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Postby mrswdk on Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:07 pm

As we speak, King Herpes is for the second and maybe even third time locked in a dark room in the basement of Conquer Club, being charged with 'providing a venue for the creation of racial disharmony'. Perhaps we should not be surprised. Those attempting to empower through methods not under the control of agents of the status quo often find themselves stifled on the pretext that they have violated some opaque, ill-defined set of rules. Take Huawei's attempts to sell low-cost mobile phones to American citizens, crushed by unsubstantiated 'security concerns'. Modern history is littered with the corpses of those who threatened to displace the Establishment.

But our lack of surprise does not mean we must accept.

It is clear that Bureau Chief owenshooter is exploiting opaque rules in order to clamp down on an opponent he feels threatened by. Maybe he is jealous that his melodramatic return to this forum has found itself overshadowed by Herp's acts of philanthropy. Perhaps he simply resents Herp's perky ass that no amount of time spent punishing the hill climber can help him emulate.

Whatever the motivation, the outcome is the same: a bright candle snuffed by fear and hatred.

People of the world, unite! May the flame of hope one day burn bright once again!
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Postby mrswdk on Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:09 pm

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Postby ConfederateSS on Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:54 pm

mrswdk wrote:As we speak, King Herpes is for the second and maybe even third time locked in a dark room in the basement of Conquer Club, being charged with 'providing a venue for the creation of racial disharmony'. Perhaps we should not be surprised. Those attempting to empower through methods not under the control of agents of the status quo often find themselves stifled on the pretext that they have violated some opaque, ill-defined set of rules. Take Huawei's attempts to sell low-cost mobile phones to American citizens, crushed by unsubstantiated 'security concerns'. Modern history is littered with the corpses of those who threatened to displace the Establishment.

But our lack of surprise does not mean we must accept.

It is clear that Bureau Chief owenshooter is exploiting opaque rules in order to clamp down on an opponent he feels threatened by. Maybe he is jealous that his melodramatic return to this forum has found itself overshadowed by Herp's acts of philanthropy. Perhaps he simply resents Herp's perky ass that no amount of time spent punishing the hill climber can help him emulate.

Whatever the motivation, the outcome is the same: a bright candle snuffed by fear and hatred.

People of the world, unite! May the flame of hope one day burn bright once again!

---------Yes, Help THE C.S.A. ...Help stop the oppression brought on by Radical Islamic Terrorism... =D> =D> =D> :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D
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Postby King_Herpes on Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:59 pm

Thank you, mrswdk, for your undying allegiance. I am deeply moved. The light that shines inside of you is as bright as our star, Sirius. Not to make you blush any further but let me say, you also have an unerring eye for high design. Oh and guys, you have to try her 7-UP cake! Mmm-mmm, yummy yum in my tum!

Everything's true that you're saying by the way, not that you need the recognition. When you're right, you're just right no matter what other people say. It's part of being right. Everyone that felt otherwise will just have to accept it and move on.

I'm disgraced, dishonored and awestruck here. Punctured through the heart with slander's venomous fangs. Here I am aspiring to help others gain the skills necessary to influence culture and I get branded as if I have consorted with a murderer.

Except, I've been the monster under the bridge. Ive been banned for 6-months. I've been banned for 1 year. I've been besmirched. I've been threatened a score reset and yet further permanent exile for having too many points by Twill. I've been wrongfully accused of having auto bot scripts to win my games. I've cried my tits off because of these things and more but I still get up every time ready to fight. Fight because I believe that invisible people's opinions on the Internet are worth fighting for.

For years, CC mods have forged and weaponized a well oiled machine to scorch the earth to find people like me. I am not the only one. We are many. The reality is that they are the few and they stand in need of us to give them the ability to amass/demonstrate their power.

Without us, they are merely as useful as a white crayon. You know, for coloring in eye balls, teeth, penguin's bellies, the occasional panda, zebras or just generally blending things lighter than they're meant to be.

Now, more important than any more of this bloodshed I'd like to get back to a measure of agency. Namely in the issue of community trust. I'm concerned, troops. I'm concerned for our future as a whole.

I do feel this section of our forum has a duty to remain a popular hangout. Which calls for less quick handed punishment and more x's and o's. More understanding and less demarcation. And fucking snuggles, when's the last time we snuggled you guys?

I miss that.

