by Extreme Ways on Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:28 am
So to elaborate, round limits are usually for stalled out games. You will barely see them in an open, active game. Say we're playing nuclear 5 man FFA.
Red: 120 troops
Green: 100
Blue: 140
Yellow: 105
Pink: 150.
For simplicity, assume red started the game and thus after pink's turn the round limit goes into effect. For a chance to win, red needs to reduce his troop count to at least green's troop count. If he's smart, he does this by attacking blue or pink. Then, green can do the same. Blue tries to too, yellow has a shot at finishing last as well, and pink either suicides on everybody evenly to come out with the lowest amount of troops, or he cleans up since everybody got so weak trying to win.
Currently, while lots of people get suicided on, the round limit either rewards the player with the most troops throughout the game (no suiciding) or is a bit of a lottery (with suiciding). This proposal would make it even more of a lottery, because in most if not all cases the last player to play just wins. Reducing your troopcount in the last round is a lot easier than increasing yours, even relatively.
TOFU, ex-REP, ex-VDLL, ex-KoRT.