q: If a Lord is in a city or a castle, and the city/castle is attacked. Can the Lord decide to retreat and abandon the castle/city ?
A: No, the defender is being attacked. So its up to the attacker to start the engagement or not. If you want to retreat, you'll have to leave the castle prior to the engagement or use diplomacy to delay until you leave.

Q: When the actual games are played, how do you prevent it being obvious who a Lord is? Are the Lord names actually used as the player names in the games? That would be SO awesome!

A: Well, the two who are engaged will learn who each other are. This is part of the way to gain intel (by engaging other clans in battle). You'll learn at who the Lord is, and by process of elimination you will now know all his clan mates (though you still wont know who the active clan mates'll be able to recognize them by "Lord X of Castle Antrax" and you know you just beat Lord Y of Castle Antrax, and Lord Y was IcePack, so anyone under Castle Antrax banner is a Fallen member, for example.

Q: if losing a castle deprives a clan of all of their gold, how will anyone accumulate enough to score an economic victory? It seems like the structure incentivizes teams to spend (almost) all of their gold every turn, especially since castles don't seem too hard to capture. Other than the possibility of having multiple lords in a castle (and thereby increasing the number of wins required to capture it) there don't seem to be many advantages to the defender.

A: Yeah, the economic victory is meant as a way to speed up the games end eventually. It will be difficult to achieve, but you are correct here.

Q: Also, I have a quick question for clarification on battle outcomes. You state the results if the attacker wins attacking a city or castle. They capture the defending lord and decide what to do with him/her. What happens should the defender win. Do they capture the attacking lord in question? Or does the attacking lord retreat with their tail between their legs?

A: The defender gets the same decision, at the end of engagement one of the Lords will end up in custody of the other and a decision will be made.
In my first edition of the draft rules, I actually had ambushes a little stronger in which there was a 1/10 chance that the ambush was so successful you kidnapped the opposing Lord without a game battle. However, I deemed it to strong due to the other rules that go timplimented regarding the limit of how many Lords per game (15). In just one of my play tests, i actually landed x3 ambushes this way and realized while that was very lucky and unusual, it could really impact the game to much. The pro to idea was that less skilled clans would have a 1/10 chance to possible kidnap a very valuble Lord that the other clans would be very keen on seeing returned and have negotiating power.

Q: If you end up battling a lord and lose, then you can either be kidnapped, executed, or can negotiate your return.

If your return is negotiated, then that specific lord is still in the game. If you are executed, that lord is removed from the game never to return (and that player cannot become a new lord). If kidnapped, does the lord basically just do nothing until he is either executed or a return is negotiated?

A: Simple answer: Correct
TL:DR answer: dead lords can still help the clan plan, negotiate, coordinate other lords removal, do the daily pm to ice pack, etc. really anything and everything except be represented for the clan on the map and fight games.

Kidnapped lords can do the same as above, they can do nothing until the other clan chooses, actively engage in diplomacy w them every turn, trying to use new Intel or info to their advantage, whatever. Up to them. Or they can do nothing. Whatever works

Q: Can we have players not associated with our clan play for our House?
A: Not at this time.

Q: What do the colors on the map mean?
A: Blue is water
Green, tan, light grey, white are all used as different map colors for grass, dessert, mountains, snow etc.

This is just to give the map some features, allow clans to use different terrain as possible map markers etc and doesn't impact gameplay. Just for visualization so it's not a big green & blue blob

Rivers are impassible.

Q: Will we know our initiative order in respect to the other clans?
A: Yes, there will be a link provided in the supporting info area that will have intiative each turn listed by house.

Q: Since we are all sending in our directions to you at the same time, is it possible our moves are countered by someone with a higher initiative? For example, Lord A sees Lord B and vice versa. Lord A wants to move away from Lord B avoiding contact. However, Lord B has a higher initiative and wants a fight. In that case, would Lord A's retreat be blocked by an attack?
A: Yes, if Lord B has higher initiative and wants to fight, he will get to engage before Lord A's movement with no retreat possible.

