Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
fairman wrote:Come on you could easily have 3 more medals with the Bot Achivement.
Spend more time (approximatively 10 games) on this
fairman wrote:Let's say that I know how to get the bot medal in a day (the platinium one).
Telling it to you as fair? cheat?
fairman wrote:There is a faster way to get bot platinium medal. Check hussard's stats on this medal and you'll see that we almost all get it in 2 or 1 day.
josko.ri wrote:In addition to accusations, one more side fact.
One day at band camp I put a flute in myfairman wrote:Come on you could easily have 3 more medals with the Bot Achivement.
Spend more time (approximatively 10 games) on thisfairman wrote:Let's say that I know how to get the bot medal in a day (the platinium one).
Telling it to you as fair? cheat?fairman wrote:There is a faster way to get bot platinium medal. Check hussard's stats on this medal and you'll see that we almost all get it in 2 or 1 day.
ancessus wrote:Well that's true, we have some tips to get medals!
By example i can tell you my secret for the platinum ratings:
- First you play a lot of game against different opponent
- When the game is over go back to the game
- You will find a link to rate your opponent, and here is our tips: rate every player even if you still don't know have a clue of how they play or how they communicate with other player
Easy with that tips, right? i used to rate only the winner or really bad player before knowing it. It was so slow!
IcePack wrote:On the other side, the crown did something similar for conqueror and I believe they removed the medal from him for asking his clan mates to adjust their play. So maybe in context of medal hunting it comes into play, but for regular games does not? Idk
secondly,josko.ri wrote:So I have legal right to question his way of taking "extra" points for the medal
then you should hire an attorney, have him file a lawsuit in whichever court it is you believe that has jurisdiction over CC and have your say in a court of law. what LEGAL RIGHT do you have here on CC regarding points and how they are earned, etc? what laws of the land cover CC to the extent that you have a LEGAL RIGHT? that is absolutely ridiculous. you take this all way too seriously... ever hear of blitzaholic? i love the passion, but this is somewhat troubling behaviour...
josko.ri wrote:IcePack wrote:On the other side, the crown did something similar for conqueror and I believe they removed the medal from him for asking his clan mates to adjust their play. So maybe in context of medal hunting it comes into play, but for regular games does not? Idk
I guess this is truth. We already have precedent case with TheCrown when this is ruled to be against rules, if the player in question benefits by his doing on the way that he earns a medal because of earning points in question.
Donelladan wrote:But the difference was, that many clanmates of crown accepted to be held hostage by crown for many days.
josko.ri wrote:*looking about nervously*
josko.ri wrote:So I have legal right to question his way of taking "extra" points for the medal
riskllama wrote:NERD FIGHT!!!
BGtheBrain wrote:FWIW: This is what should be looked at when figuring this stupid thing out.
Was it collusion?
Was the intent to manipulate the scoreboard?
Is this a "similar scheme"?
With Betiko's activity on this site, I would assume he was aware of prior cases and that he was aware it may not be within the rules.
But, I like Betiko, so I hope they just say cleared...
-the black BGesus has spoken
BGtheBrain wrote:FWIW: This is what should be looked at when figuring this stupid thing out.
Was it collusion?
Was the intent to manipulate the scoreboard?
Is this a "similar scheme"?
With Betiko's activity on this site, I would assume he was aware of prior cases and that he was aware it may not be within the rules.
But, I like Betiko, so I hope they just say cleared...
-the black BGesus has spoken
BGtheBrain wrote:FWIW: This is what should be looked at when figuring this stupid thing out.
Was it collusion?
Was the intent to manipulate the scoreboard?
Is this a "similar scheme"?
With Betiko's activity on this site, I would assume he was aware of prior cases and that he was aware it may not be within the rules.
But, I like Betiko, so I hope they just say cleared...
-the black BGesus has spoken
josko.ri wrote:Donelladan wrote:But the difference was, that many clanmates of crown accepted to be held hostage by crown for many days.
betiko tried exactly the same. He openly asked two of his opponents in chat to be his hostages for one day, to delay their winning turns.
betiko and TheCrown BENEFITED by their manipulating the points because they have earned undeserved medal. betiko's case is even worse because consequently nacho65, who legally earned that medal, did not get his deserved medal because of betiko's manipulating the points.
When I tried to reach personal high score, I earned nothing. I did not have any side benefit of my doings. In fact, I only lost Conqueror position which I was holding until then so I only lost something but earned nothing.
Evil Semp wrote:Manipulate is to handle, control or influence a situation. In this case it was score. The question is did he break the rules? I could not find where josko.ri broke any rules. Don't we alL manipulate our score by trying to win a game? This is a casual website where you can take up to 24 hours for your turn. josko.ri is CLEARED.
josko.ri wrote:BGtheBrain wrote:FWIW: This is what should be looked at when figuring this stupid thing out.
Was it collusion?
Was the intent to manipulate the scoreboard?
Is this a "similar scheme"?
With Betiko's activity on this site, I would assume he was aware of prior cases and that he was aware it may not be within the rules.
But, I like Betiko, so I hope they just say cleared...
-the black BGesus has spoken
Thanks BG for the reference. That is exactly what betiko did, colliding with fairman to artificially manipulate monthly leaderboard scores. He also tried to collide with other 2 players whom he openly asked in chat to delay their winning turns until December.
