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Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Inside!!

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Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Inside!!

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:06 pm

Become a Premium Member Yearly Sustainer:

Start a monthly-yearly contribution that is automatically debited or charged to an account of your choosing. It’s convenient, efficient and powerful.

A Sustaining Gift allows you to support the gaming experience you rely on through secure, automatic yearly payments from your bank account, credit card or debit card.

Sustainers make an ongoing monthly-yearly contribution  —  which means we will continue to deduct money from your account until you let us know to stop or change it, simply wall message bigWham and he'll see it through.

Contribution Information:

You can change or update your credit card or other payment method at any time by sending your new card information via e-ticket. Any questions on this please wall message ConfederateSS

• Temporarily stopping a Sustaining Gift: 
Uncheck the automatic renewal box to suspend your Sustaining gift payments at any time, just let us know when you are ready to resume by rechecking the box

• Permanently stopping a Sustaining Gift:
 Uncheck the automatic renewal box to stop your Sustaining Gift at any time. If you are stopping it for a particular reason, please let us know why – your feedback will help us to make Sustaining gifts a more rewarding way to support

• Yearly Sustainer: 
Sustainers may contribute on a yearly basis. You can be a Sustainer with an annual contribution that is automatically charged to your account once each year. This is default set to automatic process for your conveniences

• Thank-you gifts:
 You are eligible to receive a thank-you gift each year. Including but not limited to the TeeGee "Don't act like a total dick" CC Hoodie in all boys and girls sizes. Contact Dukasore to let us know which gift you’d like and he’ll take care of the rest. Please contact him at (800-WET-BOYS)

• Modifying your gift during pledge drives: 
If you’re tuning in to our pledge drive and want to change the amount of your current monthly gift, please wall message bigWham. Pledge drive e-ticket personnel are not able to make those changes

• Protecting your Credit Card information: 
You may e-ticket your new expiration dates to us, but should you need to give us a new card number, please private message bigWham for Email does not offer a safe transmission of your credit card number

Conquer Club Premium Member Sustainers enjoy these benefits:

• Uninterrupted giving to your gift automatically renews each year

• The satisfaction of making your contribution go further to support the services that you value

• The convenience of regular contributions with the flexibility of making changes at any time

• Fewer mailings – no more annoying, "when are you going to renew premium" renewal inquiries

• More time, paper and administrative cost savings – furthering your contribution into the game and entertainment venues you value

• An opportunity to receive a thank-you gift each year from someone

Thank you all for your undying loyalties and remember that none of this would be possible with out your individual supports. Now if you'd excuse me I have a doctor's appointment I must be off to.

KH- protecting you with an unfettered passion
Last edited by King_Herpes on Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby ConfederateSS on Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:11 am

------SUPPORT ORLANDO :!: ... O:) :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D
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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby riskllama on Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:59 pm

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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:03 pm

Bialystok And Bloom!
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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby Beast Of Burson on Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:18 pm

Permanently stopping - because I don't see any money going into this dinosaur to upgrade or better it.

Plus, I have never gotten any gift's from this place. Just another lie to grab money. Promise the moon and give us a pebble.
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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby King_Herpes on Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:21 am

Beast Of Burson wrote:Permanently stopping - because I don't see any money going into this dinosaur to upgrade or better it.

Plus, I have never gotten any gift's from this place. Just another lie to grab money. Promise the moon and give us a pebble.

Thank you for choosing to donate your vehicle to the CC Car Donation Program.


Big ups playa. To donate your vehicle simply complete this very easy and secure online form or contact us at and one of our friendly and experienced staff will walk you through the car donation process.

Once you have succesfully completed the donation process, then we can email you a confirmation page verifying your information. Our professional tow truck man xtratabasco will contact you to schedule a convenient date and time to pick-up your vehicle. He does not work Sundays.


    First Name:

    Last Name:

    Daytime phone:


    Mom's upstairs phone:

    EMAIL address:

    Confirm Mom's upstairs phone:

    Street Address:




Is the vehicle located at the above listed address? No/Yes

Will you shoot if Talmud mentioned? No/Yes

How did you hear about our donation program? clangfield/No


Year? Make? Model? Color? Pet Owner? Vin? Mileage? Name on Title? Vehicle Type? Drivetrain? Flux Capacitor? Title available? Running? Can drive 20 miles? Body condition? Katrina?