Q: If 2 Lords are more than one space away (can't see each other) and move into the same space during the turn, would the Lord with the higher initiative dictate action? Would the team with the higher initiative pick the map if there is a fight? If the team with higher initiative wants to negotiate, but the other Lord wants a fight, does he get to pick the map? If the space between them is on a diagonal, will the Lord with higher initiative get an ambush? What if 3 Lords move into a diagonal at the same time? Will the Lord with the highest initiative automatically ambush the 2nd lord or could he pick (assuming he is at war with everyone).

A: Higher initiatve would dictate action first, yes. If he chooses to negotiate, then I would probably list it as "engaged" during the negotiation, and then the 2nd lord would get to choose whether or not he will engage in battle with his choice of map etc. (since the 1st intiative was used as negotiation).
If its a diagonal, then yes it wiould be an ambush.
3 Lords diagonal, highest iniatiive goes first. He would choose who to battle if hes willing to war both, if he favors one clan over the other (bannermen etc) then he would just auto go into war with the other.

Q: What happens when you lose to an "inactive clan's" castle?
A: I (IcePack) will roll a 1d10 to determine what happens with the losing Lord.
1-3: Execute
4-6: Ransom
7-9: Kidnap
10: Release

Ransom Requests to the opposing House will be 2d4 (2-8 GP).

Q: Do you have to have a lord in the square you want to build a city or watch tower?
A: Yes

Q: Can you only move one square away, or can you move anywhere within your sight on the map?
A: One square each turn, per lord.

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:45 am

Player Info
- One player can only emulate one lord.
- A clan may only use a maximum of 15 lords in this contest. Meaning, if you have 10 Lords executed the maximum you will have on the board afterwards will be now 5 Lords max (and unable to recruit more).
- Once a player / lord has been eliminated, they are out of the contest.
- Any player actively in the game will have a maximum of 1 poly game at any given time.

Planned Absenses
- If theres a planned vacation etc, a clan may change a Lord from Player A to Player B for a duration of no longer then one month. (free, no limits to use but prefer this to occur "within reason". Please be courteous to your fellow clan mates when choosing to do this as it does affect the overall gameplay)
Note: Temporary replacement can not be another Lord already within the game actively
- If theres a need to change a Lord for a duration of over 1 month, you can change a Lord from Player A to Player B permanently for a cost of 5 GP. (first replacement is free...after this the GP cost takes effect).
Note: Permanent replacements may not be replaced with a Lord who has already been executed previously.

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:53 pm

SiriusCowKing wrote:What happens if an enemy lord is in sight from a watchtower or the likes and you move to attack from diagonal. Is it considered an ambush because you are attacking from diagonal?

Great question, the intent would be here that it is not an ambush because you can see them from the structures benefits.

I'll amend the rules and add to the FAQ! :)

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:22 pm

Also - I finally resolved some issues and figured out how to effectively add in more team games instead of all poly.
This was an issue during design of the game (since we are talking about clans).

Would clans like to see more team games and edit the set up or leave as is for this first edition and maybe tweak in the future?

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby catnipdreams on Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:47 pm

IcePack wrote:Would clans like to see more team games and edit the set up or leave as is for this first edition and maybe tweak in the future?

Speaking only as a player, not for my clan, I like the poly aspect, as it limits the time commitment. I see this as something that should be as different as possible from "regular" clan war games.

Edit: thank you for putting this together!
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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:37 pm

catnipdreams wrote:
IcePack wrote:Would clans like to see more team games and edit the set up or leave as is for this first edition and maybe tweak in the future?

Speaking only as a player, not for my clan, I like the poly aspect, as it limits the time commitment. I see this as something that should be as different as possible from "regular" clan war games.

Edit: thank you for putting this together!

Ok great thanks for the feedback cat :)

SiriusCowKing wrote:Thanks, meanwhile I had a number of questions that came to me:

-What is the number of expected members required to play? 3 are required to start, but I know we can have more lords, and so I assume 1 more player for each new lord.

-Can 1 player emulates more than 1 lord?

-If a lord stays in a castle or a city to keep it controlled, will it be just boringly standing there or will the player have things to do like decide which building to build next (Civ referrence)?

