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Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
owenshooter wrote:Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
to be honest, about 15 people care about medals on this entire site... but hey, we all come here for different reasons! who am i to say what they love is any different than what i love? "it's complicated"....-Bj
BoganGod wrote:owenshooter wrote:Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
to be honest, about 15 people care about medals on this entire site... but hey, we all come here for different reasons! who am i to say what they love is any different than what i love? "it's complicated"....-Bj
The rainbow gay jesus is disappointed in the black jesus. You say people come for different reasons. Then you say you can't say they love different things to you. Contradictory much? BJ has gone MT on the thinker me thinks.
In loving kindness your rainbow queer christ.
Donelladan wrote:Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
It's not really like bronze silver gold and platinum. Because you could have 1000 times the bronze in monthly leaders or most improved and still never have the gold and silver. While the bronze/silver/gold platinum is really the same medal but with more achievement of the same thing. See the difference ?
It's like the championship and conquer cup. Being 1st isn't same as being 2nd ^^.
With the platinum double for example, you cannot have the platinum without having the gold and the other before.
While you can have gold conquer cup medal and never get silver and bronze.
Dukasaur wrote:BoganGod wrote:owenshooter wrote:Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
to be honest, about 15 people care about medals on this entire site... but hey, we all come here for different reasons! who am i to say what they love is any different than what i love? "it's complicated"....-Bj
The rainbow gay jesus is disappointed in the black jesus. You say people come for different reasons. Then you say you can't say they love different things to you. Contradictory much? BJ has gone MT on the thinker me thinks.
In loving kindness your rainbow queer christ.
Read it again. It's not what he said.
BoganGod wrote:Dukasaur wrote:BoganGod wrote:owenshooter wrote:Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
to be honest, about 15 people care about medals on this entire site... but hey, we all come here for different reasons! who am i to say what they love is any different than what i love? "it's complicated"....-Bj
The rainbow gay jesus is disappointed in the black jesus. You say people come for different reasons. Then you say you can't say they love different things to you. Contradictory much? BJ has gone MT on the thinker me thinks.
In loving kindness your rainbow queer christ.
Read it again. It's not what he said.
Please read the different colour text. Now we both know what he/she/it/zee/zir was attempting to say. However suggesting that he is not a worthy judge of whether his love and their love are the same is complicated.....
Dukasaur wrote:Donelladan wrote:Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
It's not really like bronze silver gold and platinum. Because you could have 1000 times the bronze in monthly leaders or most improved and still never have the gold and silver. While the bronze/silver/gold platinum is really the same medal but with more achievement of the same thing. See the difference ?
It's like the championship and conquer cup. Being 1st isn't same as being 2nd ^^.
With the platinum double for example, you cannot have the platinum without having the gold and the other before.
While you can have gold conquer cup medal and never get silver and bronze.
That may be true, but it's still not a different kind of achievement.
If I had my druthers, the "Most Improved" would be seen as one medal, in gold, silver, and bronze grades. Ditto for the Conquer Cup and the Power Score. Still, I suppose the best way is the simplest way, and that is to count them seperate, as they appear.
IcePack wrote::o There is a god..
owenshooter wrote:BoganGod wrote:Dukasaur wrote:BoganGod wrote:owenshooter wrote:Butters1919 wrote:To be honest, I'm not sure the "Monthly Leaders" and "Most Improved" bronze, silver and gold should really count as different types of medals. They are just higher levels of the same type, much like our bronze, silver, gold and platinum of the main medal types. Thoughts?
to be honest, about 15 people care about medals on this entire site... but hey, we all come here for different reasons! who am i to say what they love is any different than what i love? "it's complicated"....-Bj
The rainbow gay jesus is disappointed in the black jesus. You say people come for different reasons. Then you say you can't say they love different things to you. Contradictory much? BJ has gone MT on the thinker me thinks.
In loving kindness your rainbow queer christ.
Read it again. It's not what he said.
Please read the different colour text. Now we both know what he/she/it/zee/zir was attempting to say. However suggesting that he is not a worthy judge of whether his love and their love are the same is complicated.....
um... reading comprehension does not seem to be your strong point... in other words, someone loves medals, which i don't get. how is that any different than my love of Poly games, which they may not get? i think the chasing of medals is ridiculous, but it is what keeps them coming back to the site. to some, poly is ridiculous, but it is literally what keeps me playing games on this site (as my pool of dubs partners has evaporated from people leaving the site)... please do not put words into my mouth. i said exactly what i meant, and it is accurate. who am i to judge why someone loves this site, as my reasons to them may seem just as ridiculous to them, as theirs does to me...
DISCLAIMER: *DSOIV* is excluded from this statement.
go forth and smite thine enemies...-Bj
josko.ri wrote:betiko is on the way to earn 31st kind of medal and advance to 3rd place of this list, but before the medal is awarded to him, he need to defend himself that he earned the medal without breaking site rules, on this C&A report:
mrswdk wrote:josko.ri wrote:betiko is on the way to earn 31st kind of medal and advance to 3rd place of this list, but before the medal is awarded to him, he need to defend himself that he earned the medal without breaking site rules, on this C&A report:
If anything it's you who should be defending yourself from accusations of filing a rubbish C&A report.
josko.ri wrote:it is harder to get the same different kind of medals with less total medals.
iAmCaffeine wrote:josko.ri wrote:it is harder to get the same different kind of medals with less total medals.