Mechanical Condition(check all that apply)

    ☐Runs and drives - No major problems
    ☐Runs with a jump
    ☐Needs transmission work
    ☐Needs alternator/starter
    ☐Needs fuel pump
    ☐Motor knocking
    ☐Electrical problems
    ☐Exhaust problems
    ☐Head gaskets problems
    ☐Will not start, problem unknown
    ☐Straight effed
    ☐Other - please specify below

Mechanical Needs(Max 200 characters)

Other Comments(Max 200 characters unless you are Symmetry)
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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby BoganGod on Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:51 am

Please amend above standard form to use customary names and language. For example the troll is referred to as DSOIV. Should probably just say upstairs phone. Not everyone has a mum. Especially since some of the more regular posters in off topics and the forum that we dare not name because of the racist bigot we frequently read, those forums have some members that are probably wearing the skin and pantie hose of their recently prematurely expired mothers. I purposely maintain a less than stella standard of body well being as insurance against deplorables attempting to murder me, then use me as a flesh suit.
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Re: CC Fall Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Oct 29, 2017 4:10 am

Become A Premium Member Yearly Sustainer:

Another terrific season, Troops, wowwie isn't it just ever filled with a renewed interest in making our site more engaging as well as many new promising approximations of contribution? Can I get a, "Well duh obvs, KH"!? You all should know that our membership numbers are going through the doggone roof and it's because of hard working, dedicated members such as yourselves! Freemium or Premium, there's really no difference so long as you always keep coming back and adding to the experience. We want you all. Every last man, woman and their offspring. We want you to roll them assault cubes no matter the outcome!

By the by, I don't think I witnessed a single person mope about the dice system being rigged for almost an entire hour. These improvements in attitude will NOT go unnoticed and there are many rewards to come for such noteworthy acts of big-brothering. Setting these positive examples are exactly what the CC doctor ordered, Troops. Now please do understand, bigWham is still painstakingly working his fingers to the bone on a better system which will make us all never lose another roll again. Period. We here at want you to know that your ongoing support is absolutely vital to what we do and we will NOT let you down!! We'd rather eat our own vomit and die!!!

So this fall(to put our Conquer Credits where our keypads are) I will be personally offering 20 individual 1 Month Premium Memberships to the first twenty Freemium members who would be so kind as to share the remarkable stories of thier personal experiences here while filling us in on thier latest involvements and yes this is actually just one big ridiculous run on sentence so it's kind of meant to read like this because I'm rambling.

KH- down with O.ther P.eople's P.assions
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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby mookiemcgee on Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:55 am

"This one time at CC band camp, I put a flute in my pussy"

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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby riskllama on Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:09 pm

=D> =D> =D> @KH.
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Re: CC Winter Premium Membership Drive! KH Forum Fun!!

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:53 pm

Nice work Pete.
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby mrswdk on Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:39 am

This thread is further proof that BK is better than McDonald's.

BK gives out premium gifts. McDonald's would probably do something really sneaky like debit CC users' accounts in secret then refuse to give the money back once the user notices.

Hurray for BK!
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Come Get U Sum!!

Postby King_Herpes on Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:28 pm

We just need twenty more Freemium callers, you guys. Twenty more sensational players to help us reach our fall Premium Membership goal!

We can do the damn thing but not without your continued support! We have CC staff members from around the globe waiting for your stories to be told!!

Just a little trivia here, this day, is a very special day, as it marks the 29th anniversary of lackattack's first French kiss.

That's the kind of thing that makes us better than the other sites. Those are the kind of memories and cherished camaraderies we offer here. All the more reason to keep coming back to CC and all the more reason for us to give to you!!!

Who is going to be the first 1 Month Premium Membership winner? Just who will it be!? Will it be a chum? Will it be a foe? Will it be some bum-ass hoe?? Or will it just be William Dafoe playing another scum-crass role???