- maximum of 15 Lords can play, if they are purchased. But you are correct, each new lord brings in one new player. More can participate thru diplomacy, running the event, planning movements etc as needed. Theoretically, the entire clan can group decide everything or have one guy running the show, the only thing individuals need to do is play the games if there are any. Players can move themselves or have a leader move them. However works best for each clan.

- no, one player can only emulate one lord. This prevents top players from being used 15 times.

- there won't be things for them to do, such as pick buildings etc. as its a simplified version this didn't get into growing tech or buildings etc. (maybe future events can) but that puts a greater burden on tracking everything.
But you can plan it out where someone who wants to be less involved is on the castle, or the person running the event for the clan is on the castle so that they have things to do. Plus, castles might be slow in the early game but I expect they'll be busier later when clans begin to assault strongholds.

As I said earlier, no one should be bored. Even if they aren't moving around the map, they can be discussing what moves are best for the others in the group and getting involved in other ways

Same with lords who aren't on the board yet, they can be involved and strategizing income, cities, watch towers, movement etc.

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:47 pm

rockfist wrote:Suppose I was guarding my Castle and someone attacked me...what's to prevent my slow playing the crap out of the match so we can continue to collect the Castle revenue during the war and to occupy the opposing Lord for as long as possible. I get the impression that attacking another Castle or Lord (although in the field both would have an incentive to play fast until one was clearly going to lose) could be VERY costly in terms of movement and turns.

I just checked the rules I posted and apparently I forgot to edit in from my notes the under siege rule. Castles typically gain +2 GP, but under siege only gain +1 GP. (+1 for tax, +1 for trade, and they lose the trade income while under siege).

So the benefit to not being under siege is full income, however taking a Castle is a difficult task and potentially did take a long time (think Joan of Arc laying siege to Paris, or something along that lines). They weren't quick battles.

Also, if a defending Castle has 3 Lords inside defending, you can speed the siege up by bringing 3 Lords to assault. Then all 3 would be under siege @ once as opposed to taking 1 @ a time. (I'll clarify this in the rules).

But 1 va 3 looks like:
Clan A Player A vs Clan B Player A
then; Clan A Player A then vs Clan B player B (if clan a won the first)
then; Clan A Player A then vs Clan B player C (Iditto)

But 3 vs 3 would look like:
Clan A Player A vs Clan B Player A
simultaneously Clan A player b vs clan b player b
simultaneously Clan A player c vs clan v player c

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:44 pm

Also to clarify, as currently structured the game is not freemium friendly due to poly games being required.

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:49 pm

IcePack wrote:
rockfist wrote:Thanks.

Follow up question: If you attack 3 lords to 3 lords does that mean to conquer the castle you have to defeat all lords? For instance:

Attacker A defeats Defender A
Attacker B is defeated by Defender B
Attacker C defeats Defender C

So does that then mean that Attacker A or C must defeat Defender B?

Correct, so defender B would still be defending the Castle in this scenario and would get to decide what to do w attacked B (execute, ransom, release).
In theory defender B could try to ransom attacker B for gold or cease fire, but if executed then you are correct attacker a or c must finish the job (or at that point, could stop the siege and leave)

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:54 pm

I added some sample turns, which you can find here:


Hopefully this helps explain how some turns and the map changes work.

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:22 pm

This sounds like a lot of effort, both to organise and participate in. I like the idea, and appreciate the amount of work you've already gone to [never mind to come] but it's not something Aeternus would be able to participate in when taking real lives and existing clan activities into account.
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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:37 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:This sounds like a lot of effort, both to organise and participate in. I like the idea, and appreciate the amount of work you've already gone to [never mind to come] but it's not something Aeternus would be able to participate in when taking real lives and existing clan activities into account.

I know it will be a lot of work for myself, and what I'm getting into.
I'm curious though why you think it might be a lot of effort on the clans part though?
It requires a pm once every two days, and checking a map once in that time period as well. The maps updated for you by me.
So other than making your own notes and deciding how to spend your gold etc and what strategically might need to be done, there isn't a lot of involvement.
Each player (Lord) is restricted to max 1 poly game @ a time, and might not even engage in a game for potentially large periods of time in between.
The game doesn't add to many players very quickly, so other players are slow to enter into the game as needed as well.

