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I dont c how to contact cc management.

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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby willedtowin1 on Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:49 am

armati wrote:New event this winter will showcase P.E.I. gaming industry

New event this winter will showcase P.E.I. gaming industry
A new event in the province will bring together members of P.E.I.’s gaming community for some fun this winter

. ... industry/1

Conquer club might want to advertise here, there are hundreds of thousands of gamers seeing this.
Talk about direct advertising.

Website is igcon

Try this next time............

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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby TeeGee on Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:34 pm

armati wrote:Thats funny.
I actually responded to you saying thx for explaining.
I put in the ticket.

I figured I would help them out and copied that "girl poster" thing and sent it to igcon.

They said they will print it off and put it up somewhere during the convention.
See? no cost advertising.
The forum people can say they helped out cc.

Totally lame ad tho.

Conquer Club and "The Conquer Club" are 2 totally different sites, the one with the girl ad is for the other site (some sort of feminist club I think)
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby riskllama on Thu Nov 24, 2016 5:15 pm

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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby betiko on Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:51 pm

armati wrote:Thats funny.
I actually responded to you saying thx for explaining.
I put in the ticket.

I figured I would help them out and copied that "girl poster" thing and sent it to igcon.

They said they will print it off and put it up somewhere during the convention.
See? no cost advertising.
The forum people can say they helped out cc.

Totally lame ad tho.

:lol: :lol: :lol: i guess your school years must ve been a bit harsh. :roll:
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby owenshooter on Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:01 am

it is very simple...

i hope i was helpful... have a great day, the black jesus loves you!!-Jésus noir
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby notyou2 on Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:23 pm

I was in PEI last week and heard NOTHING about this huge convention.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:33 pm

notyou2 wrote:I was in PEI last week and heard NOTHING about this huge convention.

You hang out with the wrong crowd.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby armati on Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:25 pm

funny notu2,
I thought pewter kids wood no enuff to use email, in this case (especially if u were in pei)

did u expect billboards all over the city?
radio time every 20 mins?
1 hour television interviews?
People in animal suits carrying sandwich boards dancing up and down streets?

u c that for gencon?
u hear of gencon?

So funny,
Just 4 no y people dont think?

thinking is hard.

u did get the thumbs down right tho. lol

just "funnin".

Best 2 ya.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby Serbia on Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:53 pm

armati wrote:funny notu2,
I thought pewter kids wood no enuff to use email, in this case (especially if u were in pei)

did u expect billboards all over the city?
radio time every 20 mins?
1 hour television interviews?
People in animal suits carrying sandwich boards dancing up and down streets?

u c that for gencon?
u hear of gencon?

So funny,
Just 4 no y people dont think?

thinking is hard.

u did get the thumbs down right tho. lol

just "funnin".

Best 2 ya.

Congratulations, this post is nearly as bad as anything written by ConfederateSS.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby Beast Of Burson on Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:27 pm

Serbia wrote:
armati wrote:funny notu2,
I thought pewter kids wood no enuff to use email, in this case (especially if u were in pei)

did u expect billboards all over the city?
radio time every 20 mins?
1 hour television interviews?
People in animal suits carrying sandwich boards dancing up and down streets?

u c that for gencon?
u hear of gencon?

So funny,
Just 4 no y people dont think?

thinking is hard.

u did get the thumbs down right tho. lol

just "funnin".

Best 2 ya.

Congratulations, this post is nearly as bad as anything written by ConfederateSS.

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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby armati on Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:53 pm

Ya, I prolly came across wrong.

There is no reason anyone in PEI that didnt no where to get tickets would hear about it.
It hasnt been advertised at all, there was only a couple articles in papers and that was awhile ago now.
and thats just because a gaming convention has never been done in pei before. in van for example it wouldnt get a newspaper article, in 1980 they did but not now.

Actually, in 1980 I was interviewed 4 times on television on 4 differnt stations, and I turned that many down not having time for them.
gaming cons were pretty new then. I have nothing 2 do with this pei con, i just no the people doing it.

The cc site is hearing about it months early and that only because I was letting the cc people no of an advertising opportunity.
also of course they should be pewter geeks and there will be pewter gaming companies there that will be looking for people. companies do jv stuff etc.