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Postby BoganGod on Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:07 am

ConfederateSS wrote:
mrswdk wrote:As we speak, King Herpes is for the second and maybe even third time locked in a dark room in the basement of Conquer Club, being charged with 'providing a venue for the creation of racial disharmony'. Perhaps we should not be surprised. Those attempting to empower through methods not under the control of agents of the status quo often find themselves stifled on the pretext that they have violated some opaque, ill-defined set of rules. Take Huawei's attempts to sell low-cost mobile phones to American citizens, crushed by unsubstantiated 'security concerns'. Modern history is littered with the corpses of those who threatened to displace the Establishment.

But our lack of surprise does not mean we must accept.

It is clear that Bureau Chief owenshooter is exploiting opaque rules in order to clamp down on an opponent he feels threatened by. Maybe he is jealous that his melodramatic return to this forum has found itself overshadowed by Herp's acts of philanthropy. Perhaps he simply resents Herp's perky ass that no amount of time spent punishing the hill climber can help him emulate.

Whatever the motivation, the outcome is the same: a bright candle snuffed by fear and hatred.

People of the world, unite! May the flame of hope one day burn bright once again!

---------Yes, Help THE C.S.A. ...Help stop the oppression brought on by Radical Islamic Terrorism... =D> =D> =D> :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D

Cockfest supporting bigotry and religious repression at every step. Freedom to practise religion is the very difference between muslim majority dictatorships and the free west that the terry wrists are trying to change. If you hate muslims because of a fringe crew of loonies. Hope you hate every group in the world equally.
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Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:08 am

--------The truth is religion is just the pawn of the game...The EAST and WEST have fought since the dawn of time... The Greeks vs Arabs...The Romans vs Arabs...Mehmed II vs Europe...Napoleon vs Arabs...WWI Allies vs Ottoman Empire...Present Day ...West lazy asses vs East oil...When The Greeks and Romans fought THE EAST...Islam wasn't around yet...SO THE BARE HISTORICAL FACT...YOU EITHER ARE ON THE SIDE OF THE WEST or THE EAST...Western weapons -VS- Eastern man power...WHO WILL WIN? WHO WILL YOU SUPPORT? :) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :)
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Postby King_Herpes on Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:43 am

Don't bother, Seth Bogan.

☪onfederateϟϟ is actually a Ryan Seacrest inspired automated text generator script designed and implemented by bigwham. An impervious design if you were to ask me. Just as sure as you feel you have the next great thing to say, it'll just bungle you with a barrage of html/Morse/emoji parting shots.

Now, in order to crack it's code and essentially debunk it's Monkish resolve you'll have to dig deeper into the Hyasri files.

Fact is, until someone musters the grit to reach their hands that far into the fire, this thing is just going to continue to lovehatelovehatelovehate you into eventually accepting it. Maybe even finding some calm in it. Similar to an American election process or like I have to in, mrswdk with her incessant red meat cravings, chocolate binge-o-thons and Vera Wang dresses...
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Postby demonfork on Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:52 am

Here is the framework for generating ConfederateSS posts...

Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah, ENGAGE CAPLOCKS AND RAMBLE FOR AN ARBITRARY PERIOD OF TIME... (talk for a while in parentheses)...insert a series of emoticons =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> some more Blah blah Blah blahBlah blah Blah blahBlah blah Blah blahBlah blah Blah blah... MORE RAMBLING IN CAPS... (more talking in parenthesis) more series of emoticons :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: RE-ENGAGE THE CAPLOCKS, RAMBLE SOME MORE, more emoticons =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> (more parenthesis talking) MORE CAPLOCKS... Blah blah Blah blahBlah blah Blah blahBlah blah Blah blahBlah blah Blah blahBlah blah Blah blah, emotocons :D :D :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :)
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Postby Butters1919 on Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:01 pm

King_Herpes wrote:☪onfederateϟϟ

Symmetry would appreciate that rendering of the username!
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Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:48 pm

--------Selena&Sofia... :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D
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Postby Symmetry on Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:25 pm

Butters1919 wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:☪onfederateϟϟ

Symmetry would appreciate that rendering of the username!

It's a good rendering of what his posts allude to, and what his username pays tribute to.

Any poster can click on his name though, and look at his first posts on the forum about his name. It's very much about the the Nazi references.

