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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Sept 1]

Postby IcePack on Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:29 pm

rockfist wrote:Do we get the points for beating RET at their previous score before TOP does? Our war finished in Sept, while I think theirs will last into Oct.

Clans gain points from other clans based on the losing clans score at the time the war ends. So even if a clan has 1500 points when you start the war on Jan 1st 2017, and your war takes 6 months and completed in July 1st 2017.
If that clan tanked 10 wars and went down to 800 BEFORE your war completed, you gain points as if they were a 800 point clan.

The time I do updates has no relevance, even if I don't update until Christmas and have to catch up 100 wars, they are all scored based on time of completion and wouldn't affect how rankings ended up at my update.

Hope that answers your question

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Sept 1]

Postby rockfist on Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:35 pm

Yes, it does thank you.
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:42 pm

Last edited by IcePack on Tue May 22, 2018 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby rockfist on Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:50 pm

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby willedtowin1 on Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:19 pm

Thanks IP...............
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:23 am

thanks agane jp.
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby Arama86n on Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:56 am

So TOP is one point from reaching #1 by means of points gained exclusively from the second division of CL7?

Well done so far TOP. let's see if the Premier Division can give you more of a challenge 8-)
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby Keefie on Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:10 am

Arama86n wrote:So TOP is one point from reaching #1 by means of points gained exclusively from the second division of CL7?

Well done so far TOP. let's see if the Premier Division can give you more of a challenge 8-)

and their war wins over HH, TNC and FOED.
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby dkmaster on Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:41 am

Hi Icepack :)

I am pretty new to this clan world. Or at least in looking at F400 and following it :)

I took a look at the original thread and tried out the formula there, but I didnt get any result useable.

I am sure you have been asked many times, and I tried looking through a lot of pages, but wasnt lucky to see any example of how points are being calculated.

Could I get you to make an example for us new clan players =D>

E.g. we at TOP are about to beat RET 31-10 in a war ( only one game need a finish up )

How much will that impact on ours and RETs points if you use current points from october ?

I know our points can change before the war is over but just use current point TOP 1383 and RET 1165

If you can write a formula for it, it would be great and please an old accountant that loves analysing numbers :D
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:27 am

Hi dk,
Yeah at some point years ago I think we dragged up the formula but even when people had it, was very difficult to do this properly.
Ultimately I have the calculator and with all the calculations and recalculation involved it's much easier for me to provide score estimated when someone has a specific question like you've provided, then teaching everyone math and then trying to help find out what they did wrong manually when I just use the calc day to day.
It's much easier for me to do this then try to fully explain to many to the point they understand the ins and outs etc

If you (or any clan) have specific questions on how a war would affect your scores (within reason, I can't spend the entire week doing different calcs) I just need:

both clans (real war or theoretical is fine), estimated war score (real or fake) and estimated date of completion.

If you provide me those details I can run it through and provide the ratings. Some people have chosen to add me on Skype for these type of estimates because I'm on there often, and it's easier / quicker to get responses there. Usually there are a handful of requests / month

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby Doc_Brown on Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:19 am

Is the code a matlab or python type script? Is it something you'd be willing to post? I'm sure there are several of us out here that are programmers and mathematicians that would like to dig through it to understand it better.
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:54 am

Hi Doc
I'm happy to provide estimates, that part is quick and painless and straight forward for me.
We were working on getting it automated (and may eventually get there) but for now it was a lot of time and energy spent trying to verify info, etc but the last time we spent considerable resources trying to compare, verify, reconcile different issues.
I would rather not continue down that road right now. We will keep working on our long term goal of automation, but so far each time it gets opened up becomes a huge time consumption on my part digging through the mess that's created.

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby dkmaster on Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:12 pm

IcePack wrote:Hi dk,
Yeah at some point years ago I think we dragged up the formula but even when people had it, was very difficult to do this properly.
Ultimately I have the calculator and with all the calculations and recalculation involved it's much easier for me to provide score estimated when someone has a specific question like you've provided, then teaching everyone math and then trying to help find out what they did wrong manually when I just use the calc day to day.
It's much easier for me to do this then try to fully explain to many to the point they understand the ins and outs etc

If you (or any clan) have specific questions on how a war would affect your scores (within reason, I can't spend the entire week doing different calcs) I just need:

both clans (real war or theoretical is fine), estimated war score (real or fake) and estimated date of completion.

If you provide me those details I can run it through and provide the ratings. Some people have chosen to add me on Skype for these type of estimates because I'm on there often, and it's easier / quicker to get responses there. Usually there are a handful of requests / month

Thanks Icepack :)

Then can you give me estimated change in ratings for this:

TOP v RET 31-10 war ended today

Thanks in advance
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:39 am

dkmaster wrote:Thanks Icepack :)

Then can you give me estimated change in ratings for this:

TOP v RET 31-10 war ended today

Thanks in advance

TOP 1383 211 Beat FOED 1300
RET 1166 802 Beat ATN 1267

TOP 1414 252 Beat FOED 1300
RET 1157 843 Beat ATN 1267

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby xroads on Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:54 am

forgive me for my ignorance

What does the 211, 802, 252, & 843 mean, and how did they come into the computation?

How much of a difference did the final score of the wars make?
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby rockfist on Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:43 am

Those are the weights of the clans...the more games you play that count in the ranking the higher your weight, thus the less any one of those games counts towards your overall number, which is why TOP gained more points than RET lost. RET and OSA consistently have the highest weights of any clan.

As to how much the score impacts ranking, that is a question I do not know the answer to.
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:55 am

xroads wrote:forgive me for my ignorance

What does the 211, 802, 252, & 843 mean, and how did they come into the computation?

How much of a difference did the final score of the wars make?

The #'s are the weight of the clan. How many games are being factored into their current rating. 211+41 war games = 252, etc as decay affects the wars weight will slowly drop

The current rating & final score is always the biggest factors into a war.

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:39 pm

rockfist wrote:Those are the weights of the clans...the more games you play that count in the ranking the higher your weight, thus the less any one of those games counts towards your overall number, which is why TOP gained more points than RET lost. RET and OSA consistently have the highest weights of any clan.

As to how much the score impacts ranking, that is a question I do not know the answer to.

Strange it didn't show this post or tell me I was fast posted :/

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby downfall on Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:59 pm

thanks IP, a lot of work you have done. makes playing fun. =D> =D> =D> ( and to all those that help you )
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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:04 pm

Note to self: SC gone social

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Oct 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:25 pm

I'll try to update today or tomorrow.

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Nov 1] Updated

Postby IcePack on Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:52 pm

Last edited by IcePack on Tue May 22, 2018 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: F400 Clan Ranking [Nov 1] Updated

Postby macken on Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:02 pm

Looks good :-^
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