1 of the gamers that gamed with us years ago ended up working for microsoft gaming. for example.(yup, filthy rich now. lol)
there were others that developed stuff sold in places like eb games (if ya ever heard of it) i actually dont even no gaming stores anymore.
artists ended up in mags and games all over europe and n america.

basically it was just an opportunity for people involved with or interested in games.

if ur in pei when its on stop in. if not o well.
if the cc people want some exposure or make contacts thats neat, if not o well.

either way, "its no skin off my wart"

best 2 ya all.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby betiko on Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:32 pm

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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby owenshooter on Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:56 pm

so wait... how do you contact them again? and can you contact them in PEI or just here on the site? do they have an office with a gator chip truck out front there, too? i'm so confused...-Bj
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby Tyler0 on Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:55 pm

I remember this game, I played many years ago on the Genesis, and some time later on the SNES. It was very difficult not to crash in the Stunt Track. I had a lot of fun watching my crash replays, especially when I fell on purpose in the middle of the looping.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby betiko on Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:53 pm

Tyler0 wrote:I remember this game, I played many years ago on the Genesis, and some time later on the SNES. It was very difficult not to crash in the Stunt Track. I had a lot of fun watching my crash replays, especially when I fell on purpose in the middle of the looping.

Tell me about it!

I remember once, when I was a kid, my grandma made us do some cupcakes, and then we did them and then we ate them and then she was like.. where are thé cupcakes? Haha, fun times. It reminds me of that story
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:05 pm

King Herpes is my favorite CC poster of all time. If there was a top CC poster of the year, I'd vote for him. Granted I wasn't here in the early days, and I'm sure Owen will correct me that there were way better posters and drop a reference to the flame wars... but KH just nails it every time!

i wish we could have troll wars here, where amazingly funny troll posters like Herpes could face off against super annoying troll posters like Symm live streamed 'post-off" where CC members could vote on who they want to receive free premium for a year(or better prizes like hand jobs at yor local amp or something) and the loser gets banned from the forums for a year. Kinda like a Roman Gladiator type thing.


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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby betiko on Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:22 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:King Herpes is my favorite CC poster of all time. If there was a top CC poster of the year, I'd vote for him. Granted I wasn't here in the early days, and I'm sure Owen will correct me that there were way better posters and drop a reference to the flame wars... but KH just nails it every time!

i wish we could have troll wars here, where amazingly funny troll posters like Herpes could face off against super annoying troll posters like Symm live streamed 'post-off" where CC members could vote on who they want to receive free premium for a year(or better prizes like hand jobs at yor local amp or something) and the loser gets banned from the forums for a year. Kinda like a Roman Gladiator type thing.


Kh is a really funny poster, but personally, the guy that cracks me up the most is saxi.
In the old disapeared posters, i remember master fenrir having a really witty humour.. uh someone should probably do a list!
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:01 pm

Funniest poster of all time was Fruitcake.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby Serbia on Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:35 pm

You spelled "Dancing Mustard" wrong.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby betiko on Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:11 pm

i wasn't really around when these 2 were here, i thing we'll have to move the debate to OT
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby notyou2 on Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:19 pm

I'll look for the remnants of the convention next time I am in PEI. But seriously, I have been there 4 or 5 times in the last 8 months and heard absolutely nothing.

Funniest posters in no particular order:
- Fruitcake
- Dancing Mustard
- Saxitoxin
- Juan_Bottom
- King Herpes
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby TimWoodbury on Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:51 pm

tzor wrote:King, you just brought memories of another game that once ran an advertisement campaign with a woman whose outfit keep getting skimpier ad skimpier with the title "Play now m'Lord."

hey i used to play that game its still around but tottaly sucks now and i never found the naked lady they call Eva
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby grifftron on Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:40 am

But I gotta know, armati, did you send the e-ticket?
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby armati on Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:17 pm

i doubt it grifftron, i dont no what an e ticket is.

i did tell them what you said, maybe they will advertise other than at universities and game stores next year.
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Re: I dont c how to contact cc management.

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:31 am

armati wrote:i doubt it grifftron, i dont no what an e ticket is.

i did tell them what you said, maybe they will advertise other than at universities and game stores next year.

-----Next time try two Dixie cups(paper cups) and some string...You'll have better luck armati... :D ... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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