I'm not saying it can't take up a lot of time. It might, potentially. But I'm curious what part of it you anticipate being very time intense for my own learning purposes to potentially help guide future games etc

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby catnipdreams on Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:53 pm

How do we deal with planned absences? Can a different player take over a "Lord" name for, say, 3 months, then switch back?
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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:20 pm

IcePack wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:This sounds like a lot of effort, both to organise and participate in. I like the idea, and appreciate the amount of work you've already gone to [never mind to come] but it's not something Aeternus would be able to participate in when taking real lives and existing clan activities into account.

I know it will be a lot of work for myself, and what I'm getting into.
I'm curious though why you think it might be a lot of effort on the clans part though?
It requires a pm once every two days, and checking a map once in that time period as well. The maps updated for you by me.
So other than making your own notes and deciding how to spend your gold etc and what strategically might need to be done, there isn't a lot of involvement.
Each player (Lord) is restricted to max 1 poly game @ a time, and might not even engage in a game for potentially large periods of time in between.
The game doesn't add to many players very quickly, so other players are slow to enter into the game as needed as well.

I'm not saying it can't take up a lot of time. It might, potentially. But I'm curious what part of it you anticipate being very time intense for my own learning purposes to potentially help guide future games etc

I just imagine the planning between those involved from the clan and suchlike would be time consuming etc.
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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:33 pm

Theoretically, a single person could strategize / do everything as long as the Lords accepted the games when invites sent out. Default game preferences could be sent before they were needed unless the deciding clan wants to change it vs each lord.

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby IcePack on Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:38 pm

catnipdreams wrote:How do we deal with planned absences? Can a different player take over a "Lord" name for, say, 3 months, then switch back?

I suppose we could come up w some rules for it. Though 3 months does seem excessive.

I'd envision something like:
- free: changing of a Lord from player A to player B for a duration of no longer then a month. (Lord designation stays the same)
- X gold: changing of a Lord permanently if needed for more then 1 month

I use the 1 month as a guideline from the sites general sitting guidelines. Sitting for over a month needs replacement.

Also, a condition of the temporary replacement would be that it couldn't be another Lord already within the game actively, and couldn't be permanently replaced with a Lord who has previously been executed.

Cost of gold TBD.

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Re: CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen [Jan 15 Start] [1/?]

Postby IcePack on Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:22 am

Ok, lets say tentative start date is Jan 15th, 2017. That gives me 10 days to play test for any further issues, answer questions, etc.

So far, I've had 1 clan submit their anonymous starting Castle and x3 Lord names, etc. via PM

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Re: [CR@W] CLAN REALMS at WAR: the Bannermen

Postby catnipdreams on Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:33 am

IcePack wrote:
catnipdreams wrote:How do we deal with planned absences? Can a different player take over a "Lord" name for, say, 3 months, then switch back?

I suppose we could come up w some rules for it. Though 3 months does seem excessive.

I'd envision something like:
- free: changing of a Lord from player A to player B for a duration of no longer then a month. (Lord designation stays the same)
- X gold: changing of a Lord permanently if needed for more then 1 month

I use the 1 month as a guideline from the sites general sitting guidelines. Sitting for over a month needs replacement.

Also, a condition of the temporary replacement would be that it couldn't be another Lord already within the game actively, and couldn't be permanently replaced with a Lord who has previously been executed.

Cost of gold TBD.

Hmmmm.... I do not like having the possibility of a clan being penalized because a player wants to take the summer off, for instance. How about this:

A player with a planned absence of more than 1 month, sends you a PM stating this, with the dates of the planned absence, and also tells you what player should be the replacement.

There is no penalty for this, but the replacement player has to be fresh to the game, as you said.

During this planned absence, the "absent" player should not be playing any other CC games, including speeders. The absence is a true absence from actively playing games on CC.

When the player returns to CC, ready to play active games again, the player can send you a PM, letting you know either of two things: the player wants back into the CR@W game, or, that the substitution should be permanent.
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