Is it, though? I know I essentially said the same previously, but I was just messing around. I'd argue it's surely harder to have more medals and more different types because those that have more medals will have more terminator medals, or more quadruples medals, or more tournament wins etc and still have a greater variety of medals too.
betiko wrote:iAmCaffeine wrote:josko.ri wrote:it is harder to get the same different kind of medals with less total medals.
Is it, though? I know I essentially said the same previously, but I was just messing around. I'd argue it's surely harder to have more medals and more different types because those that have more medals will have more terminator medals, or more quadruples medals, or more tournament wins etc and still have a greater variety of medals too.
Josko's argument is proper shit.
If you have 2 gold championship tournaments, then it's not as good as someone who has a bronze and a silver.
If you have a doubles platinum (1000 unique kills taking aside all the guys you got multiple times) it's not as good as a dubs+trips+quads+manual in bronze each.. which only require 20 unique kills each (if you put them all together it's not even enough to get a silver..)
Not to mention medals in tournaments, clans, TO where you don t get medals after 30, you just get 1 for 50, 100 and so on.
Almost all medals are increasingly more difficult so it s obviously easier to get the first ones.
betiko wrote:Josko, since you created this thread just after going through my medals last week end and reporting me to the TD because you saw that 2 years ago a mod mistakenly gave me 2 medals for the same tournament....
Can I ask you what you were expecting from me by making a first little list and not including me in it? Lol. Do you think I didn't know what you were doing? I knew that you knew I had a lot more that most people you wrote down on your first list (after all you had been staring at my profile a few minutes earlier). So I obviously guesssed you would try to invent any kind of bullshit so that I don t make it back in the top 10 to get my first monthly bronze.
That is so pathetic... in fact just after creating the games against fairman i made the bet with him that you were going to report us and start making up your own rules. Ha!
josko.ri wrote:A simple forum posting restriction
Sent: Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:41 am
From: josko.ri
To: king achilles bigWham
hi bigWham and king achilles,
I noticed that when I am forum posting, it only shows that I have 30 medals which is 6 rows times 5 medals, but it doesn't show all 33 kinds of medals.
Then I found the only other player with that "problem" is Donelladan who has 31 different kinds of medals.
some players have 30.
I suggest to add one more row in medals when forum posting, so that 35 medals can be shown instead of current 30.
Not big deal but just suggesting as I think it is just a simple coding for you to do that.
josko.ri wrote:I have researched about it because I noticed that when I am forum posting, it only shows that I have 30 medals which is 6 rows times 5 medals, but it doesn't show all 33 medals. Then I found the only other players with that "problem" are Great-Ollie and Donelladan and everyone else have 30 or less so when forum posting it shows all their medals.
betiko wrote: going through my medals last week end and reporting me to the TD because you saw that 2 years ago a mod mistakenly gave me 2 medals for the same tournament....
Dukasaur wrote:betiko wrote: going through my medals last week end and reporting me to the TD because you saw that 2 years ago a mod mistakenly gave me 2 medals for the same tournament....
Are you sure that this is what happened? There is a known bug where sometimes if you win an autotournament after winning a manual tournament, the autotournament will not display, but the medal counter will increment by one. Thus, the name of the previously-won manual tournament will display twice.
Before "admitting" to having a duplicate medal, go through your games from around that time and see if you won an autotournament soon afterward. You could just be the victim of a bug, and the number of your medals might be correct. (If so, also check if the putative auto has a medal in its prize list. Many of the smaller autos don't award medals.)
betiko wrote:Dukasaur wrote:betiko wrote: going through my medals last week end and reporting me to the TD because you saw that 2 years ago a mod mistakenly gave me 2 medals for the same tournament....
Are you sure that this is what happened? There is a known bug where sometimes if you win an autotournament after winning a manual tournament, the autotournament will not display, but the medal counter will increment by one. Thus, the name of the previously-won manual tournament will display twice.
Before "admitting" to having a duplicate medal, go through your games from around that time and see if you won an autotournament soon afterward. You could just be the victim of a bug, and the number of your medals might be correct. (If so, also check if the putative auto has a medal in its prize list. Many of the smaller autos don't award medals.)
I don t know, the medal is already stripped anyways and that made josko's day. I just think this whole thing is getting way past ridiculous when we know what this is all actually about..
betiko wrote:First, your thread is about the most medal types people here have, so i don t really see why you d need a ranking with tiebreakers..
Second, your first list was like a top 5 with a range going from 33 to 26. And you were like half an hour before that looking in detail my profile and medals. So yeah, I knew you were up for something twisted. And nope, I don't believe I'm the center of the universe, but I do know I was the center of your universe this past week. I hope you got over it!
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