Conquer Club

Allow Safari Push Notifications

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Allow Safari Push Notifications

Postby asimpson23 on Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:09 am

For a number of reasons, I just switched to Safari (from Chrome). The only problem is that Safari's pop up notices (e.g., "Game is Ready") don't pop up across other windows (whereas Chrome's do). Is there any way to enable Conquer Club to push notifications? I've had other sites ask if I want to enable them. Here is info: ... fications/ ... tions.html

I keep missing game starts, making it seem like I'm trying to sandbag.

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Re: Allow Safari Push Notifications

Postby dgz345 on Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:27 pm

i think this is in wrong area. are u talking about speed games? im not an expert on speed games do u get a pop up on speed games.
if so i could move it to bug reports?
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