Dukasaur wrote:BGtheBrain wrote:FWIW: This is what should be looked at when figuring this stupid thing out.
Was it collusion?
Was the intent to manipulate the scoreboard?
Is this a "similar scheme"?
With Betiko's activity on this site, I would assume he was aware of prior cases and that he was aware it may not be within the rules.
But, I like Betiko, so I hope they just say cleared...
-the black BGesus has spoken
Well, this is the problem. Everybody thinks betiko's a nice guy and wants to see him exonerated. If it wasn't for that, it would be an open-and-shut case. The collusion is obvious, the motive is very obviously scoreboard manipulation, this is an exact parallel to the Crown case except that it's smaller in scale. But, Everybody Loves Betty, so we'll all do backflips and contortionist stunts to find some twisted rationalization that makes him innocent....
betiko wrote:What isn't said enough here, is that have played a high number of speed games yesteday and that I won almost all of them; I also joined a large number of games against random opponents to catch up on other people. Jackass.ri just doesn't want me to win that medal so he has been stalking all my games, secretly hoping to see me lose more of them, and he is pretty pissed because I managed to land on my feet.
Last month (november) I had won a battle royale amongst other things; and at some point I had too much advance and I was too high in the silvers. As I already won a silver, and I was only aiming for bronze that I had never won; I started rushing some losses to be within the bronze range. I've been a bit too optimistic, and by purposley droping I ended up below the bronze. So I had an interesting finish, trying to climb up the scoreboard in the last 3 days while others started cashing their wins too. At the end of the day this is a race, and I won. The latest created games always have people online ready to play RT, so I joined all I could like that and managed to finish and win a lot of games. Jackass.ri is just pissed cause he saw me fall from first place, to silver, to bronze, to nothing.... and saw me comming back up. That's what makes him think it's undeserved!
josko.ri wrote:So I have legal right to question his way of taking "extra" points for the medal
The collusion is obvious, the motive is very obviously scoreboard manipulation, this is an exact parallel to the Crown case except that it's smaller in scale.
Held over 300 games hostage so he could win all of them at one time and shoot his score up 3000 points, therefore winning the monthly leaderboard for november...
this truly means nothing and his score will drop back down very shortly... however he did manipulate the monthly leaderboard and should be disqualified from the prize... as well as a warning for holding games hostage... if neither of those things are done then THAT leaderboard will become as dumb as the total points leaderboard... because he only did this with 500 games or so... in a month using tiny maps you could do this with thousands of games and get your score up to 10k
Some of these were against normal players and he just waited 24 hours to take his turn... but others were against clanmates and they'd just stack and wait and stack and wait... these people should be warned as well...
Great-Ollie wrote:We have to decipher what this is. Is it scoreboard manipulation, or is it something more. Another thing to consider is it a road we want to keep open? My opinion is josko.ri has done nothing wrong here. He played all of his turns within the allotted time constraints. He did play all his winning games very fast, and all his losing games very slow. I played many of those games and at no point did he ask me to play slower. He did ask me if I wanted to plat RT in the games he was winning, which I see no problem in. I believe this report has no place here but maybe in the suggestion forums. My worries are simple, if I really wanted to I could manipulate the scoreboard, get my conqueror medal, and then go back down the board. I would simply do the exact same thing that josko.ri did. Is this an accepted process as far as rules, I think so. Is this an accepted practice as far as respect from other players, not at all. If I get there, I don't want to instantly have a report such as this. Josko.ri is best player on CC, so let him be.
josko.ri wrote:Great-Ollie wrote:I played many of those games and at no point did he ask me to play slower.
And this was also practice with every other player including Moonchild. I let every player do their turns as slow/fast as they want. If Moonchild or anyone else chose to play his turns slower it is his free choice.
If I know that my friend is going for his high score, I would also slow down my turn. For example I did it in this game by playing 20 hours in last turn:
Game 13144144
2013-09-13 12:11:54 - universalchiro: wait as long as you can before taking turn. I'm enjoying 2nd place
So did in your opinion universalchiro also abused rules because he asked me to play my turn as longer as possible because he is enjoying his 2nd place?
Once again to repeat, I did not make agreement with any player that they slow their turns. If someone did, it is only their own choice of using their own time.
Also, core difference between what TheCrown did and what I did is strategy related. He sabotaged strategy and I did not. If your opponent has 1 region left and you either miss turn or deploy but purposedly do not kill him, then strategy is sabotaged because he purposedly did not end games which he could end. Different than him, I was always doing my the best strategic move which I could manage, both in winning and in losing games.
king achilles wrote:Was there any collusion between the players on how the game should end?
Has josko.ri intentionally missed any turns or held any games hostage or delayed any games that should have ended already?
If not, then I don't see how this is similar to the other past case.
king achilles wrote:The monthly scoreboard is intended to give recognition to those who have made achievements and have been active in the games on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, this may have also resulted in people trying to find ways on how quicken or delay ending games. If you have 24 hours to take your turn and you do make use of that 24 hour time frame, that will not be be cheating. There is no obligation for players to take their turns as fast as they can either. If it's a casual game, then you can take your turns when you are most comfortable. We do have the rules to guide us but there are grey areas that is stuck in neither being wrong or right.
Donelladan wrote:Open and shut case. betiko did not do anything like TheCrown.
Can we move forward now ?
josko.ri wrote:So I have legal right to question his way of taking "extra" points for the medal
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