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Benford's law, also called the first-digit law, is an observation about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many real-life sets of numerical data. The law states that in many naturally occurring collections of numbers, the leading significant digit is likely to be small.[1] For example, in sets which obey the law, the number 1 appears as the most significant digit about 30% of the time, while 9 appears as the most significant digit less than 5% of the time. By contrast, if the digits were distributed uniformly, they would each occur about 11.1% of the time.
STRATEGY TIP ā It's better to attack then defend. Be aggressive.
STRATEGY TIP ā Always attack with superior numbers to maximize the chances of your attack being successeful.
STRATEGY TIP ā If attacking a region with the same number of armies as the defender, make sure that you have at least five armies if you want the odds in your favour (the more the better).
warmonger1981 wrote:If I get bad dice in two straight games I'll log in and out a few times then take more turns. It seems to stop. A few days ago I list 28-7. Haven't had it tgat bad in a long time. But yeah the dice are ridiculous.
Kaskavel wrote:The dice are negative? I had my bad rolls, but I cannot recall a minus 4 roll
KraphtOne wrote:The problem is that the program is designed to average out to 3.5... which means that your dice against neutrals will always be perfect no matter what. After a thousand attacks you will have rolled every number the exact same.
rotean wrote:I couldn't agree with this site more. My dice have been crud for two months now. Absolutely crud. many times, I lose the first 6 or 7 rolls as soon as the game starts, a lose. Then I check the dice stats.... -25.... Give me a break, eh? Then I recently received EIGHT red spoils in a row.... it guaranteed that I lost the game. It happened to me before.... & time is a 10 000 to one longshot. Twice, however, is a pattern of the games being fixed, like Las Vegas. Then there are other games in which I don't even lose one dice roll. There is no in between. Zero luck or Horseshoe. It ruins the game. The program for the dice is not random. It follows patterns.
armati wrote:glad 2 c im not the only 1 that cs the dice r crap.
due to the dice algo it is debatable as to which is better, attack or defend. actual dice the attacker has the edge.
i always am curious as to how many 6s the defender will roll when i attack, some times a single defender can roll 5-6 6s in a row, makes for a rael fun game.
i have said 4 a very long time, the best stratagy is roll 6s, nutin beats it.
When the defender rolls 2 many 6s, it destroys the game.
i roll until i have nutin left but singles everywhere.
i figure i might as well get it over with and start another one.
some day, somebody is going to fix the dice algo, i predict that will become the most popular "risk" based game on the net.
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