It does piss me off, that his statement of racial superiority gets tacit approval, but hey, if you can't convince people that the Confederacy was kinda racist, or that the SS were a teensy bit evil, where can you stand?
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Postby owenshooter on Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:48 pm

DSOIV wrote:
Butters1919 wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:☪onfederateϟϟ

DSOIV would appreciate that rendering of the username!

seriously? you put him into C&A and they ruled against you. you have continued to smear him about the forums and it is growing tiresome.
you beat this horse as much as your "gay" agenda horse. you, DSOIV, are a one trick pony. and you are slowly beating it to death.
the black jesus is ashamed for you...-Jésus noir
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Postby King_Herpes on Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:00 pm

Reminds me of someone else that I know who continually rages on against cases of undermining bigotry, when every true bigot on this site is found quickly and ostracized from the community in a steadfast motion.

I've witnessed you posting for years and I have seen it time and time again. Being a hypocrite does not support your case here or anywhere for that matter.

You've once again diverted topic to berate yet another good chum of mine about the "same issue" and I'd appreciate it if you made like a baby and head out.

We were all having a good laugh and you spammed it up with a repeat of the shit horse flogging YouTube which blows.

Also quit calling him DSOIV that is demeaning and you know it. How could he possibly be a dog snacking on it's own vomit.. I mean come on please.
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Postby owenshooter on Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:02 pm

King_Herpes wrote:

cool post... the black jesus is amused.. and sorry, but using the N word across the site, after being warned multiple times and forcing the mods to reiterate the decades old Bigotry Guidelines is now somehow, my fault and not the fake chinese woman that is actually a man? ok... i see how this is all playing out. i am now somehow responsible for a persons racist antics that somehow were not aware were racist, because they listen to hip hop and live outside of the US. i get it... and as far as my "ruining" this fun thread. the first post was directed at me and i responded... you are so off base on this one... but hey, whatever makes you happy, you are the king... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-you fast posted my edit!! i accept my 24 hour ban and will reflect accordingly.
Last edited by owenshooter on Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby King_Herpes on Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:08 pm

owenshooter wrote:cool post... the black jesus is amused..-Jésus noir

You are on a 24 hour friendship ban. This means no contact for one full day. I advise you to use this time to think about what the value of my friendship means to you.
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Postby BoganGod on Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:59 am

King_Herpes wrote:Reminds me of someone else that I know who continually rages on against cases of undermining bigotry, when every true bigot on this site is found quickly and ostracized from the community in a steadfast motion.

I've witnessed you posting for years and I have seen it time and time again. Being a hypocrite does not support your case here or anywhere for that matter.

You've once again diverted topic to berate yet another good chum of mine about the "same issue" and I'd appreciate it if you made like a baby and head out.

We were all having a good laugh and you spammed it up with a repeat of the shit horse flogging YouTube which blows.

Also quit calling him DSOIV that is demeaning and you know it. How could he possibly be a dog snacking on it's own vomit.. I mean come on please.

My liege your concern for the welfare of dogs is well known. Can understand your distaste for the way dogs are being bismirched by any association with DSOIV. A very deserving moniker, the phrase was coined by an Australian prime minister to describe the dogged insistence of the then opposition leader to continually revisit the same failed idea. Single issue ponies need oxygen too, so am not calling for the life ban of your misguided and friendless protege. See whether you can teach him/her/zee/zi/bee to heel without obvious leg humping excitment.
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Postby riskllama on Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:13 pm

King_Herpes wrote:Reminds me of someone else that I know who continually rages on against cases of undermining bigotry, when every true bigot on this site is found quickly and ostracized from the community in a steadfast motion.

ahem. catstevens?
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Postby owenshooter on Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:21 pm

riskllama wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:Reminds me of someone else that I know who continually rages on against cases of undermining bigotry, when every true bigot on this site is found quickly and ostracized from the community in a steadfast motion.

ahem. catstevens?

that is what i thought... i was pretty confused... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

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Postby mrswdk on Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:43 am

owenshooter wrote:cool post... the black jesus is amused.. and sorry, but using the N word across the site, after being warned multiple times and forcing the mods to reiterate the decades old Bigotry Guidelines is now somehow, my fault and not the fake chinese woman that is actually a man? ok... i see how this is all playing out. i am now somehow responsible for a persons racist antics that somehow were not aware were racist, because they listen to hip hop and live outside of the US.

