by nietzsche on Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:08 pm
I agree that Keefie was trying to maintain order, and that mrs wdk was trolling,
what Keefie objected to begin with the issue was something insignificant. To quote BBS: "nietzsche is 100% correct" and "the forums can moderate themselves".
Someone would've jumped and told the newbie there was no way to quit a game.
After that it was just mrs wdk being mrs wdk. It's as if there's a lot of people misbehaving, and a police officer looking at everyone picks you to tell you to keep it down. That's gotta be annoying. Perhaps Keefie was passing by, and didn't see anything else, but earlier we were talking about mrs wdk's bush, her douches, Mage was offering cybersex, etc. Earlier than that it was catstevens (and THAT IS annoying) with his stupid political propaganda. Last night it was Olga's saggy boobs and her desire for rough sex (her words). She also did some pretty awful comments about mexicans (which i don't mind at all, i don't care, not reporting that, maybe i like people making those comments for fun). And right after mrs wdk - Keefie's tango, there was catstevens again calling asian penis small and after that the again annoying political discourse, posting I don't know how many consecutive lines about trump. Why didn't Keefie jump in to tell catstevens to stop being intentionally annoying against mrs wdk? I mean, I know mrs wdk doesn't care, but seems kind of unfair.
I don't think it's a big deal, either Keefie's thing or mrs wdk's. But if you pay attention you'll see what's the hidden agenda of my post.
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