KH- more passion in my little finger than in an entire babies arm
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby notyou2 on Thu Nov 02, 2017 5:46 pm

Auto renewal withdrawal is the cat's ass. I recommend everyone sign up for this. Just think, even after you are deceased you can continue to support the awesome progressive site known affectionately as CC. Your bank account will continue to make CC the benefactor of your wealth (to hell with your loved ones, they are probably squabbling over the contents of your underwear drawer) until the executor of your estate notices and attempts to stop payment. Well you get the last laugh from the grave as well, as it will be nigh impossible to stop the monthly/yearly transactions.

Thanks be to the omnipotent CC owner.

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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby MnrToti on Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:15 pm

I was once trapped inside the Live Chat room .. TFO took the keys and left me in the dogbox - worst day ever
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby King_Herpes on Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:57 pm

MnrToti wrote:I was once trapped inside the Live Chat room .. TFO took the keys and left me in the dogbox - worst day ever

This made me cry, to think we almost lost such the noteworthy player and non-confrontational poster. Over what!? Spilt milk no doubt!! You do have to be careful in Live Chat, it's very catty in there from what I hear.

Our gift to you for taking it to the chin is, you guessed it, a 1 Month Premium Membership. Please don't thank us btw it actually comes across a bit forced most the time and ends up making both parties uncomfortable.
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:16 pm

notyou2 wrote:Auto renewal withdrawal is the cat's ass. I recommend everyone sign up for this. Just think, even after you are deceased you can continue to support the awesome progressive site known affectionately as CC. Your bank account will continue to make CC the benefactor of your wealth (to hell with your loved ones, they are probably squabbling over the contents of your underwear drawer) until the executor of your estate notices and attempts to stop payment. Well you get the last laugh from the grave as well, as it will be nigh impossible to stop the monthly/yearly transactions.

Thanks be to the omnipotent CC owner.


Good point!

f*ck the bankers! Long live Conquer Club!
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
― Voltaire
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby King_Herpes on Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:26 pm

Don't be shy now, Troops!

We still need 19 Freemium members to share with us their experiences so we can reach our Fall Premium Membership pledge drive goal!!

Take 2 minutes out of your day to show appreciation for the fun, engaging and challenging gaming venues we continuously offer. Don't wait until tomorrow, do it now and let us all see what CC has been doing for you. We care and are eager to learn more about you. As I've stated, every player matters and we want you to be recognized for all of your undying loyalty. You humble us, don't go unheard another minute!
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:15 am

Ever since I came back to CC, I regularly touch myself, and I no longer have to be shy about my big dick in front of others.

Thanks CC. You're the best. <3
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:33 am

DirtyDishSoap wrote:Ever since I came back to CC, I regularly touch myself, and I no longer have to be shy about my big dick in front of others.

Thanks CC. You're the best. <3

We never knew you left! However we certainly do know about your human kickstand, DDS because well you-you keep telling us!!

Just do us a small favor and try to keep a wrinkle in it, you can't just run around letting your meat loaf.

Either way she blows, we love you too man. Even though-and this is a fairly big even though- you can be more like Chuck Marstein from 'Son's of Anarchy' at times. So much less hands and you'd be the most likable character. Would you accept that? Plus everyone is a winner here(why just look at all of your drab/auburn stars if you don't believe me) and you my friend have just earned yourself a month's worth of CC chicken dinners.
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:15 am

Hellz yeah. And I don't pay attention to the stupid conquer stars or whatever it is damnit, it's a cosmetic, and cosmetics are gay unless you have a vagina, then it's fine.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:49 pm

18 mo to go, yo. Oh fo sho.
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Nov 05, 2017 6:02 pm

- Seriously KH!!! My cheeks are hurting from laughing!!!
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby notyou2 on Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:05 pm

Yes, but how do your insides feel? Mine feel like they got fucked in a bigwhambang.
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Re: Fall Premium Membership Drive! Free 1 Month Premium Insi

Postby TheForgivenOne on Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:44 pm

MnrToti wrote:I was once trapped inside the Live Chat room .. TFO took the keys and left me in the dogbox - worst day ever

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