Don't kid yourself, owen. I made a post, addressed to someone else, in good nature and you waded in and threw a hissy fit. I believed you were genuinely upset so I went back and edited what I'd written, saying that there was no offense meant and explaining why I'd thought it was harmless. You have since continued to harp on about about how I am a bigot/racist anyway, demanding that I be punished.

Just the same as the study which found that people struggle to distinguish between quotes from 'lad's magazines' and quotes from rapists, so too am I currently struggling to distinguish between the things you're saying and the average Symmetry post. The whiny portrayal of yourself as society's victim, the ignoring of any information which doesn't fit your narrative, the attempts to drown out the opposition with accusations of bigotry - textbook stuff. Quite why you have been rewarded is beyond me. I hope you're enjoying your current antics, because they just cost you any moral high ground you ever had when it came to complaining about heavy-handed forum moderation.
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Postby owenshooter on Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:00 am

mrswdk wrote:So much drama over nothing. One can't help but let out a little FART. [Mod edit by TeeGee]

mrswdk wrote:Love the way the girls dress in Dubai these days:

Mod Edit: Inappropriate image (Razorvich)

hmmmm... so hard to read your posts, since you have gone off the rails over being warned about using certain words in the forums... guess i'll just have to ask DSOIV to go into the mod forums, with his mod poweers, to tell me what is going on here... the black jesus is confused...-Bj
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Postby mrswdk on Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:08 am

The transformation is complete.

If you want some advice then Symmetry has been trying to relieve his frustrations by annoying other people on here for the past 9 years and so far does not appear to be feeling any better. If you have decided to emulate him for similar reasons then you might want to take a look at his poor success rate, and reconsider. Maybe take up running instead, or learn an instrument? Perhaps consider a change in careers - retrain as a zoo keeper, or take a sabbatical teaching English in a far away country. Nourishment for the soul!

Anyhoo, everyone else can see what I've said and your responses. I don't see any point in continuing to try talking to you about this.
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Postby owenshooter on Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:20 am

mrswdk wrote:

uh huh... yes, i see... you make so much more sense now... mmm, hmmm... yes... uh huh... i fully understand now... the black jesus loves how obtuse your are...-Jésus noir
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Postby King_Herpes on Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:51 am

owenshooter wrote:I get it... and as far as my "ruining" this fun thread. the first post was directed at me and i responded... you are so off base on this one

Apparently you do not get it and it doesn't make sense to quote words that weren't even messaged. I never said you ruined anything but maybe that's how you feel about what you're doing. You should pay attention to what you're typing. It's quite telling.

The first post was directed towards the general audience(you and I were merely mentioned to add flava) and was about a thread of mine, that was locked several times because with every subsequent post you turned it into another one of your protestant episcopal church hymnals.

Then instead of adressing the OP you jump right on to Symmetry when he mentioned nothing regarding you whatsoever. You egged everyone on as you always do. You are not confused and you are not amused. You are bemusing. You are doing the same thing you say you despise under the guise of legitimate virtue.
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Postby mrswdk on Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:34 pm

King_Herpes wrote:You are doing the same thing you say you despise under the guise of legitimate virtue.

Yup, although of course he is completely aware of that so it's only really worth pointing it out for the benefit of other users who might fall for it (e.g. mods). After all, in his own words:

owenshooter wrote:at first, i used the Piss Christ image by Andres Serrano, just to get a rise out of people

It doesn't stop there though. Not only do we have it from his own fair fingers that much of his involvement in this forum is carefully designed to wind people up, but searching 'owenshooter piss christ' turns up an old C&A thread in which owen rages against forum rules being used to censor an old avatar of his. owen's gripe in that thread - wait for it! - was that it was his right to use a potentially offensive word and that other people ought to just suck it up and deal with it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, how owen has changed his tune since then!

At least we're getting somewhere though - if I was a psychiatrist he'd currently be paying me $500 for helping him locate the source of his present unhappiness. He would also soon be paying me another $500 for helping him conquer it and achieve inner peace. But it's okay owen - I'll pull the thorn out, you buy me premium and we'll call it even (^3^)
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Postby King_Herpes on Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:04 pm

Also, mrswdk, I don't care if you could star in an adult entertainment spoof entititled 'Crouching Chigger Hidden Drag'.

I'd still smash it.
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